Right On Counting Reports...sm
Posted By: HeidiHo on 2008-12-12
In Reply to: Motivated Production - Wise.MT
I've found that true in setting daily/weekly goals for myself. Instead of concentrating on line acounts all the time (and taking time out for looking them up) I'll set maybe 20 (or 25 if I have to make up lines) reports as a daily goal. Counting lines can get frustrating if you get a string of short reports or the line counter is behind in counting. I'll check my lines, though, after maybe 10 or so reports just to see how I'm doing, so naturally, however, the lines take care of themselves.
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The MR reports were being filed. Referring physicians/medical care providers reports were not.
This is a hospital radiology department with in-house MTs and a clerk who is in charge of the report distribution.
The two sentence normal reports will balance out the 3 page reports.
I am Wendy too
Five and counting
Because otherwise I might run out of work at the end of the pay period. My partner has 8. They are prioritized, so I work on my primary until it's empty, go to the next one, etc. Works for us.
I have 6 and counting.
It all depends where you get it as far as how much pain. Make sure it is something you REALLY want for the rest of your life. If you're getting a symbol, make sure you have the correct meaning. Make sure the shop you go to is reputable and clean.
still have my Kirby 35 yrs and counting
My FIL gave all his kids Kirby's for wedding presents and it's still going strong. Just have to have it in the shop once every few years, outlasted the kids and junk they didn't pick up before using it and now working on the grandkids.. Those things cost an arm and a leg these days, but it was free way back when.
how are you counting the lines?
If you are typing in Word use the Count feature. It shows char w/sp, char w/o sp, lines, blank lines. AND to clarify something - a lot of rad companies are NOT now paying per line but rather paying PER REPORT and cheap, awful rates. I just got a new Rad MT job but the majority of them out there want to pay crap per report rates. I won't take those - I am NOT typing a 40/50-line CT for $1.05-1.25. I have a per line rate on this new job and their avg report is 30-40 lines. My other 2 a/c's (one 30 MDs, other over 100) avgd about $1.90+ a report when you divided lines by # of reports.
11months and counting...
Husband's first cousin - married last MAY. Very expensive wedding at 4-star hotel downtown. You'd think she'd have the manners to acknowledge her gifts. I still cannot believe this. I don't know if I'll ever get a note. I just asked the grandmother to find out if she RECEIVED it. I know it's sneaky but it was an expensive gift and I want to know.
Thanks!...Mom & Dad for 6 years and counting!
line counting
Is there a site out there that explains exactly what line counting is? Thank you.
Accuracy in counting
<Disclaimer: We are the publishers of MPCount / MPTools>
No cook can please everyone with just one soup recipe, and no software will suit each and every user. I'm glad you found a program you really like.
We're proud of the accuracy of the counting in our software, and even have a page discussing it.
Best wishes,
Vann Joe
counting rules
I have Sylycount. Go into the software under counting rules and there you can tell it what you need it to count.
Line counting
Hi, I have a question regarding line counting. I used to know an MT who said she charged by the virtual line and was wondering if anyone knows what that is and how it differs from an actual line. Also, I was looking for a low cost/free line counting program that worked pretty well. How do you define a line? I charge for a 65 character line, is that what most of you do? Thanks,
Line counting: Is there a way
approximate # of lines? I am very curious. I am unable to see the # of lines I type daily using the system we use. I love the company I work for and trust them as the number of jobs and number of minutes are usually higher than what I come up with each pay period but would like to see how the number of lines calculate between the two of us. Thank you in advance.
Line counting
I have yet to find a decent line counting program. What does everyone else use? Do you count a line as 65 characters or 55 and with or without spaces?
Line counting
Anyone use a line counting program given to you by your MTSO to track your line count.....and it ends up that the line count is different from there's? Shouldn't the line counts be exact since the company issued their own program?
The program works with MS Word's count, and their reasoning is that Word counts differently on different computers. Say what???
I've been a Transcriptionist for 14 years and this is a first. I've worked for several MTSOs and my lines have always been the same. Is MS Word that inaccurate on their counts on different computers?
Nope, 20+ and counting but
my DH drives an 18 wheeler and his hearing is not all that good.
Line counting
I work as an IC for a company. When I type my document I go into Tools and use the Word Count and divide by 55 (that's what my company pays by) giving me my line count.
However, when I get my paycheck it is considerably less than what I anticipated. Is the MS word count not adequate to go by?
