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Need Word 2007 shortcut to adjust margins, as I can't see the ribbon. Thanks! nm

Posted By: keep on learning on 2008-03-27
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Alt-P-M, but you can't adjust margins without a section break.
Not sure what you are trying to do.
I need help in MS Word. I have a new doc that requires almost every page to have different margins.

I used to have an account that we could type Control and L and that would make a page break with the margins for a letter.  I don't know how to create this.  I looked into macros in Word and am totally confused and have no idea what to do.

Can anyone help me figuer out a way I can assign Control and L for the letter margins and control P for progress note margins.  I'd really appreciate any help

If you have Word Perfect, it is easy. Just open any document, default the font and margins and do a

You can do a comparrison on gross lines versus 65 character line count by opening any document you have and counting lines both ways. 

I have almost always been paid the gross line and still am right now.  No matter what the margins or font is, all documents are converted to 1 inch margins and 12 Courier font.  You do not count blank lines.  I make an average of 0.08 a gross line, which the way I am paid would average out to about 11-12 cents a 65 character line.

Hope this helps!

Info/help on open Word 2007 docx with Word 2003.

I have a friend who sent me a document with .docx extension, presumably Word 2007. I can open it in Word 2003; however, all I see are musical notes and highlighting, no text (this is a document with words and highlighting only, no pictures, music notes, etc.). I tried to open this with Notepad and only see the usual gibberish.

I know I opened another 2007 Word doc before and I remember seeing the converter load at that time but that was probably a year ago. Is there something that has changed that I'm not aware of?

Darn Microsoft.

I dunno about Word 2007 but Word 2003

has AutoCorrect, which is probably what you're meaning. When you program a macro, it records your Keystrokes and actions and is more complicated than what you're needing.

In Word 2003, type the word/phrase you want (i.e., degenerative disc disease) then highlight it. Go to Tools, AutoCorrect Options, and your highlighted word should be in the "with" box. Type your shortcut (i.e., ddd) in the "replace" box. Click Add then OK. To use the new entry, just type what you put in the replace box (ddd). No other keys necessary. I would guess it should be about the same in Word 2007.

Hope that helps! Feel free to email if you have more questions...

Word 2007, Word 2002, or 2003
How many transcriptionists have switched to these versions of Word?  I am still using Word 2000, and it works well for me, but have been offered job with a company that uses Word 2007, and another company that will let you use Word 2002 or 2003.  I am fighting this and am at the point where I just might not accept a new job because of this change.  I can't imagine why they would want to change from Word 2000.  Your opinions, please.  Thank you.
In Word 2007, you can add Word count to the status bar.
Right-click the status bar and select Word count. Once it appears on the status bar, you can double-click it to bring up the statistics dialog box that shows characters. You can also find this option on the Review tab, Proofing group, Word Count.
word shortcut for date? NM
Word 2003 and Word 2007....

If you have Word 2003 and upgrade to Word 2007 - will you still be able to access your Word 2003 documents? 

I am still kinda confused on this as everything I have read about this states that the Word 2003 files will be opend in a "compatibility" form, as opposed to normal. 

Would it be in my best interest to save the Word 2003 files to a disk first?

Word 2007 is the best
I used office 2003 pro since it came out and hated it. It was so slow. I just got the new office 2007 and it is MUCH better than any other version of office.
Word 2007
Thanks for the info!
Word 2007

If I buy Word 2007, can I put it on more than one computer in my house or is the license restricted to just one computer?  Thanks for sharing if you know the answer. 

Word 2007

Has anyone had any issues; good, bad or indifferent, on Word 2007.


Word 2007

I updated to Word 2007 - I took the time to watch the learning videos and was able to create new macros and boilerplate very nicely.

But I have lost all my add-in word books and dictionaries that were in my tool bar. Does anyone know how to get them back?


