Pooling--how is this figured out?
Posted By: another mt on 2005-07-22
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Day to day how to companies/managers figure out what pool to put you into?
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I figured it out... nm
You are SO RIGHT!! Figured that
out awhile ago. Garbage in, garbage out! I make 7 cpl and don't have all day...
figured it out
geez -- I had to go to the second option but was in a PANIC -- thanks for your help didnt see the little backwards P symbol but did go into tools and figured it out
The way I figured it out (sm)
One of the MTSOs I worked for wanted perfect everything. Then we were to look up all names since we were never given spelling and this took an extremely long time. Then the MTSO threatened to not pay us if we didn't look up the names.
Simply put, I decided it wasn't worth my time and quit.
That's what I figured. Thanks! (nm)
I figured it out. *nm*
i figured as much
I've just been switched to another account to help out another transcription service - which was an account that I understood to be solely an account of the company I work for now - so they are either losing it or they never had the entire account to begin with. this MTing after 15 years is driving me crazy - i think it may be time to move on.
I figured it out!!! sm
For some reason unknown to me, my husband was messing around on my computer last night and turned ON the User Account Control. I have told him many, many, many times that this feature needs to be OFF in order for me to do my job. He always listens so well! I will be placing a lock on the door to this room and he will not be allowed in here anymore.
I figured it out. Thanks anyway!
I figured that one out before
I read your post. Dah!!! Oh well, we are all entitled to a brain holiday, right?
I figured it out...
The NCH website has converter software that I downloaded. Works great. thanks to all who helped.
I figured it was the same because I am
able to read between the lines and saw on the Main and the Company posting the same time. People are running scared from VR and thus the question above which I consider legit.
Surprised you just figured this out.
Not trying to be nasty or anything, I just thought it has been broadcast so many times. The people of means (AKA - the ones who worked) left the city when the evacuation order went out. The others had to stay there and rely on the mayor who would not take them out in school buses, he wanted air conditioned Greyhounds. Please, give me a break. His head ought to roll with Michael Brown's, AND the governor's.
i've figured it out myself :-)
never mind figured out.
I figured doing this for 10+ years I could
Sidestep into an editing position for a magazine or something similar, since the MT business seems to be going downhill, and also since I do write as a hobby. I have short stories, journals, poetry, but all personal things, I don't know if that could be a part of my resume or not. There are many positions out there, you'd be surprised. Also the pay is great to start for an editor. You do have a point about degrees. I think kids are pushed into college at an early age, not experiencing life or knowing what they want, and end up spending thousands on a degree in which they do not pursue or are unhappy in. I have an aquaintance who went to school and got a degree in social work and she is now an accountant. Seems like a waste of mom and dads money. I'm glad I waited to go get my degree even though its really hard going to school at my age, but there is no doubt in my mind that a psych degree is right for me.
Well those of us that have figured it out know your game :)
At least I know enough to offer to make my husband a sandwich when he's looking through the new truck section in the paper.
Works every time.
I figured you must be worried....sm
I know you're worried and I don't even know you. However, knowing insurance, if you go before the insurance kicks in, they (the insurance after it kicks in) will see this as a preexisting condition and may not cover future treatment. IF you can wait 12 days (because even if it was serious, and it may not be serious, 12 days won't make any difference, outside of possibly allaying your fears). 12 days will gallop by!!! I feel bad for you because you're anxious and I'm the same way about these things. Hope you do well !!!!!
never mind, got it figured out! nm
I figured Cirie would go far-sm
I like seeing someone who is not terribly athletic be in the final 2. Terry is competetive and athletic but his sensitivity chip is absent. Shane was a character and made it interesting to watch. Loved seeing him with his son. They'll be fine. Why hasn't Aras stepped up and won any challenges? Strategy? Or just not capable?
Duh. I figured it out, it's positive. nm
I figured you were Carly... sm
You are in this profession for the right reasons in my opinion. Keep up the good work, and you know what? Good things will come your way, I promise you that!
See I figured you had a backbone.
Now use it. Quit letting people push you around especially the MTSO you work for. Can you say "scape goat". That prior remark that I made was a test. You PASSED with flying colors. I wanted to see if you would reply to me, and you did! Now apply that response you gave me to your "don't feel like lookin' nuffin ups"!!!!!! Then you'll have more time to "dream in Cali"!!!! 100 wpm is great, and it sounds like you have a lot to offer! Keep up the good work, but just don't do it for free! Hope you're not mad at me.....
figured it out and learned something new,....
thanks everyone...this has taken me forever to just get one thing done...thanks.
Hey, got it figured and fixed!
I went to the Nuance/Dictaphone web site and looked at their information base and lo and behold, there was the problem and solution. Apparently it's common with Windows XP or 2000 and they recommend a particular file download, DPVoicer1132.exe. I did that and ran it and after rebooting, problem fixed!
Thought maybe an update might help someone doing a search on here in the future.
figured he would understand
Since he is a doctor and a dictator, I thought he would respect and appreciate the work I am doing. Instead, he seems to recent that I am staying home, working more hours and making less money. It just does not make sense to him at all. So, it makes me wonder, am I the one who is crazy for doing this to myself? I do work all day, 12-15 hours since I have 2 companies, but I just love it. He seems to think I am just addicted to the computer.
Sort of figured as much...
