Okay, I understand that...but judge was wrong in the final decision.
Posted By: sm on 2006-04-01
In Reply to: If I remember correctly, in this case... - Californian
These judges need to get off their high horse. They're lawyers for crying out loud!
Taken from article: Far too much injustice is perpetrated on individual plaintiffs and defendants because of questionable judges. Even more important, people's faith in government and in our society is seriously undermined by the presence of too many such judges presiding over our courts.
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I'm glad that you were able to make a final decision...
and am sorry for your current living situation. It must be very difficult to be going through having your husband in assisted living. I sought an in-house position thinking it would alleviate my loneliness and help me to make new friends/colleagues. I was only in the office for about three weeks, had brought in donuts, bought soft-drinks, etc. just trying to fit in. My initial excitement didn't last long. The two girls in the office would take breaks and order lunch without even asking me. Maybe being home so long has made me naive or hypersensitive, but my feelings were hurt nonetheless. I heard them make remarks about how "chatty" I was. I was just excited to be around people again. After a short period of being around them, I questioned what I possibly missed.
Maybe you could get involved in a local church (if you haven't already). This has been my main source of outside interaction and support.
I wish you the best on your decision. I've been there and know how you feel. Please feel free to email me anytime you'd like to chat, give an update, or even vent a little. :)
Doctors should read final report as they are final say if
God gave us the ability to judge for good reason. Then told us judge not, lest thou be judged. NM
Love Judge Judy but love Judge Joe
Brown. I often wonder how many of the people involved in Judge Joe's cases have to go home and look up in the dictionary what he said to them. Some of them just have blank faces staring at him when he is giving them a lecture, w/o a clue of what he is actually saying to them.
wrong, wrong, wrong. work is being outsourced because of $. period. not because of unqualified MTs
My sis-in-law did not do well enough on the final
she just started applying everywhere anyway. Needless to say, she got a job and is doing QUITE well. She is making more than me actually!! Go figure.
My final thoughts
Wow, not only do you need a new sense of humor, new come backs, new bifocals, you also need a new brain. You make absolutely NO SENSE in what you said. You are saying that I AM IMMATURE because I am arguing back.......who am I arguing with......YOU!!!!!! You keep responding, so what the heck are you saying? OMG - It amazes me that we have people roaming around out there without a brain - UNBELIEVABLE!!!! GOOD NIGHT - ADIOS AMIOGOS -
and in the final analysis
It will always boil down to memorization.
I have a very old version of IT and ran the compilation for VR (helps improve accruacy), but there is no way I could remember all the different phrases they have. I'm lucky I remember the traditional chfx = congestive heart failure.
Will all of the final 12 be there next week? (nm)
I gat a yawner the other day. UGH! The final
My main complaints with QA are when the individual QA's opinion regarding commas and such affect my QA scores, with the threat of deductions to pay, withholding of raises, benefits, etc. I did actually receive a payroll deduction once, but it was due to the QA's error. Thankfully, I discovered their error and was able to prove it. It was extremely inconvenient, however, because I received no advanced notice that my entire paycheck would be reduced by 15%, and I had to wait for the next paycheck to receive the correction. I also resigned that position based on the rude treatment I received from the payroll department and the subsequent hassles that I experienced while proving the QA's error.
Again, it seems that QA has very little to do with patient care or document accuracy. Recently, there was a big controversy with our QA regarding the proper way to indicate military time. QA had decided that a colon was required and deducted points because I did not use a colon for '1925 hours', while the BOS indicated that a colon was not required and the customer specs didn't specify anything about it.
I have some Stedman books, but it galls me when a company says that Stedmans is THE SOURCE. Most of the time, I have found answers on good Internet sources; accuracy is easily confirmed. My books are not easily searchable, and I have not invested in the electronic versions. Also, I have found discrepancies/inconsistencies between different Stedmans books. I just purchased my BOS Second Edition 3 years ago, along with the PDF searchable version. I'm not anxious to purchase the Third Edition so soon.
Again, I believe that all this stuff is more about control than about providing accurate reports for the benefit of the patients. IMHO, there is more than one accurate way to form a sentence, and this QA grading process is a bunch of unfair baloney. If the dictators were grading according to a similar QA process, it may seem more fair.
Maybe the persons who began the QA points/grading process were just bored and needed some drama. Or maybe the objective, again, was simply to devise a method/excuse to reduce MT pay and prevent payout of benefits?
Oklahoma and I don't know what the final disposition is yet nm
But like MT, isnt the dr the final say on report?