DOes anyone feel it is necessary to have their own line counting program?
Line counting
Thanks so much. That's very good information to have. Thank you again.
Line counting
I am an IC who uses flashcount to count lines. How do you decide how to count, i.e., per 55 characters, per 65 characters, etc. Thx.
Line counting
If you have your own accounts, you can do as you please. Industry "standard" at the moment is 65 characters with spaces. I say standard, but there is really no such thing, it is merely that most of the companies out there pay that way.
I have been offered 6.5 cents for a 37-character line strict, no spaces (only black characters). I have been offered on 55 characters too. I have even been paid by the byte line in DOS, which made for a rude awakening when I had to transition to Word and a 65-character line! There are also gross lines, which is everything on a line is a line, though these are often more than 65 character spaces across.
The way this count came about is that in DOS in Courier font and I think it is 12 pt, there are 65 character spaces if an 8 x 10 sheet is used with 1 inch margins. Courier gives you the same space size for each character, whereas something like Times New Roman varies the space size depending on the character, i.e. an L has less space than a D and so on.
You could call other services in your area and ask about their line rates and counting methods, but don't be too surprised if you are rudely treated. Most small local MTSOs don't take kindly to being interrupted at work to talk to a competitor. Otherwise, you are on your own to charge what the market will bear for your services and you are free to count the lines anyway you wish.
Personally, if I were to have my own accounts, I would use Abacus to count lines and I would count every keystroke including hard returns and spaces, tabs and any other key I used because I personally believe this is how it should be, a keystroke line, not a character and spaces line.
I'm over the 3rd decade and counting
This really has to do with the people you work for. My hospital job outsourced, first company who had it was horrible as far as QA. They IMd you to death, you had no time to work, horrible, horrible, picky all the time. Ok, another company has the very same account now and it is pure heaven. You ask for feedback and you get. Most of the time you are left completely alone, no one micromanaging and pure bliss for me. Same work, different companies. I am very happy with my work, the company I work for, not miserable much less moody. Work can be very stressful if the company wants to make it that way. Need to change if you are having those kinds of issues. By the way, used to straight type everything but now I do mostly editing and loving it.
I still have the b-days, but I'm counting
line counting
You go to tools, word count, then look at the number of lines and divide by 65, then multiply by your line rate. The company I worked for took the number of lines and just multiplied it by the line rate. That's how I made out so good. They did not divide by 65 cpl.
They are probably not counting spaces now. NM
Yes, unless they are counting the lines different than you.
I would ask about it.
You need to ask how they will be counting lines first. sm
You need to know their method of counting because all programs count differently. Practicount is a good program because it gives you many more options for counting lines or characters than most of the others. You can also set up different options for different clients.
Your English teacher does not do medical reports. This is for medical reports.
Line Counting Programs
I was wondering what line counting program is most commonly used by I.C. I had been using Abacus, but unfortunately it causes a fatal error with word, so I quit using it. Downloaded the trial version of Slycount and their count is about 7-10 lines higher than Abacus. I have set up Slycount to count exactly the same as Abacus. So, I cannot figure out the problem. So, I am looking for others opinions regarding the counting program they are using, pros and cons.
I work using MS Word XP
looking for line counting software
What do you use for line counting software? I am currently using Total Assistant Pro. It was counting accurately when I first purchased it. I even downloaded the free trial version to make sure it counted accurately before purchasing. (I charge by the straight line no matter how many characters are on it!). I'm not getting anywhere with support.
About 15,000 not counting "normals"/Shorthand
About 50K in debt not counting mortgage. nm
And Remember with Carb counting
Be sure to deduct the grams of fiber listed in food from the total carb count. On the back of the food label, if it shows that particular food to have 10 gm of carb and 8 gm of fiber, deduct the gm of fiber. End result, you'll be getting only 2 gm of carbs.
Another good thing to drink is Crystal Light - Comes in all flavors, you know. Also, I enjoyed iced tea with lemon and splenda and cold iced coffee with a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream and splenda too. Yummy! Beats a coke any day of the week if you ask me!
I haven't had it, but I'm counting the days until I do!! nm
May be the line counting method.
The company I worked for had one client where the MT reported that many lines a day. The company sent the MT inhouse for that department, and it was the way the client counted the lines. This girl made a killing for as long as it lasted.
