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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Pasted info from their website. York Hospital is part of Wellspan.

Posted By: sm on 2007-06-05
In Reply to: SIL says she went through Wellspan Community Health Center. sm - LMT

York Hospital
1001 South George Street
P.O. Box 15198
York, PA 17405-7198
Main number: (717) 851-2345
Registration/Admissions: (717) 851-2231
Billing Inquiry: (717) 851-2102
Care Line: (717) 851-2273

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okay, york hospital said they had delivery records, but no prenatal records. sm
they had no idea who she practiced with or anything like that and of course SIL doesn't know any name other than Freundel. i am also a midwife besides being an MT and in order for me to take her given her bicornuate uterus, i have to have her records. i guess delivery records is better than nothing, LOL, but i have to have her prenatal records. i wonder if there is a clinic there or something that med students rotate through. i couldn't even find ms. freundel on AMA, but she may not be through with her training yet either and that is probably why.
Errors on hospital website
When I looked up a doc's name at one of the local hospitals,I was shocked to see that it was titled "Dr. John Smith, M.D.". I looked at several more doctor profiles, and they all say "Dr. So and So, M.D. I thought if you used "Dr." at the beginning of his title you didn't use "M.D." at the end.

Also, I was looking at the website for a local town who experienced a tornado several years ago, and there were several pages with pictures and captions. All the captions talked about the "distruction" and how the tornado "distroyed" so many things. UGH!
Thanks! I looked at the info at AT&T website
Amazing what can be done. My laptop says it's wireless enabled, but I've never tried it. Will take it to town next time and see if it works at a hot spot.

Also appreciate the tip about not using debit cards.

I'll research more but firsthand advice is always best. Thanks again.
I found this website with lots of info. I too...sm
am hoping to get a position as an IC, mainly for the freedom. The quote from the website says that in order to qualify as an IC with the IRS you have to abide by this rule, as well as several others:

"Don't let the hiring firm dictate your working hours, although the firm may give you a deadline for completing your work."


Email info@usatasp.com and someone will contact you. The website is
Can you go part-time at the hospital and
try PT with an online company to test the waters? I'm currently PT with a hosp because it's not in the budget to add staff at this time, so I researched and accepted a position with an online company. So far, it's working out well.
Have you ever been part of a hospital strike sm

I will tell you that I first-hand saw that out of a varied group of workers, the MTs were the FIRST and ONLY work group to cross the picket line to scab themselves for the money. 

I didn't, but it was me and 2 other people out of 25 who stayed out.  That is the reason unions and strikes do not work for transcriptionists.  We have a majority who will sell everyone else down the river to put more money into their own pockets.


At my hospital, MTs were not part of the union,
so maybe that may be the case at your hospital, too. I wouldn't know that. Our MTs had to cross the picket lines if they wanted to keep their jobs.
what part of IL and what info are you looking for?

I worked part-time in a hospital sm
radiology department for a copule years and they did the floppy disk thing. They were huge compared to now. We didn't have a main frame at that time. Your format stuff was on the "system disk" you put in on the left nad then your disk with your work went into the right hand slot. It was this big huge monster of a "computer" thing.
New York City, New York

SIL says she went through Wellspan Community Health Center. sm
any idea how to call them? i am not finding that exact name info. i did find roseann freundel as a DO student in WV but just pictured and an article. no contact info.
Spent 20 min. researching with very little info, and at the end, Dr. said 'Just take that part ou

I hate it when I spend so much time looking up things I do not know (terms or medications, or even a referring or copied doctor's name and address) and then the doctor changes his/her mind and says to just take that back out.


Or, you spend all that time looking things up and researching, then at the end they say 'Oh, by the way, here's all the information you just wasted your time looking up.'


I'll be back to rant more later because this has REALLY been getting on my nerves lately, and seems to be happening a lot more often.

