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People like you allow companies to walk all over us...GAWD

Posted By: NM on 2006-10-20
In Reply to: MTs like you cause lower rates for us. Co's have to make - up for the costs LOST on your failure to engage.


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Why do these rotten companies always put the single people

who are sole support on the worst accounts, and the people with someone who contributes to the household income get the easy stuff.  They do not  care about our welfare and just think we are the captive slaves for them. 



MQ and many other companies hire people for 40 hours
a week with a minimum production amount, but still required to work 40 hours a week, some say 32 hours a week, but a minimum number of hours either way.
I've worked for companies that needed people
specifically to do certain reports.  I have been hired to exclusively do ERs and discharge summaries before.  It wasn't cherry picking either.  They needed someone to catch up their backlog and keep the reports within TAT permanently.  Evidently, other people were cherry picking and bypassing these report types because they're not as good of money makers as Ops or H&Ps.
I was thinking about this situation with companies that hire people and then there is no work. When
you think about that, that is about as low as anyone can get to just run people out of work for whatever reason when people need money to live, pay bills, support children and feed them, etc. When you really think about that, people's lives hinge on their income and as far as I am concerned, that is the worst thing any company can due to the people that work for them. That is how I feel today because I have been out of work and scrounging for lines and I am disgusted with the whole business. I hope that companies will soon wake up and stop doing this to people. It is disgusting.
Lot's of people work for cheatin companies. They bide their time and strike when they can.
As for me, I have joined a class action law suit on behalf of shareholders and MTs.  Double whammy.  Not too dumb.  By the way, don't you have some managing to do or are you on duty all day to try to make MTs think MQ is AOK and everything else going on around them financially is just a figment of their imagination. 
I actually went to wal-mart and bought new toilet seats because i didn't feel like cleaning them YUCK..so sick of that job can't someone ELSE do it?? Like the adult male who makes the majority of the messes?  And the laundry?  WHAT HAPPENED?  I SWEAR I JUST DID IT!! I just got done putting away the last load and i go look and there is about 20 loads.....who did this?  Why are they doing it to me??  OMG OMG OMG...it just HAS to go away..those little dwarves, elves, aliens, leprachauns really need to GO AWAY and visit someone elses house cuz i am just plain POOOPED!!
Anonymity rather. Oh, gawd, I'm tired.
Gawd, I really want something yummy tonight just
Oh gawd, you MUST be a liberal... You all think you're so enlightened.
Gawd, I'm so sick of schools trying label every other kid
It took the fire department to get her out of the house! My GAWD!!!!

Thank GAWD no one has to deal with you personally..you are rude, inconsiderate, unpolite, defensive
Geesh lady!!
if you live among trashy people, low income people, people w/o goals or direction,
content to just get by, you by default become a part of a group. "people" have decided to group trailer people as trash. that is because there are enough people in that group to earn the title and even if you aren't trash, you are categorized by others. did i think i was trash in lower class neighborhood surrounded by people who drank and fought all weekend? no but i knew i wasn't staying and did not try to pretend that all the fools in the neighborhood were just nice folks who ended up where they were because high horse snobs deemed their neighborhood low class. people for the most part live exactly where they belong because they don't want to educate themselves, they don't mind "trash" around them and they don't want to be bothered trying just a bit hard to extract themselves from that world. they justify everything to themselves i guess saying everyone who doesn't like their lifestyle is a snob and the comedians (Jeff Foxworthy/Chris Rock, etc) who make fun of them are just ill-informed.

As for me, I fought hard to get out and don't even want to look back. It amazes me people stay for generations.
I think they will all walk
Have been thinking they are probably guilty, but really, there is no proof.   I agree 100% about the chaperones.  You wait until you get to the airport and then discover everyone isn't there?? Sounds absurd to me.  How come we haven't seen any of the chaperones on TV?   Still feel for the parents, but I think they have done all they can.  They certainly have kept it in the attention of the media. 
I don't think they are trying to walk all over
anyone. I think it is out of frustration. Lots of changes have came about in a very short time. Some people are not good with change. They see this attitude as rubbing salt in the wounds. They are being jerked around and you are all happy and that makes no sense to them. There are people begging for work out there and then you get on saying you got 9 accounts. In their mind, they are thinking how is this fair and of course lashing out at MQ. You do tend to lash out at people who you think hurt you. I do not agree with everything that is going on with MQ, but I do work here and I am going to continue to work here. I have sympathy for the other MTs who are not so happy. I agree there are those who get on here to do nothing, but bash, but then again there are those just trying to understand what is going on and speaking out of frustration. I just think that people should not be attacked or whatever you want to call it just because they do not share your views. You must remember, we are all in totally different situations and most importantly - we are on the same team. Why not try to help them get happy and try to work out their problem, rather than bash along with them.
How many MTs and MEs would be willing to have a walk out
If nothing is done by Oct 1st with MQ
walk, walk, walk, walk, walk. :)

I do 3 miles a day at a good clip and I have lost 25 lbs. since I started doing MT at home a year ago. I'm back into a size 6 from a 14.

