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OK. Now there are construction guys out front

Posted By: unbelievable on 2005-11-10
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using a big saw to cut through our new concrete sidewalks that have already been dug up twice since being put in this spring.  I can't hear to work.  They didn't even warn us of any construction or water shutoffs.  How many times do they have to dig up the same old spot this year before they get it right?

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not a bit homophobic. love queer guys for straight guys.
these guys are clever and witty and have good taste.  they are who they are.  not a problem.  i have problems with boy-men who are currently trendy now.  that's my taste.  and it's kind of scary that women are attracted to these unisex boy-men culturally. no big deal unless you make it one.  this is a board to exchange ideas right?
Try the front jack on the front of the CPU if it has one- or on the
it if is not pushed in all the way, sound will only be in one ear.
no, it is not under construction - just went there..sm

here's the link to buy the book BOS by AAMT:



The things that you can do to earn money is limited only by your creativity in thinking of them.  Who would have thought that people with a dog poop cleaning route would earn money?  There are husband and wife teams cleaning/painting apartment buildings, doing window washing, doing acid staining of concrete, refinishing bathtubs and tile, spraying Kool deck coatings around pool areas, and if you or your husband is a woodworker, those CNC (computer numerically controlled) routers like ShopBot can enable you to do incredible things from making computer-cut out cabinets to copying pictures in 3-D for sale.  (No, I don't work for ShopBot; I have been to several seminars with husband who has one in the high school shop where he teaches.)
go and be a man, find a man's job, construction,
Do you wear women's clothing as well?  I bet you're decked out on grandma's stockings as we speak.
The construction workers are not all

People in the construction business do require certain licenses.  They are not all uneducated making $30.00 an hour. 

New MTs should be on this board so they can get a reality check.  If you plan to stay in this field, just be cautioned that will not make more unless you transcribe more lines and put in more hours.  That's the bottom line and I'm speaking from 20 years of experience and I'm in my late 30s still raising two children along with my husband.

But how many female construction workers??
Okay shopping for a house and I found new construction.

The name of the street is Wild Turkey Walk.  I refuse to buy a house on Wild Turkey Walk.  Another street is Squirrel Run.  How does a person come up with these names?   I want the job of naming streets in new subdivisions.  Has anyone been shopping for houses, new or old, and refused to live on a silly named street? 




a friend bought a new construction home
before they had even surveyed the land, etc., so they had no idea what any name was only lot numbers. when she found out her street name would be "ennis way" she tried to move to another lot but there was nothing open.  I didn't get it until she pointed out how close it sounds to the male body part. i laugh every time i go over there.
Not coming up w/ much except construction paper...tyring to avoid that if I can. Thanks anyway. nm
Be up front

I'd be up front with them and just flat out tell them that you'd rather they didn't contact your current employer.  Most companies understand that.  Offer plenty of references so they have a way to gauge your work.

Your name sounds familiar.  You wouldn't happen to have a husband named Mikkos, would you?

Are you sure there are none on the front? sm
I have a Dell desktop, and I have 2 additional USBs on the front of the tower.
If you can put a in front of it, it is followup..sm
For example he had a followup visit scheduled. OR He is to come in for followup in 2 weeks.

He will follow up in 2 weeks. OR

He is going to follow up with me in 2 weeks.

Hope that helps
One foot in front of the the other sm.
Oh honey please run don't walk, right out that door.  This man you live with is only in your life to beat you down with discouragement and lies.  Please do not allow this to continue.  You were created by one who counted the hairs on your head, is the God of the universe but he knows you by name.  He did not make you for destruction but for good.  Please take your children away from a person who would put them down, call them names and does not care one bit about their well being.  Begin to look at yourself for the wonderful, divinely created queen that you are, you have purpose and potential and this man is only there to keep you from seeing it.  The day you walk out the door and shut it a ton of weight is going to fall off your shoulders as you will begin to realize that he does not love you, he does not love anyone but himself.  You have to show your kids that you love them too much to let anybody (even their own father) treat them as less than great.  You are a woman and deserve to be cherished, protected and provided for, anything less is not acceptable.  Please go and as you do please know that myself and I am sure many other people out here are praying for you and lifting you up.  We stand in the gap for you!!  Now go girl and don't you dare look back.  Go and be fabulous!!
I agree, but front-end AVR and EMR will
the work bring back to the US, with a minimal number of MTs.
I have a cat who dashes in front of my feet
I'm thinking of using one of my dogs squeaky toys to get his attention when he cuts me off again, that will show him!
that was going to be 'question them up-front' and see how they respond..(nm)
Our cat (yes we have a zoo) plops on my desk right in front of me - sm
usually on my note pad or a patient list, makes it interesting too. But she doesn't usually stay long, and if the dogs are in she hides ---her and the Husky are mortal enemies, granted it does not help that he tried to eat/kill her a couple weeks go-- our signals got crossed and my husband let the dogs in before I could up up the gates to ensure her safety. Luckily I was right there and was able to grab the dog before anything really bad happened. So my husband learned an important lesson that day...communicate with me when you let the dogs in, or put up the gates first.
Had a drive-by shooting right in front of my
home office window in July. Unfortunately, a baby got shot in the head. I thought it was someone setting off cherry bombs or something - the pops were too close together I thought for gunfire. It was 2 girls and a stroller and they didn't even realize the baby had been shot at first. It was a big howdy-do. The cops were out here for hours, blocking off the streets so they could look for shell casings. A couple of news trucks too, although the subsequent TV news reports were somewhat inaccurate regarding the location and details. Never found out what happened to the baby.