My opinion - 17 years and counting. sm
If you are looking for a quick way to stay home, forget it. I was a Transcriptionist for 2 years before my son was born. I would hate to try to start this career with a newborn. It takes 2-3 years (after training) for most people to actually be able to do this work well. I waited 14 years before getting my certification. I can go anywhere and do anything, but it took years to get here. You need a good school (there are only a few out there), it's expensive, and very stressful.
That said, it is a good career, though not an easy one. If you have excellent grammar, attention to detail, and a high tolerance for stress, you can make a good living (also need pretty good health, including strong hands and shoulders). If you can shut out the world, discipline yourself to work steadily and continuously learn as much as you can, you can make it. I make approximately $14-17 an hour (not the fastest, but a good steady typist), but started out on the web at $8 (made $26/hr in the hospital, which closed). However, $8 is more than some secretarial jobs in my area back then, and as much as some entry level jobs in many careers. If you're fast, dedicated, and have a high tolerance for stress (family, dictators, supervisors, household), it's a decent career. But not a "quick" way to work at home, and NEVER easy. Just my 2 cents.
LIne counting software
Also look in your word software, because I know that word 2000 will count your lines.
It depends on how you are counting lines...
There is a big difference between 10 cpl gross lines and 10 cpl on a 65-char with spaces, without spaces, 75-char, 80-char, etc. I'm fortunate in that I am still paid by gross lines. How are most of your lines being counted?
Meditech line counting (LOL)
We have found Meditech "Counting" to be totally inconsistent depending on the work type transcribed and other factors that we've not been able to figure out. Since our hospital pays on a production basis, we've had to start keeping track of minutes transcribed ... not the most effective method of counting but at least it is consistent.
Well, after 30 years and counting I make
4 cents a line in editing and 8 cents a line in regular work although 95% now editing. I do not know what newbies are paid. You did not say your speed. Maybe another can fill in on the amounts newbies make, I just don�t happen to know. My salary has drifted down over 40,000 something over the years, now making probably what I started out at all those years ago. Oh well, they say what goes around comes around.
Line Counting Program
Any suggestions on a good line counting program.
line counting in Word
Thank you for your help. I tried to do a test counting in Word but it seems to count the blank lines too so it is not accurate.
line counting in Word
Of course! I should have thought of that. Thanks for the advice.
counting lines without spaces
If you want to get your line count of a document just go to style and choose numbering. It will put a number in front of each line. Go to the end and see the last number and that is your number of lines! Simple as that. You can do this in the document or you can copy and paste into a new document and do it there. This is as simple as pie.
Line counting software
Great program
Line counting on Word...
I use templates for my reports and charge by the page, but I have been interested in charging by the line. Do you include the template lines with your line count or minus that? I am completely confused with this, still. Thanks again~
Maybe they're not just counting wages
Maybe whoever comes up with these figures is counting in the savings of not driving to work and buying office attire, the tax write-offs of having a home office, etc. Then they lump it all together and come up with that figure?
Or else they have multiple jobs and work 7 days a week and that's total income.
Or maybe the CEO's came up with the figure that that's what an MT would make if the service wasn't playing the middleman. Maybe that's how much they actually make off each MT a year.
counting lines by hand - pls help!
I type letters all day and need to count actual lines. MS word does not count accurately. I need just the lines typed (for ex. salutation is 1 line, signature line is 1 line, etc.) I have been doing this manually, but is a waste of time, as sometimes they are 3-page letters. I downloaded Flashcount and was hoping that I could use it right in MS Word to count the actual lines of each letter that I type without having to go to another screen, but have not been able to do that. Anyone know if this is possible or of a good program out there where this is possible??? I am not so concerned about making an invoice, just counting each line typed (no matter how many characters on that line) accurately. Thanks.
Counting lines in Word
This actually gives you way more lines than if you calculated by 65 cpl. I worked for a company for a while that did this and on one short progress note I made over $3 more than by figuring the 65 cpl way. Let's say they are paying you 7 cents a line......this is like 11 cents a line counting the regular way. This is definitely in your favor...I have done the math on this one many times. Good luck!
line counting program?
I have gotten an offer for a side job and need a line counting software to use with Word. I used one about two years ago but don't have that computer any longer and cannot remember what it was called.
Any suggestions would be great!
Abacus line counting
I have downloaded the Abacus SE program and cannot figure out how this program works. If anyone is willing to walk me through the steps of this process I would appreciate it. Information would be 9 cpl at 65 character line.
Thank you, JNGI
Abacus line counting
Thanks! Emailed you.