Word 2007 sm
Word 2007 or Office 2007 was made for Vista and, I believe, is not compatible with Word 2003 or Office 2003. Perhaps they have another file conversion tool on their site. This is the only reason why I cannot upgrade to 2007, although I would love to. There are many platforms and programs that are not compatible with it, as yet, either. It is MS way of trying to *force* the general public to upgrade to Vista, which I think stinks, but there are so many programs and companies that just are not ready for the change. They will also soon stop support for XP home edition, as well, but will continue supporting XP pro for a while yet. good luck to you.
Word 2007
Could users of Word 2007 share what you think of it, please.  Do you like it, hate it, etc.  How does it compare with other Word versions?  Thank you.
RE: Word 2007
It is ok. You just have to learn how to work it. It works a lot different than the other. You have to learn where everything is. But, I am using it and not much trouble with it. The old one was the best one.
word 2007 Help
I am just switching to word 2007 from word 2000. Can someone please tell me how to copy and paste in 2007?
word 2007 help
I am trying to start using word 2007. There are a lot of things that I copy and paste. When I copy (ctrl+c) it does copy but when I try to paste (ctrl + V) it does not paste. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?
word 2007 Help
I am trying to get used to Word 2007. When I try to copy (CTL +C) and paste it will not paste with CTL + V. I have to use the mouse and click on the paste button. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Word 2007
Word 2007 does have its issues/quirks. We are having problems with its compatibility with our programs too.
If you can locate a copy of Word 2003, I recommend you get one. I bought a copy from e-bay. It was used, but I only paid $40 for it, and it works just fine. You can still have Word 2007 or other versions on your computer too, just don't overwrite your other versions is you are able to find a copy of 2003.
Word 2007
Good point. Thanks.
Word 2007
I got mine at Best Buy for $100. It is not the business version, but works fine.
Thanks, I just got word 2007
and still trying to figure out where everything is. Who knew it would be/look so different?
side margins, top margins or what??

Type a test page.  Set those margins on and see how many lines you get per page.  Don't know if it is 2 inches on sides and 2.5 on top and bottom or what.  But see how many lines you get per page and divide it by 2.00 and see what your cpl is.  But if they are crunching reports onto one page, beware you will probably lose money unless you have many, many reports of under 20 to 25 lines.   But no one knows how many "short" reports you get but my guess is not many and so with one or two full pagers, you will lose all your profit.  That is why it is best to be paid for the production you produce.    But that is me. 

Word 2007 Macros

When you open your Word document, there should be an option in the toolbar above that says "Developer." Enter Alt F8 to view your macros, but I think you have to manually hit the Record Macro to enter new macros.

p.s. I prefer the previous Word version over this "new" one.

Word 2007 installed and...

I lost my Stedman's and all of my auto corrects, but everything else seemed to be alright :)

I had to reinstall Stedman's and thank goodness I backed everything up so I had my auto corrects!!


Does anyone use abacus with Word 2007? sm

I've used abacus 2.1 for years. Now I have Vista with Word '07 and I was told that 2.1 and 3.0 would work, but either would be hard to configure. I'm not sure what that really means and would like to hear from anyone who is using it about problems or advice.

Word 2007 macro help

I sure hope someone can help me here.  I have recently started using Word 2007 and am absolutely lost!  I finally figured out how to create a macro....but now cannot figure how how to call up that macro when I need it.  does this make sense???  example, ddd stands for degenerative disc disease..when I type "ddd"  do I hit a function key, just the tab key, CTL + function key?????  can't figure this out.  please help me!

thanks.  Rita


Word 2007 macro help
word 2007 is completely different than previous versions.  can you tell me where the autocorrect button/tab is??????  thanks for your help.
Word 2007 macro help
there is no "tools" in word 2007, or not that I can find.
Word 2007 macro help
thanks for all the help.  I absolutely hate word 2007 and as soon as I can I will be uninstalling it and reinstalling an older version.  it is completely different from previous versions. there are no toolbars at the top but a "ribbon" which is needlessly complicated.  sorry I'm cranky.  Thanks again though.
Help Microsoft Word 2007

Does anyone know how to change a title of a document?  I have named my document and I have to change the name.

Thank you very much!





















Microsoft Word 2007

I had to do recovery on my computer and I added a newer Microsoft Office.  This is MUCH different than my old version so I wanted to see if anyone can help me out.  On old version if I used AutoText for saving smaller things after typing a couple of letters it would pop up with the info that I wanted.  I can't figure out if this new version does that or not.  From what I have read I can't find that it does, but if anyone has any information that it does still do this it would be greatly appreciated!

