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Not gloating at all.

Posted By: sm on 2007-06-11
In Reply to: Please stop gloating! - anon

If I had not told the truth and said I made a mere pittance, what good what that do? I'm only answering the question that was asked.

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Hardly gloating! sm
Did you read what I said? I wish all of you who are in this boat have the same, smooth, soft happy landing I have had.

Last week, on my days off I was praying...God do not let anything change, unless it is going to be better. This was like a chant for me. Then WHAM last Wednesday, the rug was jerked out from under me. After letting it sink in for 24 hours I knew I would be moving along and not staying put. It took less than 24 hours for things to be brighter. IT HAPPENS and I hope it happens for all the MTs that received this news last week, and all of those who are currently looking. It was a prayer and positive attitude.

I WISH EVERYONE GOOD THINGS! I am not here whining about last week, I accepted it and I moved on, walking in faith. This is positive and I want my good fortune to rub off on as many others as possible.
Please stop gloating!
How nice for you that you came into that kind of work. There are those of us who are not that lucky. You seem to imply that anyone can get those accounts. Not true!