Phil IS sour grapes....called that on TV...nm
Posted By: EXACTLY what phil has been called on 2006-04-02
In Reply to: That's what uneducated people always say - it's called sour grapes
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Sour grapes
LOL, I will not be the only one that "sound sour grapes"
I type radiology now and work for a wonderful smaller company locally in Wyoming.
A few sour grapes won't ruin the whole jar of jelly.
Not sour grapes - We recorded the game
and have watched those plays more than a few times.
Especially the one where he was CLEARLY NOT over the line with the ball, only his shoulders and HE KNEW IT. He looked RIGHT at the camera as if to say, "Am I gonna get away with this"?
The ball was far too low underneath him to be even close to his head. Watch the replay and see for yourself.
I will admit it. I cried. Cried like a baby! I (sniff) still (sniff) can't.... talk about it much. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
obviously you're not full of sour grapes...nm
sour grapes, dearie? Oh, i forgot, you
that is correct, LOL. Sour grapes from me I guess. LOL. nm
Addendum- that should have been sour grapes, not green!
Yep, sour grapes is right. Typical attitude of people who are angry with life.
The so-called "reality show" is the lowest form of so-called entertainment in recent years
I hate them. They've ruined TV.
Don't listen to the old sour apples...
However, if you are starting from scratch with no medical background and no training in transcription, you are 2-3 years from making ANY kind of money even IF you can find a job at home. It's like learning another language, the language of medicine. If you already have a medical background and have taken terminology, a way to more quickly get into the business would be to find a single doctor doing one specialty, saying the same thing over and over. However, if you're inexperienced it might be hard to get a doctor to trust you with his transcription. I don't know anything about your situation, so it's hard to answer. Any more info?
Hey, I think you coined a new phrase, green grapes. Love it!!
Happy New Year!!
I don't think Dr. Phil
is good enough to help these people. It's obvious that there are some underlying issues that need to be addressed.
What would Dr. Phil say
Dr. Phil would say -- you are allowing them to do it to you and then ask "how is your present situation working" -- it is not so do something about it. I am sorry but kids these days need to take a little responsibility and do some the chores. everyone needs to pull their own weight. Believe me, those TV's would be unplugged and they would down to the bare essentials until they began to do more. You are not teaching them anything by doing everything. Also unless you ask, they don't know what is expected of them. They cannot read minds. Have a family meeting set up a list and time frame for things to be done and if they don't do it, well then something is taken away, video games, TV or whatever. There is no reason that any mother, father should not receive help from kids when both parents are working. I did it and I am sure you did it and it did not kill any of us, it prepared us for the world. So you need to talk to them, husband included and say if you want the financial picture to stay the same and with me working two jobs, this is what needs to be done. If you don't and we be out on the street, then I can quit and will have time to clean the portion of the street where we will be living or the car if we need to live in our car. Just me two cents worth.
Dr. Phil. sm
I am quite fed up with Dr. Phil. He seems to be the expert on everything from weight loss, to addictions, to relationships. I heard he was so cheap, he takes free samples of anything he can get with all his money. Dr. Phil does not know everything.
If I were you and he were my DH, I'd make him take that job right. Like Dr. Phil says,
would you rather be right or would you rather be healthy? Who cares if you and he were "right." Put your pride aside and accept the offer for the job back. Obviously you need them and they need you (or they need him).
Have you contacted Dr. Phil??
Seriously, I don't know what you can do about it. Probably absolutely nothing. You just need to be as supportive TO YOUR SON as you can be. You can let him know you don't agree with this but you love him anyway. Honestly, this will not last long. He may not even make it to the altar. As far as the girl....just tolerate her the best you can. I don't think she'll be in your life very long!! Good luck!
Train in one day the Dr. Phil way.
I am not a Dr. Phil fan either. Just do not like his attitude.
Dr. Phil seems only interested in
for his weight loss supplements and snack bars. I read the ingredients and they are full of trans fats, which are the ones that plug up your arteries. Now he is in movies too. Tired of him and his pop culture psychology.
see the posts, most do not like Phil...SM
so there....
Look, Phil is what he is, and he DOES help people.
Captain Phil
Did anybody see Dr. Phil today?
seen. I think it is terrible if he would try to make ratings off of parents abusing their children. I hope he is trying to use this as a service and maybe it will help others.
and I dislike Dr. Phil...*ROFL*
Highly educated here and with more street (common) sense than MOST people in the life and I don't like Phil....
Sweet and Sour Soup, Potstickers, Mandarine Salad, Beef and Broccoli.
Gotta love him.
See Dr. Phil today? He was ALL OVER parents with your attitude
You need to get the transcript from today's show.
Man, are you failing your kids with that attitude. I feel sorry for them.
