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Oops, too early

Posted By: tbpmt on 2007-08-16
In Reply to: Thanks...That's not bade at all - tbpmt


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(Oops, too early) From above freat = great. And
Everyone said that about DOS in the early 80s
I think it is early too..sm
Lots to do after wedding, honeymoon, getting settled, enjoying new life, etc.  Big job to write all those thank you notes.  I still remember after 40 years struggling to get that done!!!!  I bet you'll be getting one.  If these people are friends, they're probably like you and raised their daughter to be appreciative. Give it more time.  
You were right to get out early
I was very patient with a one of those type clients and had to threaten to take them to court to get the money they owed me.
anyone not any one....sorry -- still early :)
I know it's too early but..

I have hundreds of hotties,beauties and smarties to wish, so I thought to finish off uncles and aunties first.


sorry, too early
Sorry for the extra "where...." Too early in the morning.
Worked in early 90s for 15 cpl
I work in a clinic and am salaried. I decided to pick up some extra work at home and try out one of these companies. Offered 9 cpl...In early 90s, I worked at home for 15 cpl for the local hospital. Who are these companies kidding?  What's up with that? I think I'll call the hospital back. But I've heard they are outsourcing now, so they may not pay that anymore either. I believe all these companies out there have been the cause of the drop in OUR pay. Whatcha think?
I have those same symptoms, but I'm in my early 30s.

Have you had a tubal or come off BC pills?  I was doing some research the other day and came up with hormonal imbalance, but not estrogen like they think.  One of the posters on the Ask the Dr. board recommend progesterone cream for the sore hoohas.  Read down the board and you'll see the posts.  She said the doctors are mistreating it with BC pills, which only makes it worse..  I'm making an appt w/my doctor and asking for an endocrine evaluation to see how out of whack everything is.  FWIW, my former doctor put me on BC pills with Prozac for my PMS.  The physical symptoms got worse, while the Prozac made me sleep 12 hours a day, have really wild dreams, and lose all motivation to clean the house or work.  I do not like that stuff.

There are there boys here, and believe me, males have their hormonal mood swings, too.

yeah, Aug 1st...seems early to us, too sm
we are working towards year round school.  They will have a week off a month this school term. I don't like it, but I wasn't asked!
I work really early and I already got
my lines done for the day.
"throwing" that is (still early!)-nm
Ran out of work very early on.
Another great pay day!  Waiting for hours now...
Born in the early AM and that is when I
function best.
thanks for the early a.m. laugh...NM
I have been QA for TH since early last year.
Go to the company board. I personally think TH QA is very good. They pay hourly and they are very fair to their QA staff, which is more than I can say for most of the services out there. Don't listen to the other poster. Check them out. Trust me, they are worth it IF you qualify.
.12 not .23 - oh brother, too early!
Tired fingers, meant to say even if you have to go from .12 to .11 do it (for now).
maybe OP celebrating a bit early herself!
Yes. I cant take early retirement because I
Who wants to take early retirement if not
Why did you take early retirement

if you knew it wouldn't be enough? I don't mean to be rude, but it seems to me you want to have your cake and eat it too. I don't think it's right you want to cheat the gov't by putting everything in your husband's name.  I suggest you ask your clergyman what he thinks of your proposal.

I have been married to the same man for the last 13 years.  We had 3 children together after we got married.  My husband and I each had to pay for our own college educations.  We have worked for everything we have and have done it the honest way.  I would have loved to have had a child first and then went to school for free while my husband was living with me and supporting us but had a different mailbox so I could still collect welfare.  Then after school, I would have popped out 2 more and continued to receive welfare while I was looking for a job (but secretly planning our wedding) and then got married while the gov't picked up the tab, so I could sit back now and enjoy my beautiful house that I was able to afford while I was ripping off everyone else. 

It really burns me when someone tries to get ahead in life by taking from others.  I'm sorry that I don't share in your plight, but what you are doing is illegal. It is fraud, and if you chose to go that route, I hope someone finds out and reports you.  Maybe the gov't wouldn't screw us so much, if so many didn't screw it first.  Shame on you!  

