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Pretty presumptious on your part. I work my own schedule,

Posted By: jus me on 2005-11-29
In Reply to: A question for you who work off schedule. - Curious

off schedule according to you. I can work when I want, that's what an IC does. Yes, if we're working at the same time then we're both working, that's what we do. You presume too much to think that people who don't work regular set hours and who work when they want to make their line counts are also cherry pickers. Getting petty here and this sounds like it's just to start trouble. Bravo!

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I've pretty much just done the informative part so far.
Download software, fill in personal information, sorting through receipts, printing off from my accounting program. I'm trying to do it a little bit every week instead of staying up all night to get it done.
pretty much all my docs think neck is part of HEENT...I edit them. nm

what? i have a schedule to work.
i said it sounds like a mgmt problem. it does. mgmt is who allows people to work off schedule.

geez, get over it.
I always work off-schedule when there
is the need. What I am talking about is those who not only work their schedule, but other MT's schedules as well and take work away from others. To answer your question, the type of MT business where other MTs are allowed to infringe on someone else's schedule after already working their own, is definitely not my idea of how the MT business should be run. Greed is ugly no matter how you try to dress it up and make it pretty.
work schedule
Is it just me? Every single company that I have investigated is now insisting on a schedule of either Sunday-Thursday or Tuesday-Saturday. Why can't I work Monday-Friday?! I don't mind a rotating weekends a couple times a month, but I'd really like to have my weekends for me and the kids! Okay my vent is over...I feel a little better now.
I used to work the same schedule.
This is what worked for me:

You have to stay in the graveyard shift even on weekends. It won't work trying to change on weekends. If you choose to work through the night, you'll need to live that schedule 7 days a week.

If you are sleeping immediately after your shift, you might need to allow about an hour to relax or settle a bit before attempting sleep. I always allowed myself to get a hot shower before going to bed. Helped me relax.

Don't drink any caffeinated beverages the last 4-5 hours of your shift. Don't drink/eat anything the last 2 hours before you plan to go to bed. It all interferes with sleep.

I had sound/light-cancelling window treatments in my bedroom and used a sound machine with nature sounds, not music. Music tends to engage your mind rather most of the time.

The ear plugs, I tried and did not like. Dark mask, I tried and did not like. I sure did not want to take any drugs just to get sleep.

You might have to have a few rough days/nights to get into it. Don't nap. Only sleep when you're supposed to.

Not everyone is cut out for it. And it is damaging to the body. I remember seeing a news documentary on the effects of 3rd shift on heart disease being as significant as smoking a pack a day.

work schedule - sm
Last summer, I was running out of work all the time, using PTO and time off without pay and making up time at night to try to make my lines. After much soul-searching, I decided to change my schedule to evenings. My CCM allowed me to "try" the new schedule for two weeks and see how I liked it. Like you, when I run out of my BOB, I work on other accounts. I have only run out of work a few times since last summer (mostly when the system went down for some reason). There is plenty of work during my shift, and I consider myself quite malleable when it comes to covering other shifts (like you) when requested, working overtime when the work is heavy, and picking up new accounts. I do not consider this an injustice. I consider it an opportunity. I guess that is why I have lasted in this field for so long. MTs have to learn that they are not self-employed. They work for a COMPANY. That means they are committed to the company's needs. At least that's my attitude. I enjoy my work, have good rapport with my CCM, and have a sense of pride in what I do, and - did I mention? - I am also making a living at it.
If greedy MTs would work their schedule...
management would not have to remind them to stop stealing work from another MTs schedule.
A question for you who work off schedule.
Do you also cherry pick in order to get those all important lines and extra bucks?  It would seem to me that someone who doesn't care about his fellow MTs as far as line counts, would be someone that doesn't care across the board.  So screw them any way you can, right?  Take all the lines your greedy little hands can grab and also make sure those lines are the cream of the crop, as well.  Might as well give the other MTs the shaft all around.
I have to work a schedule for each company.
I have lots of breaks in my schedule though. I've done this a long time. In my younger years, I went through a phase of feeling burned out but I was able to work through it. Now, I know how much money I need/want to make and just do it.

