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OMG..NEVER read this at night! I THINK I'M STARVIN' NOW! LMAO

Posted By: MTStomach on 2005-07-21
In Reply to: What's for dinner tonight girls? - nm


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Don't lay down to read to them at night, do everyone's sheets, and your shampoo your heads, to
Night Owl - Yours is the most worthwhile post I have ever read on these boards
When working from home, whether dealing with clients, MT management, or QA personnel, you can just feel the negative vibes coming off of people over so little.  It causes a very stressful environment.  Maybe that is where some of the MTs on here develop that attitude, I don't know.  The awful insults, comments, and degrading people on here is absolutely unbelievable.  Just because you have 15, 20, 30 years of experience in this field, that is no excuse for rudeness.  Once you have insulted someone to the point I have seen here, your MT experience means nothing to me, and if I were a management person and knew this about you, you would not work for my company no matter how perfect your MT skills are.  This says a great deal about you. Perhaps people in general will write things they would never say to a person face to face.  I happen to be a very mature, very experienced MT.  I feel like my knowledge should be used to help someone, not degrade them.  I hope the MTs who have posted above on this comment will continue to call these people out when they post these horrible comments.  Even if you are right (which seems to be the most important thing in the world to them), there is a way of stating facts, opinions, and comments that you have yet to learn in dealing with people even if it is not face to face.
LMAO! ewww, but lmao. nm

I saw HOWIE last night on a late night episode of Blind Date. too funny.
I'm thinking if they are smart they'll boot Rachel.  I think she's really smart and a good player.  I don't think Howie is all that smart or able to be a winner.  I think this could force Howie to hook up with James to go for the final 2.
It's taco night! (again.....) We had taco pizza last night, southwestern chicken soup before th
Maybe I'll just have a salad.

LMAO ... Is it? How do YOU know this?
You left me out of your scientific survey to see what THE AVERAGE for ALL MTs is!! OMG what a scream.

Well, please do post your name and number so we can always reference YOU since YOU know what everyone does! LMAO
Further LMAO ....
Uhmmmm, let's update ya a little, Miss MD-Could-Be....

You don't "pass" MCATs. LMAO. Your scores are compared with those of the other test-takers.

If you get all the questions right, my my my -- you really ARE something, huh?! LMAO

I mean, you truly are the hokiest comedian I have seen on here yet!!!

What a hoot!! Do you have trouble getting your big head in the door every day?! ROFLLLL
LMAO!! nm
LMAO You are right
LMAO! nm

OMG that is too funny!!  I love it when docs mess up in a cute way.  I love to hear them laugh too.  It happens so rarely I soak it up.

Thanks for sharing that! :)

I don't need to do it! (LMAO)...nm

That was a really good one. Well, we can see what they think of us. Karma truly is a *****!
LMAO !!...........nm
LMAO, good one~nm!!!!!!
lmao he is cyanotic! nm
OMG - LMAO at that vision!

I just saw myself sitting on one of those balls and trying to type, then seeing me move my foot forward to hit the pedal and the ball shooting out from behind me.  I've never tried typing while sitting on one of those, but I can only imagine considering the trouble I have had just trying to exercise on one of those balls.  I guess it would be for the more coordinated (which I'm not). 

Thanks for the laugh - I needed that!!

LMAO! Good one!............n/m
NOT mgmt at all! I just pay attn!! Perhaps YOU should try the same!! LMAO
OSi owners can do transcription...lmao

LMAO!!! I hear ya, Sistah!
LMAO! You're on a roll!
I was thinking the same thing!

How great thou art, my Mensa MT!

LMAO - she's really going into insanity mode on this one!
Tell me, now Ms. Mensa.

My uncle is a mensa member and is chief of staff at a large hospital where he was an ER physician for years, moved up to being department head and then ultimately his current position.

You, the genius you are, are an MT.

You're full of it.
OMG! Im LMAO...sounds like a plan. nm
Larnix and ornophernix! LMAO!

I don't even have to listen to the end of the report, you know the part when the dictator gives their name, as once I've heard the ol' 'larnix' or 'ornophernix' peppered in there I KNOW it was an NP who just dictated!!! 

That is UP WITH THAT?!  They make it way harder on themselves by saying them the way they do! 


Beats being intubated... LMAO...nm

Bunch of cracked eggs, I say! LMAO
HAHAHAHAHA "lazy boobs" LMAO
Good typo, cracks myself up too, LMAO!!!
LMAO - I've been laughin' for days!
Some great imaginations out there though. Maybe they should go into writing great works of fiction and actually getting paid to do it!
blood or visible bones?! lmao - I love it!
LMAO....very funny idea about the Speak and Spell, Chuck

I like that...who's gonna contact Fisher-Price and get this underway?
i'd call that brownie points for heaven LMAO...and a waste of time!
In 12 years of MT'ing I've never re-read an entire chart. Edit/read as I type. nm
Yes, I read your post, and I just re-read it, and I've copied and pasted for you in case

you've forgotten your own words! Your post above is 100% different "flavor" to it, now all positive and cheery! Your first post was 100% doom and gloom every which way, including "raining on your parade", and "if you want to go forward"...God, sounds like she's talking about jumping into oncoming traffic! Here is your quote:

My first boss (the one who hired me as a new grad) gave me some words of wisdom that I haven't forgotten. She said that transcribing at home with small children NEVER works under any circumstance. Either the work will suffer or the parenting will suffer.


How can the word "NEVER" in caps be interpreted in any positive way? You took about 8 paragraphs to cover every aspect and completely dash this poor woman's dream.  I'm not blind, I'm not talking about day care at all, I'm talking about the total negativity of your original post! You know exactly what I'm talking about, cause you added some sugar to your second version! And that's much nicer than the first!

Oh I've read that site and continue to read it...sm
I agree...much motivation there. I have tried to quit numerous times in the past and did successfully quit when I was pregnant for the first time many years ago but I have never managed to summon up the strength or resolve to stay quit. Thus the "need" for a financial investment in my efforts. It somehow makes it more motivational to know that I have $$$ invested in this effort over and above the $$$ saved on cigarettes.
Who had time to read?LOL I only get a chance to read This Old House once in a while. (nm)
Hahah!a! Funny typo: not quality 'scAre', quality 'scOre'. LMAO!...nm
I didn't read the other posts but just read this
My daughter got pregnant at 17, said she wanted an abortion but BF didn't. I have a wonderful 2-1/2 yo grand daughter that I don't think I could live without...and now, guess what? I don't. I have custody of her. She was dropped off on my door, I got court ordered temporary custody and final custody hearing in a month.

I'm single with no family support. I had just taken a new MT job one month before this happened and they have been wonderful during my adjusting to being a mom again and I hope I can resume a normal schedule by next week.

I'm passing no moral judgments or giving moral advice. The situation is what it is. My prayers are with everyone involved.
Definitely an eye-opening read. Having my teens read it, too. nm
65 at night - 70 in day
We had that last night.
I was just bored today since I'm not working.  I like cooking different foods as a hobby.  LOL 
yes, I got it last night...sm
sure do wish they'd make up their minds.  When I first started on DQS, from Cottage, I got "yelled" at about NOT putting 2 spaces, now I'm used to 2 spaces, and they go and change it again.  Oh, well. Guess I'll get read to get "yelled" at again!