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Phone company problems.

Posted By: Makayla on 2005-09-06
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When I moved to Washington State and Qwest became my phone company I signed up for the unlimited small business plan.  Now all the sudden they say they have switched me to Qwest Choice Business because of the high volume of my LD calls.  I explained to them in the beginning what I used the business line for and they said it was unlimited (around 85.00 a month is what it was coming out to), without notifying me they switched me over and sent me a bill for over $400.00.  I went balistic on them.  They said they would look into it since I have signed up for a different plan and take care of it.  I just got my new bill and it is even higher. 

Anyone in the Northwest that can direct me to a phone service for my transcribing needs??????

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I've changed them between an old phone and new phone, but the same company, i.e. Nextel.
My DSL is through my phone company
as well. Unfortunately, you do have to have phone service in order to have DSL. I just have local, no LD. I use Vonage for my ULD for work and if I have to make a LD call I use that line or my cell phone. I'm still paying out the yang in telephone bills, but I gots to work! :)
It should be supplied by the phone company.
You are correct in your understanding.

You will need multiple phone numbers in succession under a business line. This is a phone company issue not a computer issue.

It is very simple.

Did you call and talk to service to set this up or just the help person who answers the phone?

You need to determine how many lines you need for this server. Is is an 8 port server, if so, you will need 8 lines and phone numbers, so when one is busy, it will go to the next one. It does get pretty expensive.

When you call the phone company, you need to be specific about how many lines you need and what you want.

Good luck with that.
try with your local phone company!!!....sm
I found over 12 years that the BEST prices usually come from your local telephone provider.  Check them out first would be my suggestion :)
I only worked for one company that used a c-phone sm
and we signed off on each job as we listened and transcribed.  If you signed off, it meant the job was completed.  They would not have allowed us to sign off on jobs if recording them. 
You might check with your phone company......... sm
I live out in the sticks, so cable is not an option for me and I use DSL. My phone company offers a package that includes phone service, DSL and DishTV for a single price. I'm not sure what the price is, but I would think it would be comparable to or maybe even less than the $101 you are paying now.

I know what you mean about having to trim the fat. I've trimmed so far now that I don't know where I can cut any more. I don't have a cell phone. Sons have prepaid cell phones that they pay for themselves. I don't eat out more than once a month and haven't seen the inside of a movie theater in years (no real big loss for me). I skimp like crazy on groceries but that is really hard with 2 teenage boys in the house.

Anyway, I digress. Check out your phone company and see what kind of package they might offer. Ya nevah know!
Check with your local phone company....sm

More and more phone companies are offering fast access DSL which works through your phone line.  Satellite is very expensive and often has problems when there are storms.  I had cable which also goes down practically every time it rains.  I just got Bell South Xtreme DSL.  I can't believe how fast it is.  AND I got a wireless network router so if I have 1 computer or 20... no extra charge.  All this for about $50.00 a month.

I tried DSL through my local phone company. The lowest

fee was $24.95/mo and wasn't much faster than dial-up.  Lots of companies advertise DSL but they may not have service in your area.    The commercials that show fast speeds (up to 5 times faster) for $9.95 is dial-up and it only works with internet site downloads, does not make FTP/voice/music/picture downloads/uploads any faster.

I would check out any company thoroughly to be sure they are legit, check out their claims, fees, technical support, etc. 

Company requires a C-phone. Will a Lanier Lx-219 work as well? sm

What is the difference in a Dictaphone, C-phone, Lanier LX-219 and Lanier Expresswriter or Voicewriter?


Unlimited Long Distance + C-phone, small company needs MT

I currently need an experienced MT (at least three years - actual medical typing) to cover a 2 doctor account.  Very simple dictation - SOAP note format.  This account is looking for another doctor, so that could add in.  Currently, very small amount of dictation - approximately 800-1300 lines total per week.  24 hour turn around. 

If you have a c-phone and have unlimited long distance, please send me your resume + 2 references for people you have actually typed for.  Start rate 8cpl (65 character).  This is an IC position.

I am the owner of a small transcription company in Virginia - have had stable accounts and great MT's for over 13 years.  THANK YOU!!!

