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Not Silent Type! Less than $1.75/page and you go to NJ to train. nm

Posted By: lub-dub on 2005-10-20
In Reply to: Good - Keystrokes, MDI-MD, Acusis, Silent Type. Bad - MQ, MDI-FL, Transolutions, Healthscribe. nm - Another opinion


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Silent Type
Can anyone give me info on Silent Type? Thanks
re:silent type
i applied with them and they replied quickly. but unless you live close to new jersey, they need you at their office for, if i remember right, a 2-day training that they reimburse up to $500. i live in Hawaii so i couldnt afford the trip even with the reimbursement. but, heard a lot of good things about them.
Silent type
What do you need to know?
Silent Type
I was offered a position and needed feedback from current employees if possible. Since I have to travel to New Jersey at my own expense for training, it would be helpful to know if they are a good company to work for. Thanks in advance.
Silent Type YES!! (sm)
I have worked for Silent Type and they are flexible with a 24 hour TAT... Meaning you could start Sunday night and have ur pages done before Monday (whenever your call in time to have minimum 40 pages done). The are a basically family oriented company. I have nothing but good things to say. They never run out of work. Have been in business almost 25 or 25+ years. Plus, the CEO is an author, RN, and much more!!
Silent Type
Thank you for the info. I had read in the archives some negative posts. This puts my mind at ease.
Silent Type

This company left an E-mail on my computer...never heard of them. They are promising everything and more, of course.

Any thoughts about them or experience with them?



Silent Type
Silent Type was one of the companies that offered me a job.  They were in my top five best companies from which to choose.  I didn't choose them, only because I would have had to fly to New Jersey for a minimum of three days to train.  I have a husband, two kids, and two dogs at home; being gone from them for that long would have seriously disrupted our "routines."  Silent Type will reimburse you, up to $500.00, for your travel expense AFTER you've been with them for six months.  Also, their payment system seemed kind of funky to me.  They pay by the page, instead of by the line.  According to my calculations, I would not have made as much money as I need to; however, my calculations may have been "off."  Anyway, I'm happy with the company I chose.  Let us know what you decide to do.  :)
silent type
Thanks Jan. I e-mailed the recruiter asking about training, page/lines, etc., and you're right. They pay by the page....their training is in N.J. (I'm in Calif.) and as far as I can see the 500.00 pertains to their equipment....I nicely told her no thanks. It might be OK for somebody else, but not for me. And, I sure don't want to go to N.J. in the winter!
Silent Type is not a bad company to work for but

Depending on how many pages you type determines what your page rate is and everyone gets paid the same because of it. Obviously, like with any other company the more you produce, the more money you will make.  Bi-annual bonuses, again based on your production.  Starts at 40 page per day min (which is supposed to be 1000 lines) is $1.50.  I think it does to 1.80 per page somewhere around 80 pages per day.

Not sure about the benefits (health insurance).  You get paid every other week. Not a very large company, maybe 400 or less TLs. 

If you like working for a friendly, family atmosphere, check it out.


Good - Keystrokes, MDI-MD, Acusis, Silent Type. Bad - MQ, MDI-FL, Transolutions, Healthscribe. nm
First , I am a seasoned MT, no need to train, tapes are picked up, i type 'em. and that is about it.
Welcome to my world...I would type a whole page and ended up with 35 lines max. No thanks.
I had to bag it. I couldnt afford to do that. I was averaging $6 an hour. I can make more at McDonalds. So there is obviously a problem.
If there is a company out there that let's you type on a blank page, I haven't found it. I
been an MT for 13 years now and worked at home for about 11 of those years and never found a company that I felt truly treated their MT's fair.
They train online, right? That means they train
Mostly silent
Once in awhile I have the radio on but rarely. Used to have it on all the time, but I do constant ESL now. I do a lot of messenging with other MTs just to keep the boredom away. :)
Has anybody ever tried the silent keyboard that can be
rolled up like a newspaper?  If not, any suggestions for a good silent keyboard.
silent keyboard
I sell silent keyboards - check us out at - www.clitheroelancs.co.uk - admittedly it does take a couple of days to familiarise yourself but the keys dont need to be pressed hard. The difference is that there isnt the noisy feedback associated with standard keyboards. PS we have a silent mouse arriving this week, i am using the prototype & its great but the lack of a click is a bit strange at first.

silent keyboard
Does anyone know if there is a silent keyboard made or a very, very quiet one?
silent. hmmm... cat got your tongue?

