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Nah, some people just feel the need to show off. sm

Posted By: R on 2005-09-06
In Reply to: I must be getting old.... - SM

Dressing babies like that is expensive! Personally, if I ever get around to having kids, my babies will be in onesies till they outgrow them, and then it's OshKoshB'Gosh overalls after that, lol.

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I feel people who feel like this post
needs to a) either be a stay at home mother and not work or b) realize that she is no queen bee and I could care less about a degree. What company out here that you know of compensates for having a degree? Means nothing to them. Your working and being there when they assign/need/require/whatever is what you should do IF YOU WANT A JOB in this field, otherwise get out and do something else or become that babysitter.
Some people just can't help but try to show - sm
off their "intelligence" whenever they get the chance!
You show people how to treat you. We don't

do gifts at my house.  There isn't a single thing I need that I don't already have.  I got breakfast in bed (omelet, bacon, and French toast).  Lunch and dinner was cooked for me and the dishes done, laundry was done, the den picked up.  My car was detailed by my children and my children also spread a pile of mulch for me.  They would have had to spread the mulch anyway, but it would have taken days, they did it in about 1/2 day.   I also received cards.   The kids didn't fight, I didn't get anything that I wouldn't use anyway, and it was just a very nice day.  

I always make a big deal out of birthdays and holidays for my family and they know what I want from them.  



People's personalities usually show up in their

work, IMHO, so the perfectionist QA usually QAs work to death; the pessimist QA finds anything wrong, or focuses on the wrong stuff with no hope for improvement; the optimist QA finds things wrong, but focuses on how they can be improved. 

Don't take QA stuff personal.  I mean, take it personal to improve your MT skills, but not personal as an affront on yourself, especially if you know your work is good

how about switching it around and telling the people who run the show that you really can't
expect any more out of people who have not received increases in pay in years, are swamped with ESLs and American mushmouths and they really should stop and think about the pay rate being increased so you aren't faced with this scenario.  how about representing the MTs interests instead of sucking up to the big boys?
No, out east ... lots of rude people running the show, it seems ... sigh. nm

And have several grills with volunteers to man them. Piggy takes too long to cook! People will show
Wow...now I don't feel so bad! People...
always look at me all funny when they know how many animals I have. We had another rat, but she passed away. They are a lot of work though. Does yours stay in the house?
Why do people on here feel the need to be
Maybe, just maybe, there are people who just want to vent after hours of ignorant statements and horrific grammar.
I think that when people feel the need to exalt themselves
Just my opinion. Lifting yourself up to others only makes you look prideful and haughty. If you are wonderful at everything, you don't HAVE to tell people, they will KNOW without you saying a word.
what some people have to do to feel good about themselves

"What do you all do when you have to type an expletive?  I am working on an account where this comes up often.  I refuse to type the actual expletive so I usually just put (expletive) and go on.  No one has ever said anything, but I was curious as to what everyone else does."

That was my ORIGINAL POST.  I wanted to know what any other MT in the field did regarding expletives.  I didn't ask you to judge my character.  I didn't need anyone telling me to "put my big girl panties on."  All I was looking for was for you all to tell me what you did in that situation.  I guess it makes you feel good to pound on a person rather than address the inital question - if that's what you need to do, then so be it.  I am not new to the field.  Been an MT for over 10 years and have never typed an expletive, though it hasn't come up often.  Found this board and am mostly a lurker and thought I would finally run it by some others.  Should have just kept it to myself.  No wonder I like being an MT - you don't have to deal with other people very often.

Go ahead and feed the piranhas if that's what gets you through your day.

