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Naw, they're in it for the bucks. Not many really caring docs anymore

Posted By: tia on 2007-04-25
In Reply to: Hoping they see the light! - Kim


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No big bucks for docs nowadays
So true. Compare it to the union thing. Just my take on it. I've worked in-house & at home, and have seen this thing slide down the hill big-time!
It's pure luck anymore, Steveo. The biggest bucks
You're so sweet for caring. Just my hormones kicking a little too much. Thx
Of course not, and that's why we're paid the BIG BUCKS to transcribe.
But there are no in-house jobs anymore; that's why we're
But we're not paid by bytes anymore..sm
in case you haven't heard lately, am I am being honest about it.  We're paid half of what we were paid 10 years ago, salary is going down yearly on a more or less geometric level...this is line by line, got it?
I wish you were the norm! Can't find 8.5 cpl for experience out here anymore. You're VERY luck
and now it's OUR fault that the docs aren't more careful when they're dictating?
Hey, they're making 100 times what we do, so it's their responsibility to be aware of what they're saying, not ours.
Always comes down to the bucks, they can sugarcoat but is the bucks!
No, she comes off as a caring
but frustrated professional to me. If you don't care what QA people think I don't suppose you care that other MTs also care about quality. You call QA person narcissistic, but you don't portray yourself well at all IMO.

very thoughtful and caring of you to do this.
Poor kid. You sound like a very caring mom. (sm)

Maybe a few months to get himself feeling better (antidepressants?) and you keeping him up in his studies will be enough to get him back on his feet and feeling better about school.  I bet the school would be willing to help you with this (maybe even have a tutor come to the house a few times a week) if you speak to the right people.

Good luck to you, mom! 

caring for elderly parents
My dad died last year at age 89, my mom died last month at 92. My husband and I and our three kids moved in to my parents house 8 years ago to help my parents (I also have 3 siblings). We lived with my parents, and I cooked, cleaned, took them to doctors appointments, etc. My siblings did not do much, even living close by. It was a mistake, my mother said it was her house and not mine and Alzheimer was setting in on both parents. we ended up moving out as I was very unhappy as was my family. My parents health got worse, 24 hour nursing care, finally a nursing home for mother. They had to sell their house to pay for the nursing home because they did not trust anyone to have anything in their names and now everything goes to probate for the estate, which is now hardly anything. Anyone who has aging parents should contact an elder lawyer and know the laws of your state, have bank accounts put in sibling name or even lawyer's name. I really tried to take care of my mother and father but they were very stubborn, would not listen to anyone, took risks and fell etc, and it was not a good thing for anyone to watch. My siblings were all in charge of my parents care for the last four years and they realized what I had gone through. It is very difficult and you try to help but sometimes it does not work. Yes, I loved my parents and tried the best I could, but sometimes it just will not work with living with them as they get so set in their ways. I am a very easy going person. I just know that I will set up will and trusts, etc for my family
God bless you for caring for that child,
dealing with state/CPS, legal system, therapists, nonsense appointments, and meeting her heavy emotional needs to give her a better life. The other posters who are critical of you just have no idea what it's like to take on a large amount of responsibility.

I hope she is feeling better soon. :)

When we all stop caring about these issues,
I love what you say about not caring since 1988
That is so true. I try to do my best but care, oh I wouldn’t go that far. I laughed also when I read about the post about hyphens and the person talking about how the dictators can hardly make a coherent sentence. That was the absolute truth. Thank goodness, I work for a place where the hypens, semicolons, etc. are so not a necessity. Readable reports, yes, other nitpicking not.
Another day of investing wisely in your health and caring for yourself and those
The difference between not caring what you spend and spending as
Enough already! I am a very caring person. I don't make a lot of money either.
I still have canned goods stocked up and I know how to wash out a plastic soda bottle or milk jug and fill it up with water when I'm told to do so. That has nothing to do with posttraumatic stress or FEMA. I never said anything about either of those, so quit jumping down my throat about things I never said. It's not about the people that NEED help because they lost everything. It's about the people in their Lincoln Town Cars who can obviously afford a jug of water and DID not do it. The ones who didn't bother to prepare are sucking up the resources that should be used for those people who lost everything and NEED the help. How can you disagree with that?
Physicians and caring or lack thereof

recently I have experienced both sides of this aspect.  In January I was hospitalized for asthma by my then family physician.  I had been to him 3 times in the month before that with problems but he made no effort to adjust meds, etc.  About a month later, he walks into his office and tells his staff today is your last day. I'm closing the office. 