IMHO, you don't want silent...you want quiet. sm
Keyclicks do provide important feedback.
Personal page/web page resource

Thanks a lot for sharing these great websites!
I do not have any compromising stories about him, but lemme tell you about a silent partner doctor
Yep, $2.00 a page and the page has about 30-40 lines on it nm
NJ $3 page, though I have heard as low as $1 page.

When I worked for a national, up thru 2 years ago, I was getting $1.75 page and heard they got $4.


I have done "Chicago" on the train.  From here, MS, its an all night ride but has sleeper cars.  Nothing interesting to see on the way.  But as corny as it sounds, Chicago is a great place to visit.  Zillions of Museums, fountains, outdoor art, great music, great transit system, ghettos, SUUPPPER shopping, fantastic restaurants........We did they family thing when I was 9, 11, 12, 14 and I did it bymyself when I was 21 going into my senion year of college.  Coming back with on the train with the college crew was a hoot.  Spirit of New Orleans is pretty cool, however, N/O is really not children friendly - a lot to see and do in the daytime, but the kiddies need to be in by dark.....AhhhheeeeeeeO TA

To train VR

That is pretty scary.  I have been curious about VR - wondering how it really works.  If the doctor is doing the dictating, how can the Transcriptionist ever get it really trained? Doesn't the doctor actually have to train the program?  I do one doctor as a side line from my full-time transcription job and was wondering if that is something I would want to use for his work.  When I saw Dragon Program at Best Buy, the box said it would type it at about 160 lph.  Is that true?  If so, not so hot as I type faster than that.  However, in the future, I may want to save my arms/carpals and use it.  So am curious to know more from someone who has used the programs.  If adviseable, what programs are the best ones?


about to train soon
so I don't know any hot keys for this program yet, I worked on Meditech before this and DocQScribe before that. I'll give it a little while to get it down, hopefully it won't take that long
Had to train my male (sm)
Started by keeping the box really clean with that nice scooping sand that they like. Then I would walk over to the box and say, here kitty, and invite him to go in.
After his pee pee in the box, he gets a treat!
We still have an occasional problem, but only when the box is dirty. The pee pee in the corner means he doesn't like that dirty box!

Been married 29 yrs, get more now than ever but I say it took me 18 yrs to train to where he knows
I know they are in NJ. You have to train for a long
times - weeks?? - in the office. They have super long testing, and I remember one person, the owner, I believe, was very nice to deal with, while the testing person was horrible. In this day and age, I certainly don't have time to drive 4 hours round trip for a week or 2 to train! Told them "no thanks"!!
WOW, look at your train of thought. All sm
evil wrongdoers ----------------- right? Why don't you throw in the adulter, the priest pedophile ---------- and the bigamist, the serial killer. Do you know any gays? I would hazard a guess and say no. I hope I am wrong. But then again you probably know some and just don't KNOW that they are gay-they are too busy HIDING from judgemental dogoders like yourself who demand gays live the lie to suit the society that worships the almighty dollar and war instead of each other. Are you against violence films depicting killing or only films which depicting loving individuals and their problems? Please respond, I am really interested in this. I used to think like you a lifetime ago but having a gay relative opened my eyes to a lot of stuff hopefully you will never see-having a loved one lie for 25 years about who he really is and die from a horrid disease alone because people couldn't handle the truth. A death most robber, thieves, serial killers and rapists deserve but don't get as they get fat in prison on my money.
Again, its because you did not properly train him!!
Train in one day the Dr. Phil way.
Thomas the train is there sometimes too
We went a couple of years back and my 4 yo loved it! 
The best husband is the one YOU train!
There were train bombings in
and I do not feel India is secure at all, let alone for medical records.  But I have noticed a lot of bashing of American MTs here lately.  I don't understand why.  Just because one MT is not reliable, that doesn't mean we all are.  It just seems to be the thing to do.  Also, it said as low as 9 CPL.  Well I would transcribe for and do at 9 cpl with over 20 years experience.  We are not necessarily more expensive, just the service overhead jacks up the price so much for their big CEO salaries and benefits, they don't want to pay the MT much.
Why are companies willing to train
offshore MTs but refuse to hire American entry level/new grad MTs?