Some days it is much more difficult than others. Gotta admit to that. Most of the time, though, I hit it pretty hard at the first of my shift with each company so by the time I'm finishing up, I don't have to work as hard.

schedule for those doing pool work

I mentioned this in my previous post, but thought I would post a new topic since it is specific to pool workers.

Can those of you who do pool work tell me how you schedule your day?  Do you aim for XX lines, XX hours, etc.?

Also, do you sit down for a straight XX hours or do batches?





You go by your schedule and have no work. Everytime I get on to work, there is always work.
Most jobs want a set schedule for work at home, from what I can tell -sm
there are very few that allow you to work when you want to anymore. I have 2 luckily that are 24 hour TAT so as long as I meet deadline they don't care when I work. You will unlikely find an at home job where you make much more than $10 an hour since ESL is 80% of any job anymore. So if that trade off is worth it for you, less money, more freedom, go for it.
No, though my husband does use it to print out his work schedule for
but that is it. He has his own work laptop but no printer to it. Kids have my old computer to use for now but Santa is bringing a new one supposedly (Uncle and GPs say they are buying one, we will see).
We were specifically instructed to work our schedule
and that working off the clock was not permissable, that nowhere was working off the clock permitted. That if the acct required us outside of our shift, we would be called by management. It is to prevent taking work from the scheduled MTs (as well as unapproved OT.

So, I am not dreaming this up. This was made clear. They gave us a shift to work, we clock in and clock out during those shifts. If they need us after our shift is up, they will contact us.

I work as an IC, get .105 with full -time schedule. NM
Also, I work a set schedule w/the hosp but the online co
hours are more flexible (because I'm IC status).  I took out my own health insurance, so I'm not bound to any company, just in case. 
ICs are not required to work a specific schedule, true? SM

I had my meeting today with the HIM director of one of my accounts.  My contract is to do all the clinic work and provide 24 to 48 TAT.  Today, the director tells me she wants me to log in no later than 9:30 a.m. Monday through Friday.

I, of course, balked at this.  I basically outlined the terms of our contract which states that I will give them 24 to 48 hour TAT, but that I am not required to adhere to a specific work schedule.  I set my own hours.  I don't necessarily have a problem logging in by 9:30 a.m. most days, but there are some days when I have morning appointments and commitments and let's face it, that's why I'm an IC, so I can have that flexibility!

I don't think this lady has any concept of what an IC is or what a contract is for that matter.  She acts like I'm her employee.  She tells me she has looked into some of the national companies and that they can guarantee her a set schedule.  I'm sorry but I only charge her 0.12 cpl, I print up the work and deliver it three times a week.  Plus I'm picking up tapes and transcribing them as well!

I think it's time for her to see what else is out there.  What do you guys think?

They do work pretty well, but.......
Hate to have to wear them for work, as it is so hot here they slide down my face. So far at my ripe old age of 58, I only need them for driving.
I work 2 jobs and have my hours set pretty good. First

job is Sun through Wed 6 am to 2:30 pm, since we only need 32 hours for benefits. Second job is 8-11 pm Sun through Wed. I work both jobs at home so on Thurs. and Fri. I volunteer at the middle school so I get a chance to get out of the house and deal with other people. I got lucky because both jobs pay every other week but on different weeks so it worked out that I get paid every week.

I also work from tapes and pretty much plan my day/weekends the way you do. sm
Agree with posters below-you owe nobody an explanation/excuse. It is your business/career to do as you see fit. Good luck.
I work for a hospital that is pretty liberal as far as formatting goes. SM

They have a basic template that they like us to adhere to as far as headings, font, font size, etc.  However, when it comes to more detailed formatting, they really have no set standards and leave it to our best judgment.