I got strep throat and went to a different doctor.  She was absolutely the best.  She looked at ME while she was in the room, not at the chart or her PDA in her hand (like the first doctor used to do).  She talked to ME.  Asked ME questions and answered any I had.  asked about allergies (which I have many). The first doctor tried to give me medicine I was allergic to (and he had been told multiple times).  Two weeks ago I was hospitalized through the emergency room with another asthma attack (brought on by the flu).  My new doctor sat down beside me in the room. Talked to me.  Got a very detailed history.  Explained what tests she was going to do.  Explained the results of what tests had already been done.  Told me she was going to refer me to a pulmonologist to evaluate if my meds need tweaking.  Even asked me which one I preferred based on how my insurance would pay.   I have only seen her in the office twice and then while hospitalized and I already feel more at ease and reassured that 2 years of using the other doctor. 

Also, at work this past week a patient was admitted after lunch.  Because the patient had missed the noon meal, the PHYSICIAN went to the cafeteria and bought lunch for the patient and took it to him.  Now THAT is a physician that cares about the welbeing of their patient!

I wish all doctors could be like these two - both of them female!  Maybe it has something to do with our nurturing instincts! 

When you stop caring, it is time to find

It does not matter if you do QA or greet people at Wal-Mart, if you don't care it is time to find something else to do.

It isn't just about you that QA makes these changes.  QA is doing their job to their employer's expectations.  Either take it as constructive criticism or leave, but don't make someone else pay for your lack of concern.  Having done everything in a medical office from scheduling appointments to transcription to bill collection, I can honestly say that quality matters - it matters to someone, somewhere - and if you are not in that loop, please for the rest of us that still care even after close to 30 years of this business, please, please take yourself to someplace you can be happy.

I do not agree with every nick-picking change QA makes, but I don't dwell on it or stop caring.  I keep plugging away at doing the best job I can.  I am doing something where I make good money and feel like I have an impact on patient care without having face-to-face patient contact or co-employee issues that come with working on-site.

So, go, shoo, get, go on now.  Let me have your work.


Being educated about the environment and caring about what is left for the next generation does not
And it's only 107 bucks.....
You want BIG BUCKS?
Big bucks sm
DRG's may get in the way, but some of the less professional are accepting "cash cow" kickbacks from drug companies. One local group (some of these receptionists are dippy and brag about it) was treated to a local restaurant with food, games, etc., with gift cards which had very high spending limits. Many are provided with free lunch and kickbacks for prescribing brand name instead of generic drugs. I overheard one rep myself with my own ears telling his trainee to smarten one doc up about his cash cow because he was presribing generics. It is passed off at times as a library fund, etc., but it's a kickback. All these perks such as bags, pens, coffee cups, scratch pads, etc., are being paid for by the poor patient. Some, not all, are still on the take. I could go on and on, but when is the general, uneducated public going to wake up and smell the kickbacks?
OP wants to do it for big bucks...
at least she should make comparable to what she is making now. And what do you think mentoring is...but more training?
Big Bucks????

In it for the bucks
I work for a pediatric urologist in Arizona. If I could follow him down there, I would have been gone 4 years ago. No ifs, ands, or buts. He may be the exception, but I would not trade him for the best, clearest doctor in the world. He spells the names of all the doctors he gets as consults, even the foreign ones (to the best of his ability). He even spells effect and affect, descent and decent, and other words I know, but that is just the way he is.

I am sure there are other doctors out there just as easy to type as he is, and as considerate, but they are getting harder to find all the time. I think some of them are only interested in the bottom line. and those that aren't are almost nonexistent. IMO.
At least you got 5 bucks.
My employer sent out a pen with the company name on it (much like the pens the drug companies strew all over the doctors' offices) and a laminated cheat sheet to remind us of all the things we need to remember, such as listening very carefully to make sure we have the right patient.

