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No need to repost. Look at the LINK/URL at the bottom of the message and click on State of Californi

Posted By: nm on 2007-10-04
In Reply to: I don't see anything but a - blank message.


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Left click on the taskbar and drag it back to the bottom. Once you've done that, right click on


Right click on "start" at the bottom right of
your screen. Then right click on "explore." Look for "program files" and in that folder you should find the "Shorthand for Windows" folder. Simply right click on that folder and send it to your backup location. You can do this with anything you'd like to back up.

With state and Federal, you 40% of your earnings GO, bottom line.
I don't know what's up for debate, it's fact.

Housing prices have gone up 40% in the past year alone in California.
Look for "Helpful Link" at the bottom

Bottom left of your screen.

Here is the website. There is a link to e-mail them at the bottom. sm
I would write them and ask them about it. Not sure if yours is older or not, but they have Version 9.02 now, so we are both behind the times.

[See Related Messages] link at the bottom of your post.
Click this link

Click on the See Archives link above.
I would click on link in "faves" and nothing
If you click a link by accident or on purpose sm
that message can open a trojan on your PC that will access your ebay information.  Happened to me once and some yo-yo hijacked my EBay account and ran up $3000.00 worth of charges in about 2 hours. My account got suspended for suspicious activity and I was notified by EBay of the problem.  Lucky for me, they found out who did it and cancelled all the charges. I had to go to the EBay chat with customer service and repair the damage. Took about an hour.  Now I change my password everytime I get a message that's fake and send everything to spoof@ebay.  It really does help.  So, if you do get a note about suspicious activity, then go to Ebay and see if you can log in.  If not, then the email is from them. 
When you go to the Shorthand website and click on the link to download and....

click save and save it to your jump drive.  Once you've downloaded the file.  Open up your jump drive, double click on the download to install.  At the point in the installation where it asks you what folder to install ShortHand (it usually defaults to c:programs files or whatever.  You click browse to change to the destination to your jump drive (for example, mine is E: on my computer).  Then install like normal.  Now the program will be installed on your jump drive instead of your C drive.  Then when you want to run shorthand, you simply plug in your jump drive, open it up and click on the shorthand icon to start the program.


Yes, find the Secret Santa post and click the email link to enter.
New message on New Mexico state board nm
you're right, it's federal but diff for each state...see link...sm


ALL STATES PAY MINIMUM WAGE DIFFERENTLY - i.e., Arizona says *No state minimum wage law.*

Local hospital and state sponsored class. (see message)

This was way back in 1980-81 (age 19) in a pretty small town.  Our local hospital in cooperation with state funding had 3 different programs:  Medical Secretary (note--not transcriptionist) which was an 8-month program, as well as Respiratory Therapist and LPN, which were both 2 years if I recall correctly. 

The cost was about $300 (my parents paid) and included ALL materials (books, paper and pencils) for classes 8 hours per day, M-F, from Sept thru May.  The classes consisted of anatomy/physiology, medical terminology, typing and transcribing, English, accounting, and general office practices, all, in 1 room with about 10-12 students in the entire program. 

The last month was spent doing 1 week of practicum for 4 weeks.  We could pick just about any situation we wanted and as long as there was approval by those "offices," it was all right.  I did 1 week in that hospital's pathology dept (transcribing, charting, answering phones--almost got to see an autopsy but was a burn victim, so couldn't); 1 week in another town's hospital MR dept (spending a day or so in each subsection--MT, coding, filing, etc); 1 week our local area's cancer treatment center (again, in each MR subsection), and the final week at our area's tumor registry.  I felt sorry for the 2 girls in the latter; they had ARTs (don't even know if that still exists as a 2-year associate's degree for "accredited records technician"), and all they did was file cards all day long. 

After that, we graduated with a "Certified Medical Secretary" certificate and pin.  I've been an MT ever since, working inhouse (both hospitals and service office for 10 years) and now at home for the past 17 years. 


See link in message

Hope this helps!
See message for link


The link worked for me! - no message
(There's actually a link and a message inside my note above) ... :-) ... nm
MTStars has a new chat software. Check it out. Click on the CHAT now! link at the top right corner.
If you would like to set times and days/evenings to chat, post here and we will include it in the newsletter.
see inside for link and article from Bill Gates...lm (long message)


Bill Gates bets $84M on corn power
Investment in ethanol manufacturer by Microsoft founder shakes up industry.
December 13, 2005: 6:41 PM EST

NEW YORK (Reuters) - When the richest man in the world invests $84 million in a company, you can be sure Wall Street notices.

That's why Neil Koehler, president and chief executive of Pacific Ethanol Inc. (Research), was looking as if he had won the Powerball jackpot on Tuesday.