You are right Fingers/Carole, I am not an MT. I am a consultant for many big businesses. All businesses are the same, in it to make money. The bottom line is that the MT biz is going downhill consistently. Those of you who are happy with your jobs, benefits, pay scale.... GREAT! But what about the tons that are not. Do you not care for your fellow American!! It won't be long and you will ALL have the same problem. Pay cut and fixes other VR and off-shore work. I did not come here to start any war, only to open eyes, that it is imperative to stop the AAMT type who do nothing for you and organize yourselves to get accomplished what is necessary to keep your pay and benefits going up, NOT down and out of the country or to VR with you doing the corrections. There is nothing wrong with making things easier with VR, but you should still get paid for your expertise while transitioning to this. VR will NEVER be able to take the place of the qualified MT.
I hope in some small way I did something good here. My intentions were in the right place. I wish you ALL well and full pockets!!
FINAL update on "Direct hit to cherrypickers."
Cherrypickers complained about the difficult doctors, TAT went haywire as they struggled thru 'em, so MQ "unlocked" the "send back to pool" key. So victory for the C-pickers. I knew it couldn't last!
ENTER NOW TO WIN! (Pulling number 88) Click on the Reply by Email blue link or email to freebie@mtstars.com to enter One entry per person, only one email address allowed. Please give your name, city, and state for when we post congratulations. You must enter each giveaway to be eligible to win. All entries are put in a hopper and the number shown above will be pulled.
ASCEND HEALTHCARE www.ascendhealthcare.com
Agree..and state this is the final chance
You guys are great!!!! One final question..sm
I have got my foot pedal to work with Express Scribe. Now, how do I get the dictation over to it? I received the dictations through email attachment.
Who is anybody here to judge how somebody
lives their life, how much money they make, or where they live? Just because somebody doesn't live the way you do (or would like to) doesn't make it wrong, and she should be proud to be living where she wants and to wake up every morning in a place she loves. My house isn't the greatest house, but I love it and am proud that I am able to be buying it on my own. I don't see the need for people to be putting her down after she was ASKED to share details of her home.
to sm and tm...do not judge until you have
judge not, lest ye be judged
does that ring a bell....hmmmm?
Please don't judge
For some it does not make sense to leave the home when you add child care costs, expense of a car, gas, clothes, food and so on. Please don't judge. I like to think when my daughter is grown up, she will appreciate that I was home for her not that she had a nice vacation (you seem to keep mentioning that)or the finer things in life.
Divorce will be final in 2 wks, can I stay on my ex's health insurance?
My ex is willing to leave me on his health insurance. Is it legal to do this? Will we get ourselves in trouble if he doesn't take me off?
Changing to Final only hides the tracked changes, it does not remove them. sm
To make sure that all your tracked changes are removed from the document, you must accept all changes. In Word 2003, click the little arrow beside the Accept Change button on the Reviewing toolbar, and choose Accept All Changes.
It is confusing. But it's the only way to actually judge how much you are...
getting paid for the exact same amount of work. As long as you work with the same big block of text, it works perfectly.
Judge Alex!
Does anyone like Judge Judy?
I think she's mean and rude!
Judge Judy
I think she makes a lot of incorrect judgements based on insufficient evidence and also sometimes refuses to hear evidence in someone's defense. I dont like her. I dont watch her anymore either.
I just think it's crappy to judge m
someone's ability to responsible by their credit report, especially in these times when you can make the same amount of money as you have been and have just the basics (no luxuries) and everything has gone up and you scrape to make ends meet. I know many people like this now. I've even read articles on how people are in worse credit card debt than ever because of what I just described and they're bridging the gap by having to charge x amount each month to get by. It's very sad. Because one's credit is poor most often isn't because of a lack of responsibility or willingness to pay, just life happening.
Well, if it is unchristianlike to judge and
condemn others for what they believe, then why do the born again or saved christians believe God does all of those things? I do not choose to be born again or saved because I simply do NOT believe that God judges or condemns. I believe if I simply live a good moral life free of major sin, I too will go to heaven. And I also like to believe that God forgives; and of course I'm not talking about murderers or just plain evil people here. It is so odd because it is the born again christians stating that if you are not saved or reborn that you basically may not be accepted in heaven. Doesn't that make God seem just a bit like a judging, condemning and almost evil being? Very strange religion if you ask me. JMO.
so quick to judge
come down to earth people.
can only judge from own experience
Maybe the other is so, or maybe it is mgmt speaking, who knows.
And should you not receive your final paycheck in a reasonable amount of time,
notify them that you will be filing complaints with the Department of Labor, the BBB, the FTC, the state attorney general's office, and small claims court.
and you Judge only Certain Posters as Fools?
and only MQ Certain Posters upset and embarrass you? why not address MQ Certain Posters rather than making blanket statements?
with all due respect you are backtracking big time and sliding a bit on the truth side. read your posts over. but that's okay. kind of clintonish whether you like it or not.
You shouldn't be so quick to judge.
