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Out in the boonies.

Posted By: mtathome on 2008-03-14
In Reply to: Forgot satellite and get wireless USB. sm - LMT

Does the wireless really work well? Our cell phone coverage is very patchy- to the point that sometimes if you just move your head you lose the signal. I have been told that the wireless would work about as well as your cell phones work.

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Anyone living in the country using SATELLITE and accessing a VPN successfully?  If so, can you tell me who u use? 


Transcribing in boonies
Please share info on successful of connections while living in rural areas.  I work for company that uses VPN for voice.  TIA!
MTing in the boonies

I am looking for an MT position with only 1 1/6 MT experience.  I am not have much luck.

I have the aircard and little experience.  


Any suggestions ?  What companies hire MTs like me who need mentoring?



Air card, Meditech, Fusion, boonies

Yes, I know there are lots of questions and answers about one or more of these issues most of which I've read, but I need to make sure before I end up signing something that I can't deliver.

I have a Sierra air card in the middle of nowhere.  Will I be able to link to Meditech specifically and receive Fusion voice files through a VPN in a timely manner or will one or the other or both be so slow as to be inoperative?  I've worked with it doing FTPs and photo downloads and it's slow but not glacial.

Has anyone had specific Meditech related problems going over the 5 gig limit with their carrier?

Thanks and lots of hugs in advance. f

i hope so; i currently have satellite as i am in the boonies too and i work for probity.no problems