Working early

I'm hoping to be able to do this soon.  The company that I work for is going through the process of switching over to digital.  As it is right now I go into the office in the morning to pick up tapes and it's usually 10 a.m. by the time I get home and can start working!  It's killing me to only be limited to about 5 hours that I can work during the day. 

This couldn't have happend at a better time though as I'm starting nursing clinicals in the fall and it's going to be wonderful to be able to get up super early if I need to to get my work done and focus on studying or whatever.  I can't wait! 

This was early 2000s and no
hubby not employed there but I was at the time. I figured if I wanted my job, especially with him so ticked that I even asked for my money back and then went to hospital arbitration, I possibly would end up without a job. I looked and looked for the operative note and he finally dictated it 9 months after the date and added the part that he did not do. I took to the head of medical records and told her falsified. She said I could write a note to put on my chart stating such. Talk about losing respect for someone. I am sure this happens more than people think. I have a very odd last name. He knew exactly what he was doing when he falsified the record.
Actually, it was early this time around - Tues I think.
Just had early dinner at my desk, so
my keyboard and mouse are no longer starving.  Would not be me if I didn't spill my coke and drop at least 1 fork of food onto keyboard.   But at least I keep them well nourished and hydrated. 
PS: This guy was a police chief, and they were only in their early 30's.
I might be dense because its early but which words? The ones on here?
Late 30s when I started; early 40s now.
Have kept a full-time class load since I started. My 2 boys were young/mid teens when I started back (divorced since they were tiny, raised them alone). Up until late last year, I worked 2 PT positions, hitting as many lines as I could to save as much as I could to support myself while I go to med school. When I decided to go back to school, I paid off the only 2 credit cards I had, destroyed one, put the other in a safety deposit box, paid off my car and reduced my living expenses down to just monthly living.

My degree is a Bachelor of Science in biology (preprofessional/premed emphasis) with a minor in chemistry and in history. Taking MCAT in April (yikes! hooray! yikes! hooray!).

You can do what you to do. School is so much more different as an adult. Most of the kids are great to be around, though there are a few you'd like to go parent on and either discipline, punish, or just ask what the heck is wrong with them?! Hahaha

Oh, and found that I feel just as, if not more, indignation at cheating which seems to be a given way of life among kids (and surprisingly adults) today.

That's my story. Thanks for asking. If I can help anyone anytime about a decision to go back to school, balance work/family/classes, etc., please do write!
I think that EPT that can tell you early is made by First Response (sm)
I saw the commercial this morning.
Since early 1991. I love them! nm
I remember early to mid 1990s..nm
Why take early retirement if you cant afford it?
When you took early retirement, did you not find out
how much you could earn and other questions about retirement? If you did not, very foolish on your part. I have another year to go to have FULL retirement age- that for me is 66. I could retire now but knew AHEAD of time if I did, then for every 3$ I make, the government takes a part of that. I did not want to pay in any more than I have already. I went to social security last month, found out how much I will get at full retirement, etc. etc. If I live and take retirement money out (I plan to continue working) I will be getting almost $2,000 a month. With my salary, the full retirement money and some retirment money I get from a company I used to work for, that will be a very good sum for me. Having said that, there is no way in hades that I would ever try to pull the wool over Uncle Sam's eyes- talk about trouble- what you propose seems to be underhanded- whether it is or not I would not want to be any part of that scheme. I think where you live has a lot to do with whether you have to get tax ID number or not. Better to be on the up and up than spending some time behind bars.
You might not have planned to take early retir.
Why take early retirement before you find out
working early AM hours
I am considering changing my hours starting work around 4 am in order to finish up earlier.  Are they any of you who do this and have young kids to get up and moving in the morning too.  My goal is to finish early in the summer months.  I will have interuptions from seven to about nine with getting the kids ready and off to summer camp for the morning.  So I would like to start as early as possible in order to get as much done as possible before they even get up.  I don't know if I can do the 4 am thing, tho.  I don't get to bed all that early.  To those of you that do this, how do you get yourself up and moving at such an early hour????
Early stages of agoraphobia?