No bagels, donuts, cookies candy, etc., etc. in the breakroom like it was at the office.

Keep the crap out of your fridge and cupboards too.

Leftover Halloween candy put 5 lbs. on me in one week! 

Yes, that should walk you through it
I am not real familiar with Melbourne IT, but when I Google searched, it came back with registering domain names, so yes, follow that through. The next time you post, if you need more help, click on the button to add an email reply and I will email you to see if I can help walk you through it
The Walk
Cesar emphasizes taking regular walks with your dog at your side, not in front of you. Maybe it would help to do this with your dog, establishing yourself as the leader, and then take two and eventually all three for a walk at the same time. He says this gets them used to being a pack, with you as the pack leader.
It's also a law here too and a law you can't walk dog without muzzle...
Hello...that should be take a walk, not "talk"
Something must be wrong with my fingers :)
Walk in the shoes.
RUN - don't walk to the nearest ER. sm
I am an MT/ EMT/ nursing student, who has also had bouts of depression in the past, never hurting self but thinking how to permanently. I am great now, but with my family history I know what to look out for. PLEASE - Go to the nearest ER and talk to a professional about this. You cannot work through this alone or online with anyone. They will not judge you or belittle you - they are there to help and your hurting yourself is a cry for help. You don't have to tell your family or friends a reason for going, just say you don't feel well and need to go to the doctor. Don't wait, go now!
Walk your own talk, then.
Why don't YOU take in all that trash if they're all just innocent victims of "the system". It's always someone else's fault, isn't it? You liberals never hold the parasites responsible for any of their own actions or any of the CHOICES they make. It's always the government's fault, or capitalism's fault, or the fault of people with money (you know, the ones who worked hard and EARNED their lifestyle). We're all supposed to keep paying through the nose so a bunch of parasites can breed generation after generation of parasites and no one is allowed to point out the truth. Fine. YOU let them all live with you.
Let's just get out of the car and walk inside.
I wouldn't let them walk all over me like that. It was not right.
Yep, took them out for walk today sm
and they are as good as gold today. They even got cauliflower (their fav) for their treats today.
Walk. Two miles a day should do it.
You have to get up and stretch, go for a walk
and take lots of breaks from just sitting, even if they are only 5 min. breaks. It helps both mentally and physically.
Is a 15-min walk possible in your area sm
at that time of night?  That would get your blood moving!
Run, don't walk to METROSCRIPT
metroscript.com - best deal in town! We've used them for 5 years. Great service, easy dial in dictation or digital file upload. Cost is minimum $14.95 month. Phone cost is $0.15 minute, fee kicks in after your doctor racks up past the $14.95 flat fee. They are a terrific company and will help you get up and running. Best of luck.
when I was 12 I had my appendix out...I could not even walk...had a fever...

was vomiting bile.  The most painful memory was the doctor trying to lay me down on the table, and everytime he would try to straighten my legs out, I would sit up, when he would lay be down, my legs would go back up (haha), but I mean it was so painful the only position I wanted was a fetal one! 

If you have it, you would also have a fever, be vomiting bile.  Have you tried talking to the doctor, I mean, he told you it is not appendicitis, did he tell you what he thinks it is?  How 'bout going to an emergency care center (not an emergency room)?

Do you have a fever??  Gosh, hope you are going to be okay...

The grossest person to ever walk the
I have a Golden Retriever that needs her walk every day, sometimes
twice a day. I walk 2 miles daily and go to the gym at least 3x a week. No big butt here, although I have noticed things shift as we get a little older. I am 39 and my boobs shift to my armpits (LOL) Any exercises for them?

I agree...30 minutes walk/jog/run every day
on the treadmill if the weather is inclement. If not, 30 minutes with the dogs outside. Provides me with MUCH more energy to start the day with and a much better outlook. If you have other health conditions, you might want to check with your MD first, but otherwise, give it a try, starting slowly at first. You'll be amazed at the difference in the way you feel.
No - you have to walk 3-4 times a week
to keep your back healthy if you are going to sit in a chair 40+ hours a week. I try not to let my weight get too high either, because that really stresses the spine.