Our cable company doesn't offer phone service yet, and anyway,
I don't know if I'd want everything dependent on their service for all my needs. Even my internet is not as dependable as it should be, yet there is nothing wrong according to them. I already pay for internet and TV to the tune of $147 a month and they are raising it in Jan. again.
I would check into a business line. My phone company offers one for around 55 dollars, with truly U
I am going to remove the LD from my home phone, and use the business line for all calls, then I will only have to pay about 35 above what I'm paying now. Not ideal, but the best deal I could find.
I could switch to DSL but the phone company charges 50 extra a month for being on line for more than
So either way I will have to pay more.  I guess no one else here is affected or concerned by this but the article said that other companies would follow suit if Time Warner has success.  The article said it would affect the teleworkers who are on line for long periods, not the people who just use cable for reading their email.  
My first job was a total cold call to small local company...got hired over the phone- sm
give it a shot. Look in your yellow pages or on-line white and yellow pages and see what you can come up with. MT Daily has a list by state of MT companies to with their contact info. Also test your butt off anywhere and everywhere on line, you will learn a lot during the process. I found it quite enlightening when I was doing it 3+ years ago. Good luck.
When the company asked me to start making long distance phone calls,
they offered to pay my long distance for the charges. I then got a cheap long distance plan to make the charges for them more reasonable.

You need to JUST SAY NO to making long distance calls for them. If they will pay for it then do it, otherwise no way.
PLEASE see my question regarding daily interruptions, phone calls, drop in guests/COMPANY BOARD

The company I work for said cable phone wouldn't work, just FYI.
C-phone used to call in to dictating systems to receive work. A special phone. nm
I had a lot of trouble with static in my C-phone. I replaced the phone cord and that made a big

difference.  Also, have you tried a different headset?  Also someone told me one time that there is a microphone under your volume control on the right corner of the C-phone.  It's a tiny hole.  If you break off a Q-tip and stick that into the hole that will squelch a lot of background noise and that worked as well.  As far as getting your C-phone service, I heard that Dictaphone is "sunsetting" C-phones at the end of this year.  Meaning, they aren't going to service them anymore as they are considered an obsolete technology.  So, I would contact Dictaphone and see what your options are.

I know very little about Lanier equipment.  I've not used it as extensively as Dictaphone.  Is there a local appliance repair place in your area?  You might ask one of those places to take a look at your equipment and see what they think.  Kinda scary, cause they could do more harm than good, but maybe worth a shot.

Not much help, I know.  But I thought I would share what tiny bit of obscure knowledge I do have. 

I use my c-phone whenever we travel. You can hook it directly into your room phone. Be sure and as
I think you can dial into most systems that require C-phone without having a C-phone nm
I am wondering if there is a way to use your C-phone with Vonage phone service?
May have to change phone companies, have switched to job using a C-phone. sm
Currently have Embarq (formerly Sprint), and my usage will be going up about 12,000 minutes a month.  What phone companies offer really unlimited for a flat rate?  TIA.
C-phone and ATT. There is no problem with the C-phone, but ATT wouldn't let me use unlimited.
I have cable phone access and my C-phone works - sm
I am not sure about you problem, because it sounds just like I have mine hooked up.  The only thing I can think of is that mine has 2 line hookups in the back of the phone.  If you have this too, I would just try the other one, which you probably have already done.  Sorry that was not much help.  I wish you luck
I have a very loud hum when using my C-phone, but no hum when I'm using the regular phone. SM

Anyone else experience this problem with their C-phone?  Is there a problem with my C-phone?  At first I thought it was my telelphone line and called the phone company.  They sent a technician out to replace the lines and check the house, but the hum is still there on the C-phone.

It's driving me batty!

C-phone info regarding phone lines etc.
I am completely clueless on the subject of a C-phone.  Can someone help me understand exactly how this works?  Do you have to specifically have a separate "dial up internet" service to use the C-phone? I currently have cable internet and am wondering if there is anything else I need to get.  I guess I should contact my phone company.  At any rate, any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!
If you use a C-phone for work and have a digital phone

through cable, have you tried to take an incoming call?

We only have one phone line.  I rarely get/make calls and when I do we have cell phones.  I just started working with a C-phone and got digital phone.  I can go a month and my phone not ring, so far have gotten 3 calls today, but I'm afraid that if I try to answer the phone that I will lose my report. 

