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Oh if you think a person is beautiful, you're a lesbian? HMMM

Posted By: sm on 2005-08-02
In Reply to: Ah, so you know her personally? What I sense from you is - a vicarious lesbian crush of some sort

What planet are you on? God thinks all are beautiful, does that mean he is gay? Didn't mean to get you in such an uproar. But I stick to Angelina being a beautiful person. She helps people in need. You ridicule people..see the difference?

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My four beautiful granddaugters from two years ago...hmmm, need to get an updated picture (nm)
It's not because you're beautiful, it's because you're an IDIOT!
Does that make it any clearer for you??
This person has no idea what they're saying.
They're letting their emotions rise to the top without a full understanding of the situation.
You're a good person Paulette
and your mother is lucky to have at least one child who is willing to take responsibility and help her. Not that many years ago, extended families were the rule and not the exception. The truth of the matter is that unless a parent dies early, someone (be it a child, grandchild, or an institution) will probably have to take care of that parent (or parents) emotionally, physically, psychologically, and financially. For most of us, our parents cared for us when we were children and when they age the tables turn. I have 2 sisters who are willing to help with my mother but they live in other states and have no plans to move back to our hometown or homestate. Thus, I will be the one who becomes the caretaker.

I think you will have to sit down with your one brother (and his wife if he is married) and ask them for help that is on a more regular basis. Or, alternatively, just call him when you need him to help. Maybe he will get that hint (though he is male and hints go by undetected!).

I hope you find the relief and assistance you need. Take heart in the knowledge that you are doing the right thing.
I still wouldn't like her even if I WAS a lesbian.

My son is marrying a lesbian, help!!
I posted for help 2 months earlier, but I am still going crazy over this situation. My son happily announced that his girlfriend is a lesbian, but he is still wants to marry her.  His girlfriend does not respect me. She has called me nasty names and boldly flashes her other girl lovers in my face. My son feels he can make it work even though she loves another woman. HELP
Can't your set-up person talk you through this? Or call Dictaphone direct if you're
OMG thats too funny. course she IS a lesbian and dresses like a man, so I can see how you might mist
You're absolutely right - I wouldn't recommend this profession to a young person either.
and no respect for it
She sounds bi-sexual, not lesbian, if she likes men too. As sick as it may sound sm
he is marrying her to fulfill his sexual fantasies. I mean, what man (with the exception of a few) wouldn't want their mates to be with another woman especially if it will involve him. I'm sorry to say that, mom. I really am.

Pray really hard that he not go through this the marriage. That's about all you can do. And if he does marry her, BE THERE FOR HIM unconditionally because we all know that it will not last.

I work for the person. I know. Very excellent person, personally and business-sense.
It is an INSULT to have QA hovering over seasoned MTs who know what they are doing. She trusts her MTs and again if there are questions there is one person, a trainer, who can answer them via phone, e-mail or instant message or you can send the whole report to them if you choose.
Point was is the person willing to make up for the slack of the person who types 1 job when there is

if that is all they WANT to type.   Is the person who wants to be a supervisor willing to make up for those people?

You have crap supervisors, editors and mts in the business like you have good ones.   Sadly, the really good ones of all of them are few and far between. 

When you have a QA person that is picky and another QA person that is very lenient where does that
leave the MTs because some are getting a lenient reviewer and others are getting one that picks at everything. How do you reconcile that issue with the difference in QA mentality. Some people make out well and the other people could be just as good but dont. I wonder about that.
The person MTSO pays is the person who
that is beautiful, thank you....
I am going to email this to my best friend who lost her mother a few years ago. This time of year is always hard for her, as is her mother's birthday. Thank you!!
Beautiful here!
Not to brag - but it is mid 80's, blue skies with little puffy clouds and a nice breeze. Of course, we are in the Pacific NW. Love it here - this is why we left the valley!

Beautiful MT/ad
Well, I clicked on the link and could not get this ad up - so I missed out on the "beautiful MT".  My question here is - are there any really beautiful MTs out there any longer - or are we all overworked, paid too little for our services, expected to do a lot of work that is not connected to the production that we are paid for - and receive little or no benefits or job security.  I can tell you after 15 years, I do not feel very beautiful.  Would like to hear from those who are "beautiful" and if the procedure to get that way was very painful, as I am contemplating some work.
Thanks so much for this beautiful
prayer.  It's exactly what I needed to begin this new day and new year.  God bless us one and all. 
If you say I am rich and beautiful...will I be?
COLD, 40s, where are you. BEAUTIFUL here in NY.
Can hardly see through the tears here...that was beyond beautiful!!!

Bless you and your wonderful family.  What else can I say but...