I have Vista and Word 2007..

and fortunately there is no conflict with either at the company I work for.  I know how you feel though; knowing what I know now I would not have "upgraded" from XP or Word 2003 when I got my new computer.  Good luck.

Word 2007 and 2003


I have word 2007 and I know I need 2003 so does anyone know where you can find it or what to do?  I would appreciate it and thank you very much.


Word 97 thru 2007 can be run on vista.
Most places do not use word 2007
If you choose to upgrade. I have both 2003 and 2007 (yes you can run both at the same time on Vista) and never use 2007 anymore. It says you can save the document as 97-2003 but a lot gets changed in trasmission anyway.
Word 2007 not compatible
I was so happy when a friend surprised me by buying me a version of Office 2007 so that I could have Word 2007 (I'd been slugging along using Word 2000 which was sooo slow).

But now that I'm actively job hunting, I'm seeing more and more ads stating that various platforms are NOT compatible with Word 2007!

Does anyone know why?
Not with Word 2007. That feature is gone.
Microsoft Word 2007 Frustration!!!
Every time I hit 'enter' to go to the next line (a return), it double spaces. How do I get it to just single space?

Thanks, everyone.
macros in radnet or word 2007
I have a new job typing in RadNet and it has macro system.  does anyone know of a macro system that I can use with radnet (radiology) dictation.  thanks. Rita
Word 2007 Spell Checker

Is anyone having a problem with Word 2007 spell checker?  Somtimes it underlines a misspelled word and sometimes it doesn't.  I sent some notes in with quite of few misspelled words.  It is so aggravating.  I have checked all my settings, and it is set up to show misspelled words and grammar mistakes.  I just don't understand why it works one minute but then doesn't work the next. 

Ediscript V8 upgrade and word 2007
I need to upgrade and am hearing conflicting issues.  Has anybody used the V8 of Editscript with the Home and Student edition office 2007?  Two people from Microsoft themselves told me different answers, yes and no.  One told me that word 2007 is word 2007 no matter what bundle it comes in and the other told me that I can't run 3rd party software on the home and student edition.  Anybody have this answer?
I have researched on this board for help with inserting a "jump code" in a template, but all the examples do not seem to work or I cannot find the sections needed in Word to set this up in Word 2007...this is not a trial version.  Any computer savvy person out there to help?  I have tried with the Ctl +F9, but although the brackets show up in the document, hitting F11 doesn't move the cursor back up to the place of insertion.  The other tip I found suggested going to View - toolbar - check forms, etc, but I cannot even find that in 2007 - I found View, but that's it.  Nothing near close to what the rest of the tip says.  Any help would be appreciated.  I have lots of normals that I would like to have this "jump code" in.....TIA.
How do I add expansions/abbreviations in Word 2007?

auto correct in word 2007

  1. Click the Microsoft Office ButtonButton, and then click Word Options.
  2. In the Word Options dialog box, click Proofing, and then click AutoCorrect Options.

Upgrade to Word 2007 vs older versions
I just bought a new PC with Vista operating system.  Now I must buy Word to install.  I looked at the differences between Word 2007 and the older versions on the Microsoft website and it seems that there is a difference in the way Word 2007 is saved compared to the older versions - you have to download a "patch" to be able to "read" older version Word files and for my clinic to be able to "read" my Word 2007 they will have to download a "patch" as well to enable their PC to open this document.  I need some advice if this is a good idea or if I should just stick with an older version of Word.  I have a copy of about 3 years old that I have not used and can load on my system.  I would like to upgrade to the latest version as I know in a year or two the doctor's office would have changed but am wondering if the new version is a pain to work with or a pleasure.  Anybody out there that can tell me the pros and cons between upgrading to the latest or just sticking to the old and familiar.  I am also not sure if the doctor's office will download the patch and how accomodating they will be...  
What Word program works best with Vista? Has to be less than 2007. nm
Word 97 thru 2007 all work fine on Vista.
Difference in Word 2007 from older versions

I have a trial version of Word 2007 on my computer, and I really like its layout.  It's not a fully functional version, so I can only try it out so much.  Has anyone made the switch from the older versions of Word and liked it better?  Has it improved your productivity in any way?  Any problems with it?  All feedback appreciated.
