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Right after I walked out I thought about that.

Posted By: ME on 2008-07-08
In Reply to: My gut feeling on this is to turn - sm

The other hospital I worked at, they were just transitioning to EMR and once all the wrinkles were smoothed out, they let most the clerks go.  

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I also have walked in your shoes..
Talk about discouraging.. I have had over 13 years of what my doctors called "making them sound good" to going to work for "nationals" that will slow strip away your confidence. I even worked for 4 years at a large medical center (received bonus and raises based on performance), yet I have had these QA people at "nationals" tell me I am doing this wrong or that wrong. I swear I proofread my reports to death, yet they always find something, even incorrect punctuation which is subjective to me. I have been working at home and now feel that I can do nothing right, not even put a comma where it "should" go. They will pick your work to pieces and I have just accepted a position with a large local hospital. Imagine that... I even passed a transcription test to get that job. So, I am outta here and I cannot wait.
This movie was so bad that we walked out of it!!
I have not walked in your shoes, but my SIL has. sm
After having a reversal done on a tubal (and paying an ungoshly amount for it - roughly 15K), nothing happened. She was put on fertility drugs and still nothing happened. However, as of today, she started her 6 month of pregnancy. I am going to have a nephew and I cannot wait!! I am so happy for my brother and equally as happy for my sister in law (who is really more like my sis). She had a rough time the past couple of years and I spent many nights listening to her cry and wishing there was a way I could fix it (of course knowing there wasn't). God definitely shined on them! :)
I'm sorry, but I would have soooo just walked out of there.
That HAD to be awkward.
I can't believe James just gave up and walked off.
Doesn't it make you wonder what he's thinking???

Still rooting for Kaysar. He just got back, he must figure he needs HOH.
The neighbors are having garlic. Just walked
I thought so. Thanks.:)
I thought so too
Ya know, I thought so too but I think it is because his hair cut and facial makeup and eye brows are so severe..If he grew a longer beard, some side burns and longer hair, I dont think it would look that bad..However, he looks like my ex..sigh..My ex was a Latino as Dave Navarro is and has the same face..When I first saw Dave Navarro..I said to everyone, My gosh, he looks like John and they agreed..Carmen (dont know if I like her or not) and Dave sure make a good looking couple, though.
I thought it was just me! Thank God I'm
well, one would have thought it sure
would have gotten some press, for sure. But on the other hand, the story doesn't have the same 'newsworthy' features (from the press standpoint), ie, hope for a happy outcome, being a school-sponsored trip, a top student with the full scholarship waiting, the mystery of higher-ups possibly helping to hide the facts, etc etc.

Its a very very tragic thing, to have a child go missing and especially with the horrible outcome you mentioned.

If the news reported (which they can't) EVERYTHING that went on, we'd probably be afraid to wake up in the morning.
I thought of that too.
I thought about the brown recluse and I think that is why I was nervous and there are so many bites at one time. We have huge spiders here. I hope it isn't a recluse. The symptoms are similar. One scar looks pretty bad. I will watch it. Thanks for responding.:)
YES< YES, I thought it was just me!

That's what I thought...or at least that is what
the signed contract states.

Thank you for clearing that up.
Happens to me, too, but I always thought it was

when supe was pushing jobs into individual que's to improve TAT, since it is always at the end of a job that it happens -- just before another job will download to me.

Yes, it does happen. Not equipment problem, but possibly could be a connection problem -- slow connection causing this, too ????

Here is a thought..
Find MTs in your area that work at home with kids...maybe doing a kid swapping thing would help everyone. Create a MT Mommy group LOL.
I thought I won...

Thought of something else!
Do you e-mail or send in mail, or both? I have always gotten my MT jobs by e-mail.

There are so many hurdles, especially equipment requirements. It seems you have everything right on track, you just need your break!

Another thing I thought of; do you look at other MT websites with job boards? I go to other MT websites when there's nothing new at my favorite one.

Good luck, and keep us posted!
I had thought of this also
In fact, there was just a few hours ago there was a press conference on the news.  The Dept of Health and Human Services was giving a briefing and  said that many medical volunteers are needed, including nurses, physicians, EMTs, etc.  He said on the HHS website there was a link for volunteers to register where they ask questions as to your capabilities, etc.  I had wondered if MTs would be needed when I was watching this.  I do not remember the specific website, but I'm sure it can be found by Googling the Dept of Health and Human Services.   God Bless you for volunteering.    
That's what I thought.
That's what I wanted to do, was mark it so they at least would see it, but nooooooo....they just leg it go!!! And these nationals wonder why they lose accounts!
Thanks! I never even thought much about it until...
JK mentioned it. 
I second that thought!
I thought so
you are working for Frankie Boy or are you Frankie Boy.
Where is Chucky zipper or is Chucky Frankie Boy too?
I thought of that too.
Thanks for the thought...nm
I have thought about this, too.
I love Oprah - and I find myself running back and forth between commercials. I have been thinking of putting a small tv in my office. What do you all think?
Have yo thought about
applying for a clerical job in your local hospital or a doctor's office?   Good luck to you!
I had not even thought about that. Thank you!
Just a thought - sm

Have you noticed a pattern to when it kicks you out, such as immediately after you send an e-mail?  This happened to me, there was a setting in my Outlook Express that made it disconnect every time I sent an e-mail.  It was easily fixed. 


