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Need new earphones now ! Help!

Posted By: Curious MT on 2006-02-01
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Hey all, I just bought a few different pairs of earphones from Wal-Mart.  None of them work.  The ones I bought yesterday go behind your head made by Koss.  Not good, squeeze my head too much.  The other ones are buds also made by Koss.  The buds irritate my ears.  I'd like to purchase some online, but don't know which ones are best.  I don't necessarily need the ones that block all noise or anything.  Suggestions would be great.  Gotta get them ordered today.  I am also looking for a good wrist pad.  Thanks.

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The only earphones I have used are U-shaped, under the chin, and they have lasted years. Philips.  Can get them by calling Carmichael's Office Supply in Omaha but probably there are other places on the net, too.  $39.  You can also order the foam replacements for the ear pieces there, also 
I don't like anything sticking in my ears.  Have used Sony headsets for years.  $10 at Walmart.
If this is being discussed already, I apologize for not seeing it.  Does anyone know where to find good in-canal, or stethoscope style headphones with the soft (silicone) ear tips?  TIA...
Has anyone tried the Sennheiser CX300 ones on ebay that has the Entymotic cushions on them?  I've seen some there for $20.
Best Earphones

Trying to find a new pair of earphones.  I type for 12 hours a day and those ones that are the basic brands are killing my ears every day.  I tried a pair of those real big suction ones and they cancel out alot of noise and were soft around the ear but they kept pressing into the sides of my ears.  I would barely eat with them on.  They are like those ones that musician where when recording.  Anyone have the best earphones.  I cannot use the earbud kind as they fall out, so I need the ones that go over the head.  They have to be soft cushion not like those ones that are the basic. Any suggestions?




Can you tell me if these have a volume control on them? That is something I cannot live without. I just checked the website and the pic looks like they do but I did not see it listed as a feature. Thanks for this recommendation. They look just like what I have been trying to find.
How many sets of earphones have you tried on it?
It sounds as if you might need a mono to stereo adapter for the earphones.  It's a little doohickey that looks like the end of the headphone jack with a hole in the other end.  It will take the sound from one to two ears.  That being said and before you waste the $2-3 on an adapter, do your earphones work in both ears on your stereo or radio?  They aren't transcriber earphones, are they?
I'm allergic to my new earphones!!!

I know this sounds nuts (I'm nuts), but my noise-dampening earphones arrived a week ago and I put them on.  I should tell you that I have sensitivities to latex and adhesives, but this is not a problem I deal with very often.  Anyway, I donned and immediately began getting itchy.  I ignored it. Then my ears began to burn. I kept typing like a "good" MT.  Tee hee.  Then I started getting hives and my throat started to itch.  Yikes!!  Okay, that got my attention.  So I took them off and took a Benadryl.  I haven't touched them for this whole week, until today.  I tried them again, albeit foolishly, thinking it wouldn't happen again.  I was willing to think it was psychosomatic (allergy to work, ya know).  Ummm, nope.  It all happened again.  Oh well, at least Transcription Gear has a 30-day guarantee.  Wait until I give them my "reason for return".  Crazy.  I thought I'd give you all a 'Buyer Beware', 'FYI', and stuff like that...  See ya! 

Etymotic ER 6 earphones
Has anyone tried these earphones for dictation.  Is it clear?  Does it actually reduce noise around you.  Does it clear the static from dictation?  Just curious if it is a good earphone for dictation.  Thanks for any info. 
Sponges for earphones
I ordered the little sponge things online at Transcription Gear.com. There were inexpensive and have lasted.
Static on earphones

I am using the earphones which came with the Olympus DS-4000. I love them - they are the most comfortable earphones I've ever used. I've had them since about April 2007.

Over the last couple of months, they have developed a tinny, staticky sound. It comes and goes but the past day or so it has been pretty consistent.

I have tried adjusting the sound volume, the bass/treble, everything I can think of.

I can replace the earphones, but my concern is that the problem might be with my computer sound card, not with the earphones. Any suggestions about how to check this - or anybody else with this experience?


listening without earphones
I didn't think anybody else did this!  Four years ago I had a benign parotid tumor removed and with my head wrapped up, I couldn't use earphones and was forced to listen without them.  Then when I was all healed and put the earphones back in, what a surprise -- I couldn't hear well at all and have not used them since (I have Logitech speakers). 
I too have tinnitus, for years, in my left ear, diagnosed with TMJ. Had audiology test, loss of hearing, to low tones in my left ear, nothing really helps. Doctor and audiologist do believe it is from all of these years of earphones. Some days it is better than other days, but sometimes drives me crazy, with the loud hissing noise. I turn the earphones down, hate loud noise, hurts my left ear. I was thinking of trying something homeopathic soon to help it. Audiologist did advise a booster for the earphones that you plug into the speakers on computer, going to try that also. Hope this info helps you. I have had it about 7 years now, have been a Transcriptionist for 35 years now, so I do believe they are related to each other.
Etymotic ER6 earphones; do you all still like them (sm)
To those of you who are using them,do you still like them? Are you able to pick up the stammering docs better?  Are they comfortable, hard to get used to? I am open to suggestions on other brands if you have decided you don't like them
wireless earphones?
Does anyone know if there is such a thing and if so where can I get some? My cord is so friggin long that it's always getting caught under my feet or stuck between my chair and keyboard tray, etc and always getting pulled off my head! It's sooo annoying!
You could try USB earphones. It makes
the sounds a little more pure.   It is possible your hearing is declining with age too. 
Get a pair of Sony earphones. sm

Like the ones kids plug into a portable disc player.  I'm not talking about the "cheapies" that most kids use for the disc player with the little foam rubber spongy thingys.  Get yourself a decent set that have "faux leather" with the big padding that cover both ears. You won't hear a thing outside of your earphones. Make sure the ear things cover both ears and have a lot of cushioning.  A good pair might cost you 20 or 30 bucks, but is well worth it. 

Good luck and godspeed MT comrade! :)


Just make sure the earphone attachment is the same size as your speakers.


I just started a job using voice files and not a dictaphone as before.  I tried every set of earphones in the tower part of the computer that has a space for earphones next to the space for the footpedal.  I only out of one ear.  Is there another place to plug them in or what earphones do you use.   These earphones are made for this. 

Koss earphones....$5.00 at Wal-Mart
Etymotic Earphones are GREAT
I dearly love my Etymotic ER6 earphones. They cost about 89.00 at J&R (wwww.jr.com) They are in the ear and took a little while to get used to. For some reason I cannot use the silicon eartips as they make ear canals itch, but I love the large (yellow)foam eartips. I have a 30% hearing loss and they are just great. Be sure to get the ER6 and not the ER6i. The Etymotic tech said the ER6 is better for transcription than the ER6i. But beware - it blocks out noise so well that I cannot hear my phone ring and it is only about 18" from me!
replacement covers for earphones
Does anyone know where I can get replacement covers for my earphones?  I am using a Pearlcorder microcassette machine and they are small?
An audiologist told me earphones and headsets will sm
cause hearing loss.  He was quite alarmed that I did this all day long, day in and day out.  He said it would be much better to use the speakers. 
Does anyone have their earphones plugged into their tower instead of speakers?? (sm)
I have a coworker who does not have an earphone plug-in on her speakers but she does on her tower.  Does anyone know how to configure this to be able to hear through her earphones when plugged into the tower?  Thank you in advance. 
I keep alcohol pads at my desk to clean the sponges on the earphones.
That takes away the itching and keeps the bacteria away!!