Do any of you feel that since you have started working at home that you have become a lot more antisocialible and isolated?  I have always been a shy person but have never been afraid to go out.  Since working at home, which I do love, I never want to leave the house.  The only time I go anywhere is on the weekends and that is because my husband is with me.  If I have someone with me then I am fine, but I do not want to leave the house alone.  I have to force myself to run errands such as going to the bank, post offfice, etc.  When I do go out, I just feel like everyone is looking at me.  I feel very paranoid and self-conscious and I just cannot wait to get back into the safety of my car and get home.  Do I have the early stages of agoraphobia?  I know I also suffer from OCD.  I wash my hands so many times a day it's crazy.  If I cook meat, I have to wash my hands and wipe down my cooking area about a million times.  I have a fear of germs.  I repeat numbers a lot of times and if I do something to one finger/hand, I have to do it to the other.  The OCD does not bother me too bad though because I am so used to it but the not wanting to leave the house thing bugs me.  Do any of you feel the same as I do? 

Only when I stay up too late and get up too early to work.
(Which is almost every day this summer!)  I wish I could power nap, but it takes me too long to fall asleep, then I get dizzy and nauseous if I am awakened soon after dozing off.  DH can fall asleep anywhere, any time.  Lucky dog.  I've resorted to an afternoon coffee lately just to get my fingers going faster.  My speed slows down and my mind wanders when I'm tired.
I asked in early August to change
accounts and was told NO. I also have a very difficult account with mostly ESL docs and residents, who ask you to go back and correct a million things or stay on there saying umm, umm, umm.

Would love to switch accounts or offices - something. I don't want to quit.
Yeah, it's early.....good grammar! You know what I mean though! - nm
hit some yard sales early in the morning

Oh, I'm with you. I read this early this morning and i am heartbroken!! sm
I can totally see past what she's done in the past. I havve 3 sons, one much older, and cannot even fathom this happening. I wonder if the stress of the new baby had anything to do with it. This is so tragic. I am so sad.
It's National Doctor Get Up Real Early in the
Dictate a sentence, then sigh, whisper a sentence, then sign, talk really, r e a l l y s l ooooooo wwww, and then sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!    Try some coffee DOC!  It's a real pick-me-up!!!! 
I heard this, too. I was going to file early this year
but the IRS won't even be processing them. I think the gubbamint is outta money so they're waiting until they get money in before paying out to the early filers who are expecting refunds.
geeze...you can tell I am up too early this morning...sorry for the typos
I work early morning shift and I get the garbage

leftover from the day before.  I will often get 6 reports from a very difficult ESL dictator and they may be over an 8 hour period of dictation.   When there is such a gap in the dictation you know you are being assigned these reports, not just luck of the draw.   All work is assigned by the office.   I have seen my line count drop about 4000 lines/pay period the last couple of months because I'm getting such bad dictators.  I don't mind doing my fair share, but it certainly isn't fair that my line count is being affected like it is. 

I have complained to my supervisor and it got better for a couple of months and now it is the same crap all over again and I'm looking to move on.  


Never, not gonna happen, I'm the early morning person
who always gets up for nothing when there's no work.
I know why I am transcribing (a few bad choices I made early in life) - sm
But I did not lie about my IQ when I replied. There are genuine circumstances that prevent potential from being realized. I don't think I would have ever had the mentality to hold up a job more suited to my potential, though, and would have probably fallen on my face, had I been a doctor or a lawyer or such. I do know I would be dead now (long story). The direction I took was what seems now like a bad choice in life that lead to MT'ing to make a living, but in talking with my friends, they think it was providential.

MT'ing is easy because I remember everything without references. It helps me feel better about myself, and I make easy money.

Maybe this is what was intended.

[sigh]....I meant "got". Too early to type!
sorry bout the typo... too early and kids not cooperating this morning....
Let me know if you have any questions.
full-figured, middle-aged female (early 40s)
It could have been worse...he could have said I was obese (2 dress sizes over my typical athletic clothing)