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One person's "custom" is another person's

Posted By: it's not ignorant. I agree. on 2005-11-03
In Reply to: That's a pretty ignorant statement - do you know what "customs" are??? - wow!

"house arrest". I'd never go to the Middle East because of how they treat women. I don't agree with their laws or "justice" system. For example, the woman who was gang raped as punishment for the actions of her 12-year-old brother, a boy who wasn't even an adult. How's that for a "custom"? Let's not forget bride burning. Burqas.

Besides, foreigners don't follow our "customs" when they come to this country. Half of them don't even bother learning English. Instead, we're expected to pay for healthcare and foodstamps for illegals and print everything in Spanish.

I won't be oppressed or treated as a second class citizen, and I wouldn't treat others like that either. A "custom" is more like putting up a Christmas tree, not being abused based on your gender.

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I work for the person. I know. Very excellent person, personally and business-sense.
It is an INSULT to have QA hovering over seasoned MTs who know what they are doing. She trusts her MTs and again if there are questions there is one person, a trainer, who can answer them via phone, e-mail or instant message or you can send the whole report to them if you choose.
Point was is the person willing to make up for the slack of the person who types 1 job when there is

if that is all they WANT to type.   Is the person who wants to be a supervisor willing to make up for those people?

You have crap supervisors, editors and mts in the business like you have good ones.   Sadly, the really good ones of all of them are few and far between. 

When you have a QA person that is picky and another QA person that is very lenient where does that
leave the MTs because some are getting a lenient reviewer and others are getting one that picks at everything. How do you reconcile that issue with the difference in QA mentality. Some people make out well and the other people could be just as good but dont. I wonder about that.
The person MTSO pays is the person who
i'm sure it will vary from person to person.
I recently did the same thing and am loving it! The freedom from time clocks, the better company, make losing the benefits well worth it to me. You need to set up a plan to have $ set aside for taxes though. I should have done this years ago!
Wrong person. I'm not the person you were
any money.  You have a sucky attitude, a "poor me" attitude.  Get off your lazy whiny a$$ and work instead of complaining and you will make money.  I have one account at 10.5 cpl, two at 14 cpl and one at 15 cpl.  I make a lot of money, even on the 10.5 cpl.  But I'm not sitting around whining either.  And I didn't whine when I made $6 an hour.
The one person I know who his doing VR....
isn't filling in words, she's having to reconfigure and restructure to the entire report, to the point it would be much easier and faster to just transcribe it.  And over several months' time, it hasn't gotten one iota better.  I'll believe the "fill in the word" editing when I see it.
like the person below said------

no friend of medical transcriptionists for one thing

and when I met her my only thought was well that must have been

the personification of Marian the Librarian.

I would have thought she'd have retired to a garden pruning weeds by now and gotten her extremism out of our lives.  But no such luck.

This person cannot
do anything unless he has a document that was signed by your daughter indicating that he loaned her money using the motorcycle as collateral.  To get this person to leave you alone, you may want to have an attorney give this person a call to pose this question (regarding signed doc).  I have had a situation occur, not necessarily like yours, but I needed an attorney to write a letter in order to cease the situation and the attorney only charged my $50.  The letter took care of the problem. 
This person (Taz) is
a perfect example of what I just stated.  This world is going to hell in an elaborately decorated hand basket. 
So one person (YOU) is MOST MT's?
I make more than you do anyway and I left MT so LOL yourself and good luck finding a job in 5-10 years when this one goes the way of the mule skinner.
wonder if it's the same person?
From VA?
8:20 a.m. - and I'm an a.m. person!!! nm
QA person here(sm)
I QA by cutting and pasting the error; preferably as much of the sentence as I can so they at least have an idea of what I am correcting and why. I also cut and paste my corrections. I also give them hints on how to research, including links.

