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SM for stacked versus paragraph form.

Posted By: MissouriMT on 2006-09-12
In Reply to: would you say its the same as "paragraph form"? - newMT

Stacked form would be:






Paragraph is :

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:  VITAL SIGNS:  Blood pressure 120/80.  HEENT:  Head is normocephalic... etc.

Hope that helps.

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Is SOAP format always in paragraph form? *sm*

or is it common to transcribe headings within a SOAP report? For example, a SOAP report with a PE section?

Thanks in advance!

When transcribing "command" or "imperative" form, use verb form or "follow up"
For a long time I would become confused by "discharge instructions" type followup/follow up usage ...

Yes, the patient was to follow up with his doctor ... but was also to make a follow up appointment ...

In my experience, certainly your QA may vary and/or be inconsistent all-on-its-own ... but most of these truncated forms, fit into what I was taught was called "imperative case" and follow up is being used as a VERB ...

[[[ even though there is a reasonable argument to be made that "followup with primary care physician in 2 weeks" refers to an "appointment" which is a noun. ]]]

You can figure out the prevailing "rule of thumb" for your QA ...

Not having to think it through --- priceless.

It is not a plural form. It is a possessive form. SM
The man's name was Metzenbaum and he devised this particular instrument.  The correct spelling would be Metzenbaum's.  WITH THE APOSTROPHE.  AAMT BOS is full of crap.
65 character line versus gross lines versus pay by word

I am checking into other options for transcription.  Can anyone tell me how to compare all of these types of lines & also payment per word?  I know companies use different scales, so I wondered how they compare.  I have been paid on a 65 character line with spaces, but I may be making a change in the future - don't want to get burned.

Thank you in advance!

If you know it is a new paragraph, then by
all means make it one. If she does not like the way you are typing them, she will be sure and let you know.
do paragraph, then scan over it
I listen as I go along also.  It really gets to be quite easy.  To reread the report definitely would cost money.  I do a paragraph or so and as the doctor is shuffling papers or gathering his thoughts, not really dictating, I scan down the paragraph to make sure it is okay.
LOL! I love your last paragraph and sm
isn't it the honest to God truth!
Your first paragraph I agree with.
From then on- no. It is not our fault that healthcare costs so much. I can remember (telling my age here) when an office visit at the local doctor was $15- a physical was $30. The last time I went the total cost, including paying the lab separately for interpreting, was almost $400. Medical care has become big business like everything else. The problem is that MT's are not considered as part of the team in the way that nurses, physicians assistants, etc., are. Doctors would never get away with not paying benefits for the rest of their staff. Oh, they would if they could. Your last paragraph is true in the sense that if she cannot find what she needs she may have to CHANGE her career. The good work may be out there, but there is certainly not enough of it to go around.
Or a whole paragraph! Yes, I have actually cussed out loud!
We should get paid for this! It is our time and money!
Read this paragraph closely.....
She was hired as part of CBay's corporate social-responsibility experiment, and although the program reflects only a tiny corner of a vast industry, it has turned up an unexpected truth: Blindness seems to infuse the outsourcing transaction with a warmth and a mystique that the sighted often fail to see, almost as though outsourcing were made for the blind.

"It's our advantage, this imagination thing

Where's the company's corporate social responsibility to this country.........this just burns me up.......

now we know folks......is this ridiculous comment suppose to make those of us losing our jobs feel better?

"outsourcing was made for the blind"

It's this thread, 2nd to last paragraph (See Inside)
Quote from original post:

*It means no more benefits as an employee and I can't get health insurance on my own, but I did without for 15 years before that. I'll have to be an IC, but I have two IC positions and between the two is going to be more than okay financially and with taxes. Plus, I think I am going to have more time because I am not strapped to my desk for the same shift hours week after week. It should allow me to pursue a master's degree and have a life. *

You clearly state you are going to be an IC. Keystrokes does not hire ICs. I'm not picking your post apart; it's just the inconsistencies are pretty obvious and I'm more confused now than I was originally.