Heard some horror stories much like you describe. Thank you anyway.
figured it was a hot topic
just wasn't sure. any other "secrets" I should know about?
That's what I figured. Thanks! (nmsg)
Yes, that's what I figured, and I agree.
However, the post you were responding to was about a scam artist. I was guessing you didn't know what they were talking about, and that's why I explained it.
lol. I figured my fingers
got all jumbled up and I somehow did it to myself. It would be quite a coincidence if we both jumbled up the same way at the same time, I think. Maybe we can get some help from the site administrators.
They probably figured you'd cost too much and
these companies surely do not want to offer anything a USA MT is worth. And they probably would rather insult you by failing you on the test, than your insulting them by refusing their low offer. A lot of us oldies with great quality get the same treatment. Or they say we are prima donnas or something, which really means we are not suckers. LOL.
Thanks, just took a closer look and figured -sm
it out, boy do I feel like a dope, been using this for years since it first came out, actually tested it for them, but just thought you were stuck in that 34 char. phrase box. Guess I need to learn how to READ. Well I am glad to learn something new, and it will help me be a little faster in the future, thanks!
I figured it out....So nevermind
I feel really stupid, but I was checking online to find a resolution to my problem and found a reminder to make sure the box is checked to expand quickwords when you type them. How that box got unchecked I don't know, but anyway, problem solved!
Figured it out - sorta
Well for anyone else dealing with this "hot mess" :)
I believe the test file is somehow in review mode instead of transcription mode because the instructions given me by company correspond to review. But if you just hit the play pedal and tap the backspace pedal at same time, it backspaces incrementally. I never found out how to program it, but this works for now for testing.
Nevermind - I figured it out.. nm
that's too funny! And you figured out what he was saying...dang
Think I figured it out -- medical editing???
Guess you haven't figured it out yet: Your job is to
If I cannot show them acceptance, love, and understanding REGARDLESS of their beliefs or acceptance of mine, then I'm no Christian.
What a terrible example one is to berate and force others to hear their side.
Thanks - I figured a $50 check; wasn't sure.
Hayseed, I just figured out that was a pig in your picture!
Regarding pay raises, I am paid hourly. I work for a fairly large multispecialty clinic. Last week we got a 3% COLA raise. I've been there four years and I've gotten a raise every year.
I figured it up and even at 10 cpl, this doc is not worth my time...nm
If you had figured correctly, you would not GET a big return
It is your money to start with. It is up to you to figure out what you should pay. If you are getting a huge amount back, then it is your fault. The IRS does not just OWE you money. You have it figured all wrong. If people lose their homes or cannot pay their bills due to their not getting refund, IT IS THEIR OWN FAULT- they paid in too much, not the other way.
Good job! I'd've never figured that out.
probably be easier to put a password on the computer so he (or anyone else) can't even turn it on. Actually, I have no idea if it would be easier since I've never done this myself (my husband gets that my computer = $$$, so he is well controlled in that regard).
me too - I figured it must be the lawsuit as I am not an employee any longer nm
Everything else was within normal range, so I figured she misstated.
figured it out, tools, options, format! NM
I have had this happen many times and I finally figured out that it had to do
with ExText and Shorthand. If you close ShortHand and then restart Shorthand, the caps all the time thing will go away. Unfortunately, every time it happens you will have to do this.
YES! I figured it out! A few weeks ago I posted a question SM
about Dictaphone EXSpeech, my wave volume on my pc's master volume controls kept turning down automatically after each VR job and I couldn't figure out why. Well, after much research, having both the tech people at the hospital where I work and the Dictaphone/Nuance tech support people telling they had never heard of that problem, I figured it out.
And since someone on here had told me it was a quirk with Dictaphone, I wanted to share because I thought it my help her out too. When you are in a document in Word Client Correction Editor, you hit F2 and that is your volume control, make sure you turn it all the way up, click okay and bingo it's fixed. Apparently, that particular volume setting in Word Client is connected to the master wave volume control on your PC. If it it is at the lowest setting, then your master volume control will reset after each job. If it is turned all the way up, that is your master volume control will stay.
Excuse my excitement, but it was driving me nuts having to manually turn up my volume with each job. As many MTs know, one little annoyance can wreck a whole day!
Sorry, based on above posts of others, figured the average age was kindergarten! Am I too old??
I'm not an offshore supporter - Why aren't you big and brave enough to post YOUR real name on here and then we can all take pot shots at YOU by name. Or are we scared to do that??? Wah, wah...
I figured it out----yes you can adjust the speed and here's how to do it. Hope this helps someone
There are a couple of ways to adjust playback speed.
1. Right-click on the Windows Media Player 10 title bar, choosing "Play" - "Play Speed" and selecting "Fast", "Normal", or "Slow".
Or, for more intricate adjustments:
1. Click the "Now Playing" tab.
2. Right-click on the Windows Media Player 10 title bar, choosing "View" - "Enhancements" - "Play Speed Settings".
3. A panel should appear at the bottom of the "Now Playing" tab.
- Click "Slow", "Normal", or "Fast" for basic play speed settings.
- Move the slider to the left to slow the playback; moving the slider to the right speeds up playback. For reference:
"Slow" speed is 0.5 "Normal" speed is 1.0 "Fast" speed is 1.4
If you're having trouble moving the slider, uncheck "Snap slider to common speeds" to allow speed changes across the slider bar. Note that some files may not correctly play at speeds less than 0.5.