Anyway, right after this happened, the guy and teenager kid across the street stayed away from their house for about 2 weeks after, coming by periodically to check on the mail. The cops would occasionally call on the house during that time. I never did find out what the deal was and if there was connection between these people and the shooting, but I always worry about a gang thing or a home invasion thing and they get the wrong house (mine).
One of those would be cool for my front porch. sm
I think I would leave it up all year and decorate it for the different seasons and leave it on all night.  I used to know a lady a long time ago, giving away my age here, who had one and had it all decorated with crystal glass ornaments and red garland. I liked it but my mother said it looked like a tin can.
How did they get past the front desk and
where was security when they didn't take no for an answer the first time?  Having worked in a psych facility (which has a higher level of patient confidentially) and tyring to be "forced" into giving information not able to be given, it became natural to just say no.  NO ONE on my watch got the first hint of information they were not entitled to.  People may want information but getting it is something different.
front tooth not sure about $$ but expect....nm

You are talking about front-end VR. Not very good.
Slow learning process for the rec engine. Very tedious.
There are signs all over our hospitals right from the front
You don't need a macro. Just add a semicolon in front of
your yo abbreviation so autocorrect will back up and take out that space. Then type 34;yo and it will expand to 34-year-old.
Sorry, don't have it in front of me, only have #2 and wait to hear from others, sorry, not sure!
I haven't sprung for #3 yet, I found #2 confusing enough, just do verbatim. I may have misspoken.
Front-end/back-end systems...

"Front-end" SR means that the original dictator's speech is turned into text. "Back-end" SR means that someone listens to the original dictator, redictating and "cleaning up" the original dication.  This "sanitized" redictation is then fed into the SR engine. 

The main disadvantage of "front-end" systems in the healthcare setting is that they must try to adapt to the speech peculiarities of many different dictators, whereas a "back-end" system only has to deal with the speech patterns of one dictator, namely the person who does the redictation.

Back-end dictation adds a layer of human intelligence to the conversion of speech to text because the person redictating presumably catches errors, eliminates hesitations and miscues, squares up ambiguous sentence structures, etc. - things that front-end dictation cannot do or does very poorly.  As such, while the back-end speech engine might still cause some errors that require keyboard correction, there should not be nearly as many as front-end systems produce.  And, a back-end SR application can be less sophisticated than a front-end system because it is not being required to deal with so many vagaries of human speech.  In fact, a back-end SR application does not need artificial intelligence at all, whereas front-end SR really does.




