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Physical fitness exams DO NOT require

Posted By: sm on 2009-02-16
In Reply to: From NY Dept of Labor, exam is required sm - HappyFlaMT

breast exams. We are required to have them for school before certain grades in our state, and never do they do breast or GYN exams on kids.

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Depends on the company. Some companies require it; others do not. Some don't require it
if you promise that you will seek your certification at some point in the future. Other companies could care less if you are certified at all at any time.
Physical um um um Thrappy for physical therapy!
Fitness made simple, John Basedow
it really DOES work
Fitness Mag. says turn up your exercise a notch, alternate workout routines, and add more weights
Rad exams
I have heard of these 100+ reports in an 8-hr day. I work on 2 different a/c's with 2 different methods of calculating lines. I do many MRI/CTs that are 40-50 lines or more. Interventionals are 100+ lines. 70-80 reports constitutes about 1700-1800 gross lines. No one on the a/c's I work on types more than 100 reports in a day - and these are top-notch MTs. I am waiting to work on an a/c where people type 150 reports a day - simply because I want to see what these reports are like.
Here's the scoop on the RMT and CMT exams...
From what I understand, the RMT is an entry level test which means nothing basically.  My employer doesn't pay anything for it.  However, we get a dollar an hour raise for passing the CMT, which is worth roughly 2000 dollars a year for me, so as useless as people like to say it is, would you take 2000 dollars or say "no thanks."  I know many employers pay nothing for it, in which case I wouldn't pursue it, but since mine does, I will probably try to pass it in the next year or so.  I hear the pass rate is abysmally low, which makes me wonder what is up with that. 
Exams Dictated But Not Done
I transcribe for a local multispecialty clinic and have seen many of my own reports. It just gripes my butt when the doctor dictates a standard physical exam and I know for a fact that he/she hasn't even touched me. Did not check my heart, lungs, abdomen, neuro, extremities, etc. The only things that are legit are the vital signs. It's like if I come in for a sore throat he looks at my throat but nothing else. My fibromyalgia clinic NP only talks to me - no exam at all - yet she dictates an exam, review of systems (that we didn't even talk about). She will say conjunctivae and lids are clear; PERLA, etc., and she hasn't even gotten within 6 feet of my eyes. This just doesn't seem right. And when you have labs or other tests, they NEVER call you back with the results. My PCP never suggests any preventive testing - I have to ask for it myself. I know they're not all like that but my eyes are opened much wider than they used to be. It's all about getting it done in under 15 minutes and on to the patient in the next room. 
Does the state pay for exams, or is
this out of your pocket???
I read that about the college exams! sm

I don't think my son will have a problem. He wants to be a pharmacist. I've tried to talk him out of it and have tried to have him concentrate on his writing.

He has written several stories that have won awards.

Pharmacists are being held up at gunpoint for OxyContin. Scares the jeez out of me!

Oh well, you gotta let them choose what they want to do for a career unless they decide to deal drugs instead of dispense them legally.

5-10 of each a day with 2 others on acct doing 350-400 exams daily
Works out good if you are paid by exam which I hope you are.
We have three tiers, after 700 exams a week. 1.46/exam
We are happy with this, at least I am.
Don't have a favorite but HATE opthalmology. Everything about it, exams, ops, just everything! nm
The first thing I think of is independent medical exams. NM
Well, was thinking people were not going to doctor's appt or scheduling exams.
foreign med school gradutes take separate board exams..nm
which are different than American med school grads. There was an article in The NY Times indicating that new regulations are being pushed that would require foreign med school graduates to take a two-part board exam to practice medicine here, with one part of the exam being English proficiency. Hmmm..that should be interesting. I don't think you have all of your facts straight.
see what I mean? LOL ... physical not physician...
physical lines
If you are on DQS,the physical line (the line you see) in the text is not the 65-character line you are paid by. And the number of characters in that line can vary depending on how high/low you have your text zoom (smaller font would be more characters on a line and fewer with large font).

Your lines are calculated by dividing the amount of characters in a report by 65. It has nothing to do with the "line" you see on the report.

The best way to be sure DQS is counting your lines correctly is to import a report into a word processing program that counts characters, divide that amount by 65, and see if it matches your DQS count. I've done this and it is correct including spaces and the red headers.

