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Okay, I apologize ahead of time for this

Posted By: but Hugh Grant and oysters! nm on 2005-08-02
In Reply to: Okay I'm Really Bored. If you could only have one food and one person on desert island, what and - Curious


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If I boil mine ahead of time, I go ahead and peel off the shell after they have (sm)
been sitting in a pan of cold water for about 30 minutes.
So how would you know ahead of time if
problem with drinking? Don't mean to get off the subject but just wondering.
that should say *ahead of time*
I make lunch ahead of time and

my child has never complained about the bread being hard.  Maybe because we use 100% whole wheat and it is already kind of dry?  I have just never heard that complaint from anyone

I make lunch right after clearing up dinner and that way if we all oversleep by accident, at least its one less thing to have to worry about.  We have enough stress in the morning.


why subject little angels to the willey years ahead of time
The hairy thing might scare her. At that age, they are fugly.

Tell papa not to take ANY chances that could screw up her delicate psyche. If he continues, make an appt with a therapist and get an expert's advice.
RAST test classification roman numerals or numbers? Thanks ahead of time.
I apologize..you did say that!
No need to apologize. . . .sm

I have (had)  one woman ESL that speaks very, very softly with a very, very heavy accent and there is always a huge HUM in the background.  If you turn up the volume to actually HEAR her, the HUM just get's louder. She never does shy of at least 40 lines per patient which would take me at least a half hour and would be sent with at least 5 QA markers.

I reported her to my super and haven't had her for over 2 weeks. Whether or not they are "fixing" the problem or sending it to India, I hope I'll never know, but she honestly was next to impossible.

How can you apologize for something other's did?
Your post is sickening. Close the site down? Teach manners to those who hate? Manners?
Don't apologize . .

I rather enjoy the husband rants

No need to apologize...
We all get just as frustrated with dictators who eat while dictating. It's extremely rude. Then too, some docs have absolutely no idea how horrible it sounds on the other end -- until they hear it for themselves! LOL

For example, I used to transcribe for a university president who chewed (smacked) on his gum during every single dictation. He was a precious man and I never had the nerve to tell him that it bothered me so much. I would literally cringe when I heard this. One day, he went through my office and saw my body language, which must have been quite a sight because I was totally and completely past the point of being able to control or concele my contorted face, the hairs on my neck standing straight up, or my huffing and puffing while typing. I did not hear him walk through and he stopped by my desk to ask me what was wrong. Well, what could I do? I took out my earphones and let him hear it for himself. He was completely shocked and embarrassed.

I felt HORRIBLE about bringing this to his attention because he was the best boss and the sweetest person I knew but he never did it again.
then I apologize
to you and wish you and your family good health.  don't forget to vote!
I apologize!
I am sorry. I must have offended you in some way. I guess it is unreasonable for me to need some time off for rest, time with my family, or even for medical leave. Yes, I am very grateful to have a job to return to. I am blessed. Everyone needsa break some time. I just don't want to be the type of wife/mother that teaches her family that money and a job is all there is to life. Maybe I am wrong. Perhaps I should not be seeking advice on this site if I am going to offend others.
I must apologize
I am the OP and did not intend to offend any particular group of people. Did I mention I am not white? As far as I could “hear” the dictator was not black. For the sake of being PC can any one give me the right term to describe Ebonics? Where I was raised “Pijun” was the spoken language, and I would agree with anyone who would think that should be considered ESL as well.
OP, I don't see any need to apologize!

To me anyway, you described a type of language being used and that language is known as Ebonics.  To me it's kinda like "pig Latin." 

People take offense to the darndest things these days it's not funny.  Ever visit the comedy section of this board?  I posted maybe 3 or 4 blonde jokes and no one's crawled up my butt complaining racism or whatever.  Sigh.  It's hard to have any sort of dialogue without offending someone on some level, so just be yourself and if someone has a problem with something you said, it's their problem to deal with, not yours.

