Oh my gosh. Went to Rolling Stones about 8 years ago (I'm 55 and as straight as they come). SM
Posted By: Becky on 2005-11-03
In Reply to: What to expect... - Former 70s teen
We jumped up and down and hollered and smoked pot and just went crazy. It was so much fun!
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rolling stones still have it
I saw them on their Steele Wheels tour. They were ossum, absolutely worth every penny. Fantastic performance!!!
Anyone seeing the Rolling Stones on tour?
I've always wanted to see 'em in concert - can't believe they are all in their 60s....but Mick Jagger still knows how to shake it!
incident involved Rolling Stones concert...NM
The Rolling Stones? You mean The Strolling Bones? Mick wasn't hot b4 and still isn't! But hey,
big lips and pretzels for legs then hey, more power to ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thirteen years ago made 9 cents gross/clinic straight out of school
The Stones
Absolutely! Old or not, they still have what it takes in my opinion! I can if you can still sell out a concert, go for it!
Probably still jumping around because he is still full of drugs from the early days.
I'm sorry, but that guy it just plain homely. Not all that talented in my opinion, but music is a personal taste and lots of people like the Stones.
The Stones. sm
The stones are and forever will be legends. The little girls on here are too busy buying Jessica Simpson and Brittany music.
I will love the Stones forever.
No, not rolling in it.
I've always been a fast, accurate transcriptionist. We have ESL's, it's a teaching hospital. I don't have just certain doctors that I do with templates, etc., I am in the pool with the rest of the dept. I've just always "gotten it". I researched eScription before our company went with it, got a part-time job doing it so I could hit the ground running and not lose so much cash (no more incentive pay - that was the gravy for this job, but when you're getting paid very, very well, why would I tell them that it's pretty stupid!). I rode that gravy train and I'm not complaining that they lowered our pay; I'm thankful I still have a job, insurance and seniority. I've learned to now live within my means with the evolution of eScription.
Gross!! Maybe in the 70s-now the Stones are just 70!
Stones who's next Aretha? sm
You generation X people just don't get it. The Stones were essential in elevating music, what ever you like as it is today; we were there and we fought for it and beatles and stones were with us. I guess you did not like the Queen of Soul either, to fat, what? She was the FIRST woman ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Music Hall of fame. You young people are so obsessed with looks. I guarantee you looks will fade and that includes yours. It starts at 35. Even though you think you will never age, you reach your peak at 30 and then at 35 you start dying if you are narrow minded.
Stones? GRAVEL!
Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD do something. Thought they looked bad and sounded even worse. Needed grease for their slow swiveling joints and voices were so bad that if Simon were to have heard them for the first time he would have said that they sounded like his Uncle Herman. Just goes to show you that a lot of money makes for an Emperor's clothes kind of mentality in terms of displaying something that should not be displayed. Anybody agree with me????
Throwing stones...
I would like to point out that you are asking people to delineate their experience on their resume, and that is not the function of a resume. Recent experience and future objectives should be discussed in a cover letter. A resume is more or less a reference guide of your work experience. Your deciphering of one should come with your experience in hiring MTs; what companies they have worked for and what educational programs they have attended should illuminate to you what they've done in the past.
1. If a company runs an ad looking for MTs and puts "competitive line rate" for compensation, or only asks for 2 years experience for acute Basic-4, expect a resume from everyone who graduated from XYZ "Typier" School in Whittier, Wisconsin. It's obvious you don't know what you want.
2. If you set an MT up for testing, expecting them to follow abbreviated, slapped-together instructions by e-mail without a telephone alert it was on its way, don't expect the test back in 20 minutes. Legitimately timed testing is NOT done this way.
3. For those of you who use online tests from third parties, I encourage you to go and take your own test. It will be very educational at the very least with regard to what you are spending your money for, which is not much.
4. Still on the subject of testing: Give legitimate examples of the work the MT is going to be expected to do, and not the "cherries." If you have 50% or more ESL, you might want to pick out some of your more difficult dictators to provide as examples of what your company has to offer in terms of work being done for a production-based pay scale.
5. Be prepared to answer questions about how you count your lines, and know that any MT worth their salt is going to want to compare your line count of their test with what the MT can count on their own.
