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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Recent study done... excerpt..see link ...

Posted By: DJ on 2009-01-22
In Reply to: What does this mean for the MT industry? sm - Worried MT

I read this just last night, as I too have been researching and gleaning information regarding the future of MT and pondering making any career changes.



The analysis found that a $10 billion health IT stimulus program would create or retain 43,410 jobs directly, most of them in areas such as software and hardware sales and system installation. Another 115,670 jobs would be created or retained indirectly, in areas such as sales of trucks and food to those holding the new jobs.

And the availability of new and improved networks and information would create 53,025 jobs, the foundation reported.

Stephen Ezell, a senior analyst at ITIF, said in answer to a reporter’s question that the analysis did not take into account the potential loss of jobs in areas such as medical records management and transcription of physicians’ notes.


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New study on MS and
Vitamin D, you can Google it.  Are you in the great lakes area?  Very common in that area.  I don't have it but many of my relatives do including my 20-year-old neice - she's doing very well with treatment.  Good luck
swallow study - sm
swallow study to check for safety in swallowing, to check for aspiration, swallowing problems, and what type of diet to give pte, puree, nectar thick, etc.
What is recommended to study for CMT?
Sleep Study
Get this: I had an appointment with the doctor this coming Wednesday to discuss a sleep study. Last Wednesday 2/1/06, his office calls me wanting to know if I was coming in because I was late for my appointment, and I reminded her that it was not that Wednesday but this coming Wednesday and she remembers and admits she got it wrong. This morning same girl calls to remind me of my Tuesday appointment!!!! Went through the same thing again and then she says, "Oh, yes. It is Wednesday. Can you come in Thursday? He's going to get called to the emergency department!!!" Uhhhhh did I miss something or is she clairvoyant on emergencies? This is why I do not go to the doctor unless it is absolutely necessary. I guess he has a golf game lined up.
That study used very old data.
EHR has come a long way since 2004.
CMT study workshops or

I am looking for some reputable websites for info regarding the CMT exam that also include study material. Any info would be greatly appreciated :)

Honestly, probably the best way to study for it
is to work, work, work.

Good luck!
Get a Sleep Study
It could be sleep apnea or narcolepsy. Yes, you can be healthy as a horse and still have sleep apnea or narcolepsy!
S/L Perfifth study per neurology?

I can't seem to find anything.  Any suggestions?



vellum - in swallow study???
is this correct
Sorry, you guys need to study up. "Affect" would never, ever go here. SM

Just FYI, to say "affect" would mean that the bleeding would change the procedure -- which makes not a lick of sense.

"Effect" would be the right thing, meaning that if this woman were to continue bleeding, she'd have to have a hysterectomy.

I didn't really like the wording of it anyway, but I thought I'd throw my two cents in because there seem to be people here still confused on the issue.

Employment after home study
Does anyone know who will hire a Transcriptionist who has studied at home? Also, will they hire you if you have not been employed as a transcriptionist outside your home? (I have a little hospital experience but years ago).
Sleep study transcription...

I have been approached by a sleep study doc to do the transcription for them.  I have not done these before and I'm not sure what to charge.  Does anyone have any advice for what to charge them or any sample reports?


Thanks so much

I found the study guide (sm)

was good with examples on the test and covered all areas.  However, the dictation CD probably has caused many a heart attack.  None of the dictations were as bad as that thing!

I don't really know how you can study too much for the beast besides brushing up on the ol' BOS.  The first part was a stinker, though.

Thanks, by the way!

Study your options though before committing...
I fill in when needed, vacation, sickness, etc, for friend at a local small town phys's office. Typist has been in hosp. and out off and on over the last 2 months. cpl confused Drs. wife so I said $10/hour, thought it was only temporary. I'm usually only there 2-4 hours, usually if it is 2 days of stuff. They work weird hours, 9 sometimes 11p.m. I work 10-6 so I tried to get in when I could in morning or go in evenings. Too aggravating, they are constantly interrupting me. I hooked their system up for C-phone access. Half time they forget to plug it up! But, anyway I have continued to do it by the hour. I will be changing to 10 cpl if this continues. Working at home by the hour I am cheating myself. I type it faster because I am more comfortable so end up shorting myself $10-15 each time. Some would say, drag it out but I can't do that I feel like I'm stealing, yet they are stealing my time.