It is going to be very interesting to see how you people feel once your office is closed and you are
moved into a regional office on DQS and find that there are tons of other MTs on the accounts you always had. It is coming for everyone so you might be singing another song as time goes on. Enjoy it while you can. Time are changing.
I feel for them but more so for the people on the MS Gulf Coast who are still in tents sm
its cold here now (27 degrees this a.m.) and some people are STILL sleeping in tents behind the truck stops. :(
I think people with higher IQs actually frequently feel insecure,
and people who razz them or put them down. It's not hard to get a complex about something that personal when people get down on you for something you can't help, and had nothing to do with creating. God-given gift. And then when people FLAME you for it, it hurts. And you go back into "turtle" mode and get a job as a Transcriptionist because machines don't bite.
I would feel like people would think I was an infertile woman turning my cat into a baby.
hey, psychic is in your mind and your posts. i'm an mt. i just feel when people ramble about th
they usually have tried to relax and don't realize how crazy they sound. no i don't have a clue. i am reading between your lines which aren't making sense. i pretend nothing. magic 8 balls and psychic is your area of "expertise", not mine.
I feel bad for the people in Colorado and Wyoming who had so much wind and cold
weather.  This would be worse than a hurricane because if your roof blows off, you are in severe sub-0 temperatures with blowing snow.  No way to get any kind of help, and no way to stay warm. 
Sounds like exactly how I feel. MQ has a tremendous amount of unhappy people and could care less.
People expect the groomer to do anal glands. They feel that is part of what they are paying for.
If you can show proof you did this work for them, they then have to show they paid it in order
if you live among trashy people, low income people, people w/o goals or direction,
content to just get by, you by default become a part of a group. "people" have decided to group trailer people as trash. that is because there are enough people in that group to earn the title and even if you aren't trash, you are categorized by others. did i think i was trash in lower class neighborhood surrounded by people who drank and fought all weekend? no but i knew i wasn't staying and did not try to pretend that all the fools in the neighborhood were just nice folks who ended up where they were because high horse snobs deemed their neighborhood low class. people for the most part live exactly where they belong because they don't want to educate themselves, they don't mind "trash" around them and they don't want to be bothered trying just a bit hard to extract themselves from that world. they justify everything to themselves i guess saying everyone who doesn't like their lifestyle is a snob and the comedians (Jeff Foxworthy/Chris Rock, etc) who make fun of them are just ill-informed.

As for me, I fought hard to get out and don't even want to look back. It amazes me people stay for generations.
love, love, love the show. hate american idol. this show is for real.
the only reason i entertained watching it was because of mark burnett and as usual he has such genious casting and editing. btw, don't know who anything about "metal" music but these performers make me like it. love marty and jd as performers. HATE JESSICA. susie is so nice and so emotional. it seems they all support each other and enjoy each others skills. regarding ty and bob marley, ty was excellent but he also lucked out on the song! bob marley was genious too and his music is very easy to listen to. i don't like 3/4 of what the others are given to sing but their performances make me love the music. dave navarro shines on this show, very gracious for the most part and letting the contestants down easy when they have to leave. he was great last night with brandon (?). sweet, sweet show. i am so impressed with everyone involved.
if you feel like that after 12 years, and I feel like that after six months
what hope is there?
so many people was wishy-washy nowadays...love to see people make
a stand for what they believe in...

it is kind of wierd those statements have to be made in the first place but guess we are an ever-transitioning country and are still young. so many different beliefs yet not much tolerance.

I found your post respectful, and right on as to how you feel. it does not seem that difficult to sift through to read and respond to messages someone might not care for...
No need to feel badly for me - feel badly for an adult who has no control of his/her own life!
I hope these people didn't produce any daughters! Bad, bad example!
Just remember that it is not the people on this board who short changed their people and ONLY after
caught did they (after they were suied) make an effort to look good by sending out these checks. Now, think about this--had they done this many years ago when they short changed everyone, that would have been honest. Does it not bother you that only after they know they are under the gun that they are doing this to try and make themselves look good?

I used to work for MQ and I used to like what I did. I never can say I really liked the people that I worked with, but I really think they had some of the best accounts that I have ever come across in the MT industry. I loved working the major teaching hospitals that I did, but that certainly does not mean that I enjoyed being cheated out of pay.

So chill already. People have been cheated, were lied to, and only AFTER they got caught have they tried to return some of the money they robbed us of (as well as cheated their clients).

We all have reasons not to be happy with this company and you go off on us because we are complaining of things like small refund checks of a penny or a few cents or a few hundred dollars and NO WAY to even check to find out if this is correct?

I am sorry you are unhappy all of us thinking that there is still a dead rat in the cellar, but there is still a dead rat in the cellar and nothing will bring the dead rat back.

I would hold no love for a company that I know willingly cheated the very people who helped THEM make money out of their hard-earned money.

Go take a deep breath and think about that.
My people skills are just fine. I just want to hire people who want to work.
I've not been ugly, I've asked questions, legitimate ones.  Please tell me what is wrong with that.  This site is not just for MTs, it is for QA Editors, Supervisors, Service Owners, there's even sections for Billers, Coders, and Nurses.   
rude people? I would take good pay over polite people any day
Besides that they have never been rude to me and I have been here for almost 2 years. What do you consider a bad account?