Beautiful out today...
Hey RadGuy, hopefully you are out somewhere enjoying the beautiful day here in Lexington.  I just got home from going out with me, myself, and I to Johnny Carino's (Hamburg Place) for a wonderful lunch.  Then I went to Value City Furniture and spent an hour looking around.  I started to go to Office Depot, but I have this thing about computer desks and decided I had better just come on home !!  
and it is a beautiful state, but...sm
You ask about attitudes.  This is my opinion.  I lived there for 4 years in the 1970s, got married in Denver in '79.  I found the people somewhat racist against many types of people...maybe that has changed today.  I lived in Georgetown, Dumont, and Denver (Glendale and Capital Hill), worked from Loveland Pass way out west in the Rockies to the Bull 'N Bush in Glendale (very east of Denver) when the Broncos went to the Super Bowl, crossing all walks of life.  I would hope, today, it has changed for the better.  Your Father's Moustache Band was around then and still around today. 
Same here, beautiful here in VA 60-70 last 3 days - sm
today we are supposed to get rain and snow, yuk, and back to the cold weather to boot!
Your kitty is beautiful!!! (nm)
Outside weddings can be beautiful...
Don't underestimate this. I had a friend who had a casual wedding (she was not barefoot) but the guys wore blue shirts with khaki pants in a park-like setting with the creek traveling by it. Cut-offs would have been extremely out of place there. Slacks and a casual top would have been okay but I think the best choice is a dress (not exceedingly dressy) and sandles. My experience - one of the prettiest weddings I have ever been to.
Sounds Beautiful
Patti that sounds just wonderful. I'd love to live somewhere like that. I sounds so peaceful and relaxing.
Yes...trust her. It's beautiful! NM
beautiful post, THANK YOU. nm
maybe...(beautiful thoughts) SM
Maybe... we are supposed to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.

Maybe... when the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the new one which opened for us.

Maybe... It is true that we don't know what we have until we lose it, but it is also true that we don't know what we have been missing until it arrives.

Maybe... The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything they have.

Maybe... You should dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you dream of and want to do.

Maybe... There are moments in life when you miss someone � a parent, a spouse, a friend, a child � so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.

Maybe... The best kind of friend is one you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word...but when they walk away you feel as if it was the best conversation you've ever had.
< br> Maybe... You should always try to put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that something could hurt you, it probably will hurt the other person, too.

Maybe... You should do something nice for someone every single day, even if it is simply to leave them alone.

Maybe� Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they will love you back. Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart; but, if it doesn't, be content that it grew in yours.

Maybe.. You shouldn't go for looks; they can deceive; Don't go for wealth; even that fades. Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.

Wow..beautiful messages...THANK YOU EVERYONE!

I really appreciate you all taking the time to give me some insight.  I'm going to hang in there.  The one poster was right--I do have PTSD from my old job who stressed me continously about firing me!  Sigh..that was a horrible experience and I'm still burned from that.  I had never gone through anything like that before.  Every job I've ever had, I excelled with it. Well again, THANK YOU! 

a beautiful man! plain and simple.
and a great actor.
Denver beautiful town
Granola tree huggers??  Sounds good to me..better than cholesterol artery clogged tree destroyers.  My cousin lives in Westminster, another in Estes Park. 
If you are so extremely thin and beautiful,
then why are you on this site. Are you a transcriptionist. If you are as beautiful and thin as you say you are, I doubt very seriously that you'd be typing for a living.
Thank you MT stars for the beautiful print. I am going to have it

framed and hang it in my living room.  I think you are doing a great thing with the Santa's House project, too. 

There are some beautiful beaded curtains at

art flow. com


Yes, had a wonderful day with beautiful red roses!
No, I live in TN and love it ! It is beautiful!
It is warm in the summer and cold in the winter, but never too much of either! It is "just right!"
Singapore - incredibly beautiful. nm

At least you have beautiful weather most of the year. nm
Its a darn shame, Travolta was a beautiful man.
After the age of 40?  Men are supposed to have less fat cells anyways, so he is basically just sitting around eating doughnuts to death.  With all that money, get a personal trainer and a nutritionist!
Wait a minute...I thought my son was the most beautiful

Do you think it is beautiful to have rolls of blubber hanging out your

shirt, over your ankles, and walking like you have two 40 inch diameter poles poking out at a wierd oblique angle from your fat butt that you try to walk on?  Most fat people are really nasty as well as ugly. 

It it any meaner to walk up to a skinny person and tell them how skinny they are than to walk up to a lard bard and tell them they are fat?? 


Two beautiful German Shepherd puppies. nm
It's not the name that matters. It is who you associate with a name that makes it beautiful
Katherine has a beautiful voice, she is my pick!
She has trained since she was young, attending a school of the arts, is highly qualified.  She appears to be a very nice young lady, classy with a big heart and is very lovely to watch. 
Even here in NY it's beautiful today, no cold weather this week.

All i sense from you is major jealousy! She is beautiful inside and out..something you OBVIOUSLY ar
Had to be said.
Definitely Colorado. Wonderful summers and beautiful winters!