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October 9th.

Posted By: Happy Leif Eriksson Day, too! on 2005-10-10
In Reply to: Oh yes, I see the Santa Maria and the Penta floatin in now.. - HappyColumbusDay

And Happy Indigenous People's Day!

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Autumn, October

Actually, Snopes says it is in October.
October bonus

First of all, this whole thread is just a "what if."  There has been nothing coming out of corporate indicating that quarterly bonuses will be cut out.  With the new pay structure they are working on, maybe, maybe not, but it is just speculation.  If in October they decided to cut them out they'd still have to pay the October bonus anyway because it is for work in July through September and they would be contractually obligated to pay you bonus on work already completed.

Lost my dad in October...still crying every day...could use some help (sm)

I just feel like I don't know what to do anymore.  I'm 43 and lost my dad (78) back in October.  I miss him so much.  I still have times every single day when it hits me.  A little memory will come back, and I'll just have the punch in the stomach feeling. I'll type something in a report that will remind me of those final weeks and just feel sick.  Just now, I was just going along, doing my work, and out of the blue I remembered how he always had to take his pills with yogurt or applesauce, and I could just picture him, and I started crying again.  We moved out of my home state 7 years ago, but before that I worked with my dad, just the two of us, for 13 years in his printing business.  He would call me nearly every day, still, whenever he had a problem or needed help with a computer issue or something.  Sometimes I'd get irritated because after not working on some of the stuff for years, I couldn't really remember some of these things.  Now, I'd give anything for one of those phone calls.

Anyway, I normally wouldn't post this kind of thing, and I know there is an Emotions/Depression board, but there is more activity here and I'm feeling like I need some advice from those that have been there.  I don't really talk to my husband about it too much.  I usually have these times during the day or late at night when I'm alone.  I just try to keep it pretty much to myself.  Our neighbor lost his wife back in July and he is over here pretty often.  He still is having a rough time, and my husband has made comments about how it's probably harder when it's your spouse.  In a way, it made me feel like maybe I'm letting this go on too long?  I have my dad's pictures by me and I wonder if maybe I shouldn't because they too make me cry.  I guess I just don't know.  I just know that every day I just miss him so much and have to stop and cry and I don't know if I need to go see somebody, or this is going to get better and pass, or what.  

June to October? More in fall

Inquest will be October 23rd.....sm

As of the news now, Daniel's death is very suspicious.  The 3rd person in the room was Anna Nicole's attorney.  They say now that the child did not have a heart attack nor was he on antidepressants as originally disinformed to the public.  There will be an inquest on October 23rd.

I feel bad for Anna Nicole and her mother.  Losing a child is probably THE WORST!!

If someone owed me money since October, I would tell them that I
was not doing any more work for them until they paid me. Hope you did not do the stat for them.
October! Love the colors of fall
I feel so alive!
Hate to disappoint you - quit S in October!
Me, too. I quit smoking in October 2005.
Time to lose weight, although we had tons of food out yesterday.
Rule of thumb in the NE is October & April when

the time changes. Daylight Savings starts in April and Standard Time in October. It always works for me. Change all the clocks and change all the batteries.

For those who haven't done so yet, though, better get changing.

I worked for them 5 years (left in October).
I enjoyed working for them. I was making a more than comfortable living with them. I had good steady accounts and a wonderful management team.

I worked on the 3.5 CTS (former Total eMed) platform.

Your question, however, is not specific enough for you to receive sound information on.

Beware of anyone who makes vague gripes. Complaints that are legitimate have specifics in them.

One person's opinion of what is good or bad is not another's.

I am just wondering since MQ ASR rate reduction starts the 1st of October how many have opted out
of ASR and how many are just going to continue to do the ASR. I wonder how much work they will push on ASR now with the rate reduction. Watch the accounts fly on ASR.
I was thinking with ASR for MQ. They have dropped the line rate 2 cents as of October 1. Now, if
we get a lower line rate starting January 1 based on incentive then I expect the ASR 2 cent reduction will be based on that new line rate so it would actually be lower than it is now assuming they lower our new pay plan rates and I am sure they wont raise them. I wonder how this will play out.