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My system restore is not working so I cannot do this..nm

Posted By: SoccerFan on 2006-07-09
In Reply to: Not sure but you could try - sm - Dreamin' MT


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You may have gotten it back from the recycle bin, but system restore does not restore documents.
About system restore, sorry about that
I wonder if you can use System Restore
to recover that document. That worked for me once.
Have you tried doing a system restore?
You can restore your system, but I'm not sure if that will do it (sm)

Could it be in your recycle bin?  If you see anything in there that could be it, right click and restore.  If that doesn't help, you can restore your whole system back to a certain date.  I have done this before when I got a virus I couldn't delete.  Start, Run, msconfig <enter>, launch system restore.  You will be given the chance to pick a date to restore back to. 

do you have system restore?
If you use/have system restore set up, you can go back to the date prior to this problem, and things should go right back to normal....read about system restore on your system in the HELP (F1) area
System Restore
Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - System Restore.
You can also restore your system...
Go to Start, then All Programs, then Accessories, System Tools, then pick SYSTEM RESTORE.

Pick a date you're positive was before the virus was contracted, and restore to that date.

BTW, poster above about the malwarebytes site is correct...It works, and it's also pretty cool to watch it run and "quarantine" the viruses. My computer had 67 of them at one time, unbeknownst to me.

Good luck!!!
All hail System Restore! (sm)

The DSL went out in my complex the other day, and when it was restored, nothing I could do could restore connection on my work computer.  The manager brought his laptop over and proved the connection was fine.  My tech-savvy daughter and I checked and rechecked everything, then laughed when the Hardware Lord came home and rechecked all the same things we had tried. 

Finally she reminded me about System Restore; I restored to the previous day, and all was well.

Don't know about System Restore on Windows XP systems?  Go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore and make sure yours is turned on and sufficient memory allocated.  In addition to the automatic restore points WinXP schedules, make certain you create a restore point before you change any significant settings on your system or install or uninstall software.  Note that it only restores settings, not deleted files or programs.

There are some forms of Spyware which hide out in system restore.  The only way to get rid of them is to turn it off and erase all previous restore points.

Thought I'd post this as this feature has saved me a lot of grief on several occasions.


I would try a system restore to before you started...sm
That should clear up any problems you've had since then. You can find it in your control panel, performance and maintenance and then system, where you'll find system restore. Choose a date to before you started work there. Or you can buy the programs out there that fixes problems like this, like Fix-It Ultimate 6. I know they have them at Walmart for $20. Good luck!
If I am right I did not "set up" my system restore...sm
Your system restore as I understand it automatically makes its own restore dates. You can make your own restore dates also. I have not done any set up regarding system restore and have used it several times in the past. Check it out on your pc with any luck you may be able to use it...Good Luck...
do a system restore. see if that helps. nm
I just did a system restore and that seems to have helped. nm
Welcome! System restore is a lifesaver
I have used it many times. I always check for simpler solutions, but if there are none, this does just what it says and at least allows you to rule out certain things.

System restore won't work for this.
The icon on the toolbar is controlled by the normal.dot file and system restore does not affect that file. You can take the icon off the toolbar by holding down on the Alt key and dragging the button down to the document window with your mouse. You can also open the customize dialog box on the tools menu and drag it off that way.
Do you have a system restore option
on your computer where you can set it to how it was working on a past date?
Easy Fix...System Restore
I was able to ditch the XP Antivirus 2009 bug by rebooting, going back into Windows in safe mode, then doing a system restore to a couple of days prior (click Start, Help and Support, type in "system restore" and you'll get the system restore wizard).  Pesky bug hit me earlier this week when I decided to work a late-nighter and didn't have the time or stamina for marathon troubleshooting!
I would uninstall SP3 and do a system restore.
I've read that SP3 can be problematic.
find System Restore on your computer.....sm
You need to find System Restore on your computer.  Go to START, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, then click on System Restore and set it to a date when everything was working just fine and dandy for you (like a couple of days ago or so) and then everything should come up nice....the way it used to be for you. 
system restore or auto recovery does not--sm
restore save documents as they were previous to being saved. Once they are saved, that is it. System restore will not bring it back.
did you try to do a system restore? anytime i find myself sm
in a situation like yours, i always try system restore to an earlier date to fix the screw up i did. no need to uninstall programs that way either. so much easier. i agree with the other poster, sometimes i get so furious with IT that i hang up on them and fix it myself!! if working on the computer is your income, you owe it to yourself to learn how they work so you can fix minor problems or be best friends with an IT or repair person you can call 24/7 without a huge price.
Restore System or lower resolution did it for me sm
I got a new monitor that wouldn't work in Word so I set it to the old, smaller resolution and it works in Word just fine now. On another computer Restore System fixes absolutely everything, saves my life over and over again!
Only if you have a backup of your normal.dot file. System Restore will not
lost files. I worship the god of system restore.
That said, once a week i copy everything I value onto CD and make 2 copies. One goes to my parents house and one I keep on hand. My parents live 30 miles away and I consider that a small price to pay for peace of mind. I had a major computer malfunction once and I was down for almost 3 weeks. It was a nightmare. I have since learned...back up, back up, back up. Good luck with retrieving or finding your lost informaiton.
Windows 2000 is the same. Accessories, system restore. nm
System Restore does not affect documents, only program files.
You might have to do a system restore to the time before she sent file. Vista is still too buggy
System restore does not affect documents, only program files.
You will not lose any documents you've created. Restore does nothing to the normal.dot or other templates.
You can also access system restore thru Help and Support in Start menu. nm.
Windows 2003?Under Accessories, System Tools, Restore (nm)
recommend adware, free, but if you can do a system RESTORE, it is much, much easier than battling it
i used to spend days trying to get crap off my computer. learned to back up to system restore from a few days prior to when i noticed everything happening and works like magic!! so much of an easier solution. but several tech support have told me adware and i run it weekly.
Temp files disappear when you shut down Word. System restore does not recover documents .
best system for working at home on your own

HI all...

