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Okay Sandra! We all agree you need to be removed from the board.

Posted By: sm on 2005-08-11
In Reply to:

Hurting peoples feelings are uncalled for and just plain rude. You are a troll. You are very sad sad person who has no social graces whatsoever.

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    Job ads go on the Job Seekers board only, that is why post was removed.
    We had problems with the Main board and some posts were removed. You did not offend

    not Sandra nm
    Sandra Bullock

    are you sandra too? that is who my response went to.
    you should really use the same name both places.
    There is a Sandra Dee/Bobby Darin
    movie, the title which escapes me right now, where the mom gives Sandra Dee a book on dog training when she gets married. She explains that you train men as you would a dog. Too funny!
    Top 10 Things Sandra DOESN'T know ...
    10) How to spell
    9) How to conduct business
    8) How to attract clients (or flies for that matter)
    7) How to be an example
    6) How to learn from her mistakes
    5) How to let go of her anger
    4) How to belong to any group
    3) How to have friends
    2) How to be a decent human being
    1) How to be an MT

    The only thing she apparently knows is how to be a TERRIBLE WARNING!
    Did anyone catch the show with Sandra Bernhardt?
    Where she and Elizabeth had sort of a fight over politics. That was the best! lol
    I agree, this board does not belong to her,
    after all it is a 'world help board!'H

    Had she really in mind to help the newbies, she would have formulated it in a different way.

    It is always the tone that makes the music.
    I agree, getting ready to search out another transcription board
    as this one has completely gone to the dogs, rarely does anyone go to the other boards that we are constantly being directed to, that is why the main board was so much fun, now it seems there is a place for everything but not here, I will probably be mosing on too. See ya
    I agree, you need to a lot of research. I would start with the job seeker's board and see who S

    is advertising and research the companies that seem to have the best to offer and find out if they truly are the ones with the best to offer.  In this business, there are a lot more considerations when looking for a job than just cents per line.

    Good Luck!

    I agree. And as someone posted on another board here, it's hard to care about it when the dictat
    Being these are pretty darn important documents, it's equally as important for us to get it right as it is for them to slow down so we can truly actually hear what they're trying to say. It's a joint effort that often falls short on their end for whatever reason.
    Agree! Board is like chatting. Work requires more brain cells.
    OSi ads are being removed. (SM)

    The poster has been banned access.  If you see ads that I miss, please post the link to the post under this message -- it is much quicker this way today.

    Thank you for all your help and Happy Thanksgiving!


    I saw that you removed it and thank you
    Yes, it will be removed.
    You have to have them removed by

    I wish we could delete them ourselves.  It would be so much easier than trying to get someone to do it for you, plus they might delete the wrong ones.

    It has been removed.

    Yep - otherwise, modertors would have removed it.
    I was removed off an acct. after one day -sm
    as the client requested I be removed. I don't remember being given any samples (several years ago). It was an ESL, a new acct. etc. So I did have blanks here and there, the MTSO had told me not to worry, they'd QA all the work. For some reason or other they did not, hence the work went through as I had left it. Needless to say the client was not happy, so I was removed from the account. I did not lose my job though, but I was peeved for sure about the whole thing. We eventually parted ways and I have not had that problem since.
    The post has been removed.
    Yes, the information needs to be removed
    If you want to reuse some of the discs, you can reformat them and erase the info.
    Had one removed many years ago...
    Hurt like the dickens everytime I tried to move my hands or fingers. After removal, haven't had a problem since. Surgery was outpatient. Was able to type (though very slowly) the next day. Back to speed within a week.
    Why was my post removed?
    I posted a thoughtful post in reply.

    I would appreciate knowing why it was removed.

    Thank you.
    They are not allowed to post here. It is removed. (NM)
    The posts that were removed were political. (SM)
    It started discussion about which President was at fault for what and political views.

    Stop jumping to conclusions over a reminder.
    I posted before and it was removed. (no message)
    Replies to monitor removed. (SM)
    Please read my post up the page titled Topics.


    Was the post regarding Brainbench removed?

    I have had nail tips put on and removed
    numerous times but I always have them cut them way down the first time and then as they slowly grow you don't even notice the keyboard thing because it's a gradual thing. Before you know it you're typing with the longer nails. Done it many times and that's all that worked for me. Maybe go back and have them cut them down before removing them. I actually had people tell me the shorter nails look nicer, very natural, and long nails are pretty much out now anyway. Plus they are difficult to keep clean. You'll see. ; )
    In addition, we have queued the ad to be removed
    but it usually takes a few days for it to remove. 
    And they are removed. If they're not, then they got missed.
    Post was removed because it was not on this subject.
    It was not against offshoring, it was against the other poster as well as this site.

    You posted a hostile response without reason, and it was removed.

    Per TOS, offshore discussions by US MTs are allowed, only postings by offshore posters are not.
    The 2 posts by the individual have been removed. (SM)
    They were advertising for other sites. Please report such posts when you see them.  Cher/Moderator
    The post has been reported and is being removed.
    Please do not respond to it.
    The fact that they haven't been removed

    All I stated is that I grew up in the Utica/Rome area, and now it is deleted.  Who did I offend????
    As long as the name and any other identifying information is removed
    there is no violation. BTW, isn't it HIPAA and not HIPPA? ; )
    Medical Mystery. Man has his uterus removed!
    Nah, not really.  But, my dictator actually said that today.  I split my side laughing.  Almost had to go to the ER to get stitched up!
    Note: Job ads re: Jax Transcription have been removed until they respond to our
    We did that, too. Tossed the drawer, removed the runners.
    Again, regarding Keystrokes, I only removed threads because they got absolutely out of control.

    Further, at the beginning of the year and after sponsors memberships have run out, we will no longer be offering sponsorships.  We do not want to give the impression that any sponsor has any effect on MTStars just because they are a sponsor.  They do not. 

    If you have further questions, feel free to email me.  I am open for discussion anytime.


    It got quite ugly to the point that I removed the entire thread. We just all don't have
    time to pick through and pull out the ugly posts, so in this case, the whole thread went.  Franky Boy has been banned.
    E-mail address removed; please do not post EM addresses. (NM)
    Don't do it. I had mine surgically removed after I got married. 2 bad scars now...after a
    while the newness will rub off and YOU WILL question why you did it. Unfortunately, one of the tatoos was on my left chest, so any low-cut shirt I wear shows this ugly scar (or it would have shown a STUPID dolphin).....I have to admit, I like the scar much better, though! Costs thousands for removal. The other one was on my left leg. U-G-L-Y
    It was not an health related jobs post, so it was removed.
    I removed the drawer to mount the keyboard tray.
    Surprisingly, I didn't need that drawer as much as I thought I would. I found an adjustment keyboard tray at a bargain clearance store for $19, originally sold for around $80. Try ebay, too.
    I have removed negative posts made by those who seem to feel the need to
    Christmas by making crude comments about something fun we do every year at Christmas time.
    The post about the resume bank has been removed. It was discovered that the person
    who made the post was lying and got caught.  Administrator
    Attn: MTSO - re: your earlier post for a reliable MT that was removed
    I replied to your earlier post, as did a couple of other MTs, however, now I see that your message has been removed.
    I just wanted to try to touch base with you again.
    If you are still looking for help and would like to contact me you can do so via replying via email to this post.

    I wonder why your post was removed before?? Moderator, info?
    If the state boards are no longer active, why haven't they been removed so people don't waste