I'm not sure that (d) up there sounds very nice. New MTs CAN be taught a great deal, but to have that "edge" on them only scares them more. I've been on both ends, as a beginning MT and as QA. I remember the feedback that helped me most and it was often delivered in a friendly helpful manner, no warning shots, etc.
As the other person said, Go For It!
It was supposed to be a 2 year course at the Community College, but the way that the courses were setup and with working, took me 2 1/2 years. Not bad for an *ol' gal!*  Was just very proud of myself because at the time, I had a hunch that some people around me were thinking *she'll never do it,* and I did, with flying colors!!  I'm sure you have some support behind you, so you should be good to go!!  Anyway, if you don't do it, you'll always be wondering *what if,* so just do it!!  Like a friend asked me, "But I'll be 10 years older when I finish?!"  My answer, "You'll be 10 years older if you don't."  LOL!
I'm not so sure it's that person....sm

It could be anyone of about a hundred malcontents.  You cannot *assume* on these boards - only the Administrator and Moderators could verify if it's that poster or not.  Personally, I don't care who the posters are in reality.  I just think what with all the strife going on in the world EVERYWHERE that people/posters should just be a tad kinder in the life. 

Envy is fine - envy is like you're happy for that person but wish you were *there* - whereas jealousy (albeit it might be universal) is very unhealthy and nasty, negative, and people wishing to take other people down notches by posting nasty remarks.  Oh well, some people just are more comfortable with the negative and nasty in life (guess their cups are always half empty) - but some of us choose to be positive and not nasty (cups being half full).  It's all a matter of choice.

Take care and have fun!!

Go by in person??
QA person from MQ please

Hi I have a friend considering changing compaines and coming in as a QA person.  She is on the fence can anyone give me some feedback is MQ QA any good, what and how do they pay...Do they treat you ok?  She is in the grass is greener syndrome working at another co.  I just left MQ for another field I wasn't happy as an MT.  Trying to help out a friend thats all..

QA Person
Thank you so much! I feel so much better having heard from you today. I have had the hyphen battle with this person in QA forever it seems and I have continued to follow as shown in the Book of Style. In my heart of hearts I felt I was correct. I plan to take your much appreciated advice and keep typing it the way I have been. I am so thrilled to know that a person in QA agrees that at times the MT gets mixed signals. Now I do not feel so alone. At times I wonder if some people in QA forget how it was before they were in those shoes. I have 2+ years experience and at times I still feel like a newbie fresh out of school. Just wish some QA would be more tolerant -- especially when the MT really does follow the Book of Style. Thanks again!!! Bless you!!! Wish you were my QA . . . at least you seem like you can still relate to how difficult the MT work can be on the otherside of the fence.
Said something about 6 cpl from a person
whose English was atrocious. This person really should pay someone to hire them.
This person is not looking for *help*. sm
She is looking for employees by asking for help and then sending you an email asking for your resume. something suspicious here.
this person is probably just......
trying to protect his or her own job security, so the company does not get job overhire! I would probably do the same. I found my own really good job after 7 years of searching, and I LOVE IT!
I'd tell her RIGHT NOW that the person isn't
if you are going to continue to proof her work.  No sense in dragging it out.  If someone is going to make it as an MT, you know that fairly quickly.
Please tell me what a person is doing
when the scope is used. I have seen it and do not know exactly what they are doing. Thanks.
You are not the same person.
Maybe the only person they could get who would - (sm)
"speak for 6 cents a line?"

MT person

Well in 4 hours I did over 1600 lines @.125 per line plus one hour of printing and delivering and that equals over $200 which equals $40 to $50 per hour.

And to think we would allow this person to
The person who said she could do 700 lph
I got one from the same person
Named Susan also written very poorly and asking odd questions. It's aggravating!
from a QA person
A lot of the changes you see are out of our hands.  Where I work, the management people change their mind weekly, mark this, no don't mark it, mark that, no don't.  Plus remembering what to mark for offshores (who get their little hands held) and what to mark for ICs.  Yes there are some QA people out there who get on a power trip by making you feel bad.  If everybody followed one set of rules, such as the book of style, we wouldn't be having these problems, and neither would you.  It's such a pain in the tush, if my hands weren't so bad, I'd go back to transcribing!!
It was always run by the same person...
She just lied and said it was all American. It was just officially taken over when she screwed people over with not paying them.