Hope this is what you were asking and hope this helps :)
Did you get physical address??
Did you get the name of her company and the physical address?  Phone number?  There is a lesson to be learned here -- you still need to get all of this info in case something like this happens again.   Unless you have a physical address you cannot send a demand letter with return receipt or serve her with papers or anything.  Hopefully you do have that and can send her a written certified letter demanind payment within 10 days.  Then onto small claims court.   But none of this is possible without a physical address.    Good luck.  If you have her full name or business name and city -- you might be able to do a search to find a phone number.   Did her check to you have a phone number on it?  I always take a copy of the front of checks at least the first one so that I have their account number, etc.  Also shows payment.   Let us know how it comes out.
Physical Therapy
I have a physical therapist interested in me doing his transcription.  It is a small office, they only work about 3 days a week, and I was wondering what to charge him per line? I currently work for an eye dr. making .11 a line and a service for .09. I may have to travel once a week to pick up tapes?(hope not) Any feedback is appreciated.
What?! You are WRONG? Physical Therapy - more than that.
Pharmacy - WAAAAY more than that.  In fact, I don't think ANY of those pay $12 to $18 an hour.  You really should open your eyes and look around.
DH would be outpatient, and then physical therapy.
He has decided not to have surgery, at least not now.   He would be out of work 3 weeks without short-term disability and only 1 week of sick pay, plus he says we can't afford surgery.   While that is true, if you need it, you need it.  I think he's as much scared as anything.  The only surgery he has ever had was a vasectomy under a local and he refuses to take anything stronger than Tylenol.    He isn't hurting now, no swelling, etc. so it isn't like he is in daily pain.  I've tried to talk him into the surgery because we've met our deductibles and while it isn't that much we would have to start over with that, but I can't make him do it. 
Physical Therapy Transcripiton

Hello! I'm looking for any of you that are experienced as Physical Therapy transcriptionists. Can anyone give me a head's up about transcribing in this specialty? I've done psychiatric for the past five years and am pretty sure I'll get this position I've applied for at a local clinic. Any support, resources, etc. would be fantastic!

Thanks in advance to all,



yearly physical (joke)
I went to the doctor for my yearly  physical. The nurse starts with certain basics.

How much do  you weigh?" she asks.
"115," I say. The nurse puts me on the scale. It  turns out my weight is 140.

The nurse asks, "Your height?" "5 foot  8," I say.
The nurse checks and sees that I only measure 5' 5". 

She then takes my blood pressure and tells me it is very high. 

"Of course it's high!" I scream, "When I came in here I was tall and slender! Now I'm short and fat!"

She put me on  Prozac

Have you considered Physical Therapy?
Or occupational therapy? There is a great need for it, it helps people, and you generally don't kill anyone (grin). While it takes a master's degree to be a physical therapist, the assistant is a 2-year degree.

I have an application in to the physical therapy program at my university, and I'm a little nervous because I'll be turning 50 my next birthday. On the plus side, I won't have children surreptitiously sticking the cat into a Ziplock bag while I'm trying to study this time.
Need some physical therapy websites
Just got a call for transcription for 2 physical medicine doctors and 5 physical therapist and they want me there tomorrow.  I'm looking for some websites for terminology/word list/samples that I can review.  Thanks.  Wish me luck.  This is a temp to hire position both onsite and at home.  Sounds good to me.  
Gross physical line??
From what I have been told, a gross physical line is anything typed on a line, regardless if it's one letter or 65.  My question is ... would 8 cpl on a gross physical line for acute care be good pay?  How about 7 cpl on a gross physical line for emergency room reports?  Thanks
Physical therapy website

Have been trying to find a good PT website. I Googled and did not find what I was looking for, which is a site that lists tests, like "cat and camel" and so forth.The sites I have found are not user friendly.

what they require
Summary of requirements: Work environment must include separate room in the house with a door that closes. Workstation must be free of any noise/music/TV or other distractions while working. PC password protected including locking screensaver. No one else in the room while working unless they also work for this company, etc. Dunno, maybe working for a hosp at home has more strict requirements than some of you.
All the require it, though ..sm

even though DOL states you must be paid for all mandatory work performed.  If you were to volunteer to do it, that's a different story, but we are REQUIRED to do all this BS clerica/bookkeeping for the hospitals, demographics, notes on discrepancies, CCs, look up names, bombarded with e-mails, phone calls, reviewing account specs every time an account is changed, told to do "exhaustive search" if name cannot be found (easy for THEM to say, isn't it?).

I could go on and on and on.  VERY PROFITABLE for the MTSOs, who use it either as a selling point to keep the account or are actually being paid for it. 

You and your kids need to get out, permanently, BEFORE he gets physical from the drinking. nm
Walking will not only improve your physical health

but probably your mental health too.  You'll get fresh air, take time to smell the roses, meet your neighbors, etc. 

