Reply deleted -- do not post names. (NM)
Posted By: Moderator on 2005-11-11
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- Reply deleted -- do not post names. (NM) - Moderator
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Why was my post deleted when I gave specifics and mentioned no names?
I have no clue why my reply to you was deleted!
It was a friendly, I'm sorry you're going thru this, been there, done that post! This is beyond silly! Anyhooo, guess its not worth answering posts if they just get edited for no reason at all! Maybe lots of others have answered you as well, but they disappear in a flash!
Instead of clicking Post Quick Reply, go to the box further down on the left that says Post Reply to
Post deleted -- Do not post e-mail addresses. (NM)
Because my post was deleted in reference to the above post, sm
Ladies-once again, I apologize for coming across as a witch in the above post. I appreciate the links and the time spent on posting them.
my post was deleted
all i did was tell the truth about her bad language in an email to me. it was the truth and based on fact. are we not allowed to post true events?
Was this post deleted?
Yes they get deleted. The need to post the
I did post a site, but it was deleted???
I don't get it.
Email reply vs. Post Reply
Could someone tell me how to post a message and then have someone reply by email instead of just "Post Reply." I'm pretty new to this "chat" board. But I WOULD like to say it is VERY informative and helpful. Too bad some of the companies we work for aren't as helpful as one MT is to another MT. We'd have it made!!
My original post has been deleted, read this...
How can you give positive, sound advice to someone who may not live in the same area as you. Every state is different. As far as being afraid for our jobs, yeah, there should be a certain amount of fear, because as an IC you could wake up one morning and your job be gone. Same as employee, I understand, but there does not have to be a reason to let you go as an IC. I am a VERY professional MT who takes my job seriously and I do have a bit of fear at times, I have kids to raise. You cannot tell her that she is not savvy on her own company, she was only asking some questions. I thought that is what this board was for, to ask questions. How could you find anything someone asks amusing or disgusting....maybe you should search into the term "professional" and maybe you are not so savvy in your own company. :)
Her post was deleted and was talking about audio transcription something or other.
Need help on tech board before my post is deleted a third time. Thanks. nm
well, excuuuuse me. I didn't realize it had been deleted till after my first post
You can't post the names of companies. The powers that
be always delete them. I know I had to answer some questions concerning a Pell grant I got at a local technical school once. I don't think this is so far fetched.
Please do not post names or phone numbers. (NM)
you can post company names on the board.
She didn't put any names or even employment locations with her post --
she simply listed errors she sees. I would keep a list as well; could be very useful in training new MTs or orienting even experienced MTs about what they have had in the past, how easy it is for one to just "type what they hear" and not pay attention, etc.
She didn't do anything wrong.
I would sue and post their names on every single board on the Internet.
Disney thread still on this page down under the ugly names post. nm
Well...I did post a reply
some time ago and I'm not sure how long it takes for them to be added to the list. Hopefully, it will appear soon. To summarize, my husband was just diagnosed last week. Since then we've been to lots of appts and he has taken lots of tests. He too is having back pain, nausea, dizzines, and rashes as well. I would be happy to share with you the info I have on the new clinical trials for PKD and also the PKD specialist at Johns Hopkins, who I hear is wonderful. I made my husband an appt today, and the first available is in December. You can find a ton of info at If my other post finally shows up, sorry for the duplicate. Email me any time. Blessings!
reply to your post
Hi, there have been several posts on here regarding working in rural areas and not having DSL or cable available, but I will mention again that Sprint, as well as I believe Verizon offers an "air card" that is USB and can be used with either a desktop or a laptop as long as you have a free USB port available. The other thing to keep in mind is how close you are to a cell tower to receive a signal, as this operates on the same principle as a cell phone, but I used an air card for many months with VPN and had no problems. Hope this helps.
In reply to your post (sm)
"I asked her if it was saturated with ESLs. She said, "it is out of Texas, What do you think?"
Is it just me, but do other who are reading this post consider Texan dictators as being considered ESLs?
In reply to your post (sm)
"I asked her if it was saturated with ESLs. She said, "it is out of Texas, What do you think?"
Is it just me, but do others who are reading this post consider Texan dictators as being considered ESLs?
Sorry--s/b reply to Aliza's post-nm
The me again post was in reply to Oh Lord (sm)
I learned probably before you were born, and believe me, it was a lot harder then. I've learned much over the years. Another point I would like to make in regard to Fahrenheit. If there was no spell check, and no one ever told you that you were spelling it wrong, how would you know? That's why it drives me crazy when I see words like "definitely" spelled definately, "misspelled", spelled mispelled, and "there, their, and they're" mixed up. People get mad when you correct them, but truly, they should know these words, and they should be happy to learn as long as it is not in a nasty way. I had an argument one time with my son's first grade teacher. She had them copy off the blackboard, something about daffodils, and it said something about "they're little petticoats." I went berserk. This was someone teaching MY CHILD the difference between the 3 "there, their, they're" words.
under your post, it says Reply By E-Mail
when they reply, they don't know where it's going, they don't actually have your personal e-mail address. They are just replying by e-mail to the post.