Walking is the best for the back. Pilates/yoga and light weights for upper body also very protective.
You need to get up and walk around about every half hour.
I had this for a long, long time. It wouldn't hurt to see a vascular doc about this. The reason I say this is because I was 50 years old and saw MD about that. My calves would get so hard it sometimes felt like they were going to burst. I had problems with walking for only short distances with horrible pain going down my legs. I thought it was just deconditioning. They ran tests and found I had claudication. They did angioplasty on both inguinals, left took but the right failed instantly. The left leg angioplasty lasted for about six months and I had to have aortiobifem bypass for both legs. Don't mean to scare you but better safe than sorry.
There is one - Ron Paul - and he does walk his talk. nm
let it go, doll....BREATHE... walk away, it's over. NM
I LOVE houses, too. When I go out for a walk,
I like to look at the different houses and pretend I could afford to buy one of them, and decide which one that would be. Also like to look at the yards and see what I would change or leave the same.

My love of 'house-hunting' was born pretty early. When I was 7 my family moved, and I remember the house-hunting process went on for quite a long time. I loved seeing all the different houses! One even had a basement, something you don't see that often on the West Coast.

Even after my parents found a house and we moved, my mom (who LOVED house-hunting) still liked to go and look at them. (She was a total 'lookie-loo!') On hot summer days when we kids were bored, or on rainy days when we couldn't play outside, she'd pack us in the car and contact a friend of hers who was a realtor, and we'd go off looking at some of the more unique homes for sale, including a stone castle 'way up in the mountains. (That was pretty spooky - we did it on a rainy, thunder-and-lightning day).

So, if I were in real-estate, one thing I would definitely be is totally enthusiastic about EVERY house I was selling! But I don't think I could deal with all the phone calls, appointments, no-shows, etc. ESPECIALLY the weekend work. So, I guess I'll just have to keep on looking.

Like you, I like MT and am good at it. I job-hopped relentlessly in my early 20's. Finally got tired of the hiring-and-quitting merry-go-round, and became a Kelly Girl. Pay wasn't the best, but I got lots of interesting jobs, including an architect's firm high up in the hills above Malibu, a race-car builder, a toilet factory, and even Walt Disney Studios. It was a good way to job-hunt, too, because frequently if an employer liked my work, they'd offer me a permanent job.

I finally 'fell into' MT when I was between jobs, as usual, and a relative who did MT at a hospital invited me to lunch one day. We ate in the hospital cafeteria, and afterward she showed me her office (some MTs had their own offices back in those days!), and let me listen to and try to transcribe a report. Of course, my first attempt must've been pretty hilarious to read, but I liked it. She told me to take a transcription course at night school, and the rest is history. I just wish MT could go back to the kind of work it was back in the 70's, when you were considered to be an actual EMPLOYEE, and not just a 'cog in the wheel'.
"One does not simply walk into Mordor." nm


Walk a dog, or just yourself, a few times a day, whenever you can. I have legs like rock even
I have a Lab that INSISTS on her morning walk. Good for her,
I do Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds...

The tapes are really easy, just walking in place, kicks, knee lifts, and jogging moves.  A 15-minute "walk" equals 1 mile.  So I type for an hour or so, then do a mile, type for another hour or so, then do a mile.  It actually makes me type faster.

I begin my day, every day, with a nice 2 to 3 mile walk with
This gives me time to think, alone time, fresh air and of course exercise. I love to walk and it seems that since I began doing this I am less stressed out. Have you had your thyroid checked??? Just wondering if that could possibly cause hair loss. I wish you the best.
Me too - walk my dog every morning! Great way to start my day sm
That is my time - no e-mails, no work, nothing to think about but the cold air, walking and enjoying my walk with my dog. That is, of course, after my teenagers leave for school (LOL).

It really does start the day off great and gives you time to get out, get exercise, and a fresh look on life every morning.
Could be by specialty, but usually walk-in clinic, stand-alone
This sounds lame, but I take my dog on a walk (he has been going on many walks lately). SM
I also daydream about finding a job better suited to me, and the angrier I get the more action I take. In the process now.
Go take a quick walk around your house without your coat...! nm
Yes, email me and I'll be glad to walk you through it. nm
How about you just walk in the shoes you hold with disdain, and you get changes made