Here is a sleep study website
I ran into this system when I had a sleep study
Last winter outside of Orlando Florida. I waited to be set up for the initial sleep consultation, and the technician who takes vitals went into the template and asked me questions and filled it in. I told her what I did for a living. She smiled and said so does she, now... except it took under 3 minutes to do my whole history and physical etc. with better accuracy because she had drop down menus for just about every possible suggestion I had etc. She gets paid hourly as a tech and did not get a raise when this system came in. But she does it for the job security. I asked the doc and he said it is not only cost effective, but safer not to send work outside of the office or even out of the exam room because of HIPPA reasons. I can understand this. Knowing all of this, for some reason, I did not feel in the least intimidated or put out. I say the serenity prayer. If and when these systems are the norm rather than an oddity, another door will open for we transcriptionists which is better than what we have now. We have to believe as things evolve better for the medical record-keeping, indeed so will the jobs evolve better for us, even into a new career. To not believe that would be fatalistic. Somewhere in fate, IMHO we have to be willing to accept the times moving with or without us, and what our part will be in a positive way, rather than think it will be a negative thing.
You could join a study group through sm
AHDI, but there is no radiology-specific CMT credential.  In fact, I took the test within the past year and there are hardly any rad-specific questions on it.
Recent diagnosis of MS

Hang in there!  You can overcome a chronic illness and empower yourself.  It ain't easy, but doable.  Been that way for 12 years now.

Just make sure you file the disability with a disability attorney. SS is very well known for denying claims usually twice, then court before they grant it.  This waste many many months and tires us that are already tired, out.  You need all your energy to fight the disease, not for your rights to supplemental income you've paid for all these years. 

Your children will also receive dependent benefits until they reach 18, so again, get an experienced dis. atty.  Hang in there

My recent experience at my vet
I have been taking 5 cats there for years. They have seen me through a lot of issues with various animals, and I truly believe my animals have all received excellent care. My beef is they also just added on to their already huge clinic, seem to have a never ending supply of support staff, new computers, you name it. One of my cats went in to be vaccinated recently. I just do basic shots these days because all the cats are indoor cats, I know their history, etc. They took the cat to the back this time, and when I got the bill it was for every darn shot you can imagine for cats (leukemia, etc.), plus they charged $15 to express her anal glands (never even asked for that!), toenail trim for $10 (I can do that at home myself, thank you very much), and a few other things. Needless to say I was not happy about it! Never again is my animal being "taken to the back" for anything. They can give blood draws and shots with me right there, just as they have done in the past. I have no problem with them doing that right there in front of me. Guess their bottom line is they need to milk their clients for any bit of cash they can get these days. I am really, really disappointed in them now.
Actually I did get a recent raise...
so I'm sure not complaining about that, and fully expect to be given the harder docs, but how are the former cherrypickers supposed to finally learn how to do 'em if all the Foul Ones are sent to us old-timers? I presume they must be getting SOME of them, hence the bad TAT suddenly - but my raise seems to be dwindling as I am assaulted by a steady stream of "mushmouths" all day! Not 2 mention getting hateful after so many in a row without an occasional "good doc"....oh well - back to the foulness!
I am looking for some recent information on...

Everything that I find in the archives is old.  I have already been offered a position with 1 and waiting on an interview with the other.  I have chosen IC status for both because I just cannot comply with the strict schedules that these companies have now.  I have tried being an employee but after 10 years of being an IC and working when I want, schedules are tough.  Does anyone have any advice please?