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."  ~Eleanor Roosevelt

I apologize for not
reading your post carefully.  I see that you realize you will need an editor.  If you hire an Editor and pay them what they are worth to proof your work right out of school, they will be making more than you, and you will probably be making less than with S*is or M*qst.  Doesn't make sense and I can't imagine it being worth it.  To sum it up, yes, your idea sounds nuts.  Again, JMO.  I'm sure there are people who have done it.  Doesn't make it a good idea.
Dang, don't apologize ;-)

Like far out, man..LOL.  Awesome resolution on both of them (of course I had to save them to my docs, too)   The second one looks like a Peter Maxx drawing, dontcha think? 

Thanks for sharing...really need a peace sign here, dang it...oh, no wink either *sigh*

I apologize for obviously offending you.
I agree - and apologize. (nm)
Heck, don't apologize
They don't deserve it. If they have one ounce of sense in their heads, they will do what they can to accommodate you. If they don't, there are plenty of companies out there who would be happy to hire the talented and witty Hayseed. Seriously.
Well, on the other hand, I would like to apologize.
I have been at this since 1979. The changes that have occurred over the last 25 years have been dramatic and mostly, they have been oppressive. Now, I know I will see e-mails stating that this is the greatest job in the world and who could ask for more than being able to stay at home and make a living.

It is more than that. This is the only field where the wickedness comes out of coworkers to the point of disdain toward their comrades. I don't understand it. It is not like this in any other field. Mostly, the team work that is necessary for feel like there is a common goal (giving the client a perfect report in a timely fashion)and a common enemy (QA which dissect our reports, turning even the most seasoned MTs into self-doubting, defensive and trembling people who, of course, realize they are on the brink of losing their jobs). The past performance however perfect is wiped clean with one bad QA result. Supervision becomes god-like, determine how much income we will make, how well we will enjoy our work and how we feel about ourselves depending on their feedback and encouragement.

There isn't much more to say about this job - it does pay well but comparatively speaking, after 25 years in the same field, you could say, we have not had a raise. Speed typing engines keep our production up to a level that gives us a decent wage.

Say what you will about this job, but it is always going to have good and bad days. Over the years, our hearing will diminish, tinnitus from noise exposure, carpal tunnel from repetitive movements, the innumerable physical conditions which result from sitting still for such a long time (heart attacks at 50 have occurred to two of my comrades), isolation, depression.

And it is not going to get any better.

Trying to consider that I am working to help a physician perform his duties as he treats his patients is what I personally focus on. It helps to be fascinated by medicine.

But, to the new MTs - I apologize for the bad and hope that the good makes up for it. I hope you realize that the patient is why we are here, so be sure that our report is accurate so that proper care is provided.

The personalities in this field can be abrasive, and it may be that reason why they turn to solo work but again, that goes with it. Best advice is to keep to yourself, not gossip nor listen to gossip, type every report like it is the only one, and realize that the money, even 60 thousand a year, is far from enough to compensate us for doing a job that is so rarely appreciated by the CEOs, that our line count and bad QA score over a 30 day period can take us out of a job we have been in for 20 years.

Just had a doctor apologize to the
Yes, it is SHUT UP or APOLOGIZE!...nm
Apologize for the mistake...meant sm, not nm.
You are right, Dano. I apologize for sounding
so critical.

Yes, QA can have problems getting their act together. Most of time, however, I see MTs who absolutely feel they should never be corrected nor forced to follow the client preferences because they have a zillion years of experience.

No one knows it all. It doesn't matter if you have 1 year of experience or 25 years of experience; if the client wants it a certain way, they want it that way, period.

I should have tempered the tone of my post and I am going to ask Admin if they will make a change to it.

MT-NY, I apologize for sounding so critical.
This is a touchy subject, as you can well see.

You're correct - I don't know it all! I have over 20 years of experience but when a client wants it a certain way, they just do.

If it is just one QA person who is doing this, I would take that up with a supervisor. I think I might have responded differently had I known it was just one QA person doing this and not all of the QA department.

