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Same here!! (sm)

Posted By: But too old and tired to get knocked up LOL on 2006-01-19
In Reply to: losing weight sm - Knocked up MT in Iowa

I lost 70 pounds with Weight Watchers. I did go to the meetings, but I don't go now.

I've maintained the same weight (within 10 pounds) for probably 3 years now. I also do not follow the plan, but WW has a way of teaching proper nutrition very painlessly and it really does stay with you.

I still practice portion control and eat virtually no butter, mayo, fatty meat, sugar, or any carb that it's fruit or a whole grain. Notice I said virtually. I still indulge in a few of my favorites, but never to excess or even daily.

I'm convinced WW is the smartest, easiest lifestyle change one can make.

And congrats on your very soon new arrival!!

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