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No, they just don't look very classy IMO

Posted By: nm on 2006-02-15
In Reply to: Anyone have a tattoo? - thinkin' about it (sm)

Kind of the same image given off by a woman smoking. Just hard-edged, common and uneducated, even if that's not the case.

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Very classy and very nice of you. !!

Barbara is one classy lady...

Classy ecard site
I love sending traditional cards, but a friend sent me an e-card from www.jacquielawson.com.  Check it out if you would like an alternative for those family and friends with computers.  These are created by a lady artist in England and are so wonderful and original, especially for animal lovers!  You may preview the cards for free!  The entire website is charming.  There is a $12 USD yearly subscription, but if you send a lot of cards all year long, that's a savings. 
Classy my ____--you fill in the blank....
--I saw the clip of Walters announcing Jones' failure to return. That was very practiced and classy, I'll hand her that; but then she's had lots of experience and people to help her craft such an announcement.

--I also saw the King show when Jones talked about what had been going on and why she did what she did. I thought that hat was very classy as well. Her being a lawyer certainly helped her craft her statement.

--Overall, I totally believe Jones' accounting of what happened, when, where, why and who knew what and who knew it when. She was quite clear, her timeline precise.

Her reasons for handling her announcement at the time and in the way that she did also made perfect sense if you listened to her closely and carefully.

I was in her situation once--unfairly "let go" and for totally bogus reasons from a large local San Francisco, CA, foundation.

I was told that I could tell anyone at the foundation anything I liked about my departure.

I was in shock at what had just happened, left my supervisor's office, wandered into the kitchen for something to eat/drink.

A co-worker (high level staff) was there and I spoke to him that I had just been let go. We talked briefly, he offered his sympathy.

After he left the room, my supervisor swooped in, telling me that it was not a good idea to talk about it the way I did...blah, blah, blah....she could only have been in the hallway, listening at the door.

Yeah, Walters, et. al. did do what Jones said they did. And the way Walters handled everything did indeed look "classy"--with time, experience, and help, how could Walters go wrong?

Jones told the truth from start to finish on King's show and the View Crew and network couldn't/wouldn't handle it and did not want to face the fall out; and, they didn't want to lose face.

The further complicating problem was that as a public personality, Jones had additional public outlets to tell the truth.

IF Walters had: Simply kept her mouth shut, just weathered Jones' early initial announcement on air that day, deferred all questions of why Jones' contract had not been renewed to Jones' (citing privacy and confidentiality), responding to all askers with a 'no comment', and referring all explanations to Jones'she wouldn't be in the uncomfortable position she is in now. Walters would not have been so exposed, AND she would not have needed to get to Larry King in advance to cover her ____, to explain anything, and trying to look good, thereby maintaining her "classy" reputation.

Yeah, it was a business decision all right, handled badly and then it came back to bite Walters, et. al. in the butt.

Whether you like Jones or not, she chose to tell the truth and, as such, she had nothing to hide. Brava.