I guess I could pull up a report and have my husband call on his C-phone and test it that way and then if I lose it no biggie. 



Anyone use/try C-phone with Medicom's phone service?
Wondering if it works?
C-phone and phone line
I have cable for my Internet so I have my C-phone on my regular home phone line and forward my home phone number to my cell phone.
A c-phone is just a phone, with headphones sm

and a foot pedal.  You call into a number (hopefully 800 number), put in your codes, and a voice file comes on.  You use the headphones and the foot pedal, and transcribe on your computer into a word processing program, then send the finished file back per their directions.

The c-phone is not connected to the internet in any way.  There is no downloading involved.  It is just a phone by means of which you get your voice files.  It needs a phone line and you stay on the line the entire time.

c-phone from cell phone
I believe if you check with your cell phone carrier they have an adapter that you can use to plug into your cell phone from the c-phone. Not sure about this but I think I had a friend tell me she had to do this but it was a year or so ago. Hope this helps.
It connects via phone like, just like a C-phone.
I have an old actual C-phone phone if that is what you mean, (sm)
not the newer kind that connects to a computer.  I don't know if yours is programmed the same, but mine shows 8 to decrease and 9 to increase.  Hope this helps.
C-phone and phone plans....
I have a company that I have recently hired on with that uses c-phones.  At home I have an unlimited long distance plan, but I'm wondering if while traveling there is a plan that you can get in order to use a c-phone in a motel, relative's homes, etc.  I like to be able to still work while traveling and I feel this is going to limit me.  Any suggestions or ideas?
Digital phone/C-phone
Does anyone use a C-phone with digital phone service?  Does this work out okay?
What Company is This? I have been hired by a company that is sending a foot pedal.. Don't want t
The company cutting cpl, the company stopping paying for headers
Good of the company? As IC, I am my own company. Not my problem if she has problems as long as I do
Accepted a job with a new company, gave two weeks notice to my old company..

Old company, let me go before two weeks was up.  New company, said they were having trouble getting me set up and my equipment ready, but they would pay me while I waited.  It's been a month, still no check from new company even though I was told it was "in the mail."  I have no income and am at a loss. 

I have a signed offer letter from the new company, contracts, etc.  I applied for unemployment, but old company is saying I quit and technically I am currently employed with the new company!  New company is not returning calls or answering email.

What should I do!?!?!?!

I started sending my resume out today, but the process of getting a new job will take at least two weeks and I need money now to catch up on what I'm behind!

You don't want to work for this company. Call your current company and
tell them that you have decided against the new position and tell them that you would like to stay. It is cheaper for them to let you stay than to train someone new. A company who could be so tacky as the one you just spoke of is one you do not want to work for. You can rescind your resignation. If you are a good MT, they will be glad you did.
With my company, ICs use their own emails, employees have company email.
COMPANY INQUIRIES belong on Company board, please!
....3 months later my old company rehired me; can you return to your 1st company?
Local radiology company, not transcription company
who has only 5 transcriptionists and are not hiring at this moment. We all work at home and get great benefits, no insurance out of pocket and 22 days paid vacation in the first year, after that it goes up. I feel very fortunate to have found them, but again I chose them because they did not do production, so now that they are, I'm a little disappointed.
I think it varies greatly from company to company...sm
I was hired five months ago by a national straight out of school at 8 cpl. I think it just depends on your knowledge level and ability, and of course, what the company is willing to pay.
i think it varies from company to company and/or location

VR company? Not when the MT company owns its own VR equipment. n/m.
I have my own company email with my new company.
I can't answer your questions in your original post, I can tell you that with my new company, I have my own company email account, and I much prefer it. My old company had us use our personal email accounts, and they listed everyone who received emails in the cc line. They really never maintained those lists, and I received emails from them for a full five months after I quit - that despite my repeatedly asking to be removed from lists. Because the list had been passed from one person to the next in the company, I kept having to block sender after sender. Finally I replied to all, for each and every email I had gotten over a month's time. Well, that pretty much ended it.
I like to keep work and personal separate as much as possible.
It can vary from company to company.
If a company is on one coast and you on the other it can affect shift time, meaning usually if you want to start work 9-10 instead of 11 you could for 3rd shift, etc. 
Buy your own... company computers are for that company only!