I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering what the heck is going on with these 2 posts that contradict each other.

Ctrl+E centers the line or whole paragraph. nm
Helpful for me was to turn on paragraph marks (sm)
I was told that those are the "containers" for all the formatting codes. You can't see them, but sometimes if you have a tricky formatting problem, you can copy and paste a paragraph mark from one place to another and it quick-fixes problems.

Having the marks on there takes a little getting used to, but it didn't take long.
In IT, a paragraph is always in entry screen (from Wordpad). How do I get rid of this 4ever?
Can't you change it in Format/Paragraph/Line spacing like
Disgusted, your last paragraph is so true! Thanks for voicing it out loud! nm
Actually, it does check the body of a paragraph, but not the last sentence of a document....what'
Question versus gross lines versus 65-character lines....

I have always charged or been paid by 65 or 60 character lines or per letter or space typed, but have never been paid or charged per gross line.

What is the advantage of this?  If I were to charge 11 cents per 65-character line including spaces, what does this figure out to for an average line rate and how do you do this calculation? 

I'm wondering if it is financially beneficial for me to bill by gross line or to keep it the way I have it.  I do know some accounts will only pay per 65-character line, as this was the deal my first own account I recently acquired.  They were adamant on a 65-character line, but didn't specify with or without spaces and I personally would never not charge for spaces.

Thanks for explaining this.  I appreciate it and hope everyone has a speedy day.

The ones that I hate are where the doctor dictates a full line or paragraph,
and says, "No, wait, go back, change that."  Then you have to delete everything you already typed and retype the new dictation.  Some of these newer doctors do that to nearly every sentence.  By the time you finish the report, you've typed and erased half the report.  Do we get paid for that?  NO.  I don't get it.  We still have to pay for doctor visits if they misdiagnose us, then we have to pay for the subsequent visit to fix what they didn't diagnose the first time.  We should get paid by them for typing what they said, erasing it and retyping what they meant to say.  They're getting our wallets coming and going.
Chars aren't counted in gross lines. If you have a 4-line paragraph...sm
you have 4 gross lines, no matter how long or short the sentences are. A heading on it's own line is 1 gross line. A signature on it's own line is 1 gross line. The date at the top of a document on it's own line is 1 gross line. Anything on a line going from margin to margin is 1 gross line, no matter how few or many characters, or if there are spaces or not, even if there's only 1 character on that line like 'A' for instance. Does this  help? :)
You can set Word to not count blank lines by changing your paragraph style
to automatically double space after the paragraph.
ExtText by Dictaphone -- Word 2000 - won't capitalize when making a new paragraph or after lists?
Hi. I am new at a job. The Word 2000 running in ExtText (Dictaphone) will not capitalize at the beginning of a new paragraph (never had that happen before), nor after numbers in an automatic list, and sometimes even just after plain periods, not just periods used in numbers (like hemoglobin 7.5).

What is going on? It works fine in the Word version on my computer, but when it ties with ExtText, it "forgets" to capitalize. It is especially annoying with lists, and also at the first of paragraphs, I never had to babysit that before.

Any help? TX

I got the form and started to fill it out. Where do I get another one? There was a phone number and web address on the information but I'm trying to search and can't find anything. Help hugs