6. Don't tell people to expect a call from you, not call and then call, expecting them to drop everything to accommodate you. They are looking for work, not begging for scraps.
7. Finally (for now), do not do a "bait and switch." If someone applies with you because you offered a particular specialty, or work type, a line rate "based on experience," a definite schedule, etc., and you decide later that's not the case...shame on you.
Yay mon! Got any rolling papers? LOL! nm
Oh man! I'm rolling on the floor here! Tooooooooo
funny!!!! Isn't that the truth though about the name spelling? I have one that says, "Last name is Doe. Now let me spell that for you, D-O-E," but if the last name is Tatarczuk, you should be able to figure that one out on your own.
I have one that actually takes time out once in a while to spell a medication and he screws it up every single time. He's very condescending and his attitude is like, "Here little uneducated typist, this is how you spell doxicyclene."
I should keep a log of is misspellings just for giggles, but who has time?
Trying to contact Rolling Eyes
I am trying to get an email address for someone who regularly posts at "Rolling Eyes" e.g. Rolling Eyes on Sun, etc. If have a question about a prior post and want to send a private email. Thanks
I use a small rolling desk as well
At first, I didn't think it would be large enough, but with a little organization, I find it holds my cable modem, a Lanier system, my 20-inch monitor (I put the tower on the shelf underneath the desk top), and still has room to comfortably put my coffee, notebook, etc.
We're in a small 1/1 waiting for a 2/2 to open up so I can use the extra bedroom and bathroom as my office area. I'll probably upgrade to an armoire when I have the space, but I've actually enjoyed my little cubby in the living room with my rolling desk.
Mick and the Stones are forever, wrinkly or not! :) nm
yes eye rolling but mostly the "shaddup" - pretty rude
response for just asking a simple question.
Well, get started. YOU can start the ball rolling.
Are you doing acute care with ESLs? You must be rolling in it.
My original post was about the Stones and I did not name call!!!! Give it up! nm
Updates keep the money rolling in for useless info that becomes obsolete.
This is the stupidest con I have ever heard of on MT world.
So if someone isn't rolling in money, they have made a life choice mistake
and are living in squallor? Uh, I don't think so. If you're not an MT, why are you even here? You certainly aren't a very helpful or happy little elf.
I didn't know I need to post EVERY reason I got into MT...Good God! **rolling eyes***
I stand by my posts as well. YES I did say my children, but pardon me for not listing EVERY SINGLE REASON I got into MT. My children are always number one at the top of my priority list as they should be and that's why I mentioned them. And no, I'm having a good day, but I am astounded with the nastiness on these boards. I've never seen such unahppy people. Is this was MT does to a person?
Unbelievable! See what I mean about my experience versus your experience? TransTech absolutely has the most knowledgeable and nicest techs I've ever worked with and believe me, I've worked with A LOT.
Gosh, is this about you? nm
Oh gosh! May I ask.....
how you found that info out? I hit their web site and it made no mention of anything off shore related....... ID like to know how to find that stuff out on my own!
Gosh - thank you all so much! (sm)
I am very grateful to those who took the time to graciously answer my question. I am now armed with information and dangerous! Won't be getting this particular office to jump on board in the near future, though. I just found out that they don't even have access to the internet. Thanks again! Loo
I sure hope you enjoy it as much as I do mine!!! Make sure you can send it back if you are not 100% delighted!
Let me know how it goes.
oh my gosh, I had one just the other
day. It was a consult and was 98 minutes long, yes 98 minutes. Well after typing for 3 minutes I was "put on hold" and got to listen to crappy music. I did short forwards for a bit and then just went to the end of the 98 minutes and did a few backwards and, sure enough, it was all music; 3 minutes of typing and 95 minutes of crappy music!!
Oh my gosh ne!
I was just reading your thread about the C-phone and lost dictation and saw what you went through 2 years ago. I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry. I'm glad that you and your sons are okay. I can't imagine going through what you are.
Although I know nothing about C-phone, work gets lost all the time and work can be reassigned, I'm sure. Please don't be so hard on yourself. Hang in there.
