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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Science Writers

Posted By: Diane in NY on 2007-10-03
In Reply to: What kind of alternate careers can MT's transition into? - So Very Tired

Believe it or not, the medical terminology we have would really be an excellent preparation for becoming science writers. OK, one drawback -- you need a Masters degree. But the pay is really good -- reportedly six figures. There are associations for science writers, I have this info in a book I was reading.

I've said before that general transcription seems to pay better than MT. I'm on an online group and we just took polls of how much we charge per audio hour and I believe the average hovered around $100. Depending on how fast you type, that can pay better than MT.

Transitioning into a VA (virtual assistant) if you have other computer/office skills than "just" transcription is a possibility. VAs as ICs apparently start at $30 an hour.

You can see I've been looking into this myself! ;)


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Two associates--health science, radiography; and applied science, medical transcription. NT

I sent it to 2 staff writers for the Associated Press plus...
Forbes Magazine, 60 Minutes, USA Today, Washington Post, NY Times, and a couple of others.  The Editor who e mailed me did not know I was an MT but that's okay - you investigate one offshored industry, you investigate them all.  I asked him to check into any credible sources he had.  You may have noticed in my letter it constantly said, "See what you can find out."
No, music belongs to the writers, producers, performers, etc.
How would you like it if you weren't paid for your life's work? How many people would actually create music for free just to share with the people? You want to be entertained, it costs money. Nobody has ripped you off.
It's not the fact that she said "rocket science"
Sarcastic and rude, and why? What purpose was there for that? The only purpose of the sarcasm was to make herself feel better by trying to belittle someone else. Tacky at best, especially coming from an administrator.
Engineering and science "geek"

I will take it in fun too. Don't know how I veered off track but I always liked math and science.  I think if I could go back I might study math or engineering and try to get a job at NASA. 

As it is, I am considering getting a second BS (in math this time) and working towards a MS in Biostatistics/Bioinformatics or MPH in Epidemiology (with concentration in Biostatistics). 


What do you need a Master's Degree in to be a science writer?
Associate's Degree in Medical Secretarial Science - sm
2-year program with emphasis on transcription.  Terrific - wouldn't have learned it any other way.  Taught me to be a good MT - not these quick-fix on-line programs where everyone things they can early a huge salary as soon as they are done.
My daughter teaches social studies and science.
She works the after-school program at her school for extra money, and an occasional Saturday school (also extra money). She has also signed up to teach summer school, and may do some private tutoring as well.

Just some ideas for you.

I have been doing MT for about 4 years now, and average about $10 an hour at 7 cents per line (no raise since I started). There is a tremendous learning curve, I did not feel productive and competent at all for the first couple of years. I got my certificate from the local community college. They offered night classes for the beginner course, then an on-line advanced course. I should point out that a certificate from any school does not make you a CMT (certified medical transcriptionist). For that you have to pass the test given by AAMT, and as I recall you cannot test until you have 2 years of experience.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
and how many liberal arts and science bachelors degrees & beyond are held on this board?
Associate in Applied Medical Science, Bachelor's in Liberal arts with emphasis on Psychology
and looking for a way to get out of MT before voice rec takes over!

Kids are grown and gone and I no longer need to be home all day. The cats don't need as much supervision as the kids did.