The new tax form

so as IC/SE anD EMP..which form did you use..
I was SE for most of the year and employee for 2 different companies last 2 months of year..I also am now part-time emp. with a co. and trying to start up my own business which I started up in Dec. and want to take deductions for equipment purchased for that business. Oh my head is hurting.
Is this form something I can...
request to fill out on my own, or is it usually requested by the IRS?  Will the company I contract through know that I have requested this form?  I, too, am an IC who is treated like an employee.  I have worked a set schedule (days and hours), including nights and both weekend days, for a long time with little or no flexibility.  The pay is good, though.  TIA  
Form your own.
I love escription...won't work on anything else.
There has always been some form of
QA, don't know that there was ever an official start. Most employees in any business are evaluated on the quality of their work.
You don't need the form.
You don't really need the form. 
continuous form
It probably means to just type the dictation and make new paragraphs as needed, but to just keep going down and make no headings unless specified.
I think that any form of indiscretion with someone
else would be considered being unfaithful to your spouse. That includes talking on the phone or in person when your spouse is not aware of it, holding hands, kissing, or "going all the way." Anytime something is done with another person and we feel it necessary to keep it from our spouse, there's something going on that doesn't need to be. This, of course, is just my opinion, but I hope it helps.
Just tell yourself all of that is just food in a different form. lol sm
Seriously, though, just put in your contract you don't do toilets, the same as some don't do windows.  I bet there are people who would rather get other things done, and would be willing to do that themselves, especially if the price was just a tad bit lower.
form 8829
You said you use your den "almost" exclusively for business.  Almost doesn't count.  The room has to be used EXCLUSIVELY for business in order to be able to take business use of home.
would you say its the same as "paragraph form"?
why form "friendships" - probably so that the gov...
can dump more money into the pockets of the Indians! Did you know that the government will give out $60,000 loans or aid to help Indians/Pakistanians help open up a business in this country!! I couldn't get a business loan for $25,000 and I'm from this country!! Born and raised!! There was a grocery store in our town that was for sale and no one in town could afford to buy or get a loan for it, then out of nowhere, this Indian family moves to town (lily white community, by the way) and bought the store. They told the store patrons that the government gave them the money to open up a business. Can you believe that???!!!
Pleural form........
No form needed.....
Just put your complaint in writing and send by fax, mail or hand deliver to the Patient Care Representative at the hospital.

The PC rep at the hospital I work for investigates all complaints from beginning to end and will make a follow-up call back to the patient or patient family regarding the issue if further comment is wanted.

I've typed these reports for admin and can be very interesting to say the least.

it is a form of media ...
for healthcare professionals.  It has a circulation.  It is readily available in schools.  All media matters because what is in the media influences the way people think.  I think it gives a negative view of us to those who call the shots over us who read it.  That's why I think it matters.
Would you capitalize the name of a form the doc's use?
20s and 30s is the correct form. SM

BOS says:

"Add s without an apostrophe to form the plural of multiple digit numbers, including years."

However, the BOS also says to spell out nonspecific numeric expressions, i.e.

"She described hundreds of symptoms. (Not 100s)"

So I don't know what to tell you to do.  You decide and go with God.

Well on the form in the book from DMV
Well on the form in the book from the DMV it is listed and the doctor is required to check. By the way my daugther has a lady doctor, not a man.
We all need to JUST SAY NO to VR in any way, shape, or form
Having to edit some of this garbage is more time consuming than typing the whole report not to mention the looking stuff up and verification of names, etc.  It's all a big RIP-OFF. 
They won't take out taxes. Did you submit a tax form? nt
Can someone tell me how to sort by long form in DQS? My
Continuous note form
I have a test for a position and it says to do it in continuous note form, does that mean that they should be all in one document in Word or am I completely wrong on that?  Someone please help soon!  Thanks!
continuous note form
Are you testing for MT group? I took the test and just typed the patients one after another. I kept spaces between the patients with the patient's name.

Need a HIPPA form for transcriptionist
An account has asked me to prepare and sign a HIPPA compliance form. Please refer me to such a form.
All religion is a cult of one form or another - nm
Maybe we should form a support group

"Rad MTs Anonymous" - LOL

But hey, anyone who has participated in this thread who had a similar experience to mine is welcome to email me. I would be happy to swap stories, offer support, and just generally help you (and me) feel that we are not alone in this.

Thanks to everyone who responded positively. Your support is greatly appreciated.

In letter form for clinic?

If the clinic is consults in letter form, that slows me down, looking up all the docs and addresses.  Not all clinic is like that.  But that part may make a difference.  I just quit a company cause of that and went back to acute care.  I have also worked clinic that we didn't have it in letter form, and it was fine.  Just depends on the account. 

I would think it be depend on the type of form.