Same person set the site up and ran the site, she just put her name on it. So, if you supported it 2 years ago or 3 years ago, it's no different than now. The only thing that's changed is she doesn't have access to your stuff anymore.
does NOT mean you have any more right than the next person!
as a QA person
Things have changed drastically for us too.  Now most jobs require we go 100% by the Book of Style, and that also means grammar.  If you have one, turn on your grammar check.  Remember we get checked too and if we miss something an MT did, we get marked off, so it's not just to ding you, it's to go by the rules and do it exactly by BOS and how the company wants it.  This was a big change to most of us too, but you'll find if you pay attention and do it right, it will become second hand.  I literally have had reports that have had over 40 blanks, grammar, wrong words, made-up dictation, you name it.  It's not our rules, it's company-wide rules that we all have to follow.
Is this a new QA person?? If so, he/she
may not be aware of certain specifics with regard to particular clients. As to the contradictions, you have to save copies and then send them to your supervisor and ask for clarification. If you are corrected and change it, and then corrected again for the change, the only way to dispute it is to have the copies. Start saving everything.
EXACTLY and if all a person sm
has done is acute care for over 30 years then you get very good at it and can make a living doing it also. some of the problem in this business is folks don't want to learn what they need to learn and when they can't find the easy accounts they assume you can't make a living at this. While I would love to have a great clinic account that is easy, I have had to do acute care for all these years and I made up my mind to learn it. I make a great living and I do nearly all operative report because that is what I want to do!
And is it possible THAT'S a QA person???
Sorry, no comprende.  I can't hear the file from here. 
I would think a QA person would
have more intelligence than that!!!  But, then again......
Go along with the person who said get a job
first because some on this board having just graduated cannot get a job. Even experienced people use all kind of different equipment. We fit no particular mold, all depends on the place you work for.
I'm sorry, I did not at all mean you as a person
MT30+, are trifling, as you are of great value to Jesus Christ and much loved and cared for by Him, as are we all. I just meant the attitude you seem to have fallen into, from reading some of the other posts. And it's not fair of me to judge you, because I have no doubt had my life gone differently, I could have easily fallen into that same attitude. That reminds me I have another reason to be thankful to my heavenly Father for the trials I've gone through, as it's freed me from some things that just plain don't matter.
you are a very judgmental person.
I feel sorry for you.
what kind of person are you?????

"don't dog the people looking for your daughter and investigating the people who may have seen her last. "

okay, well maybe she feels that not enough is being done.  I mean, she did just lose her daughter.  Imagine that feeling.  I can't.  I am quite sure if it were me, no one COULD be doing enough.  I would probably be on everyone's case until she were found.  Also, are you dense?  OF COURSE they are going to investigate the people who have seen her last.  HAHAHAHAHA.  I cannot believe that comment.  Who else would they investigate??????

As far as the rest of your post, I don't believe it even deserves acknowledging.  Your thoughts speak for the kind of person you are.



ONE other person? Now you're just LYING!!!!

Thanks for your post. This person is....
wicked.  To suggest that I shouldn't have had kids because they go to rec camp during the summer.  They LOVE IT!  It's a huge program and very popular.  Jeez, kids of 10,11,and 12 yrs old have expanded their world just a bit from sitting next to mommy and coloring and playing by her feet.  They want to be busy and with other kids.  Oh well, I guess it takes all kinds.
I like my QA person, but I also know she's not posting
here.  She's very professional at her job and doesn't need to laugh at people or post their mistakes in a public forum.  I'll admit, there are some funny MT mistakes out there.  However, I found the tone of most of the responses offensive because the mistakes weren't humorous whatsoever.  The original post asked for FUNNY mistakes, not making FUN of people's mistakes.  THAT is what offends me about this thread.
Some nice person just below tried to SM

change the subject, people began to post under it, we were moving away from the previous issue and you DECIDED to bring it up again.

How helpful is that, I wonder?

You are a very lucky person..

You are 100% wrong. We are not the same person at all.
You are one smart person,
this, Soft Script would go out of business!!! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.
You are just another mean person trying to bash MQ.
my CSC person told me there is FT and SE
so i assumed statutory was part time