Just a thought ...
try looking here:


Do seek help, though. Like several posters below stated, this could be very serious.
Thanks... that's what I thought

Just a thought....
Having a parent die isn't exactly easy on a child.  Could some of their problems be that they lost their mother, who was obviously a huge part of their lives, rather than the homeschooling?  I know someone who lost his mother when he was in grade school.  He had severe social problems after that, and he wasn't homeschooled. 
I just thought
I just thought maybe since things will be slow they would ask for volunteers first, I work for QT, does anyone else know their policy?
I know what you mean, actually. I thought it was just me.
Jane Fonda is like this a bit. Maybe has to do with their relationship with their father. I am no perfect person character-wise that is for sure but there aren't cameras and paparazzi following me around (thank GOD).
I never thought of it that way.
Eleanor Roosevelt and Gandhi were INFJ, too. Oh, well. I wound up quitting both of those jobs because I hated the way they were treating people. I'm better off for it. Principles are worth more to me than paychecks. LOL Thanks for the clarification. I like Myers-Briggs now that I know it's about understanding personality instead of judging someone's character.
Hey, I have often thought if I were in your
I would be able to make so much money!  I mean, if you get bored what do ya do - work!  And quiet all the time!  I'm sure it can get lonely at times but man, some days I dream of having a house (or even an apartment) of my own and being able to eat what I want when I want, no one to cook for, when I clean it stays clean.  I could rent movies and watch them all day, fall asleep at 5:00 p.m., wake up at 1:00 a.m. and type till I was tired, etc. etc.  I know I'm thinking of only the advantages and not disadvantages but man, sometimes it sounds good!
If you think WE had it bad, just thought of this. . .

My mom and another "girl" were typists for the old pipeline company back in the 1950's. They had to type financial reports (all numbers) on manual typewriters. There was no White Out back then and erasing was not allowed. If you got something wrong, you had to start over.

They finally finished the reports and stacked them up on the windowsill.  Cold windy day and the boss comes in and opens the window. My mom and the other girl sat down and cried and then started over again.

My mom always said she thought the boss might have opened the window on purpose, but that's as far as she ever went with it. Now people would say, "My boss was such a . . . "

No, it is you act on that thought. nm
Just a thought.....

As a child I had asked my mother why things like this happen and I'll never forget her answer.....

At some point in time this childs death may open doors that would otherwise may have not.  It is quite possible that the Lord sparred him from something extremely tragic that would of happen to him if he was still on earth.  Sometimes things happen for reasons beyond our understanding.  "The Lord works in mysterious ways", sound familiar? 

This family will definitely be in my prayers + + + + +




thanks, that is what I thought

Maybe she meant some other regulating organization.

Just thought of something .....

I hope you'll have time to go to Epcot, as there are no many wonderful things to see in that park.  One of my favorite places is the country, Germany, not only for their wonderful food, but in particular for their drop-dead GORGEOUS colored crystal they sell in their shop.  Crystal of every color - Bavarian, Dresden, cut-to-clear, etc.  Bring logs of $$$ and credit cards.  Their crystal is to die for.  I'm a big collector of the stuff and often joke with my hubby that we could give their shop a run for the money when it comes to inventory and variety.....Hehehe!

Have fun!

Have you thought about
coding?  Your knowledge would be transferrable, but you would have to learn the codes.  Coding seems to be about where MT was when I got into it about .... years ago.  Thank goodness I'm close to retirement age, if I can just hang in there a little longer.
He probably thought it was out of the
I had not thought of this...sm
but, then again, I don't have air conditioning in the house. I do have a large umbrella that could shield from the sun!
I never thought I'd say this,
but I have to agree with you. I've been a member for years, have been on boards, had my CMT. I've let my CMT expire, I've not renewed my membership, and clearly my day is done being on boards. Their stance on offshoring was the final nail in the AAMT coffin for me. And yes, in spite of all the years I've been a faithful follower, I can't say that they've done a thing for American MTs as individuals.
Thank you, XXX. I would never have thought of that.
thanks, I thought of that
and now I feel better of thinking of it :)
Just a thought.
I have three children and the ONE thing I always thought would have been nice would be a basket with some essentials for me. Very thoughtful to think of mommmy pregnant or afterward.
Just a thought
Do not pay for those more expensive pregnancy tests over the counter.  The cheap Wal-Mart brand works just as well.  I used them 2 times and they were not wrong either time.  :)  Generic is sometimes just as good, or better, than name brand.  Save your money! :)
Just a thought
My husband is disabled due to physical problems. He went into a pretty deep depression, ego hurt, etc. I made it a point to tell him often that his helping me in the house was worth more than him going out to work. He now tells everybody that he has a full time job taking care of me. He takes pride in doing the laundry, cooking, shopping, whatever is needed. Maybe your hubby needs to hear you say how grateful you are for whatever he does -- even if it is just sitting and holding the little one -- saves you a babysitter fee. I told mine it is like having a cleaning lady without having to pay one. Just a thought. Remember his depression will have trickle down to all family members. So, build him up and watch the changes happen. Good luck.
Just thought about this....sm

If ANYONE who does any kind of interviewing has any clue of the "production" that we as transcriptionists have to do, we should be offered ANY position because they would know how hard we work to meet our production quota.  We are VERY HARD workers and should be treated as such....


I never would have thought of using ...
mayonnaise. That would work really well for holding in moisture and I love mayo. My cholesterol-watching husband would faint though! LOL