"It gave us instant credibility and the equity financing to be very credible and real with our (business) plan," he said of the investment by Bill Gates, the Microsoft Corp. (Research) founder, whose personal fortune of $46.5 billion topped Forbes magazine's list of the world's richest again this year.

"It really differentiated us from the pack," Koehler said. Gates' investment firm, Cascade Investment, agreed last month to buy 5.25 million preferred shares in Pacific Ethanol, a producer of the corn-based fuel hailed by environmentalists as an answer to the earth's dwindling supply of petroleum.

The financing, in which the preferred shares will be converted into common stock, is expected to close in January and will net the Fresno, California-based company $84 million.

The Gates ripple effect

In an interview at Reuters' Times Square offices, Koehler said Gates' investment was a sign that ethanol can be a viable alternative to oil at a time of see-sawing gasoline prices and concerns about global warming and climate change.

"It's all coalescing and, obviously, a smart investor like Bill Gates sees that," said Koehler, who was in New York to attract institutional investors.

Gates' money will help Pacific Ethanol proceed with its plan to initially build five plants on the West Coast to process Midwestern corn into ethanol, he said.

"It's not only had a huge impact on our operations, but it's had a huge ripple effect on the whole industry. It has really caused a stir in the ethanol industry that Bill Gates has stepped up and said: 'I believe in ethanol.'"

The company went public in March and the $84 million will help finance the plant construction.

"This was very much our strategy and they very much synched up and helped us make it more real," he said. "They had decided they wanted to get into ethanol and had looked at many companies before they found us."

Despite the investment, Koehler has not met Gates, who is also known as a philanthropist.

"He's pretty hands-off," he said.

But just the name is enough to attract attention from Wall Street and oil companies, said Koehler.

"With Bill Gates and that whole left-wing, progressive position that he has and the philanthropic thing, it reinforces ethanol's green stamp," he added.

Ethanol versus oil

With crude oil at $50+ per barrel, Koehler sees the market for ethanol-burning vehicles growing. Already, U.S. gasoline contains about 10 percent ethanol and Ford (Research) and General Motors (Research) are developing cars to run on 80 percent ethanol.

With 150 billion gallons of gasoline sold in the United States each year, that represents some 15 billion gallons of ethanol.

"We could do what Brazil's done and have 30, 40 percent of our transportation fuel renewable," he said.

Brazil, which makes ethanol from sugar cane, and the United States are the two largest ethanol-producing countries, he added.

"It's a common fact, we are running out of oil and there is only one commercially-viable liquid fuel alternative," Koehler said.

But historically low gas prices and powerful big oil companies combined to stunt the ethanol industry for years.

"Because of the politics of the oil industry, ethanol has always been viewed as raining on their parade, interfering with their business model," said Koehler.

However, the situation has changed and oil companies now look more favorably on ethanol than other transportation power sources, such as electricity, fuel cells or hydrogen.

In addition, President Bush's energy bill included renewable fuel standards and starting on Jan. 1, it requires a virtual doubling of ethanol fuel use from the current 4 billion gallons to 7-1/2 billion gallons by 2012.

"With $50 oil and up, ethanol is very attractive from a price standpoint," said Koehler.

Ethanol receives a 51 cent per gallon incentive from the U.S. government and today it is selling wholesale for roughly $2 a gallon.

"The actual cost to a refiner is roughly $1.50 and wholesale gasoline is roughly $1.70 or $1.80 today," said Koehler.

And in another sign of the future, he said that, starting next year, the Indy Racing League is converting all Indy racing cars to run on the high-octane alternative.

"Ethanol is racing fuel," he added.




Poll: school vs. OJT, etc. (repost)
 was just curious....

How long have you been an MT?

Did you attend an MT school, or did you receive on-the-job training?

That's all for now.

Please repost that question on Main. (NM)
The bottom line is doesnt matter what they pay if there is no work you make no money. Bottom line.
One of my PAs constantly rides the microphone, click, fuzz, missing word, chew, click,

Click the office button and then click word options. It's under proofing.
click on Tags, then Keystrokes, then click on the control box and the letter b
that should work!
Click at the top of the column you want to order, then click on the AZ button in top toolbar.
Click on tools, AutoCorrect, and click on tab that says
AutoFormat as you type and uncheck the ordinals option.
If it's installed, click or F10 to open it, click on...sm
the little white piece of paper icon to bring up the window where you ADD your new entries to, type your abbreviation in the Keyword box, then drop down to the Text to Type box and put in what you need it to say, then click Okay. You're done! If you want to delete your entry, arrow down to it, then click on the Trash Can icon. It'll ask if you want to put it on the clipboard, say yes and hit okay. If you want to modify it, use the little hand on the piece of paper icon. I like to click on the Disk icon to save stuff once I enter it, too, as a backup. If you're working and want to enter a paragraph or a page, you'll hightlight your stuff, bring up the ADD window, copy and paste it into the Text to Type area using the commands on the bottom of that box, name it, and hit okay. To use hot keys and stuff, you'll have to read the instructions in the help file. Good luck! ..nm
This post should be made on the Ask the Dr. board. OP please repost on that board. Thread locked.
Work for a company in a state that has no state income tax
I think there are 3 or 4 out there (Florida, Texas, and a few others.)  Then you really avoid the tax situation. 
Name a state and put every company in that state under suspicion.

