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Phrases appear in alphabetic order by short form.

Posted By: sm on 2008-10-10
In Reply to: AGGHHHH - Siren

You can type a few letters and see all phrases in the advisory or you can type a few letters and see a phrase, then a word, then a phrase. It all depends on the alpha order of your short forms so you are not going to get all phrases, then all words.

You can clear the option to sort by short form and use the frequency order instead, but I don't think that's what you want.

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If I recall, there used to be a Short Form Schedule C you could file sm
if you grossed less than $2500.
Make your short form dont to expand to do not.
Just create a command entry and use a short form that's fast to type. sm
This will bypass the Extext command. Make sure you put the trailing underscore at the end of your entry so you won't get an extra space from your marker key. Your entry will look like this:


When transcribing "command" or "imperative" form, use verb form or "follow up"
For a long time I would become confused by "discharge instructions" type followup/follow up usage ...

Yes, the patient was to follow up with his doctor ... but was also to make a follow up appointment ...

In my experience, certainly your QA may vary and/or be inconsistent all-on-its-own ... but most of these truncated forms, fit into what I was taught was called "imperative case" and follow up is being used as a VERB ...

[[[ even though there is a reasonable argument to be made that "followup with primary care physician in 2 weeks" refers to an "appointment" which is a noun. ]]]

You can figure out the prevailing "rule of thumb" for your QA ...

Not having to think it through --- priceless.

It is not a plural form. It is a possessive form. SM
The man's name was Metzenbaum and he devised this particular instrument.  The correct spelling would be Metzenbaum's.  WITH THE APOSTROPHE.  AAMT BOS is full of crap.
I used Short Keys, not Short hand for Bayscribe, it worked fine.
Common phrases. LOTS of common phrases, just like ops. SM

pser = the patient was seen in the emergency room

wwd= the wound was dressed

Just two tiny examples. People need to learn to use their Expander programs. I'd be making like $10 per hour without mine. I also work in a job where I do the work type I do best. That's very important. I would imagine (don't know for sure) that H&Ps and DSs have the most lines (I work on a gross line count) but you have to think more, look up more, and type more to get those lines.

I have everything magicked in there. That's the way I like it, that's the only way I will work.


Ditto, short ERs or short OPs....short anything! sm
And I especially don't like long OPs, they are the most boring for me, and the doctors pause a lot cause they have to think more. I just want to be done with it! Next!!! ; )
Long short forms vs short short forms


A long short form is usually easier to remember. So I would definitely assign the short forms as suggested by Kelli:

In most Expander programs you would opt for a short short form as you have to type the whole short form before you can expand.
In Instant Text you don't have to type the whole short form: you type the first two letters of your long short form and then you can type any of the following letters.
So in this case you would type smcth for the first one, smcta, and you may also type smhead, smabd

This is possible when you use the Instant Text marker key to expand. If you use the space bar to expand, you may be better off assigning the initials as suggested in the second response, as you would not be able to "jump ahead".


overused phrases
LOL has to be one of the most overused phrases today. 
I use w for was and wr for were within phrases to differentiate.
words and phrases
I currently only use the auto correct feature in Word.  So my Expanders are mostly 2-3 word phrases and a few longer words like hypertension, hyperlipidemia, gastroesophageal, etc. 

It's time to move on from these phrases that I've heard ad nauseum from people who can't think of anything on their own.

"At the end of the day."

" . . . amazing."

" . . . awesome."

Anybody else?


You have to change your way of thinking about phrases in IT. sm
Think first letter of each word instead of full words and your phrases will come up. No memorizing unless you want to put customized shorts in IT. I watch the advisory lines more than my document window so my eyes don't cross. I just wouldn't work without IT because my productivity went way up in a really short time.
(Forgot to say, 'type the phrases

Words and phrases advisories


Any time you give a word or phrase a dedicated short form (meaning a short form consisting of 2 or more letters) it automatically goes into the Phrases Advisory.

An entry with only one letter for a short form automatically goes into the Words Advisory.