In any event, I apologize.
Simon did apologize, he said so last night. nm
Yes. this post is a bit out of control, and I apologize--sm
I also thank you for your words. I overreacted and I will be the first to admit that. I know she was trying to be *funny* with her comment about shooting herself, and I was trying to be *funny* back, but I didn't call her a nit wit. I am sensitive today because it is my youngest son's birthday and he misses his dad, and it showed today. My son's found their father dead and they are having a difficult time in dealing with it. I guess I am too. I HAVE sought counseling, but I have not found one that was not more interested in money than in trying to help. Thank you again...and to you and the OP....I apologize. I DO know when I am wrong. but I am not a nit wit.
oops - I APOLOGIZE TO SM - you didn't...sm
Sorry to sm....you DID NOT type *slow typers* - Please forgive me for typing that - I was incorrect on that.  Really sorry :)
Just apologize for the email and start looking
Unless you have no choice, I strongly suspect you can find a normal job - sounds like they are taking HUGE advantage of you.

It is NOT worth getting sick over.

Oops, apologize for the spelling errors, bad day....nm
ok, I apologize. I do sympathize with and understand with you seansoned MTs but...sm
in the economy today I just can't see why the newbies or fairly new MTs have to complain all of the time. It seems to me that if they were working instead of complaining on this board they would be more productive.

Also, my husband does not do road construction but my friends in this area do make that doing road construction. But they are only home 1-2 days a week from April-May until November. So, you take what you can get and make it work.
Of course, I apologize for placing my post in the wrong spot!! :)
Geez this, you should apologize because the innuendo was there. Nice try at covering yourself tho.
I apologize if I offended you, that wasn't my intention at all. As far as any suggestions for SM

your situation, I would agree with MT2RN above that maybe she is being enabled to behave the way she behaves.  She is getting exactly the reaction she wants.  It's hard to do, but if she refuses to get help from trained professionals, then you shouldn't be there to take care of her.  My ex-husband refused and I stayed for a long time, taking care of him.  He had employment issues and drinking issues and spending issues and legal issues and I just enabled him.  I made the money and cleaned up his messes, paid off his debts, bailed him out of jail.  It is an endless cycle that can only be broken by the stable person saying "I won't help you anymore, unless you help yourself first." 

Again I apologize for offending you.  My initial post was in response to your post chronicling what seemed to me to be depression without mania and you made no mention of her being diagnosed as bipolar, so I just simply was curious.  I thank you for clarifying and I wish you well.  It's really tough situation to be in.

uhhhh, well I um apologize. I uh didn't mean to um take away from you uh rant. And uh yeah, 100

a little um, ya know, excessive.  But ya know, some of us, uh aren't quick thinkers like um, ya know, you.    Just havin' a little fun.

I worked with an older lady who got sick of hearing all the ums, sniffles, coughs, crunching from a certain dictator. She was one to tell it like it is no matter who you thought you were, co-worker, supervisor, doctor, administrator.  She had been at the hospital for nearly 30 years and was nearing retirement.  I loved her!  So she typed a report of his verbatim and I mean VERBATIM.  With every grunt, snort, and nonsensical word he made.  She, then of course transcribed it correctly.  She sent in the verbatim report just to show him and his staff what he sounded like.  Long story short, he didn't have a sense of humor at all and he couldn't take a very large boulder of a hint.  He called our supervisor ranted to her about this transcription and said that our department had better not be disprespectful to him like that again.  He never changed his dictating style either.

Anyway, there's my story.  I always have one. 

Don't do anything, just tell him to go ahead and do what he
has to do. If he's not for real, the threat has been not worked. If he is for real, he MUST have documentation to prove his case, or even then it's no use taking it to court. He will file in small claims probably, if less than $5000. He must prove his case, and you don't have to do anything, bottom line.
Don't get too ahead of yourself..
You may certainly have a valid argument, but don't base it on the "fact" that rad reports are all paid by report.  I have been doing rad for over 12 years now, and have yet to be paid by report.  Most are by the line, and any MTSO I have worked for, rad is one of the lowest line rates compared to other work type accounts.  Yes, there are companies that pay by the report, but, I surely wouldn't go so far as saying that is the "norm". 
Then go ahead. Not me.
Go ahead
post it! You will feel so much better and be able to continue knowing you got your two cents in. Sometimes it makes you wonder about American standards for the practice of medicine, does it not? Doesn't it make sense that in America doctors should be able to communicate properly and have a handle on the language? Accents are not what I am talking about either. I am talking about vocabulary and grammar that can possibly cause a change outcome. This is a very serious business, medicine. Those who dictate should be qualified to dictate. Amen.
Ah, go ahead...don't be ashamed...

