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Not RadGuy but didnt take much to get banned

Posted By: from there, anything Mod didnt agree with. nm on 2008-03-10
In Reply to: Can I ask you a question? - anonEmouse


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You are going to be banned
uh oh - you said a bad bad word and now ADMINISTRATION WILL BAN YOU!
What?? What was I banned from?


If that is true they should be banned
from posting on this board in particular and the internet in general !!!!
That is the exact point.  We want to be able to express our feelings without having you call us losers, tell us to comb our hair once in a while, tell us to go on a diet.  Your are totally unprofessional and out of line THAT is why we want you banned. 
Sorry about your luck. He was banned!!!
They have been banned from posting here as well

as at many other MT sites as well.  Their software costs around $400, but you don't actually buy the software from them, but a company that they say you have to buy it from.  Many, many times the software has not worked and TA said it isn't their problem cause you didn't buy it from them and the software company will not refund $$.   There are more than 30 complaints against them on file with the BB.  In the many years that they have been suckering people I have only heard one person who ever got real work for which she got paid.

The owners have moved to a different state at least once.  They probably moved to FL because of no state tax.  They claim to be upstanding religious people and they should be shamed of themselves.

It is common knowledge that they are a scam and it has been posted here as well as other boards for years.   If you Google them I'm sure you'll find all kinds of garbage about them.   They were even listed in one non-MT magazine to avoid them.

I don't know why they aren't in jail. 

And to think....I actually felt bad when they banned me...
I just used a different email, but then I was very careful and didn't post a lot of things I wanted to say for fear of being banned again. ->sap<-
so you think polite should be banned as well? NM
I'm not allowed to say that name on this board or I'll be banned..sorry..
If you'd care to e-mail me, I'll share, but I've been told not to say that name on this board or I'll be banned.
If you posted the name of that "site" would you then get banned from this site?
I was banned from other board for posting diff.
Posts deleted and troll banned.
If you find other troll posts, please use "Report Message" button at the upper right corner (blue strip)of a message to report it to moderators.

Thanks for your help.
You can be banned for posting these type of questions on this board. At least that is....
what they told me.  Unless they are selective on style/word/abbreviation questions being asked here.  Hmmm.  I wonder.
Tylenol words best for me. Glade products should be banned, the worst.
Tylenol words the best for me, have to take LOTS to ward off headaches that become 17 on a 1-10 scale.

Glade Products are the worst for me. They are to terrible and ought to be outlawed. I cannot be around them AT ALL and have to leave if they are used anywhere, in churches, homes, etc. Apparently some people are not at all sensitive to them, but they ought to know that other people are very horrendously affected. It is all chemical, either you are sensitive or you aren't, and the people who are not just simply are not. But the people who are suffer real pain and so I think no one should use them. Why would you want to expose the people who are sensitive? Just my opinion.
No, she didnt but so what if she did?
She was self supporting.  She didnt take anything from anyone or go on the system. 
i didnt see that.
what was the report?
How do you know that she didnt get ....
the newest edition out used??? I agree with it being worthless after a while but you can get used books that are the newest editions.
She didnt say they

were paying production. Probably an hourly rate position. Wipe off the drool. they ain't no fool.



That didnt work out right! Sorry.. NM
Didnt Seem Rude
You didnt seem rude to me at all. You adressed exactly what I was looking to get more info about. Should I even invest in the training, and if so what was the best way to go? Was MT even something I should get into? Sounds like more bang than I want to get tied up in so I appreciate your reply! Thanks!!
DH now knows reality of my job, didnt at first.
Why didnt your ancestors stay?
Why didnt your ancestors stay wherever they came from?  What a horrible statement.  We are all descendant from another country, unless we are American Indian.  I know two doctors who live here and do help in their home countries.  One from South Africa, the other from Mexico.  One goes back each year to hold clinics where they operate on children. 
Nixon didnt declare war
Lyndon Johnson stepped up the fighting in Vietnam, we were there back in the 1960's.  Pressure was put on Nixon from the courageous and so right protestors to end our participation in a wrong war a war we were in because we didnt want the South Vietnamese to become communist, which happened anyway.  The protests at Kent State were peaceful except some students started throwing rocks at inexperienced guardsmen.  The guardsmen were called before the protest to keep calm on campus, which is something that should never be done and was never done before.  You do not turn military against student protestors.  You do not use military to guard Americans, that is what police are for.  Only during Martial Law can you have military take over American streets.  We have a right to protest.  When the students saw the guardsmen, some threw rocks.  The guardsmen then shot their guns.  Trust me, this is how it went.  It is burned into my psyche.
Thank you. I didnt know if there were a lot of parts to assemble.
Didn't have to do much of that (didnt really mind that
part of the job, though). Just didn't like working 11-7, hated the fact that with being responsible for so many patients, I felt like I wasn't giving any of them very good care.
wonder why my email didnt work??
That makes me wonder, I have been getting emails lately, it should be working.
Vets were I worked didnt want to pay for MT. Had
You did call the school, didnt you?
Very wise post. Didnt look at it this way before.
Are you sure she didnt mean strap, like black
Didnt know we have our own country now of Georgia!
I love my country(and state).
Trust me I would if it didnt feel like someone took a hammer