See the recent discussion
on page 2 or 3 of the company board.
recent graduate

I just finished school back in Nov. of 2005. I've been looking and looking for a job online and still have had no luck. The only response I seem to get bac from anyone is that I don't have enough experience. Does anyone have any pointers on what I should I do, or how I should approach this field? Please help me!!! I don't know what to do anymore!!

Webmedx will take anyone. They even take recent sm
graduates and pay them to do acute care, with no experience.  I don't think they would care that your acute care was in the past.  Just empathize it, and demand a decent line rate.  It is all going to ASR, anyway, and you will become an editor, just like the other very experienced MTs.
My recent experience
I, of course, cannot comment for other users, but my recent experience with Pam (one of their recruiters) has been excellent.  She was VERY upfront with me and gave me several options of companies and told me why they would or would not be a good fit for me.  If you're interested in finding new work, what is the harm in contacting them?  I can just about guarantee that you will NOT be directed to Spheris or MQ.  Also, even when I asked questions about companies that they did not represent, she was very open and honest about those companies as well, at least the ones that I asked her about....meaning she told me good things about some of them, as well as ones to look out for.  Basically, I'm going with one of the companies that she recommended and I'm excited about it for once. 
What was that recent movie ...
Something where they were going to blow up a compound in Saudi, wasn't it?
Don't know about platforms, but recent
posts about having trouble getting paid with DeVenture. 
recent graduate

I graduated this year from a community college which used the Career Step program in addition to some other courses.  It was all done online.  I have been working for 3 months, and have learned almost as much from working as from school so far.  The difference is that you are doing 800-1200 lines a day so you are exposed to a lot more information.  However, I don't believe I would have passed the entrance exams without everything I did pick up with the schooling. 

I would definitely encourage formal training of some sort because it is such a competitive industry.  I honestly don't think you could get hired from home, or pass an entrance exam without a good deal of training.  The 98% accuracy they are looking for on their tests is tough to hit without very strong grammar, med terminology, and AAMT/AHDI standards knowledge.  I am not making much money now, but I know within a year it will be different.  I am home and that is invaluable to me!

Good luck! 


My dad had a carotid ultrasound study done today --
and the technicians couldn't find his right vertebral artery.  From my limited knowledge this could mean it's occluded and it sounds like something to be concerned about.  He's worried but he doesn't want his doctor to think he's crazy for calling and asking about it right away.  The technicians told him the doctor would contact him in 2-3 days.  I don't think he should wait.  Any other opinions out there?
No, that's baloney. Study-up on meaning of 'cult'.
I would agree with getting a sleep apnea study,
but have you also tried cutting out the caffeine to get rid of the headaches? I have migraines that are related to caffeine withdraw. So, whenever I have caffeine, my body will crave more of the drug and have withdraw, thus a migraine. I used to have horrible migraines daily and then I met this wonderful neurologist who had me cut most of the caffeine out of my diet and it has worked wonderfully! Also, when I do get a bad migraine, I simply take Tylenol or aspirin with a Coke and it always makes the migraine go away. If you look at the ingredients in OTC migraine medications, they all have caffeine in them too, which for me helped confirm that my migraines were caffine-withdraw induced and not actually caused by the caffeine. Anyway, I only have about 2-3 migraines a year now, which is a HUGE improvement!
Graveyard shift study results
I just had to put this here.  This study came out about 2 days ago, and I did not find that anyone posted it here so I am going to comment on it.  If this is redundant please excuse the double post.  The other day on the news at 6 they reported that studies show that there is a new risk for developing cancer which could lead to an early grave... working the graveyard shift (punny).  Anyway, they said that because it goes against our biological clock, we produce less of a certain brain chemical when we sleep at night and this chemical helps our body fend of carcinogens (I forgot the chemical).  Do you know the American Cancer Society is seriously considering putting third shift workers on the list as being high risk for cancer?  Can you imagine?  What is this, a way for the insurance companies to have an excuse to deny us night owls insurance or to make the rates higher? I think it is hilarious because I personally never do anything risky.  I work at home as an MT after all, I do not lead a risky life in the least. Now, because I work nights so I can be a mom during the day and do everything supermom should do I am going to have cancer... what next?
Stedman's sells a study guide. NM
Typing for a sleep study laboratory...sm
I make $5.00 a page, $5.50 a page for letters and $6.00 a page for stat dictations.  BTW, this is whether there are two lines on the page or a full page.
my office was not a recent closure
but a few years ago. and it all went very smooth: a change of phone numbers and contacts...but the new office actually turned out to be better with communication and other things. My main account also transferred with me. MQ has the structure and management to do such things smoothly, even more so now than then.

