Ok, here's the Big Male Secret...
Posted By: RadGuy on 2006-01-23
In Reply to: Take my husband, Please ! - The Singing MT
We want y'all to think we're helpless and can't do things so we can get out of doing stuff. It works, too! :)
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Big Male Secret
It's not a secret, Rad Guy. We just let you think it is.
Nothing is being said. How can something this big be a secret?
the secret is
You need to have an extremely good memory.
Whether you use SmartType, Instant Text, Shorthand, Fast Type, or follows all of the suggestions books such as "When The Name of the Game is Keystrokes," or www.productivity.com. It will always boil down to having an extremely good memory. Without one, you will never have a high line production when you use the keyboard. --- Knowing how to write macros and templates certainly helps.
Anyone who says otherwise is not paying attention to their own capabilities.
No secret
I work for Spheris and it's certainly no secret it's a 24/7 company. The Indians are busy transcribing in a nice building Spheris built for them over there while we sleep, ha-ha. When I have PC troubles at night, an Indian tech usually helps me through it. Such is the way of the world, whether we like it or not, our business is global. Again, I think that thing you saw was somebody's blog, and I had no trouble whatsoever with my PC after visiting the site several times.
I don't think it's really a secret...
I think it is more of a preference. Many people don't want to learn to transcribe OP notes because it is difficult in the beginning. It is the same with ER reports. Difficult in the beginning, but easy to make lines if you wait it out and learn. Anyway, most MTs already know this information, they just prefer to transcribe other work types. I don't think it's a big deal to talk about it. If you are great at what you do, you have nothing to worry about.
The secret is...
Share your secret, PLEASE!
Who do you work for? I used to do that, but got a crappy account now. I miss those paychecks.
You have every right to be happy. I'm happy for you (and jealous LOL)!
Oh please, it is not top secret information.
She was just helping me out.
secret shopping
Have you found any shops that will pay you more than $10.00 or less? I haven't!
Shhhhh - it's best to keep it a secret.
Did you ever think of telling the person that hired you? Daaaaaaaaaaa.LMAO
Exactly! Thanks! It's not secret Rosie is the man
in that relationship! Did you hear too that the View ladies per contract are not allowed to cut their hair without prior approval! I wonder if they just added that recently since Rosie is coming on board - picturing that buzz cut she had and all. LOL!
The secret to a good fit.
Make a list of what you want in a job. What do you want to earn and how can you structure the job to conform to what you want? Platform or no platform? Do you want to work from a pool or get a dedicated acct? Don't settle for someelse's idea of a great job. Pick your job, don't wait for a job to pick you.
Next, do your homework. Peruse the job sites and see which jobs have the characteristics you are looking for. Research those jobs. Research how other MTs feel about that company, keeping in mind that one person's dream job could by another's slave labor.
Never leave a job until you have a replacement up and going. Try to ask the pertinent questions before testing. The recruiters I have dealt with have been more than happy to answer key questions, thereby saving company and myself wasted time.
I would love to know the secret...
I have been at this for nearly 9 years now, and working my tail off for an average of 6 hours per day, I still only clear $18,000 per year at 8 cents per line. I have had a good account, so that can't be it. I have worked for 10 cents per line, and really I did no better in terms of lines per hour. I do use expansions. I work without breaking. I can't figure out if it is me or if there are a lot of exaggerated income stories out there. Really, there is no way for me to ever know, is there? I just keep plugging away and hoping for better. Sometimes I swear there is a secret to it, but I just can't figure it out.
Perhaps I just suck?
Secret Santa?
Is the link on this page the right link to enter?
secret to satellite and MTs
Get a static IP address through your ISP. It helps alot!
Trade Secret...sm
There are basically three tests of a trade secret:
1. It is information that is not in the public domain, i.e. is exclusive to the company.
2. Its exclusivity is regarded by the company as providing a competitive advantage or some other benefit of value.
3. The company takes reasonable precautions to protect the information.
Within these parameters, a "trade secret" can be just about anything that a company decides it is, including customer lists, business plans, methods or processes of production, marketing strategies, hiring projections, you name it.
Moneymakers tell us your secret??
Any of you who are making 17 dollars or more an hour in an 8 hour day at the line rates that are posted - and I have ever see posted is jobs that pay about 8 cents a line or less. Please share with us your secrets. A lot of us have been doing this for 15 years or more, and cannot do that in 8 hours. I have a hard time believing it. When someone says how much they make in an hour, or how many lines they do per day, it is the assumption that that is in an 8 hour period since that is what the general population works on a full time basis. My point being, is that it is misleading to people saying that you can make 20.00 to 30.00 an hour at 8 cents (I am assuming 8 cents a line, maybe I am wrong) if you are working 10 hours or more a day. If there is a way to do this please tell us the secrets, because seriously we would truly like to know. I would also like to know who pays 10 cents a line anymore. How do you find them. I cannot - I have searched and searched. We need to all stick together and be honest, otherwise I say let them send it overseas. There are kids in high school making more than some of us.
SS....does that stand for secret service?
What do you want them to do, talk in secret code?
Seriously? Must be a big secret. I find it very depressing and
very difficult. New terms constantly and staging, etc., are written differently
I don't understand the secret santa? nm
Secret Santa Question
Is the secret post usually on the Main board or one of the ones above the ------------ line? I tried searching this morning, but don't have time to puruse all of the different boards. I was just wondering if you could narrow it down a bit. It's okay if you can't just thought I'd ask. Thanks!
of course; Spheris Healthscribe, not new, no secret
Yes. It's no big secret. They talk openly about it.
When they try to keep what they're dictating a secret...