AND wow the bucks you can bring in without having
Yeah, 10 bucks
You must work for the Miami office! That's 10 bucks if you hit 500 lines right?
That's just not me. I'm better off making MT bucks. :) nm
I have RCA, behind the head, less than 8 bucks
from Wal-Mart...they are the lightest, good-sounding pair that I have ever had...love 'em!
LOL...Isn't that what we get paid the big bucks for? nm
Making the big bucks
How are you well-paid MTs making the big bucks.  I need some good tips, the ins and outs.  Please help!
Be prepared to pay big bucks - nm
Charge him big bucks for them.
Those macros are yours not his.
Hmm. Pay US big bucks--pay india next to nothing
Gee, wonder what a company is going to do to up that bottom line??  Common sense
I don't make the big bucks but....sm

That's partly because I am fortunate enough to be able to choose to work less, since my husband makes a good salary and has good benefits.

However, in addition to the disciplinary strategies mentioned below, I would say work smarter, not harder. Use as many shortcuts and templates as you possibly can. If you are working in a full version of Word, use AutoText as well as AutoCorrect. You can enter a lot more in AutoText (I don't know the exact character limits). Set up dates, days of the week, months, etc., so that you only have to type a few characters and it will automatically enter it for you.

Another trick using AutoCorrect or any kind of word Expander is put in any words you normally capitalize so you don't have to hit the shift key. You would be surprised how much that will speed you up. I do mostly radiology, so I have all the vertebral levels - C1, C2, T12, L5, etc. - in AutoCorrect, as well as MRI, CT, etc.

Hope this helps...

Smartype is also $200 bucks.
Is there an Expander that works well that a poor person can afford? Sheesh.
makin' the big bucks

I agree with you that some people have a real talent for MT and some don't.  However, I think the reason so many people find it hard to believe that big money is possible is because, sadly, they have never had a decent account.  If you have the talent, a good platform, work that does not run out, and a decent work ethic, you can make very good money at transcription.  It is very hard to get that combination of positives all in one place these days.  I'll admit that I don't have that golden combination right now, and I am making nearly half of what I used to make.  I'm dog-tired all the time, and I am just about ready to give up.  I'm happy for those of you that have found transcription Shangri-La.  I miss it.  Send me a postcard, would ya?

I bet 5 bucks its Axolotl. nm
A few bucks.. So $3.00 a year?

Some of the webinars I looked at on their site cost $100.00.  I don't consider that a few bucks... 

50 bucks a month??!
Wow. There are tons of FTP programs out there -- CoffeeCup Direct FTP, for starters; total $39 one-time cost, & a lot of them have free versions that are great if you can handle the ads. For $50 a month -- are you saying you got storage space on their server? Even at that, there are places that give you online storage with really easy & secure transfer capability (like mydocsonline.com) for less than that, though you can pay for more depending on your needs. Even plain-old GearPlayer has built-in file transfer capability.
I really think the days of big bucks
might be in the past instead of the future. I have been at this job since the 70s and the pay has only decreased for most, not increased. No raises for most, just type faster. I work now because it is a want to thing whereas in the past it was a have to thing. I raised my family on what I made without struggling in years gone by but I think some are having trouble making ends meet now on the salaries out there. I did not start this thinking working at home because in the 70s there was no working at home, as far as I know. Did not start working at home until around 2004.
Twice a week, 60 bucks a pop..
My son does this twice a week, getting $60 each time. He says the wait is pretty substantial at 4-5+ hours each time.

In Oklahoma, however, they won't take plasma from females because of some inflammatory reactions a lot of patients get from female plasma. This may be the same in you area as well.

Personally, I worry about my son doing this on a regular basis. His hematocrit level is way high, often hovering around 45-50% with his hemoglobin at 13 or so. He does get profoundly weak after each draw. However, it is ultimately his body and his decision (although mom worries).
Why pay the extra 100 bucks for all that fancy
crap on IT if you use it like you would shorthand?  Does not make sense to me. 
Where the heck are you paying 5 bucks
What does that have to do with what was being talked about. How is bashing Bush going to change the gas prices that he has nothing to do with.
She was being facaetious about the big bucks..geez.
oil execs make the bucks but ....
I work in the oil & gas industry as my day job, and believe me, I've never seen a big enough check to make it worth it.