I found more info. Supposedly he actually died in her hospital room of a heart attack....(sm)

How absolutely awful.  It says he was visiting his mom and the new baby.  Can you imagine going in the hospital to give birth only to leave with your new baby and your older son not make it out?  I can't even comprehend it.  I'm sorry for the people who can't see past her craziness but that has to be heartbreaking. 

Depends on what kind of hospital? Large urban hospital or small community hospital? SM

Also, is it a large teaching hospital? If so you have to consider there will be A LOT of different residents dictating, usually a lot of ESLs at teaching hospitals, and the residents rotate out and new ones rotate in every summer. So you can't expect to get the same dictators and build up your macros because the dictators change all the time.

I would say 9 cpl would be a pretty good offer for a small to medium community hospital where you will be doing the same dictators on a daily basis.  But for bigger, urban or teaching hospitals I would want at least 12 to 15 cpl. 

I just copied/pasted
My existing templates into a new document in the facility folder. With each facility you set up you create a template list. I don't think there is a limit on templates, but I may be wrong. There are already some there and I actually just pasted into those and renamed them. I only have a couple per doc though so it didn't take much time.
Still don't know what I did, but I copied and pasted into
a new document and it fixed it. 
I have copied and pasted from IRS

guidelines.  If URL does not work, the link is also included so you can paste and copy in your browser. 

If you hire an electrician, a painter, or a roofer (as examples of independent contractors), you do not tell them HOW to do their work or WHEN to do their work.  Just try doing so and see how many contractors you can obtain. 

Today, we have these large companies not only telling us how to do the work for which we have been trained, but when to do the work (specifically, what days of the week and what hours).  Certainly, the quality of the end product must meet the client's approval or the contract can be cancelled.  It cannot be cancelled on the grounds of not working specific days or hours each day to fulfill that contract.  If you sign a contract specifying you will produce 1000 or 1200 or 1600 lines per day and you meet that production, a client (the MTSO) cannot fault you if you produce the agreed upon lines in 4 hours, 6 hours, 3 days, 2 days, etc.  When requiring you to work a specified schedule of x number of hours producinig x number of lines, then it becomes employee-employer status, not one of client-independent contractor status. 

Also note the evalutation system below.  I would saying doing QA in evaluating a contractor's performance is an evaluation system.  Would you?  What about being  put on probation or fined (as some companies are now doing)?  Does that point to employee status?  Can you put a roofing contractor on probabtion or issue a fine?

And...just read the section on training.  An eyeopener for certain. 

Below are the guidelines.  I say we ICs start filling out the misclassified workers form.  If we are treated as employees, then we need tax relief.  If MTSOs provide employee status in some states and not others, AS WELL AS hiring ICs, then an IC cannot be required to adhere to the policies and procedures that their employees are required to adhere, and that includes WHEN the work will be performed and HOW it will be performed.  The guidelines are clear. 

I'm not afraid of broaching this subject for fear jobs will go to a third world country.  They are going there at a rate faster than the speed of lightning anyway, and nothing we as ICs or employees can do will stop it.  They are going there because it is a cheap, cheap way of doing business. 




Independent Contractor

The general rule is that an individual is an independent contractor if (the person for whom the services are performed) has the right to control or direct only the result of the work, and not what will be done and how it will be done or method of accomplishing the result.

People such as lawyers, contractors, subcontractors, public stenographers, and auctioneers who follow an independent trade, business, or profession in which they offer their services to the public, are generally not employees. However, whether such people are employees or independent contractors depends on the facts in each case. The earnings of a person who is working as an independent contractor are subject to Self-Employment (SE) tax.

Evaluation System

If an evaluation system measures the details of how the work is performed, then these factors would point to an employee.

If the evaluation system measures just the end result, then this can point to either an independent contractor or an employee.


If the business provides the worker with training on how to do the job, this indicates that the business wants the job done in a particular way.  This is strong evidence that the worker is an employee. Periodic or on-going training about procedures and methods is even stronger evidence of an employer-employee relationship. However, independent contractors ordinarily use their own methods.