Favorite words/phrases
And then there's the psychiatrist who ends every sentence with "you know." Well, I sure do now.
Three word phrases are all that I put in my expander.
More about phrases as other poster addressed
Since the dictators seem to say the same thing in so many different ways, I have found I often have to add a a bit extra, and it would have been easier if I had thought of that when I first started making Expanders so I would have started right off being very consistent.

For an example CTDW, CSTDW, CDTDW = (respectively) continue to do well, contintues to do well, continued to do well. - It is amazing how many things will overlap or conflict.

Or, they will use a phrase with the word "or" or "and" in it AND without them ...
like, cyanosis, clubbing, edema ... and cyanosis, clubbing, and edema ... Or even worse, they flip the words around to clubbing, cyanosis, and edema.

So many dicators and so many ways of saying the same thing. That is what gets frustrating to me. It's endless.
Are you using just word shortcuts, or phrases? sm
You should be able to type entire sentences with just a few keystrokes.
Maximize your expander with phrases rather than words.
Check out every productivity board that you can for more tips and tricks. Even after 8 years I've increased my speed with productivity tips.
How does it work with typing common phrases,

But how does that work in relation to typing phrases that are common usage, the patient, return p.r.n., etc. 

I grew up in FL, and my black teachers used a lot of these phrases...sm
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this yet because every northerner I know has asked me about this..."I'm fixin'to" as in, "Get your shoes on, we're fixin' to go to church." 2 of my 5 elementary teachers were black, and they both used this phrase all the time, so it was perfectly normal to us. Those teachers weren't any less educated, they were just native southerners raised in segregated communities. My hometown was still segregated well into the '80s.
It's funny, half the phrases people are naming on here I wouldn't have thought were southern-specific, they're that common to me.
Some single words, but mostly 2-3 word phrases.
I have a few full sentences, too, but with so many different doctors, I tend to stick to the more commonly used short phrases, and build sentences & paragraphs from those.
Words and Phrases in Instant Text
The reason why you have a Phrase advisory different from the Word advisory in Instant Text is because these two advisories work differently.
The Phrase advisory works more like a traditional expander: you have a short form (abcz or tp) and it expands what you defined for it whether it is a word or a phrase.
The Word advisory works like a wild card search. There are no dedicated short forms. You type the first letter and any letter that is in the word like cardpu or cdpu for cardiopulmonary.

If you want the words to be in the Phrase advisory without having them cluttering your phrase selection you may want to follow sm's suggestion and create a glossary where the short forms are identical to the words themselves. They would then all be in the Phrase section, but as an included glossary these words would show up at the bottom of the phrases of your base glossary assuming it is a standard IT glossary (no words in the Phrase section).

If you need help, please contact tech support at Textware Solutions and we will be happy to guide you.

Textware Solutions
Words, phrases, chunks of text ... sm
If a word has 5 letters or more and I use it more than once a month, I make it an expansion. Albeit, only do 1-2 a day this way but I don't have to add to my expansions daily now as I've done this for years and it is built up. Examples: Use fuv for follow up as a verb. Use fun for followup as a noun/adjective. Use a k in front of all drugs so kt is Tylenol, ka is aspirin, kprv is Pravachol.

Phrases -- do all kinds of combinations as you use them. Example: Use tpw for the patient was. Use mgr for murmurs, gallops or rubs.

Chunks of text -- not quite a whole standard but more than just a phrase, e.g., sentences. Example: Use nka for no known allergies but nkah for ALLERGIES: No known allergies.

Abbrevs/Acronyms -- Let your Expander do the all cap work for you and use an x to show expanded versions. Example: Use copd for COPD but use copdx for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

You should be able to skip along with the dictator just using expansions with occasionally typing whole words.

You can add phrases to single word glossary in IT (SM)
When you insert the medication and other information, hit tab and then, backspace to the first letter. It will ask you "are you sure? and just hit return and it will accept it.

