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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Previous posts seem to have generated a lot of negativity about these companies.

Posted By: NOT-A-KNOW-IT-ALL BUT.... on 2005-07-17
In Reply to: anyone know about... - wonderingwondering

Also, on one previous post, it stated that Transform wants you to purchase some "error" insurance of some kind. I am not even sure what this is, but someone stated there was a lot of fine print and told not to sign their contract. It would really be scary if they actually wanted MTs to purchase insurance to cover any mistakes/errors they make.. Obviously, I am perfect and that would not apply to me...NOT...  I just do not get the concept and maybe it is not true. Anyone else out there with anything more to add..

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previous posts
I did read all the previous posts, as you indicated. You did give a lot of information. I will let you know in a week or two what I think.

Per this and your previous posts, you have no
Here are the 2 previous posts:




Please read previous posts..You will be
tortured to death with IMs. They do not listen to you. Bad Communication with your tech and supervisors on IM from India. Your check is penalized for errors and they will change paydays on your often so your check is shortened all the time. That and you will work yourself to death and notice in 12 hours you maybe have made an average of $8 an hour. There is no way that they pay for footers and headers or spaces as they claim. It never adds up. Dont do it.
Previous posts say at the least charge $2 per minute
Why? It sounds like you're assuming the generated reports contain...sm
incorrect or fabricated information. Such would not be the case in these situations.
A lot of negativity here
Newbies can get jobs..it's not impossible. I was taking the Andrews course, ended up applying for a job through an ad on the school board before I even finished Module I! I passed the test, got the position at .05/line, which was quickly raised to .06, then .07, and finally .08 within a few months. I watched the job boards and inquired and passed the test with 2 more companies, one who paid me .09/line. That has been almost 3 years ago now. I've moved around a little bit and for the last couple of years have settled in to where I feel at home where I am. (I've actually been so busy working that I haven't even finished my course with Andrews!) I'm an employee with one company making .0085 for acute care work, and work with three other smaller to medium MTSOs making .08 to .095 a line. One of those MTSOs is one of the first ones I started with with. I started this before my daughter turned 2. I was able to work and care for her at home and I've never regretted it. She has hydrocephalus, and I couldn't bring myself to put her in daycare. Now, I help babysit my 5-month-old grandson as well. It can be done if you have the right combination of skills, and are willing to put a lot of time in front of your desk. Yes, it's hard, but everyone has been so negative here and so discouraging, and I just wanted to say that it's really only one side of the story. There's always more negativity here than there are positive thoughts.
I'll second that. 
I too am also tired of the rude remarks/answers given by some.  The midset here is sometimes extremely juvenile.  Some of you lash out, making a fool out of the person who asked an honest question....then, you MAYBE apologize because you've had a bad day, had a headache, etc, etc.  The fact of the matter is, you need to THINK before you answer in a rude fashion.  Just because you apologized many times doesn't make it better for the person you lashed out at.
sorry about the negativity--sm
I answered below as to what and how much. In my defense, after working 7 days straight and some at 14 hours, one can tend to be a little irritable when first getting on line at 6:30 a.m. Guess I am crabby and easily irritated. again, I apologize. nothing personal.
I agree with the negativity about the MT profession and people should get a new profession if they are no longer happy with it.  But this board is nowhere NEAR as negative as another popular MT board! In a LOT of jobs, people are being laid-off because of cheaper labor, not just MT.  Maybe it's time to go back to school for some people who aren't making enough.  I mean, complaining really isn't going to solve your problem, so do something about it.
Negativity and reality......
are 2 different things.  We all have difference endurance and tolerances for things.  It's like my 30-year-old nephew.  He got his girlfriend pregnant when he was 16.  They married 3 years later, have had 2 more kids, and are still happily married 11 yrs later.  It that the norm for a couple of teenagers?  No way.  It works out occasionally, but it's definitely the exception and not the rule.
Sorry negativity and honesty are same in this
Truly WELL said. Negativity can be contageous but it
doesn't have to be.

Just don't hold that quicksand against the board as a whole.