Misclassified Workers Can File Social Security Tax Form
Workers who believe they have been improperly classified as independent contractors by an employer can use Form 8919, Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on Wages to figure and report the employee�s share of uncollected Social Security and Medicare taxes due on their compensation. See the full article Misclassified Workers to File New Social Security Tax Form for more information.




I copied and pasted the reports
into Chartscript.net. I didn't even bother typing the original in Chartscipt, just typed everything in word and then copied over. I also use ShortHand and there were always missing letters in my shortcuts when I plugged them in. I no longer work on CS but am on one that is just about as bad.

We were told not to use the Expander in Chartscript at all and whenever I tried to change/save something in there it would not let me so it was usless anyway. I did have to turn off that expander and remember to turn it back on before pulling in the next template though as you stated.

The only way I have found to accomplish any production at all with the last 3 platforms I have been on is to type in Word then copy over to the platform. And that works until the system totally freezes, or you get kicked off........*sigh*

If companies are going to expect a certain amount of production each day I sure wish they had platforms that would help us accomplish that!
I have pasted the list from my training on my C-phone

I am not sure if they are all the same, but here is what I have

Enter: 6 � for routed work � while on full QA

5 � by work pool � once off full QA

4 � by job # � use this Enter mode to relisten to (QA) jobs that have been signed off/deleted from the work pool into the transcribed pool.

8 � by open report

3 � for specific work

1 � for priority work

2 � for non-priority work

7 � for autologous-routing

9 � for review marked work

"AT START" � press the foot pedal or press 0.


9 Toggle � returns you to the above Enter work options

*5 Job #, Dictator ID#, Subject # (MR#), work type #, dept. #, job length, authored on date

2 Bypass a dictation

7 Sign off/delete � puts job into transcribed pool x14 days. (Must hear "AT END" to delete)

*7 Puts dictation in OPEN STATUS**see below

#6 Places a Book Mark at flags you have � lift foot off foot pedal and hit #6

#7 For QA to jump to every book marked flag

#1 Go to the beginning of the dictation

3 Go to the end of the dictation

#4 Slows down dictation*see below

#5 Speeds up dictation*see below

0 Play the dictation

1 Stop the dictation

4 Increase rewind

#2 Decrease volume*see below

#3 Increase volume*see below

#9 Time left of report


Its pasted inside. The whole thing, not just the link,
My name is Dr. Zeshan Ahmed. The Domain MTStars.com was registered in my name since it's inception, in 2002. Sheri and Me know each other since 2003, I did help her in developing USAType, Inc. website (which she owned at that time) while I was in Pakistan. On my personal trip to US in Jan 2003, I met Sheri in AZ. She offered me a Job and I accepted it. She arranged my accommodation, etc. and I remained in US working with her (initially as MT and later as Web Developer/Tech for USAType) at USAType, Inc. office for next 5 months. For some odd personal reasons, I came back to Pakistan, May 2003.


On my way back to home, she offered me to continue working for USAType as work from home employ. I accepted it. Now back to MTStars.com, I had no Credit Card at that time for the yearly renewals of the domain. I asked Sheri about it and she said she will take care of it and kept the domain as solicitor and I came to Pakistan. I started working online, I did work for USAType, Inc., USATasp (Text Platform for MTs/QA, Where the USAType clients were shifted later on), FlashType, FlashCount, MTStars and many other commercial sites. Every single line of Software Code for MTStars is written by me. I did the marketing & software development and she handled the front end. Down the road, Sheri did outsource MT work to a couple of Pakistani MT companies in Karachi and Islamabad and I took care of that as well. She made money and I received regular monthly wire transfers, mainly from the earnings of MTStars.com and partly from other outsourcing MT activities for USAType. We worked together and made USAType & MTStars a success. USAType was her business and MTStars was mine when it came to splitting of income & ownership. She sold the USAType in 2006. Afterwards, She started a voice solution EZ-Voice but that was a failure. I never faced problems because I was receiving money from my site MTStars. No doubt money always going to her bank account from Google AdSense & Pay Pal etc. and then she deducted the server & MTStars marketing expenses etc and sent me the remaining amount. Money was going to her because sponsors etc paying to PayPal account. Paypal is still not available in Pakistan.