No, i am not management.
My information is from recent research >>>
for an MT's job search directory, and so far less than 1% of facilities, including hospitals, clinics, major healthcare providers and individual practices, have an awareness of AAMT/CMT.    With the current "unrest" even among members, as well as the move toward an AMA-sponsored MT association, I still believe CMT is not of much value - unless things change dramatically and soon.
Some recent posts are lost...
during server upgrade, regardless of the topics or posters.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

What are you talking about? Most recent IS from today!!
Brenda, what are you thinking today's date is exactly? You have us all puzzled!
My recent job-hunting experience

Two decades of hospital experience here.  Applied at about 6 different large companies.  Some of the pay was atrocious (.07), some was fair (.08).  One offered .085 but had to work the hours precisely as they demanded as an IC with no flexibility and told me up front it was an extremely difficult and high ESL account.  (Now I realize that someone has to type those hard dictators, but would prefer that they be mixed in with an easier account -- been there and done that as far as an 80 percent HARD ESL account).

Of course I didn't take any of them and now I wish I had told them the pay was too low and that it was insulting.  I was not tempted to accept any of those jobs.  The recruiters for the most part acted as if I should be honored to be offered such a cruddy job with them!!  These were all companies who advertise heavily on the MT boards and perhaps that is why they are constantly advertising.

I took a job with a very small company who has decent accounts and were eager to pay me a better wage so I know they are out there.  I had interaction with 2 such smaller companies who offered good pay.

I really hate to see to see good transcriptionists take jobs that offer so little in return for our services as it hurts us all in the long run.

my observation on some recent posts

there is the thread about podiatry, posts about companies, posts about cherry picking,  ESLs taking over, this company is the best.     How many hundreds of us are on these boards???   Its a good thing we are all individuals - and there is so much work out there because one type of person could not do all the types of work.  Not everyone wants to work for big corporation  - not everyone wants to run their own MT service.

Some of us hate short little clinic notes, some hate long operative reports.  Some love radiology, others want to type IMEs. Never work for a company that IMs you all day vs  this company never gives feedback.

Where I  recently worked - we always used to leave behind certain reports for the late shift person, stuff we all thought she loved until one day she complained - how come I HAVE TO DO ALL the _____ studies..  Its kinda funny- you might think someone is cherrypicking all the CT's and they think they are doing you a favor by leaving short reports. 

Of course NO ONE likes the really awful individual dictators, whether it is ESL or chewers, the accounts that have a million details or QA that keeps changing. I think most of us know you have to take some bad with the good and when you TRY to do the tuff stuff, the good stuff becomes easier.

So  when someone comes to vent - cut them some slack - who cares about typos here - we all know that when we are working, we use our spellchecks and pay attention to details. 

When I take time to answer on this board, it is never with judgement - I always try to say "in MY experience, psych reports are bad because ..."  or when I worked for  XYZ company, they did not count lines correctly.  You cannot make generalities about  a profession as varied as this one. 

I come here for information AND entertainment - it does take a certain type of person to do this work -  that has nothing to do with the skills involved - and I think we share an understanding of each other, even as we argue over everything.    We all saw a part of ourselves in the recently posted "You Might Be a Transcriptionist If..." and we all laughed as we shook our heads. 