Why is there nothing but negativity on this board?
Do all of you hate your jobs?  Does anyone actually enjoy and like medical transcription?  With every post I read, all I see is complaining about how horrible this field is and that it is getting worse and worse.  All of you make me feel like suicide.  I can be in the best mood ever and then come to this depressing board and feel so depressed b/c of all the negativity.  If you hate MTing so bad, then do something else.  Quit complaining!  Does anyone agree with me on this?
Such negativity....how pitiful. Too bad you can't...
be happy for someone once in a while. Well, misery loves company, guess that's why you all stick together. It is a 'tude honey...a GOOD one...not one that wallows in self-pity. If a job doesn't fill your monetary needs get a different one, find a differnt line of work. No one said this life was easy or fair...you go around once, why be so miserable? Yeah, I have a great DH who provides for me, something wrong with that? Kind of feel sorry for you!
Brace yourself for a lot of negativity...nm


It's really strange that you post this when there is no negativity here,
as I perceive it anyway, for the recent posts.  Why bother when the recent posts seem so positive and helpful?  And, as I scan down through all of today's posts I guess I missed the negative ones, cuz it all looked pretty positive and helpful to me. 
Does anybody else get tired of the rude negativity on these boards?

Do your research. open your mind.  Get a clue.  Hello, McFly!  It's always the same old people spouting the same old nonsense with nothing to back their statements except unsubstantiated personal opinions.  No facts, just blowhard opinions.  I've had it with the constant negativity.  I'm not helping anybody any more on the Word, Drug or Style boards.  I'm not helping newbies or the technically challenged.  YOU WIN, TROLLS!  You can have the boards because I quit coming here PERIOD.

Poor thing, your negativity is showing
Keep in mind you will find lots of negativity here
Take it all as a whole. Don't put too much stock into just a few negative people.  I've gotta tell you, there are a lot of bitter people here.  Sure, I understand that MT wages have gone down over the years, according to the long-timers.  However, I quit a very good paying job 5 years ago as a government employee to stay at home with my daughter.  After about a year, I decided to pursue MT, researched all over the place, and eventually started the Andrews School course.  About 3 months after starting the course, I replied to an ad for a student to do SOAP notes. I got the job, and long story short, I never did finish the course because I've been too busy working the last 4 or so years.  I now make about $22-$25 an hour.  If I have really quiet, uninterrupted time, I can make more than that. I work as both an employee and as an IC.  I'm a team leader and an account manager.  If I was only making $10/hour after 3 or 4 years, I'd consider switching fields because that's just not good, but if you have the right combination of skills, i.e. excellent grammar, fast typist, good researcher, good memory, ability to roll with the punches, then it may be an option for you.  I guess my point is, the MTs at this particular site can be very negative, so look around before you just say forget it.  The old "I could make more working at Walmart" argument is one of their favorites.
You are the one who started this negativity calling people fools. You are the one
who started this whole discussion.  Now you are surprised someone disputes you?  OMG!  If this wasn't so funny I would be genuinely concerned about your mental health.
Just do a search and read the posts. There are plenty of posts about OSI on this board. nm.
Computer Generated Image or Computer graphic image

No you wouldn't. You wouldn't like being required to work 7 days per week, mandatory, just like a sweat shop. Of course YOU can make huge amounts of money too if you work 18 hour days.
Of course, I should add that the previous pay was MQ and after the changes that
I have an HP...my previous one was also
an HP and I loved it. My main problem is getting sound to record. I have found that most of my programs work well with Vista. I did speak to HP today and they told me to uninstall sound card and reinstall but I have not tried it yet. They said if it did not work I would have to send it in :(
not this job, but previous one did.
Who was your previous employer? I'm more
interested in making "insane amounts of money" than if an employer is nice to me. That's my personal preference.

Mind telling me who your previous was?

Given her previous behavior
she would probably accuse you of molesting her if you did try to hug her.
My previous HIM director was sm
a true psychowitch.  One day nice as pie and would give you the world. The next day, a bug would bite her and you would spend the next two weeks on all the garbage reports, worst ESL's.  I got out. She liked me but didn't like the fact that I didn't suck up or tattle.  She hid in a meeting on my last day of work.  I went on call but got so busy with my new job that I wasn't able to come in three times when she called so she fired me. How's that for being a witch. She had one other gal on call for a year that didn't come in when she was called and as far as I know, she is still on call. Go figure.
No the previous poster, but I have one...
I like this one. Not sure if you have it or not. The nice thing is that it covers all the states and you can do a sound a like search as well. If you don't find what you are looking for in the AMA results you can just click below the results on "View Non Members" and that will take you to another listing of physicians. I love this site.