Hold the train, here!
You actually feel justified to stoop to this level of vile hatred against Tinks personally?

Not nice, not nice at all.
Don't have to train them - they've already taken it
Editing their work is nothing like transcribing it from scratch. I just do the bare bones basics (look up patient info, correct obvious grammar errors, spell check, etc.). I work for a large department in a large medical college, and if they don't care, why should I? I'm in it for the 26+ years of benefits I've accrued, and I'm not leaving until they force me out. On the other hand, I have a second part-time REAL transcription job that keeps me very happy. It doesn't pay nearly as well, but I get a huge amount of satisfaction from this job.
Working? Where did you train?

I'll be training with CS through EvCC.  Just wondered where everyone trained and if your working.

Thanks so much!


1. Train at home. 2. I don't do that.

3. Wonderful.

4. Yes.

5. Yes.

6. Sometimes.

7. Yes

8. Yes.

9. Yes

Contact through the board only, please. 

It is much easier to train a new QA
to break the bad habits of an old QA that believes they are infallible.
Gravy train?

I wouldn't call it ever being a gravy train.  We are highly trained professionals who work hard at what we do and we do it darn good, thank you very much.  It's not like we sat here eating our bon bons and getting upset because the banging away at the keyboard ruined our new manicure!  To say it was a gravy train is downright insulting, IMO. 

That said, I don't have 30+ years in this profession but I do have 15+ years including working in-house and remotely from home.  My first at-home was around 1997 for a small company doing straight transcription, none of this VR stuff, which lasted only about 4 months until the work dried up.  The pay was good while it lasted though and there was 24 TAT, no punching a time clock and sticking to a strict schedule. As long as the work got down within 24 hours it was fine.  That same company is still around today as a national but not huge like others out there.  I ended up having to go back in-house and was there until about 4 years ago when I signed on with a very well known national that screws people to the Q, if you get my drift.  I don't know when the MT biz as a whole went into the toilet, but up until 2 years ago I had no problem.  I was working hard all the time as work was available basically 24/7.  Never did I get NJA except for an occasional week or two around the holidays but very quickly the workload would start to pick up.  I had a GREAT supervisor who made working fun and made us feel like we were a real team.  The company always had bonus incentives with quirky little games.  It may sound corny but it actually made us feel valued and brought some fun into it while making good money at the same time.  Then about 2 years ago, things started changing for the worst and it's been going downhill FAST every since.  Maybe the offshoring and technological advances have something to do with it, I really don't know.  One thing I do know, I DO NOT advise anybody new starting in this profession now.  What once was a professional and lucrative career has basically been made into a sweat shop scam for the so called "training programs" and large nationals to make a nice profit at the expense of the MTs.  It is such a cut throat business with accounts going to the lowest bidder just to save a few bucks.  I only hope that things will turn around some day soon and MT can be the professional career it once used to be.

Please don't say it was a gravy train.  Thank you.

just cuz the crazy train always stops at your
now pick a personality already and stick with it.  Maybe up the meds or take a nap or something.
Train? you really think those folks get your feedback?
probably train MDs in private practice to use VR
(only kidding)

Anybody else have what I call Freight Train Flu?

I call it  FTF (Freight Train Flu) because it hits you all of a sudden like a Freight Train. Not to worry it's definitely an "Express."  Whew!

It's intestinel. I started feeling really tired and just plain yucky at 4:00 p..m. yesterday.I'm thinking "okay, Christmas stress, right?"  By 5:00 my temp was 101. Chills fever, stomach cramps, aches and pains. 

The good news is, I put myself to bed at 5:00 p.m. and though I was a little wobbly this morning, I'm feeling almost normal. I managed to work my shift and I'm headed out for the old "last minute" items.

Choo choo.

28 years - OJT. That was the only way to train way back then. nm
because it still takes too much time to train
it may be that they don't see potential in your work, i.e. poor grammar, accounts have too much ESL, etc.
Are there any other companies that will train on Escription? (sm)
Thank you for your information.  If there are any other companies that are willing to train a "very seasoned" Transcriptionist on the Escription platform please let us know!