Who's got time to watch Dr. Phil? LOL Kidding....
My kids are now scurrying around doing chores. They do this every year, though. It's like they push and push to see how far they can go before we take away Christmas. Or maybe they're just bored. Too bad for them.
Dr. Phil??? Grolier book
Grolier Book Publishers put out an entire series of books in 1980 for children on treating others as we want to be treated. My children had the entire set.....each book was written the same way (in kids language and drawings) but focused on one subject each book...i.e., Let's Talk About Bullying or Let's Talk About Stealing or Let's Talk About Cheating...and basically every subject. My children grew up being very very giving decent children, successful, and never got into any trouble (to write home about, just some school issues), and today I'm very proud!
Dr. Phil didn't exist in our lives 20-25 years ago. He merely reminds us of old-school teachings......and I can appreciate that.
You should talk to Phil Cohen at PRN Funding. He is very
You can contact him by visiting the PRN Funding site. See the link below.
Grilled steak with salsa, broccoli and baked potatoes with sour cream -- One of my favs!
As long as it takes, to quote good old Dr. Phil!
You're both worth it - go for it!!
As Dr. Phil says, "Let's get back to common sense."
If you see red flags, hear bells and whistles, or alarms going off in your head..listen to it. If your already hearing the excuses as to why they aren't getting paid on time, why be one of those waiting on your check...It is kind of like seeing a train coming down the track right towards you and somehow you convince yourself you can dodge it. I'm sure others have tried before you. Excuses will never pay your bills. Listen to your gut, go with common sense and the rest works out. Just my opinion...
It's time we all called NJ. I called
They can't provide anything in writing.
Nobody knows anything - keep telling you to call your supervisor.
I smell something worse than New Orleans coming from NJ.
I think all new mts should be called
mt wannabe (that's me) I wannabe, but feel like I will never get this down ever.... my job is so hard that my day is such a breeze !!!!!!
he just called nm
I called them
with my complaints and filed an Employee Complaint form but they say that there are no problems, they are only getting isolated complaints -so EVERYONE who has a complaint needs to call them and follow up with a filed written Employee Complaint.
seems to me if he called YOU, he should already know your
just my opinion. I hate these calls and mostly never answer until it becomes three or four times a day, then I answer and I am not nice. they usually do not call back after that. It has been relatively quiet around here for a while now...knock on wood. lol
Can you tell me what else it's called please?
That might explain why I didn't get such good results on my search.
that's called....
the old bait and switch!! They ALL do that! :(
They are
They are referred to as non-word utterances. And if you want to belong to a forum that is not just MT, I own one at Google Groups called the Legal, Medical, and General Transcription forum. The URL is
Yes, I have what are called
Druscens and I do not see them, only can be seen with the lamp exam physician does. These can be started on macular degeneration. My vision is excellent but knowing what I do, make sure I take eye vitamin, eat leafy greens, no smoking and wear sunglasses out always.
You called her? LOL.
Have you called your QA to ask about it?
That was not called for.
Your are totally wrong for berating this person the way you did.
I was
but called and told them I was sick. I wasn't really but how do they know? I have other things to do.
I called about it . . .
and had information sent to me. From the commercials I thought it was a non-invasive procedure, but it is very similar to a traditional facelift. They do say the incisions are smaller, so healing is quicker. They also say the scars are less noticible. The before and after photos look incredibly good to me. I'm still considering it, and if I wasn't such a chicken I might just do it.
Have you ever just called a
business and just interviewed them before you applied so they could interview you? Does that make sense.? I may have an in-house transcription job. They told me that everything was looking in my favor, but they are still interviewing and will let me know for sure Friday. They offered a pretty good wage and I would take it but if I can find something closer to home even if a little less pay I would go for that too. I have been looking into businesses that have nothing to do with transcription. I am thinking about calling the local banks and seeing if there are any entry-level positions available for data entry, administrative assisting, clerk. I don't have an accounting degree of business degree, just extensive computer knowledge that transcription requires. I really don't know what to ask for to tell the truth. The local banks never advertise for help but I do see new people in there from time to time.
I have also been looking to get my CNA certificate renewed which I may just do. I was going to call the nursing homes here and see what the starting pay would be, what the patient/aide ratio is, what the hours would be like.
To tell the truth, I am not making it with these home jobs. I have already been through 3 companies. I never had a work history like that before. Before I came home, I stayed with 1 place for 8 years, then another place for 6 years before that. I hate jumping around and most of all, I hate babysitting my computer for work. I want 8 hours then be done.
just called the bank and
Yeah, they called me twice
not possible to block a "100" number and that is all there is. It is weird.
Here it's called Transcam (sm)
Do a search at the top of the board. You'll get plenty of information on their scam.