When I read this post, I just HAD to reply...
" I'd rather hire an M-Tec student with tech savvy than to hire an MT with 15 years' experience in a hospital environment because that's all she has -- a hospital environment that gave her absolutely no feedback or tech savvy for the future."
THAT is the most ridiculous unfounded comment I have read regarding new MTs versus MTs with experience. NOTHING can compare to the experience an MT is afforded by working in a hospital and/or doctor's office, and the experiences and medical terminology he or she is exposed to and encounters every day on the job. I don't care how good the school is coined to be, or even if the course was 5 years long. How naive can one be? Just another case of jealousy rearing its ugly head. They WISH they had our experience. This is just another lame attempt by M-tec to increase their admissions.
Your reply was to an edited post
To "Beezle" regarding your post in reply to Austin
I heard nothing about any of that stuff you're talking about, would like to know more. They told me they were hiring for 3 different locations, 3 positions, and that MDs had choice to do straight dictation or do VR on Provox system, and that's where the editing comes in. Have to admit, I didn't have the presence of mind to ask all those great questions you asked regarding word expanders, etc., because, frankly, being as it was hourly pay, I really didn't care...LOL! I'd appreciate it if you'd email me. I think I may have been rejected (not certain, mind you) because I informed them via email, after my interview, that I'd had to file bankruptcy a few months ago. Well, my rejection letter was sent out the same day I sent this email, although they had told me after interview it would be a week before they'd contact me, either by phone or email.
Good reply - LOL. This is just the kind of post
she would understand; it's on her level, which sounds about like my niece in 1st grade. You should've added "na na na boo boo"
I didnt really read your post, but thought i would reply anyway
email me if you have enough nerve to speak to someone more in person than on the boards. I would be more than happy to have a debate with you if you are mature enough to handle it, but would rather not do it here.
Ummm, since MGMT's reply was so quick to try and nip this post in the bud, I'm not
exactly feeling real confident about asking them at this point. I had the feeling if it was something MGMT had wanted us to know, we would've received notification from them at the time it occurred, such as was done when other changes in mgmt happened. I had also thought that was one of the purposes for having an anonymous board such as this--to get straight answers without fear of reprisal.
When people use last names for first names.
You can't tell what sex the person is, and it just sounds so pretentious and stupid.
Hunter, Tyler, Taylor, Cameron, Morgan, Parker, Porter.
Really soap-operaish and annoying.
I deleted it through the (sm)
Control Panel. Hope this helps.
Gone? Not so sure. Deleted? Definitely.
I deleted the message. nm
Why have all the posts been deleted that said they
didn't see anything wrong with this?
I know - my comment was deleted
.....I guess if you own the board you can delete anything you don't like being said about yourself. So much for freedom of speech.
Were there some posts deleted here?
It's real confusing ... however, my 2 cents? There's no possible way you could reach 100K a year at 8 cpl. Anyone who says they do is fibbing, IMO, or else they never sleep or eat and just transcribe all hours of the day.
At 8 cpl, assuming we're talking the standard 65-char. line, I think you'd be doing quite well to reach $30K a year. JMO.
Deleted lines.
I do not count it if it is just a sentence or two. If it is say a whole note, or close to it, I do count it and send a note stating what I did.
This is a deleted website????
I had that problem and went in and deleted the ...
printer and then went back in and re-installed it and now it works. Good luck.
There were 2 or 3 other answers here that got deleted - sm
for some reason, they certainly were not offensive, so it is a bit weird. But what they said is NO! Not unless you work an awful lot (i.e. 7 days, probably 12-14 hour days). So yeah you could do it but you'd have no life, no husband either in the long run and no sanity.
Messages deleted??
I really want to thank all you wonderful people who have tried to help me today. I am wondering what happened to all of the posts though, as I am only seeing a few of the many that were earlier this afternoon. Did the administrator delete some of them? If so, why?
Selling business deleted?
May I ask why the selling business messages were all deleted? Was something said that should not have been? Just curious so that if I said something I do not do it again.
Moderator and everybody else, my apology was DELETED. sm
I had wrote an apology for coming across so nasty earlier and I am sure that the gals that were involved in this post read it before somebody deleted it and decided to give me a warning.
Moderator, can I ask why my first apology was deleted?nm
We all saw it and all it said was sorry for coming across so nasty.
news items get deleted
Why did so many posts from yesterday get deleted?
you missed them - they got deleted by the administrator nm