Unfortunately I live in the county and we are 8+ miles from anything. 


Did he have blood work w/his job physical? Maybe they missed something. nm
Please excuse my typo above - physical therapy
Any kind of intimacy emotional or physical

is being unfaithful.  Put your effort into your best friend, who should be your mate, otherwise, what is the point? If you put your effort into someone else, of course you would be close. 

Honestly, your heart knows what is right and wrong.  Listen to it. Respect your relationships or expect to be disrespected yourself.


Physical therapy format needed...

I just started a new account which is typed in a form in Word.  It is not very efficient.  Can anyone suggest where I can find a basic format for transcribing physical therapy evaluations. 


I just looked at the physical form online...
There is nothing on it about a breast exam, sorry. I live in PA, too. My daughter got her permit a couple of years ago and she did not have a breast exam. (I'm still with you on the Gardasil, though!)

How many waitresses do you see in their 60s and early 70s doing a job that would rival any nursing job as far as physical strai?.  You might want to look on the NURSING BOARD, where they have students 58-59 y/o just starting nursing school; I'm among them, even though I have prior nursing education and need to finish up a few months/years.

If you think a full-fledged RN program might be too much to carry at this point, have you considered an LPN course for 12 months FT or 18 months PT study?  LPNs make a fair salary, even as newbies ... beats this MT "indentured servitude".

Which companies require ULD???

I'm looking for a job right now and obviously can't afford this headache (or added cost!)  Can you give us names of MTSOs who you know "require" LD??? 


Sorry, not require but WILL HIRE
I'm sorry. I meant hospitals that will hire remote MTs, not require! :o)
Why do you require 50% of the money

I am not so sure that will go over well.  What are they paying you for if they have not given you work yet?  Big turn off in my opinion. 

How about offering a free trial? 

HEADERS....as in what? The things like HISTORY AND PHYSICAL headings?

or the heading at the top of the page that we don't type?

and do you find it a little offputting that they can't put in writing that they pay for spaces?  it makes me think all is not kosher. 




IF by PT you mean Physical Therapy -- it's EASY! I love PT, don't get it where I work now tho
Probably old question..history and physical plural or singular?

A history and physical was done OR A history and physical were done. 

Do most companies require you to keep a handwritten log?
Do most companies require you to keep a handwritten log?
If they want to do many things that require money
then they should work. If they are happy doing without many things, then no. It sounds like that friend of your daughter has FOUR very irresponsible parents. Not her fault. Another product of divorce it sounds like. I have read that many parents of divorced kids spoil them rotten out of guilt because they broke up the family. Sounds like you got it together, though! ;)
Keystrokes has accounts that do not require ULD. Some do, some don't. nm
they require your uncle to travel; thus, pay him to
No---all companies require you to test - sm
one way or another. Some will hire w/o a test based on your resume and experience, and will know rather quickly if can do the job or not. I have gotten 2 jobs that way, one as an employee and another as an IC, however this was after I had a minimum of 3 years experience for this ever happened to me--at 6 years now. I am still with the IC one (since 06/2007), had a falling out with the other one but did work for them for about 9 months and they were happy with me; left as I was unable to continue working a firm schedule due to change in circumstances and they needed someone to work a set schedule, so we parted ways. But as a newbie no one will hire you w/o a test. So just keep plugging away and test a lot, they are a very good way to learn what to expect.
Most state they 'PREFER' a CMT, not REQUIRE.
I think the reason that's put on most job ads is that considering what they're paying, they're going to get a lot of applications from newbies. The companies THINK the CMT guarantees a good employee, though this isn't true, either. If you're an MT professional that's been around a long time and can do the work, you are still, without those three meaningless letters, more of an asset to any MT dept. or company than at MT of lesser experience WITH a CMT.

Another take on that: Often those of us without CMTs have been around longer than that dubious organization has, and we know what MT is REALLY worth, because we used to be around back when it was a respected position. Lots (though not all, I realize) CMTs are younger, have been in the biz a shorter time, and have been told while they were in school (and possibly a school associated with AAMT/ADHI) that a CMT was 'necessary'.

Nowadays even the best national companies out there pay 'rinky-dink' wages, which has nothing to do with whether or not an MT has one of those useless 'credentials' after their name, and everything to do with greed, and competition from cut-rate transcription companies in other countries.
In future, require a deposit sm
equal to the cost to replace the equipment and put in a contract that the deposit will be returned within 2 weeks of receiving equipment in good condition.  Anyone who truly intends on returning the equipment will have no problem paying a deposit, especially when the terms are in writing.