In 2006, I got my first Credit Card here in Pakistan and was able to pay for online transactions. I opened the account with GoDaddy and asked Sheri to shift the MTStars.com domain in my account. As banking rules are getting strict for money transfers from US to Pakistan everyday. I need to show authorities here, from where this money is coming from. I have to file my taxes etc. as well.

Finally, the domain was shifted to my account in August, 2007. She did it herself, with her own consent and there was no hijacking or cyber squatting etc. involved in this process. The rest of it can be verified from GoDaddy as they keep track of each transfer IPs etc. Just want to make my point here that the domain was never stolen, hijacked or transferred illegally (Otherwise, she would have taken it back by now). It came back to real owner after 5 years in August, 2007. Even after the domain transfer the money went to her as usual, but my share was diminishing everyday. She owed me $7000 in October, 2007, when I sold the domain (for $7000) to one of my friends with a promise that the domain will be sold back to me by Feb1st, 2008 and I will return his money and in the meantime, Sheri and me will keep running the site. Sheri knew everything and was involved in all this process. She promised that all of my debts will be cleared by that time and MTStars would be back with us. But money never arrived and as per promise, the new owner was free to sell it on Feb 1st. Neither me nor Sheri own this domain anymore. It has been sold and re-sold.

I have been requested by all the concerned parties to make my statement to keep the records clear. Sheri was more like a mother to me for last 5 years and I still respect her. I have no personal grudges or agendas against her. Me and She was the part of all this process and knew everyday happenings regarding the domain. The best we can say now is good luck to new owners.

P.S: Every single line above is true. I have all the documentary evidence (those who are interested, I can email them the scanned copies), 5 years bank statements showing wire transfers from Sheri's account, money grams, MT houses worked for USAType, employment letter & independent contractor agreements. Most of these documents even lie with US consulate in Pakistan, when I applied for US visa this year and I had to show my purpose/funds for visit etc.


Dr. Zeshan Ahmed

Multan, Pakistan
Cell: +92 300 8733779
Email: dr.zeshan@gmail.com

Try off of the Advance Magazine web site, pasted inside. nm
I copied and pasted, hope you do not mind but this is really good (NM)
Vianeta had bad spell check. Copy & pasted
York, PA here. Hi to the both of you!

New Rochelle, New York......NM
Upstate New York
I have finished my MT course and I am waiting for my results, hopefully this week. I live near Glens Falls, New York, and was wondering if there was anyone here who was from my area. I would love to hear from anyone in the vicinity. Elsie
My New York relatives used to rag on me:

and say when I visited, "She's from Massatoothetts where they thay 'Pahk the cah in Havaad Yaad.' "   (Note: My relatives have no teeth, hence the lisp.)

Cue the banjo's.

anyone from York, PA area? sm
i am looking for info on an OB/GYN named, Rosean Freundel.  i can't find her on any of the MD websites.  anyone have any contact info on her?  she delivered my SIL's baby and she needs to request her records.  she delivered at York Hospital about 2 years ago.

right now work as a ful-time employee status.  Do I understand your post to mean that I, as a New York resident, cannot work as IC if I chose to?  Thx.