I really needed to hear that today. My job is so low paying and so thankless and I am very conscientious so even to get a thank you from a stranger is touching me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Oh my Gosh!!!
Oh my gosh, its not just me!! I used to
love to stop by MT chat about once a week, to browse all the great and informative posts, knowing I would never see the trolling and ego bashing that runs prevalent here. I was SHOCKED to see just a few old timers over there now, just about blocking every poster who dared ask a question or make a comment. Smashed!! I don't know where the usual mods are, but its very obvious and I am avoiding that place now like the plaque. Always expected more class and better behavior over there. Guess I have to pay for mT daily? So sad.
Oh my gosh; we get it already.
Oh my gosh...THANKS!!!
Gosh...I have so many...
But here are a few that really bug me most of all:
"...contemporaneously read by me..."
"Subsequently however."
"Otherwise again as well the patient had XYZ as well."
Let me not forget these beauties:
"has got"
"has also"
"was subsequently was"
"primarily secondary"
I guess if your doc can start every sentence with "at this moment" then I should let mine say "at this point here in the emergency room upon arrival..." lol
Oh my gosh, yes!!!!
Back in 1981 when I graduated from high school I went to the local technical school (now community college) and went to secretarial school. Yes, they called us secretaries then. When I graduated the program I got hired by the school in their word processing lab. They had a word processing program that taught the different WP machines then - Wang, Dictaphone, Lanier, Radion. Some of them had the big floppies, and those were the bomb. The Radion still used the old tapes. We got one of the new IBM word processing machines - can't remember the name - and boy, were we the schnitz!!!!!
I remember vividly a conversation I had with someone. I told them that in 5 years those machines were going to be obsolete because of this new fangled invention called a personal computer that had just come out that could be programmed with different stuff, not just word processing.
Gosh no
I had enough of that all winter! I'm thankfully beginning to perk up, but we don't have snow here.... flowers blooming, 60-degree weather, fruit trees blooming. I will keep you all in my prayers and hope your mood gets better very soon. It is so hard to do this job and deal with depression!
Gosh, at what point will it be enough? sm
You'll have costs that go with that amount of work --- loss of energy, loss of family/friend time, actual wear and tear on your physical self, etc.
You need to decide what is enough and then live by it.
My opinion, anyway.
Gosh, I don't know but that was not the point
of this post. Yes, I have had to deal with "customer service" reps at different times and usually they seem to have an Indian accent and, quite honestly, I will NOT waste my time trying to understand them.....If I have to take my time to just try to understand what they are saying I tell them straight out "I cannot understand a word you are saying and please let me speak to someone that has more command of the English language"......that usually does work!
And of course, it is very difficult for people to change their accents. I would think that most Americans are able to understand most "accents" here in the U.S. including New Yorkers, Bostonians and even us good ole southerners!!!! English, the last time I looked, was the official language of our country. It is frustrating enough now a'days to have to stay on hold for up to 30 minutes for a service call but THEN to have to speak with someone you can't even understand is just ridiculous! This is only common sense....think about it! Changes must be made for the better and, believe, it will happen when the American people have had all they can take...and the time is soon!
Good gosh!
I love this platform as well, but NEVER EVER came close to your line count! That is absolutely insane! Please share what account(s) you work on and what office you work for.
PS - Do you or have you ever had carpal tunnel?!?!?!?!
Oh, my gosh! This is GREAT!!!...
I think I'm going to like this better than Sylcount!!! It looks terrific!
Oh gosh, I have too - and beer. nm
gosh, who are you talking about?
sounds like a management problem. not greedy mt.
Gosh, you must be one of the greedy MTs
Oh, my gosh! That is too funny!
Great way to start off a Monday!
I have an ESL who takes the 's' out of effusion. Took me forever to figure out what he was saying because "pleural" wasn't coming out very recognizable, either! Gotta love this job!
Oh, my gosh. That is too funny. I
"my original words of wisdom about judging"
Gosh, you really should get some sleep
I always fear I will make an error when I am feverish and sleepy. I think the boss would understand. The symptoms will subside more quickly more likely if you get plenty of rest. Also, less chance of secondary bacterial infection in the lungs. You may want an antibiotic with strep. But, you be the judge.