No one will laugh.  And, most likely no one will slam you for it either.  There are only a few really nasty, jealous people here.   

Go ahead and invest......SM please
Go ahead and pay for a decent program so you'll be set up. In all honesty (my opinion) you do not get the same kind of quality sound with these freebies as you do with the others. If you intend to do this job, at least get proper equipment.

Go ahead, tell us, what is abortion then?
go ahead rant!
One of my dictators smacks gum in my ear constantly and it drives me crazy because it is rude!!
thinking ahead
Yes, you are so right, be cordial and that's it. Her problems are not mine and she is very manipulative. My concern is mainly how this will affect my friendship with Patty who happens to be a very close friend of mine. Also, thinking ahead to the future, H's daughter is getting married. Wait! Before I get into this... H's daughter moved out yesterday. They had a huge fight and H kicked her out of the house. The daughter is now living with the fiance's family!!! I know they will patch it up probably in the near future... so here is my problem. About a month ago, H called me and said she is having a shower for her daughter on July 29 at 1:30 and I should mark the date. I said "I'm busy that day" and I was joking, but I wish I was busy. First of all, I hate showers and I hate Pampered Chef parties which she is also always having...and I never go !!! :)
I don't go to those. Secondly, I want to backpedal from this family as much as possible. H is the type who will never speak to me again if I don't go to the shower. All advice is appreciated. I guess if she isn't talking to me maybe she will not send the invitation... but I can't count on that.

Go ahead, argue with me on how you all think

Lets see the moral ethics flow. 

Paying below poverty... minimum wage is POVERTY, yet, below that.. what a joke.


So many drs, so many specialites, can't get ahead!

Ugh, I've been working for a National for about a month now, and they keep throwing new drs and new specialities at me everyday, and it's so frustrating.  My line count gets lower it seems, instead of higher.  Is this normal?

I've been an MT for 10 years, but worked for a local small company until they went out of business.  This national thing is completely new to me, and I'm not liking it so far.  Just when I was getting comfortable about 2 weeks ago, they threw new docs and new specialities at me, and I can't seem to keep up.  Very frustrating!!


go ahead girl
I know it is very fustrating when you are spending your time which you aren't paid for trying to make sure that the report is right by researching extensively. And some of the dictators are so inconsiderate like when they decide to eat while dictating and talk with the food in their mouth so it makes it hard to make out what they are saying and sometimes they arent eating anything just dont have the courtesy to make the dictation as clear as they can. I have a clinic account where some reports have to be sent back with a blank name for a cc or letter to referrring physician because there are more than one doc. with that same last name in the same city and they think you should know who they are talking about. And sometimes they may both be just general practioners so you have no idea based on their specialty either. We definitely don't get paid enough to do their research. It does make you want to just throw the reports out to get the line counts and leave blanks and let them figure it out.
you go ahead and demand that $75K
That will leave your position open for another person who doesn't think they are the MT queen. That "level of expertise" has been achieved by many hard-working individuals. They are out there with excellent skills and might be happy to take your place. Then you can spend your time pursuing something that will make you happy and allow you to feel fulfilled. I feel sorry for you that you are so bitter about your choice of employment. You still do not need to go out insulting other people and calling someone stupid. You do owe her an apology.
I would think just go ahead and apply.
If you've done acute care, you should be fine with radiology.  I've never done pathology, but I would think it would be pretty similar to radiology in that they use certain tests for certain specimens.  I think there's a touch of radiology and pathology in acute care reports.  I do a lot of clinic and also have worked full-time radiology, and they are seem to intertwine.  I would say either let your current employer know you're interested and see what happens. 
Listening ahead

I am just wondering if you listen ahead regardless of the length of the dictation?

I do need help increasing productivity and appreciate all suggestions. It just seems wasteful to listen for 5 minutes without doing any work. (Maybe not......others have more experience.) Feedback?

As always my thanks