Sad to say I am about to make the decision to try a career change - I cannot push myself anymore (after almost 30 years) to produce enough lines to make the money I need - thats not to say it can't be done these days, just that I don't want to/can't  work that hard anymore. 

Have you tried the recent job board listings?
Very interesting. In my recent job search,
I've been trying to decide how to eliminate this problem (being unable to use my time effectively for my own purposes). It seems that would be the same as being on call, and I would either expect to be paid for it or free to use my time however I desire until I do actually engage myself, i.e., no work available at the start of my shift frees me to leave the house to take care of personal business, to work at another job, or to keep clicking the button, whatever. But I wasted incredible amounts of unpaid time "trying to get a job." I won't be doing that again. You want me to actively wait, pay me by the hour, and my shift ends when my schedule says it ends. Anything else is unreasonable.
I simply chose the wrong link. See inside for the correct link.
See link
frank went to hawaii to evaluate and study the accomodations.
Frank didn't think this Hawaii vacation would serve the purpose he had in mind so the CEOs are putting their heads together and doing a study and are sure that the new Hawaii vacation they come up with will please all involved but in the meantime please continue transcribing as they value all of our efforts and will get back to us on the Hawaii vacation in a year or so once the CEO and managers form committees to study the vacation and fair way of chosing a winnner while studying the effects of a vacation on work habits of the lowly MT.
Depends. Did you just study or have you actually transcribed lots of tapes as sm

part of your training?  If you can't put down on your resume that your home study included multiple tapes in many specialties, etc. you are going to be hard pressed to find a good job. 

On the other hand, you might be able to type some orthopedics or pt notes (and then at least have some experience to put on your resume.)  Orthopedic doctors have TONS of dictation.  Besides their clinic notes, etc, most of them do IME (independent medical evaluations) which are fairly easy to do.  You'll need some good ortho books to get you started, but most will let you start without the experience if you can demonstrate you know the terminology.  Good luck.  Get some experience and the doors will start opening REALLY fast for you.  Sometimes, taking a low paying job is okay in the beginning just to get the experience.  If you can possibly get in a PCP's office to help out with clinic notes (even offering to to backlog/vacation stuff, you will get good experience and your resume will look great for the future stuff that comes up.  Good Luck to You.  Hang in there and learn everything you can.

MT home study distance learning programs
This post is to those of you who received their MT training via a home study/online program.  Was it easy to get a job after graduation?  Which home study course (company) did you use?  Would you recommend them/it?  Thanks for your input.
A study a year or two back was assessing if hormone changes were
Specifically, does LOSS of estrogen cause memory loss in women. Multi-year study, BIG study, lots of subjects.

Upshot? There WAS memory loss happening. It was not due to hormones. Middle-aged women were SO busy and SO stressed and had SO many things on the brain and things to do and places to be and things to remember about spouse, kids, job, parents, extended family, that they were STRESSED TO THE POINT THEY COULD NOT REMEMBER IT ALL! Bah on the hormone theory. We just get full up to our eyeballs of all the things we have to do and something has to give.

Like, spelling the word school or something. No can do, school does not exist in this brain any more, it got kicked out so I can remember to pick up beer on the way home!
I don't know if the study guide has changed in the last 5 years, but when I bought it, it was so

not worth the money!  It was like a little pamphlet with maybe 20 sample questions.

That was back when the test was in two parts, so hopefully they offer some a bit more substantial as a study guide.

Cardiology and sleep study transcription questions

I am looking for other Transcriptionist that have cardiology and sleep study backgrounds. I am a newer MT, I am starting a cardiology and sleep study transcription account next week and have never transcribed for this specialty.

I wanted to know if there are specific word books or websites that you find helpful and are there specific things that you could tell me about the specialty that may help me?


I would appreciate any feedback



I got a discount by joining a study group...I think they still offer that. nm