Add a couple of zeros in front of .05 cpl and
Let the Indians get the CMTs and support AHDI. They're AHDI's little darlings (aka cash-cows), anyway.
Here is one that will say up front I am not going to stop working
just because this consultant to the stars thinks we should. Everyone else go on strike, not this lady.
On the front page of my morning paper
Geez, this was on the front page of my paper - sm
I couldn't believe it as I had just read your post.  Never think it happens close to home but you never know, do you?
Wow, just saw on the front page of my paper the same story. SM
The ex-husband was from Bernville, PA, which is about 20 minutes from me. What a psycho. Those poor little girls. You know what, people just should not trust anyone these days and never ever allow them to be put in such a situation. And that means making sure you never go anywhere alone with someone. Of course, that wasnt much alone considering they were in a public place. I dont know. The world is just sick. I personally am looking forward to the end of it to be honest. There are jsut too many people suffering these days.
ocean front property in Arizona, too??
are ya a little bit country - haha -- gotta love George Strait!! i'm with ya all the way on those proposals!!
If you wouldn't do/say it in front of your spouse, it's wrong.
Just my opinion.
I prefer office by front of house
Since I am female and live alone, I want to see if any activity takes place. Everyone else on my street other than a retired gentlmen who is frail is gone for the work day. Mostly, I see people putting flyers on the door for carpet shampooing or Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't think I am considered hateful, just not friendly. It is okay, I have enough friends lol
Mine is a Super Wal-Mart too! They are usually up front near the
Request them, they are just about the best of any store! They roast them in the back where the deli meats and cheeses are.
There is a small microphone on the front of the unit
If you look on the front panel beneath the volume slider, below the button labeled 21, you will see a very tiny hole. It is a microphone hole. I have used the stick from a Q-tip to fill it in and it lessened the hum quite a bit. I left the swab tip hanging out as an extra buffer. Looky weird but it worked!
It wasn't right in that I paid money up front
for a 3 part procedure. The physician performed 2 of those, ok. He FORGOT the face lift. I worked at the same hospital he was head of the plastic's department over. Got that so far? When I told him on my first followup visit he forgot he wrote me an IOU on his letter head office stationary. You following so far? After this time he did not want to take my calls about the money and I went to hospital mediation. He told them he would not be part of that. Hold on- there is more. He started calling me personally at my home in threatening manner. Eight (that is 8 in numerical) months after my original surgery he dictated my report and put in he did the face lift- He falsified a legal document on me and my hubby was always with me- I can not fight city hall- Hold on, we are getting to the end- I called lots of lawyers- all said no case. Elective surgery- not an emergency appendectomy, not brain tumor surgery - elective- are you there with me? I finally because I HAD TO HAVE A JOB, just let it go. I could not risk my job by going after this department head surgeon that worked at my hospital. I hope you understand this time and if not, can't explain any better.
You don't see the little rectangular slots on the back or front of your
It's a stain on the front of monitor screen. Sorry, DH
What is the difference between front-end and back-end speech? I don't know
the difference.
I park my six kids in front of the EE-lectronic babysitter
for 12 hours a day while I work.  We got cable TV, videogames and DVDs up the old wazoo to keep them mesmerized.  Every now and then, I throw a bag of chips and a six pack of soda in there for 'em to chow down on.  Heck, I always know where they are.  They aren't a bit of trouble for me.  Iffen I keep the curtains closed, they fall asleep a lot, too.  They do all the housework for me in the evening while I sit on the porch drinking a cold pack of Schmidt beers and smoking cigarettes with my latest boyfriend.  Then we go to the bar while his four kids and my six kids watch movies until closing.  We was thinking about renting a Winnebago to go camping, but the kids don't want to miss a single episode of their favorite shows.
That happened to me once... guns drawn out in front yard..
lived in a track house, so houses were real close together.  Turns out the single woman living next door who seemed to have no end to her money to buy nice stuff was running a racket out of her house, somehow tapping into computers in warehouses for big companies and having merchandise like applicances and computers sent to people without them having been paid for.  FBI surrounded the place, digging in trash, etc.  They finally got her and she went to federal prison for a while, then came back and skipped parole and they were back for her again.  Weird.
I put a heating pad in front of my pedal on low. Socks don't work 4 me.
I am with you..When I was hired I was very up front about wanting vacation time...sm
during the holidays. I told my boss when hired 1 1/2 years ago that I would be taking the last two weeks of December off. I have four kids and they are always off for Christmas break at that time. Also, my husbands company has a two week shut down at that time, so I take it also. We have done this for about 9-10 years now. It makes the holidays so much more enjoyable. I am sure I will get some flack for this and about how someone has to pick up my slack for two weeks, but honestly I am not to concerned about it. Everyone has the right to schedule their vacation when they chose...mine just happens to be at the holidays. My boss told me to enjoy, relax and have fun...and that is what I did. Happy Holidays!
DH goes to funerals but he does not go up to the open casket and he does not walk in front of it
how about a men's style jewelry box with maybe yours/his names engraved or pic of you 2 on front.
Do you think nurses and front office professionals look sloppy?
I don't like to go around looking "sloppy all day" either, but is it really practical to work comfortably in nylons and suit jackets when I am sitting and typing all day? No thanks -- I can't work well that way!

I refuse to wear sweats or jammies because I want my work to reflect my professionalism and I think the way I feel about myself reflects that -- hence, scrubs, which medical professionals wear. I am a medical professional and I don't think there is anything sloppy about wearing tasteful, professional, and comfortable scrubs.

Do you think that front office people, nurses, and doctors look "sloppy all day" by wearing scrubs?
In MT ads on the net, more and more I see ads for combo positions - MT/front desk, MT/secretary, etc
Reading from my social security paper I have in front of me....

In the year you reach full retirement age, $1 in benefits will be deducted for each $3 you earn above the annual limit ($34,440 in 2007) until the month you reach full retirement. AFTER THAT, YOUR BENEFITS WILL NOT BE REDUCED, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU EARN.   This is directly from their posting.

practice what you preach on your front page..see inside
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