... from the people having the LOUD conversation right next to them. Guess they never figure out that they are also keeping it a big secret from ME. I keep waiting for them to yell SHADDUP! but for some reason they never do. Sometimes I am half tempted to just transcribe the background conversation instead......
Personal opinion: If it's a secret, it's probably wrong. SM
I think you know that. You need to look at yourself hard and weigh your pros and cons. But you don't have to "go all the way" to be having a full-blown affair.
I did secret shopping......made some money but it
OK...I am secret Days fan. I would never admit it to my family.
She is right! I would toss his rear out too. I just hate that Chelsea. What about Belle and Shawn?? Phillip is an idiot. Will Mimi tell?? dun dundundunnnnn :) If my husband or kids knew I watched soaps they would laugh me out of the house. I would never live it down, but it is fun. Now I started watching Passions too. No wonder I can't seem to get anything done
Brownie recipe.... Shhhh, it's a secret.....
I got a GREAT to die for brownie recipe of his. This one is much more specific as he wrote the stuff down. Double chocolate batter, chocolate (and sometimes caramel) sauce, white chocolate and pecans on the top... He calls them Suicide Brownies.... would be happy to share if you're interested.
Isn't that interesting. So much for the identify remaining secret. nm
But the secret is most people love oncology.
I'm not sure why, but it is more interesting than most specialties and not usually the downer you'd expect. I think it's just the terminology and (in my experience) very smart, decent dictators. Even the ESLs are understandable because the terms are so long. Four syllables to pronounce means 4 clues, LOL.
Doesn't it say to find the secret post?
I just skimmed it, but I think it says to find the secret post and send an email from that post to enter.
The secret to making a long evening of - sm
transcribing go a LOT easier:
A big bowl full of freshly-made, sweet, kettle-corn popcorn!
Oh....... YEAHHHHH !!!!
Male MTs
I have been an MT for over 20 years. My hubby is unemployed and looking for new career options. He is checking into the MT schools and even talked to an employer today that hires ouf of a certain school. I have known very few men in this career field over the years, maybe 5 that I knew personally and counted as friends. I asked my boss when I first got into MT why we didn't have more men in the office doing MT. She said she thought maybe they just didn't know about it. Well now I am talking to my friends, and I have heard some of their husbands are checking into it. They like the idea of staying home to work and spending more time with their children. The few men that I have known over the years that did MT really enjoyed it as a career. I think it would be nice to see more.
male MTs
Michael, Michael, Michael - careful now. I have 2 nieces married to "beauticians" who BTW, nowadays refer to themselves as "stylists," and I'm quite sure neither of them is gay.
People have stereotypes about others - period.
I've been in this business a long time and I remember when male MTs were rare. I saw men come into the job for the same reasons women do - interesting work, independence, and of course the huge attraction of working at home, no office politics, etc.
BTW, Michael, if it "frosts" you butt, why did you use an emoticon with fire? (Just kidding you.)
I think it is a male...
Had to train my male (sm)
Started by keeping the box really clean with that nice scooping sand that they like. Then I would walk over to the box and say, here kitty, and invite him to go in.
After his pee pee in the box, he gets a treat!
We still have an occasional problem, but only when the box is dirty. The pee pee in the corner means he doesn't like that dirty box!
I never go to a male doc for this very reason. nm
The patient is a male
The doctor said: "He denies bloody or cloudy urine, pain with urination and vaginal bleeding."
I crack up laughing and quote this to my husband, stating the patient's gender.
And his response was, "I hope so." (think about it)
So where exactly is the male vagina?
Who is better in the Medical Transcription? Men or women medical transcriptionists. I believe it has been a debate throughout decades who is better in this industry. Regardless of Race and regardless of Age. Let the battle begin... (hey its just for fun) .
State your side: Age sex Location. No names Pls. and comments. Maybe Footonmyneck, SUN, Cheeseburger, Proud to be Indian, and the entire MT Stars gang can start it up. Its better than talking about outsourcing and MQ for a change.
Male MT or female MT
35-year-old female, AR
I don't as I know several straight male MTs...sm
just like I know some straight male nurses.
Go TAYLOR!!!!!.....AI wants a male to win!! n/m
I only see one picture of the male.....nm
male transcriptionists
I worked with one where we were paid $25 an hour - he would come in on Saturday and Sunday and milk the clock for 12-16 hours when there was only about 1-2 hours of work. This went on for a couple of years. Then I had another male MT as a supervisor and he was very nice and has always helped me to find work when I needed it. Different strokes for different folks.
One of the male MTs emailed me his pic. sm
I didnt know he was sending me a pic of his little willie. I didnt want to see a penis when I looked and then just ROFL @ it.
female vs male
I would rather listen to a male dictator as well, depending on how low his tone is. I do have one female that I do like. She is actually very good, very organized. What I do hate, with a passion, is a female ESL dictator. That is the worst of both worlds. Talk about REALLY not knowing what the heck they are saying!!!
Ah, you've discovered the secret of working at night!! Shhhh....
Everyone will be doing the same! I work nights and weekends, have for years and years. Don't worry - you will get used to it, and its GREAT! Most companies will pay a higher rate for nights, you NEVER run out of work as long as you're on acute care, dictators are usually GREAT - don't know why, but have always been for me, and same on weekends. Never a lack of work on my end for over 10 years! You won't find me scrambling to literally pull the dictation out of a doctor's mouth, along with 100 other MTs signed on waiting to get 1 poor report to trickle thru...But remember - its our secret!
secret santa question..I hate to sound silly but...
so when you talk about opening every post, you mean like the ones that people reply to?? like this question ending up in the follow-ups here?
47-year-old male - Kentucky!