Her point was Rosa DIDNT do as in Rome
im not really complaining...i just got mad when i didnt get my check right before christmas...
and started looking at other co... and then of course i get this offer... that i cant seem to weigh out ...and then my currnet co. made it all better. so i will prob just stay put, and gain some skills adn time to my resume'...you kno?

Ok, I didnt post this, another JWA did. just wanted clarification.

it just sounds like they didnt want to work with you anymore
I wouldnt let it get me down. I dont feel like you should go back to school. It takes time to do the more difficult doctors. Unless you did not go to school and do good. Only you know how well you learned and whether or not you feel comfortable with doing transcription.

I think this lady was aggravated and took it out on you. Dont give up.

Keep your chin up. This is a tough field.
Yes, we agree. I 1st posted to person who didnt
Majority of these came thru Ellis Island. Didnt
didnt work so owed no money
it is bigger equipment and expensive. AND they never worked so I did not owe them any money. Some were so "anxious" to work that I spent a small fortune sending it overnight so they could "get started" because they really needed to work. I want to believe in the best of people, but it is getting harder and harder.
I didnt really read your post, but thought i would reply anyway
email me if you have enough nerve to speak to someone more in person than on the boards.  I would be more than happy to have a debate with you if you are mature enough to handle it, but would rather not do it here. 
Your planet? did you know there were people who needed medication who didnt have it?
Call old company. If didnt burn bridges, would

Hey RadGuy, do you give out your email address, or do you prefer to converse thru the forum only?

Hey RadGuy, for your big sis for
Christmas, make a donation to a charity and then give her a card saying that a donation has been made in her honor.   Someone in need benefits from your donation, you get a tax write-off, and no worry about the "right" gift or even having to wrap the gift.     
Hey, RadGuy
Why don't you invite the family to your house on Christmas Eve for drinks, coffee, and dessert? Just call everyone and say it's just a family get together from 7 to 9 p.m. (or whatever works).

I'm the youngest of a very large family, so I know where you're coming from, but you really have to tell your sister that you don't want to celebrate Christmas her way. Just because she was born before you doesn't mean she has the right to pull your strings. Take your life back!! Esp. since she ignores you the rest of the year - it's obvious she doesn't really care about any of you.
You really need a new family! What a bunch of characters. Have you considered writing a book? I thought my family was nuts, but we're boring compared to yours.

Point out to David that Jesus was not married when he died at age 33. Also ask him what Saint Paul had to say when people asked him about whether it was better to be married or stay single.

Funny I always sort of had this feeling you were a cat man, but then you said your sister gave you catfood cans for a gift and you did not have a cat, so it is nice to know you at least once did and my hunch was right. I love cats, I hope you got yourself another one.
RadGuy & ALL

I will sincerely be thinking of you and how your making out with your dysfunctional family  I would invite you to mine but it may not be much better but I am bound and determined to make it great because I have 3 new little foster kids that need a happy memory of Christmas, so were heading to KY to enjoy Christmas, let them be kids with the grandkids and start a new year and new life off hopefully.  They;ll be spoiled with love and that's what Christmas is all about.

To all MT's and their families, hoping for happy times, lot's of love and a great new year.

Thanks RadGuy!
After reading the thread about LimeWire, I decided to give it a try.  I downloaded it - and I am now enjoying some good tunes!  Merry Christmas!  
LOL Radguy!

Oh Wow RadGuy
Thank's for the memories lol...that was 1 ex, 3 kids and before the grandbabies...made me feel younger than a day at the spa popping ibuprofen