Previous DQS uster
That would depend on the new program.  I went from DQS last November to MedRite XL and my count plumeted from 260 an hour to about 100 an hour the first few weeks, but keep in mind I was learning three new accounts at the time.  Right now I am at about 220 lines per hour unless I get five 10-minute ESL docs in a row.  Just a very cumbersome program. 
see previous message above
"Pled" is an American term. The correct word is actually "pleaded."
sm to previous thanx message
Just went back to previous

job at a doctors practice for a lunch with past co-workers and friends... after that I'm always glad that I left for transcribing at home.  Love alot the people I worked with and even my bosses but hated the rest of the crap that goes with an office, every day a new crisis, etc.  When I'm feeling down about transcribing and all the junk that can get you bogged down at home, I just need to make a visit back to the old job site and it makes me realize how lucky I am... not that there aren't things that could be better in the MT at home world, but it sure beats what I would have still been doing if I didn't make the move home.  Just wish I could bring a few of my friends with me, but I was the only Transcriptionist in that bunch.   Just trying to keep smiling!

One of the ones in the previous post.
There in no guarantee with any of the options that you will have service everywhere you go.   If you travel mostly in major cities an air card might be an option.  The monthly fee is usually $60+ and I don't know if you have to sign a contract.   If you have to be connected to the internet all the time now to work (can't download work and then get off-line) then working in the car isn't going to be an option. 
set up by previous owner
wasn't it???
They pulled that on me at my previous job. I could
Don't put them down as a previous employer
etc.  Same thing happened to me and I had no problem as soon as I took them off my resume.  Good luck
Um have you read any of your posts and the other posts? I think everyone DOES believe me..you

All previous messages can be viewed...
within archives. Click the URL below:
Sounds like you might as well be FT with those #s-- at a previous job the min. for PT was 5000
lines every 2 weeks.  Granted it got to a point where there was no work so it was impossible to meet quota, but if there was work you had better meet it.....then we had a landslide of work, about 90% ESL.....all the good stuff apparently went up in smoke  (they outsourced to the Phillipines).
Did you READ the previous message
I was being sarcastic about being called a "typist". After all, isn't patient care enhanced by ACCURATE and COMPLETE medical records? I would like to think I contribute, albeit modestly, to a patient's care. Don't you ever ask to see your records and check them for accuracy? Couldn't an omission or error result in a problem down the line? It HAS happened!

curious - to you and previous poster
Is there any particular reason why you would not want to use the computer they supply for their work and would rather use your own?  I am contemplating a similar job change, and thought I would use the computer the company supplies and keep my own for my personal use.  Less wear and tear on mine.  - no?
Accesss previous reports
Sounds like your user settings are set up so that you are not allowed to remotely review your previous reports.  I'd suggestyou speak with your account manager to see if this could be enabled for you, or if there is another reason.
Is there a way for me to go back and see what actions from the previous
week went for?   I have something identical to an auction and I had been watching it, although had not marked it, and it ended today and I want to go back and see what the final bid was and then also would like to go back a week or so and see if there were similar items auctioned and the final bids. 
I didn't get any of what you said from the previous post
I think the poster was just saying that nationals do those things mentioned.  Nowhere was it said in her post that nationals are crooks.  Those are your words and you're trying to put them in her post because she she contradicted your theory. 
Still INFJ. We had to take these at a few of my previous employers.
I actually got denied promotion for being an INFJ. Go figure. Then another supervisor told me I was the exact type of employee they were trying to avoid because INFJs are two-faced backstabbers. I've never been like that. If I have a problem with someone, I'll measure the severity of the situation then tell them to their face. Nothing two-faced there. I don't think those personality tests are an accurate projection of a person's future actions or successes. They shouldn't be used in employment or managerial decisions.
any previous nurses MTing now?

Hi there, I have been an MT for 4 1/2 years now, and I enjoy it for the most part, but I've really been thinking of finishing my BSN degree.  I had started college as a nursing major back in 1988, but dropped out after two years of completion of the prerequisite classes.  I have always had an interest in the medical field so MT'ing has been interesting, but I've really been wanting to finish up my nursing degree though, I have always regretted not finishing it.  Especially when I do the operative eports I really would like to be in the operating room working.  So, anyway, I have put my application in for the BSN program again and waiting to see if I get readmitted.  Are there are any former nurses out there who are MT'ing on this board, or perhaps any nurses doing MT'ing too who have any opinions?  Or are there any other fellow MT's going to nursing school on here and have any input about it?  If you are a previous nurse who is now a MT how come, and vice versa, if there are any MT's who are presently in nursing school please let me know how it is going for you. 

If your DD has previous skills she can post
resume on the on-line sites like monster.com.   There are few jobs that are legit.  If they require $$ upfront you can bet they are a scam.