My question is regarding the medication heading.  Do you list the medications in a numbered list or in paragraph form?  I have a friend who is a nurse and she says the clinical staff, i.e. Nurses and Doctors like to have the medications in a numbered list because it makes finding them in a report a whole lot easier.  So would you list them even if the dictator is not saying "number 1, 2, 3,..."?

I'm pretty sure they told us it would not work with Word 2003 at all. NM
I work for a national. Most of the time the voices are pretty good, but

I have been getting some of late that have background noices, door slamming, people talking,  Sometimes the doc will stop talking but the noices sound so close to him that it is annoying.  Do you think the sound card would interfere with my company's computer?  It sounds nice to have even though it does not help the background stuff.   I guess that is a good question for tech.  Thanks again! 

That is okay. Yes I do work for a service. The doctor uploads directly to me and he is pretty reg
Thanks for your input.
I work part of second! 7-11
VERY hard to get - a few companies have rad tied up pretty tight. The hospital I work for sm
will not even look at a new company for radiology. The TAT is too tight, the IS issues complex, and the radiologists do not want to have to proof their reports. You would be better off with medical records or small offices to start to build your size and reputation.

part-time work
www.thomastx.com - Hope to hear from you soon. Dee
ICs, anyone work part of year as
and then change over? I have become totally spoiled. Started IC late in the year so about 2 months total but now is a new year and I am pondering about going to a part-time employee rather than me having to do the tax but wondered if I could wait just a littleeee longer before I have to give you know who all my money???
If you are only looking to work part-time (sm)

why not put an ad in the yellow pages for a word processing or typing service?  Typing is becoming outdated and I wouldn't waste the time and money on school.  Besides it takes a long time to get up to speed.

I'm the one who posted below about seeking medical care.  So now I have a nerve compression in the neck after years of being hooked up to a machine typing.  So the time deadlines add to the stress and do not help either.  I will try to enjoy my early retirement, I'm pretty young for a nerve compression.

Part-Time Work?
I am interested in training as an MT and would only want to work PT. Is it realistic to think this is possible?

My husband already has great benifits so that is not an issue. And I do not need full-time income, just enough so he does not have to travel so much.

Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!
I've found this resource pretty useful for rehab work. Link inside.

Have this as one of my bookmarks - found this handy whilst handling rehab work. Hope this helps!


Clinic MT looking for part-time work
Clinic MT with 3+ years experience in family practice, internal medicine, ENT, and cardiology looking for part-time work.  Prefer to work in Word, 2000+ lines per week.
That's a big part of the reason I work from home.
I can't deal with traffic any more.  People are just horrible, rude, dangerous drivers these days.  It's not just older people or teenagers, it's EVERYONE!!!  Like George Carlin always said, they're all jerks and *&$*%^* out there.  I get absolutely tense and exhausted when I have to drive a lot.  I don't even live in a big city.  That really scares me, like when I drove around Las Vegas on vacation.  I used to race (amateur) stock and muscle cars, and it's safer on the track than on the street.  As it is, some stupid guy rear-ended my husband in my car, so I have to get it fixed now anyways.
part time work at home
medquist will provide partc time work and equipment, call 1800dictate for more info or apply online
I work part time for Spheris...(sm)
They will hire you part time for the hours you're looking for; however, they don't hire IC status, which is what I wanted.

Spheris is not working out for me at all, but maybe it'll be what you're looking for.