I have many two and three word phrases in my single word glossary list. There is a web site for IT users which you can Google for; it is easy to find - forum style.
Having IT provide phrases, sentences is its best advantage. Two words together.
But one word? By the time it arrives in the layout screen, you have typed all but the last letter.

claudicatio - semicolon

of the - bracket

I miss Word's auto correct boohoo
Ever hear the phrases "Don't let yourself be a door mat" and "stand up for yourself?"
I learned this many years ago: I type in phrases ,even when I'm not expanding but SM
I use Expanders VERY extensively. Doesn't ever have to be a canned report. Everybody says "the patient" and everybody says "within normal limits" for two examples that I'm sure you already are using. No telling how many thousands of abbreviations I have.
It helps me a lot to have most of my common English phrases in shortcuts.
I don't often drop short words just because I don't have to type very many of them, LOL.

I cannot tolerate the laziness of those phrases fixin and reckon!
It makes me scream. It just makes the people that say them sound unintelligent and lazy!!! AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!
Do you use expansions for common English words and phrases too? sm
I have read that something like 80% of sentences can be formed using the same 200 most commonly used words of the English language.

Think of common English phrases that you can add to your expansion software that you use quite often in MT reports such as "he has no significant" or "there are no significant" or "there was no significant," etc. :)

*This link leads to a listing of the 500 most commonly used words in the English language:

*And here is a listing of the top 100 English verbs:

Think I found it: ortho/neuro words & phrases by ..
Health Professions Institute. Found it on a book site. The 1994 edition got a good review. The 2000 edition got a bad one. Anyone?
Unless a facility name accompanies the phrases you hear/type, you should not capitalize.
HPI General Surgery/GI Words and Phrases shows lower case also. nm
All; heavy dependence on single words and phrases/standard sentences of all lengths. SM
Like San Francisco does, they can be used with any account/any dictator, which is extremely important. Just entering mostly whole reports and sections makes one dependent on that account/that employer and back to square one when it's time to take on a new account or even a new dictator.

I also have dozens and dozens of headers, bolded, unbolded, capped, lower case, etc., in various forms of each, like "Indications" "Indication," "Indications for Procedure," "Indications for Surgery," and so on and on and on.
Sounds like a strawberry or raspberry cheesecake brownie. Google the phrases + recipes and lots of
not in age-order...but
sun-in for the hair was as brave as we got -- and trying to convince dad i didn't do anything to my hair...

rolling up our skirts at the waist when we got to school so they'd be above our knees..

when velvet oxfords were the coolest

when rollerskates had keys (i still have my key)

getting vaccines at school via sugar cubes

or howabout when seatbelts first came out in cars...

going to visit great-grandma and she would sit and read the Bible, while i read "highlights" magazine and how she'd try to give me 'a penny' for my thoughts...
Must See TV (in no particular order)
1. Law and Order (especially SVU)
2. Judge Judy
3. Dr. Phil
4. Dateline.
You can just order them that way.
I ordered mine from Gateway w/ XP and really like it.
Where to order from:
This is the best place I have found, from Executive Communications. You can email Tom at:


or go to their website, just Google Executive Communications. It is located in Ventura, California.
You can order them here

I got the form and started to fill it out. Where do I get another one? There was a phone number and web address on the information but I'm trying to search and can't find anything. Help hugs


The new tax form

so as IC/SE anD EMP..which form did you use..
I was SE for most of the year and employee for 2 different companies last 2 months of year..I also am now part-time emp. with a co. and trying to start up my own business which I started up in Dec. and want to take deductions for equipment purchased for that business. Oh my head is hurting.
Is this form something I can...
request to fill out on my own, or is it usually requested by the IRS?  Will the company I contract through know that I have requested this form?  I, too, am an IC who is treated like an employee.  I have worked a set schedule (days and hours), including nights and both weekend days, for a long time with little or no flexibility.  The pay is good, though.  TIA  
Form your own.
I love escription...won't work on anything else.
There has always been some form of
QA, don't know that there was ever an official start. Most employees in any business are evaluated on the quality of their work.
You don't need the form.
You don't really need the form. 
the natural order in the would does not