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Posted By: Hmm on 2007-12-30
In Reply to: Unethical, IMHO - see message

Not sure why all the anger toward me.  I was just questioning the comment I had read (and pasted in my message) from down the list.  I didn't see where anyone had commented on it and wondered if most thought it was OK and, if so, how they could even get away with it.

It sure seems like people on here are always eagar to rip into others.  I don't get the point of that (even if it is something you disagree with).

I can see why people would want to fudge their hours if not being paid well, but I do not think that is the way to handle the situation.  Those types of issues are why unions were developed.  Guess we are just in a different part of the cycle now and it's every man for himself.

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