Tell what the first letter of the company is and every company with that initial will be suspect.  I would imagine that everyone who works for that company has received an inquiry from department of labor, so they would all be aware of it. 

Why do we persist in setting up companies to be torn down when there is no reason for it.  If a company is suspect, then give the name of the company, don't give big hints that cover at least 5 companies, 4 of which may be the best companies to work for, but fall into the category of an alphabetical letter, etc. 




Contact your local BBB in your state and in their state if different from yours.
Not mandatory, as you state it depends on your state - sm
or county. Where I am I do not need it; though if I was cutting grass or landscaping I would where I live, makes no sense to me as I am providing a service, but very happy I don't have to have one. We pay personal property tax here and I would have to list all my business related equipment and pay taxes on it every year I was in business. So until I am told otherwise by my county, I will not be getting a business license.
I simply chose the wrong link. See inside for the correct link.
See link
Venting-why do people keep putting nm and THEN writing a message?? nm means no message - sm
Please put sm if you have a message and NM if there is no message other than your subject line.  It makes it easier when reading these messages.  thanks so much and have a nice day everyone. 
anywhere from $14 bottom to $25 sm
depending on the company. There are only a couple that pay as high as $25 and they never have openings. The norm is between $14-$18 to start depending on experience.
AI bottom 3
1. Ace
2. Bucky
3. Paris (she used to be a favorite of mine--what happened to her?)
Bottom 3
There's a website that supposedly calculates the phone calls, and they've actually be right quite a few times. (I wasn't sure if I could put the web site name here). According to them it's either Ace of Bucky that's leaving tonight. They have they by ranking.
varies from state to state...nm
deluded are ye? state by state..sm




Some people just CHOOSE to live in DE NILE (DENIAL) and we all see you are ONE OF THOSE.

Some of us CHOOSE to go through life as a REALISTS! 




Things are different from state to state, but I think
you probably could, if you are actually "laid off."  You would have to get a letter from your surgeon regarding your temporary disability status and take to the unemployment office and to Medicaid....but you know how Medicaid works, 1.5 pennies over the income limit, you don't get it.  But, as I stated, laws differ from state to state, so you would have to inquire or go on their websites and see what they will approve and what they will not.
If not in your state, try filing in THEIR state. Then they
Bottom line is the $.
towards the bottom of this page
Under the question about who is quitting before Oct 1st.
The bottom line is
You always type it the way the client or your boss, company tells you to. And you are right, ibuprofen should not be capatalized unless at the beginning of the sentence because it is the generic name of a drug. As far as the BOS is concerned...there are many people that believe that book is the Bible as far as transcription is concerned. Again, it all boils down to the way your client or company wants the information transcribed. The BOS is not always followed to the letter.
bottom line
nobody likes to see the officials produce the outcome of the game.... Of course they have to call things that are obvious, but in a championship game you cannot call the "iffy" calls and potentialy change the outcome of the game. Just let the players PLAY!!
If you look at the bar on the bottom of your screen SM

while having your mouse pointer over the image in the email, you will notice it is a "snapshot" of an ebay page and the buttons that you would normally click on are part of the picture. Basically clicking anywhere on that image will take you to the site listed in the information bar at the bottom of your screen  It is always an aol hometown site in the scam ones I get. I just got an ebay one recently where it had similar language- basically harassing me to pay for something. I think it is written that way to startle you into clicking right away to take care of "the problem". 

If the Chinese government can go after dissidents through Yahoo, why can we not get these scam artists that set up their scam sites through AOL?  I know, I know, that was just a rhetorical question. 

Down at the bottom of the post it says....
In his pocket.

Just one of those days.
There are usually screws in the bottom
that you can open up, but I will warn you it can be a bear trying to put the thing back together because of positioning the screws deep in those holes. A magnetic screwdriver will save you a lot of aggravation. When I've opened it up, I've seen springs broken, springs out of place, the plastic holding the springs broken off. There will be a little nubbin of plastic in the lid side of the pedal that is the contact for the little silver internal PLAY button. If that is broken, fixing it may be impossible.