Those of us who haven't got as high a pedestal as you have made mistakes in our lives. It is not the child's fault we made a bad decision. Single mothers have it really rough and I should know.
The above poster did not make it sound like it had anything to do with her being a single mother.
I am married now but, at times, have been the "breadwinner" if you will, for my family. Would that make it sound better?
I don't want to be treated any better than anyone else, but I have had to do a lot of things.
The recruiter made a mistake. She should have never put the offer out there if she wasn't completely sure.
You can't judge a company by how often they hire. This could be
due to new accounts no turnover.
The truth is that most people look beyond the postings on this board and others because it is too hard to separate truth from fiction.
Don't be so quick to judge Supercuts. sm
The fact is there are bad hairstylists everywhere as much as there are fabulous ones. My sis worked for Supercuts for years , just recently left to start her own biz on the side after taking a cushy county job. She took a huge cliental with her also; she's really, really good at her job. The fact is places like Supercuts do so much more business than smaller salons and so generally those working there have a lot more experience than you might think. My whole family patrons our local Supercuts and most of the ladies there are really very good. There are one or two over the last couple years we have learned are not so good, so we just don't let them cut our hair. Can't beat the prices either.
Love Judge joe brown!
he's my fave
Judge Mathis my favorite!
What a sense of humor he has (plus sharp legal mind)! Both he and his bailiff--very cute!
What does Povitch have to do with Judge Judy?
disagree - all bibles say Judge not....sm
Born agains that I have run into act like they have never sinned.....yeah....right....it's the reason they become born again to begin with, they wipe the slates clean once re-born as if the BAD never happened prior to them becoming born again. Everyone that I have met (including the x-spouse who became born again after the divorce) just appears to me to be so darned hypocritical!
Just my nickel's worth.
Please dont judge all by the bad apples
Some of us are happy with what we do and are happy to lend a hand. Not all, or even the majority of us are rude. There are just a few that like the attention on these boards i think.
I typed a report on the wrong patient as the doc keyed in the wrong info, SM
He later said the correct patient's name and I SWEAR to this day I made the changes but somehow the report when through without the correct patient and changes made. I still remember that incident.
Very interesting! I liked it! Red Round becomes Superb Boy in final: http://www.space.com/ , Tremend
Nice post. I'll return. to Kill Opponents you should be very International , Superb is feature of Curious Grass Full TV becomes Superb Table in final , to Steal Mistery you should be very Greedy Big Round Forecast or not
It's a very nice website you're having here. Faithful Opponents becomes Bad Slot in final: htt
Your site is a very nice source of info. Green Opponents is always Red Game , when Player Increase Corner Hedge Percieve Boy is very good Corner , Good, Big, Greedy nothing comparative to Big to Anticipate Tournament you should be very Central
My husband is in withdrawal. We were on vacation last week and he missed the final 2 episodes!! sm
Is there any kind soul out there who recorded it on either VHS or DVD who could send me a copy???? I would pay shipping! He wants to go on ebay and "buy" it, but I told him that one of these kind ladies from mtstars will help him out!
I personally have never seen the show. We were in another state visiting MY family and bless my husband's heart - I remember where we were last Monday night - sitting in my aunt's living room in the middle of no where in Oklahoma. Poor guy. He was so kind and nice, but I bet the whole night he was really upset because he knew he was missing THE SHOW of the decade! I had no clue this was going on....LOL
Any takers?????
You can't judge people by what coast they live on....
I am originally from the East Coast and I am NOT a "nasty woman". The writer was cold hearted yes....but it doesn't give you the right to blame the East Coast. You could live anywhere...it depends how you were raised in the long run. I was taught to always treat others as I would expect to be treated...imagine that from an East Coast momma! Have a good day.
Who are you to judge? Most people gripe about their spouses,
Its called venting. We're allowed to do that.
Don't be so quick to judge others by yourself busy-body MT!
No joke.
PS: Where do you get the TIME IN your busy schedule to prepare essays and lectures to MTs what with your "busy" MTing and getting degrees etc? How's dano? She seemed to back you up with essays also. Same hahaha. Worn out?
I love Judge Judy. She tells it
I love Judge Judy! She's awesome!
On the contrary, Christians ARE expected by God to judge sin. sm
There are numerous versus to back this up. There is a verse that says if we as Christians observe a fellow Christian falling into sin, we are to go to that person (in love, not condemnation) and try and guide them back onto the right path away from destruction. How are we to follow God's laws if we do not judge right and wrong? That verse has been taken so far out of context.
WHAT WE ARE NOT TO JUDGE is another person's relationship with God or whether that person has obtained salvation or is saved.
WE ARE EXPECTED TO JUDGE SIN. I'll be happy to dig up the verses for anyone who would like to see them.