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No but I keep one for my own protection!

Posted By: nm on 2005-11-25
In Reply to: Do most companies require you to keep a handwritten log? - Writer's cramp


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For your protection, I would definitely get a lawyer
especially if they're going to hire one.

You could forfeit your rights to the property if you don't respond properly and in a timely manner and in order to do that you need a professional to examine all the legal paperwork.

My neighbor went through a somehat similar situation with her house...but too long to go into here.
virus protection
There is a company who is connected with Norton, Symantic (spelling ?) that has Eanthology/stop sign. Look it up on the web. This costs less than $7 a month (I have 3 computers on this). You download from the web, has a firewall, pop, the whole 9 yards. I have a VIP subscription and they have been on the phone with me for an hour before fixing my computer. I would recommend them to anyone. You can also find them by putting in Stop-sign computer protection service. Let me know if you need additional info
My space protection.
Okay, so you can limit who can see your child's profile but can you limit the profiles your child can search for and look at? That is my question.
Because you have overdraft protection, you're...

fine as far as doing nothing illegal.  Also, when a deposited check bounces and there have been checks written assuming the check was good, that is not illegal.  However, writing a check and KNOWING the funds are not there is check kiting, which is a federal offense.  Do banks prosecute?  Normally they will not, unless it comes to the point of numerous checks OBVIOUSLY written knowing they will not clear on the second or third time (maximum of 3 times).  Then, the recipients of the checks can press charges.  Believe me it happens.  I was a bank manager for many years, and, although it didn't happen very often, it did happen.

Also, in reality banks love check bouncers.  They are the "money maker" accounts.  Those fees add up VERY quickly. 

My dh is a deputy sheriff, and the jail in his county has many, many inmates in for check-kiting.  In our state the first conviction is 1-5 years, and it get worse from there.

Who hasn't written a check at the grocery store on a Thursday night, knowing the money wouldn't be there until they made a deposit on Friday.  I know I have.  One day is pretty safe, but now that so many banks use the same clearing house, writing a check even 2 days before a deposit is risky...unfortunately speaking from experience here. 

So, overdraft protection is the way to go.  Safe and legal. 


BK laws have changed. Ch 13 (repay) protection
is only option available if I understand the details correctly. Visa Corp. has tried to push this bill through for a decade and it was finally passed. There may be certain dire situations that allow an individual to wipe out debt (Ch7) but it will be a rare one. It is wage garnishment until the debt is paid, basically, though it may stop added penalities and possibly stop the debt from growing over time. See a reputable BK atty for a free 30 consult. It is all in the numbers really. What you owe and what your earning potential is, possibly the situation at hand but not like before (I filed Ch 13 after misfortune to save my home, paid back debt over 3 years with my wages garnished). Bad timing for this economy and many people will suffer, especially the elderly and the ill.
Can anyone recommend a good virus/security protection?

I currently use a program called PC cillin.  I have used Norton, and with both I still managed to get "worms" on my computer. Also, my internet service is with AOL.



wrong. the virus protection and anti-spyware
are only as good as the updates and are NOT 100% all the time. NO program is 100%. Hackers are finding new ways to compromise computers every single day and no program can protect from all of them. The longer you are up and running, the more chance of being invaded. don't fool yourself into thinking antivirus and antispyware are fool proof, because they are not. You have to think smart and protect yourself too, by shutting down when not in use and allowing new updates to take effect. duh.
YES, your email has COMPLETE protection on this site. We have worked VERY hard to make sure
that e-mail addresses are protected.  Spheris did not glean your email address from this site.  In the meantime, if you enter your email address in the E-mail field, you can be emailed, but the sender cannot see your email address.  They have no idea WHAT your email address is.  ONLY if YOU reply to them will the sender then find out what it is.  If you have further questions, email me and we'll discuss it.
Do not download the Panda titanium software for virus checker and spyware protection. It corrupted
my entire computer, had to have service man fix it to the tune of $150.00.  
Surge protector light blinking on switch. Does this mean the surge protection is not working. nm
My virus protection keeps catching emails with the blackmail.F virus. That
has been going around for a few days and different variants of that are popping up. Don't know if it is related as I have not had time to research it. Watch out for that one too.