Good luck!
I work 2 part-time IC jobs..sm
I feel like I have more stability that way just incase I want to leave one job or run out of work I always have a back-up.
You can't leave out the part where you are TIED DOWN to the work and can't take off.
I only work part time statutory and
full time with another company, I have a little bit extra withheld from my FT job each paycheck. I try to save 30% of my SE job pay to have on hand when tax time comes, even though I don't need that much, it covers me for everything plus after tax time I still have money in savings. It does depend a lot on your life though, what deductions you have, what tax bracket, etc. I am single with no kids, so I wind up in a higher tax bracket, therefore feel comfortable only when I save more.
Well, part of the reason I do NOT work in an office sm

is so that I CAN take the time to stop and feed my child, or put a band-aid on a scraped knee, or read a quick story...  My children are a priority to me and the distraction they cause is acceptable for me.  That doesn't make my work ethic any less than yours IMO, I work more hours probably.  I work some nights after the rest of my family is sleeping.  My work ethic is such that I get my work done and still give time to my children when they need it.


Yes, you can train as an MT and only work part time. sm
But the training period on average is 2-4 years, depending on how you go about it and what you want to do. If you have excellent spelling, grammar and listening skills, you have a chance. In order to do acute-care work, you would probably be wisest to train through one of the on-line schools recommended by AAMT (whatever the initials), since they are recognized by the national companies and you can get a job, if your grades are good.

If you just want to try for a clinic job and you have some background in medical terminology, you MIGHT find someone willing to work with you as a trainee, but that is difficult.

Any way you look at it, it will be several years before you can expect much if any income. In my experience, most MTs make between $12-$20 an hour, depending on their speed and luck finding the right job, and years of training.
I work two part-time jobs
and that seems to keep it more interesting for me. I work on two different platforms. One is a small hospital where I am an IC, and the other is an MTSO where my account is a huge hospital. I think having to juggle the two jobs, supervisors, etc., keeps me more distracted. But, yeah, it can get really boring at times.

I quit for 2 years a few years ago because I was seriously burned out and felt brain dead, but when I started looking for work again could not stand the thought of going to an office, so here I am again.
Pitiful actually but I only work part-time..sm
I work part time for the same place and same account I started as a newbie 1-1/2 years ago. I cannot find a job with more work because I either don't have 2 years exp or I don't have acute care exp. I have sent numerous resumes. So far now I am destined to make very little income while gaining the exp I need for a better job. Thank God my husband has a good job.

1. Approximately $600.

2. This is just one job only part time sometimes as little as 11 hours a week. On a good week 20 hours. Haven't seen 20 hours in a while.

3. Rate is .075 cpl.

4. About $2500 for food and bills and gas.

5. I would be $1,900 short of enough to make it if it wasn't for husband. :( All I can do is keep trying and maybe in 6 more months when I have the 2 year exp. someone will actually hire me. Believe me I have applied at SO many places.
I work part time at my daughter's college sm
book store, looking for something else to do besides MT, I am bored.
hospitals will allow you benefits if you work part time sm
They will cost you a little but still a HUGE savings on paying all on your own.
I would quit. I work part time and only make about
$250 a week.  Just having become a grandma would influence my decision! I can't keep my hands off the little one!  1K a week would suite me just fine!  To bad I don't play the lottery. 
You're right about the "prehistoric" part! The place I used to work (sm)
uses Lanier, and it's a mess. It's WORSE than prehistoric. It was down more than it was up. It was also not at all friendly for at-home MTs, either.
Here is part of the email my husband received from his IT department at work..sm
It has been widely reported that a newly discovered Windows flaw will result in several new computer viruses over the next few days.

This new virus is launched by visiting web sites that are infected with this virus or by receiving infected e-mails. You will not be able to know if the web site is infected.

The anti-virus software vendors are working on a system update to fix this issue, but as of now, it has not been provided. Also, Microsoft is working on a patch that will fix the root cause of this problem.

Makes me very nervous also!
Have Part Time Flexible Work in the evenings available, have emailed you. nm
Any suggestions for a good MT for part time other than MQ as far as a nice company to work for. I
think it is time for a change about now.
Part-time work using Extext/word client/dictaphone
Anyone know any companies that are hiring that use this system?  I really want to start part-time and then probably commit to full time later.  I really want a company that supplies your equipment!  Thanks.