Amherst is near Buffalo New York
Stephanie from PA: I've been to York sm
to the H-D assembly plant a few years ago.  Loved the area there and the proud people working for H-D.  So sad to see the demise of the jobs in the PA steel mills and the loss of jobs in the American auto industry to foreign manufacturers.  Very sad, indeed.  I come from a manufacturing area, now virtually ghost towns with just service jobs left.
Johnson City, New York
York, PA too! small world (nm)
There's the liberal New York Times for ya.......
Sent It to New York Times and Associated Press
Send this or your own letter.  Let us know if anyone gets a response.
No way, in New York or CA you can't live on $11.50 an hour.
I understand your message and get what you are saying; however, it is literally impossible to live on $11.50 an hour in those two states, and probably a few others. You can't even get a 1 bedroom studio apartment for less than $1500 a month, not including utilities, then food, clothing, and other bills. Sorry, can't do it.

Hi Ella! I'm from New York City

I grew up in NYC..   multicultural, diverse,  many different neighborhoods. I love NYC  . Rude New Yorkers are a stereotype.   All kinds of people here.  Visit it sometime.

Love your posts, though... ths is an MT board - active, retired, former, and anyone who's thinking about becoming one.

Does anyone know anything about the Greenwood Lake area of New York?
I'm in upstate New York, haven't had a problem. Mine is hvc. Where are you?
Just curious: I RESIDE IN NEW YORK and you in a little village in the Midwest, right?...nm
The easy part is making the decision to leave, the hard part is
actually doing it.  Been in your shoes and it took me a year and a half to leave after I had made the decision to do so.  It was the best thing I have ever done for myself and my girls.  I had family and friends and a counselor telling me what needed to be done and I knew what needed to be done but until I had the courage on my own to do it I stayed.  One day, we had an argument and he spit in my face and that was the last straw for me.  Even though it is something that I will NEVER forget, that day is also a day I will never forget because it is the day that I took my kids and left.  I am a single mom of 2 and have been single and supporting us for 5 years now.  I have been healing ever since and still am to this day.  You can do this.  I know that if I hadn't have left and I would have stayed one of us would be dead by now or both. 
weird..if you look up the profiles, the "guy from Iowa" is from New York..wonder if he origina
came from Iowa?  I don't think Guy will win..thats too easy.  It better NOT be that snotty Carissa..that is one show I'd NEVER watch.  I like the "Iowa" guy.
Gee, wish all these newyorkers would meet on the New York State board. It gets lonely up here.
Yes, I read your post, and I just re-read it, and I've copied and pasted for you in case

you've forgotten your own words! Your post above is 100% different "flavor" to it, now all positive and cheery! Your first post was 100% doom and gloom every which way, including "raining on your parade", and "if you want to go forward"...God, sounds like she's talking about jumping into oncoming traffic! Here is your quote:

My first boss (the one who hired me as a new grad) gave me some words of wisdom that I haven't forgotten. She said that transcribing at home with small children NEVER works under any circumstance. Either the work will suffer or the parenting will suffer.


How can the word "NEVER" in caps be interpreted in any positive way? You took about 8 paragraphs to cover every aspect and completely dash this poor woman's dream.  I'm not blind, I'm not talking about day care at all, I'm talking about the total negativity of your original post! You know exactly what I'm talking about, cause you added some sugar to your second version! And that's much nicer than the first!

What's up with the CMT part A and part B exams?
I thought it was all one test.  How can a half a test last 6-1/2 hours?  If anyone knows, please share your info!  Thanks! 
Does anyone know if you are a part time employee for 1 company and part time IC for another can you
still claim deductions for IC on your income tax even though you are one of each.
Depends on how part time the part time jobs are.
You can do it. You just have to work out a schedule you can live with.
Hospital. I wish I'd never left my hospital job.
They'll only take me back if I start off working nights and weekends again at the bottom of the totem pole.
If you work for a hospital - how come no one from the hospital
called you?? Were they in the dark, as well?? How sad, that no one in your hospital communicates with the at home staff.
demographic info is not the only info ...sm
protected by HIPAA, as we all know. I saw that ad too and was surprised to see it. Any identifying info is considered Protected Health Information, including diagnoses, tests, etc. This MTSO should have known better than to ask for that.