I know my account is a little tough, but I am used to it. I am tough!
Rude people? I hardly think so. They are some of the nicest people I have ever worked with. sm
Not just management, but QA as well. No one is rude. They are a very understanding staff. There is one account that is hard but all it takes is getting used to it. Once you are used to it, it is no harder than any other ESL account that you would do anyplace else. I have heard all these things about TH from the archives and I have yet to come across rudeness or any kind of thing that I have read about in the archives. I would definitely pursue them if I were you. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
2 people to do that amount of work, is she nuts? More like 20+ people - nm
Certain people getting raises, certain people not. Guess who is?
Say what you will about unions, the good and the bad. But, one thing they did ensure is a raise, good benefits and that you would have a job in the morning.

I think this goes to show you that SM

when a person goes to another place with the proper attitude (respecting the culture already there, appreciating it and being open to new experiences) you can have a wonderful time.

I think sometimes we in the U.S. have such a need to fashion everything into OUR way of doing things it ruins our ability to appreciate different countries/cultures.

I love the show. I think the people learning to dance are very brave. I love George H. too! Looks like a lot of hard work and that it is definitely outside their comfort zone. Good for them!
This just goes to show you that when the
first letters are right and the last couple are right, the mistake is easily missed. No spelling police here, right!?!
It won't show up. it says
1. How much money did you make?
2. Send it to us.

Yes, I know how to show myself as
offline on instant messenger. Sorry, I misunderstood the post. That doesn't make someone stupid because they don't know how to, though. I had never even used instant messenger until about 3-4 months ago. It is a learning process and no one should ever be called stupid because they have not yet learned something.
New to the show
Only recently started watching this show. What is wrong with his leg and why does he pop all those pills?
was that the show with the...
Dumb guy and his *polyfidelity* mumbojumbo??? I just saw bits and pieces of it, but boy if that was my husband...well let's just say he wouldn't be my husband...or anyone's husband...for long! Whatta jerk!
What a show!
That guy was the biggest peice of trash I ever saw. Sometimes it just blows my mind why people as stupid as him want to come on national TV. Does he not realize he is a complete and utter fool? His wife is not much better either. UGH - She is only staying for the children and that is a shame. Honestly, I didn't really see any love between them.
About the show
I think personally that Paula is a little flaky, nevertheless, I can say I didn't notice anything different from her last night. As stated below, Carrie started the show. It was just a regular show I thought. No exciting moments, other than that nasty Brenna going home. She was pouring that "get money" thing on really thick. Kinda came off pathetic IMO. Can't wait until next time!!
There are also MTs that don't have anything to show - sm
that feel they must tear down those that do, whether they ever show it off or not. Like people that feel they must scratch or ding new cars they encounter because they themselves don't have the money to buy such.

There are bad apples on either side of the coin. But regardless of whether we have reason to brag or not, it is best we conduct ourselves so that we care about others in the process.

It should show up now, sorry.
One can never have too many friends.........

She is, it is her show, and...
it is meant to attract viewers.  Which is obviously does.  My son was on her show and she was VERY fair in her decision.  We were all very happy with the outcome, not because he won but because justice was served!! and on a TV show no less!!
She will just show up at the ER and noone will
Just goes to show you, all the

high-falootin' education in the world doesn't give you class.  LOL

This is my new favorite show...
I can't wait to see it every week, big fan of INXS, and the reason why the performances are so good is because these singers were professionals to start with, what a great change from the Teeny Boppers of American Idol.  Love Mig and JD.  The show is like watching a mini concenrt and when Jordis sang that Bowie song last week, I watched it at least 10 times more on line.  Glad to see someone else loves the show.  Sadly it has not gotten good ratings, so much for class acts getting their just deserves in this fickle society we live in.
Not in my office, but just goes to show you that nothing is
especially when there's only bad stuff to show
I noticed that Shepard Smith on Fox (not considered a liberal news outlet) was not especially impressed with the government response to the disaster. He was desperately begging for help for people stranded for days on a bridge.
His policies seem to show that,

Great show!

Jerry Rice is good but cannot match Drew.  What's up with the gangsta rapper?  He should have gone first. He doesn't really care.  I think he should have gone first.

Rock on Drew.