Oops, picture didn't post
Posted By: sm on 2006-03-15
In Reply to: Fragrance Oils - see inside. - sm
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Your post gave me a mental picture...
When did we all become so deserving? I'm picturing the people moving west in covered wagons. It didn't even occur to them that the govt should provide them with jack diddly squat. If a storm blew up, it blew up. It wasn't anybody fault. They weren't blaming the farmers for their cattle ruining the ozone with their farts. They just accepted what was. We've gone WAY soft anymore. We can't survive without ice? Sheesh, those people lived their entire lives without seeing an ice cube, unless of course it was winter and they needed ice like a parka in Bermuda.
oops - I APOLOGIZE TO SM - you didn't...sm
Sorry to sm....you DID NOT type *slow typers* - Please forgive me for typing that - I was incorrect on that. Really sorry :)
OOPS, didn't see that he had tests ... (SM)
if the doctor is that concerned that he called an ambulance, you need to convince him to go back!
oops, you didn't specify your child's gender - sorry!
oops, link didn't copy so here it is
oops...link didn't show
here it is:
oops - didn't notice "born" that's funny for sure
Oops, guess it didn't attach properly..sm
OOPS. Post for magnent post below...nm
Oops..didn't read the whole message..let's see..still margaritas and lobster and how about...A
oops - that post was from me - SM
forgot to change my name back to the name I was using in this thread :) - forgive me. *lol*
Oops...above post was to go above.....sorry. nm
Oops - regarding my post.,
of course, you (obviously) can find info referenced in the AAMT BOS, HOWEVER, the MQ part only applies if you are an employee (thought your post was from the MQ board and am sorry for the mixup!)
oops, old post, sorry!
oops....belongs with the post below.
Long day. ~LOL~
oops.. Sorry for the typo in my post! nm
Oops sorry then disregard my post- NM
oops, my link did not post
trying again here
Oops, please read above post, there IS a message.
oops, I made an error in above post
I wanted to say the "SO-CALLED MANAGER," who does NOT give a rats _________ if you get your quota, or NOT!!
Oops -- that it's worth it sure doesn't belong on my post!
Oops......post dropped my same rules & regs. Sorry.
oops meant to post this on MQ board. I really am stressing out. (nm)
Didn't the post say PT, 15,000? THAT's PT???nm
I didn't think she was being mean about my post.....was she?
I didn't take it that way.
Didn't know the other post was from you
and I do have a hard time believing $98K in just 30 hours a week, but anything is possible I suppose.
oh. I obviously didn't see the post below before.
I thought it was just like your existential scream for the day or something, heh.
Link didn't post
Try this
I didn't get any of what you said from the previous post
I think the poster was just saying that nationals do those things mentioned. Nowhere was it said in her post that nationals are crooks. Those are your words and you're trying to put them in her post because she she contradicted your theory.
Sorry, here it is..it didn't post correctly
The link didn't post - here it is again.
Link didn't post. Here it is again.
Me, too. I was going to post earlier, but didn't
have the energy. I had the twitching thumb first about a year ago, now aches and pains every week that move or migrate all over, too. Numb legs, butt that kills me - seriously, I nearly cry when I sit down or stand up. Then it moves to my neck, or shoulders, and then back to legs. It is horrible pain, and I'm getting really worried that I'm not going to hold up for this job much longer. Its so pathetic - sitting in a chair and falling apart. I was wondering if it could be fibromyalgia-type symptoms. Horrible. You are not alone! I have also bought so many ergonomic things - chair, keyboard, mouse "platform", and forget it. Oh yes, even lighting, and I still am in pain all over the second I sit down in this chair.
You need to reread the post. I didn't say
all the freebies were scams.
I didn't get your post either Rita.
Did he do the face lift or not? If he did the face lift and dictated it at a later date and predated the report then that goes on all of the time. When a doctor fails to dictate then it is is dictated at a later date but the date of the actual service or the study, etc. is performed usually does not change.
I didn't mention his gender in my post at all
as you so eloquently put, the fact he does not communicate with his patients.
Being an animal doctor hardly qualifies any person or any gender to run a government health program for any person of any gender.
Being smart and trustworthy are only part of what it takes to run such an agency. Maybe a little experience?
Never mind..I didn't see your post answering that sm
very question below.
Mea Culpa.
And sadly, I don't have the Spheris Expander to which you were referring.
duh, sorry, didn't read post below mine. NM
I didn't read your way-too-long post, but...
did you type all that out, or copy and paste from somewhere, cause if you typed it all out...you need to get a life and quick!
You didn't read the post very carefully.
Link didn't work in last post
I didn't post that but if I had to make a guess...
I would guess the poster meant that newbies always feel they have a high accuracy.
Don't be offended....if that is what was meant.
Ask your QA or supervisor where you stand. At least you care !!!
Didn't post the question but I have the same problem
thanks for a great suggestion.
Two times mine didn't......but I think I saw a post
Sorry. Didn't read your post correctly
I don't use the compile feature, but build my glossaries as I go along. Never cared for the results I got with compiling.
ooops - SORRY! I didn't relize my first post
my apologies!
She didn't put any names or even employment locations with her post --
she simply listed errors she sees. I would keep a list as well; could be very useful in training new MTs or orienting even experienced MTs about what they have had in the past, how easy it is for one to just "type what they hear" and not pay attention, etc.
She didn't do anything wrong.
Hey, no problem. I didn't post a name or initials, so you probably wouldn't have known it was
OK, chart didn't post correctly, but link will nm
well, excuuuuse me. I didn't realize it had been deleted till after my first post
I didn't assume since that post was on there before I started my shift at noon
...........and this post for help was posted only a couple of hours ago. I couldn't imagine leaving a note up for that long.
But, you are right, ya never know. :)