I currently work for a company and although I love the docs I have I would like to expand on my own and have been considering getting my own accounts.  I was wondering what the best system is to work with for recieving dictations, transcribing reports and sending completed work. I have done the tape pick up an drop off thing and don't want to do that again. I want something that will be convenient for doctors.  I have looked at several systems online with multiple lines.  Is it better to buy a whole system, or is there software that works great with existing computers? I have seen some systems that allow for both call in and digital recorders to work.   I think it would be beneficial to have at least two lines, I'm just not sure where to start.....  Any suggestions will be much appreciated!! 

Think it has to do with # of users on the system, too. Dicating, printing the jobs, MTs working, et
Meditech is an operating system and Fusion is voice for a dictation system
that's right but first you have to set it to backup so that you can restore
Restore your computer to the day before he came.sm
Start, all programs, accessories, system tools, system restore, then follow directions. Hope this helps.
can't she just do a systems restore to the day before she downloaded it? nm
Shutting it on and off doesn't restore normals? Are you
Maybe in the recycling bin? Or you could restore your computer to an earlier time?
Orator Express problems. Need restore instruction help. sm
They are off. I had to purchase a new drive, but they didn't send instructions on how to get it working. Was told with phone message I can use the System Restore Disk. I have some of the instructions, but every time I use it without help I delete the 2nd drive. Anyone have instructions on how to do this? Thanks!
You can use the AutoCorrect Utility that comes with Word to backup and restore ... sm
or just copy your .acl file to your flash drive. The name of the template with the AutoCorrect Utility macro depends on your version of Word. Word 97 is macros8.dot, Word 2000 is macros9.dot (has to be downloaded from the Microsoft site), and 2002/2003 is support.dot. You open the template and follow the instructions.

You can find your .acl file by adding an entry and searching for *.acl by the date you created the entry. You may have to check the option to search hidden files and folders and you may have to change your view in the search box to Details to see dates.

Formatted AutoCorrect entries are stored in the normal.dot. Those are entries you have added formatting such as bold or italics or multi-line entries.

Restore to a previous date. Backup files next time.

Or: in the right upper corner you have the minimize, the restore/maximize and the close button. Cl
Line was too long: Click the middle button to restore or maximize...nm
You get more working the evening or night shifts and working w/o benefits. And producing like a mad
Ditto....granted I am not working much these days, but am currently trying out a new way of working
when I do work which seems to be helping.  I am timing myself and keeping a log of how long it takes to to type however many minutes.  I am averaging anywhere from 13-18 minutes of dictation an hour now doing this.  Granted the time fluctuates between who I am typing, and if I have to look up names, addresses, etc., just depends on the division I am doing at the time.  But work that used to take me 3 hours to do is now taking me under 2 hours, I am also trying to put in more macros as I go along, which slows me down initially but pays off in the long run of course.  I was working "all the time" before but took forever to get done since I was not applying myself. This new "attitude" has helped me a lot.  My goal, in the Fall, is to do 90 minutes a day consistently at 6 hours, and then maybe get up to 120 minutes a day at 8 hours, still while having at least half of the day free (do 60 minutes at night, and the other 60 by Noon).  Thereby doing 1200-1400 lines a day.  I have never really buckled down and done more than 8000 lines per pay period, so it will be a nice change.  Maybe you can do something like that and have a specific knock off time as was suggested below. 
Working holidays? Out shopping in stores where someone IS working

that holiday you refuse to work?  Grocery stores, food joints & seems any store is open on holidays and you expect them to be fully staffed, so why shouldn't we?

Yes, I took off for the first time on Christmas day, in 18 years and it was great, but I worked Christmas eve and this whole past weekend.

Someone has to do it!

working IN A HOSPITAL is different than working at home.
Someone can steal you identity from the internet if they want to. Why would you go to the time and trouble to jeopardize a job that requires some level of skill to steal someone's identity or medical records? You could get a job as a retail clerk and get info easier than going through the testing required to become an MT.
Somehow working at home translates into not really working
My in-laws are the worst. Whenever they plan something last minute and my husband says that I had to work, they say, "but she works at home!". When I one time mentioned I had a "schedule" and basically punch a clock and work full time, I don't think they believed me. They will sometimes call mid-day during the week if they are in the area to see if I want to go for lunch, etc! The best is, my husband doesn't make all that much money, so where is it coming from, the money fairy? I am ready to strangle someone! So I know how you feel and I'm sorry it upset you. You are not alone.
I daydream about NOT working while I'm working.

There are so many other things I need and want to get done.  I've been working way too hard lately, and summer is just slipping by again.  Well, I'm outty.