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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

My sink is the only thing I've sm

Posted By: pat on 2005-08-28
In Reply to: Any flybabies here? Having trouble flying. n.m. - pat

been able to keep clean.  I just can't get back on track.  I do MT out of the house 35 hours and do MT part time from home.  I really have trouble with piles of papers.  I was just reading Flylady's answer to that, keep no paper, so I will have to work on that. 

Just wondering how many many MTs follow flylady.  Thanks for answering.

By the way, flybabies are followers of flylady.net a really good system to get organized (when you apply it Ü).  Sm is see message and NM is no message so you don't waste time opening an empty post. 

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Black sink
Try RealSimple.com. This is a marvelous website for anything you might want to know.
Sink holes
Thank you for your response. My daughter is concerned cause not only because of the hole my grandson fell in, but also a large area in front of her detached garage has sunk a good bit. She is afraid if someone comes out they may deem the property unstable and have to leave. What do people do, particularly if they carry a mortgage. Homeowners insurance usually covers the structure and not the ground it sits on.
sink holes
We had a cistern open up in our backyard from alot of rain one year. It was an old well that had been covered up. Had no idea it was there
oops. s/b sink OR swim not of
Heck, I can't even keep my sink clean

And I hate shoes. I guess I need to be more dedicated. Just working on my hot spots every day would do me a world of good.

Black vanity sink
What is it made of? Marble, granite, synthetic? I would go to MarthaStewartLiving.com to look for an answer.
It has been 10 years since my mom's sink holes
she had to sell it to a horse breeder/stable instead of dividing it into tracks and selling individual home sites due to the sink holes. Fortunately they were several acres away from any structures and have not recurred in the last 10 years. One parcel has recently been sold near the first one that opened. That neighbor happens to be on the county commission and resides over the real estate zonings and gave permission for the new owner to be a home she felt would "blend" with her homes and golf course. I would certainly have someone look into it as there you don't know what is happening underground.
one thing you've all missed here . . .
. . . WHOM I refer . . .

sorry, I just can't resist correcting Enlgish grammar.

might I also iterate that sentence structure may only be altered when your account is NOT verbatim.
You've done the smartest thing by
reaching out for help here. I encourage you to continue to do so. Make ample use of the word "no" to any unreasonable demands, and even if you just feel like it sometimes. Finally, please don't buy into the holiday hype and BS the retailers try to feed you. Blessings to you and your family.
That is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen.
I can't imagine doing transcription with one of those.
One more thing, I've been in MT and QA long enough to know that just

feel like you had no trouble with the terminology, doesn't mean you didn't have trouble.

I have come across many MTs who believe they know what they are doing and really don't.

I've had exactly the same thing happen, where (sm)
the doc jumped around in the report, asking you to insert things here and there, and just ASSUMING that you had the correct template and/or adequate samples in front of you, and that you could read their minds.
That's the silliest thing I've...

ever seen in my life.  They've got to be kidding.   Just my opinion.   Anxious to hear others.

Anyone ever have problems with sink holes in your yard?
My grandson was just walking across the yard and his foot gave way and went down to his waist. There are other areas, some large where the ground appears to have sunk somewhat. They live in southeast georgia. If you have experienced this, please share.
It was helpful for me, Sheesh. I've done the right thing and
I sincerely hope that others will as well.

It doesn't matter whether or not we agree but the language used and the intent demonstrated. That is what I was talking about.

I fully realize that there will be people who cannot leave a good thing alone. I feel sorry for those individuals. They apparently have no peace, no satisfaction, and no friendliness in their lives. They only know how to destroy, or to attempt to.

I'm going to demonstrate what I want back from others - positivity, compassion, forgiveness, tolerance - whether or not I receive that from you or anyone else. If you do not return to me the same as I have offered, then that is between you and your own soul. :)

I appreciate your point of view; I just don't share it.

I hope everyone has a good evening tonight and a productive day tomorrow! I can't believe summer is almost over with and school starts back soon. Rather funny to me, my son has griped all summer about nothing to do (despite a part-time job, camping trips, Disneyland trip, youth events, etc.) and now that school is coming back around he feels "stressed" because there's not enough time to do all he wants to do! Hahahaha
There's one thing that I've seen stop many many people....
A heart attack or cancer.  My father-in-law SWORE he could not quit not matter what, but had a coronary and that was his last cigarette.  My own father quit cold turkey after 3+ packs a day when he began coughing so hard he couldn't catch his breath.  I've also known people who had a cancer scare and were able to quit.  If nothing else, FEAR will do it.  Unfortunately, waiting for the fear might be too late for many.
Yep, sure do. They've sucked up to the Trinidad thing, just like some other
companies we know.  They use a platform and it's a system where they use common MTs, and those common MTs are in Trinidad.  It APPEARS as though they don't outsource offshore, but in reality, they do.
I've done the same thing, Snow Bunny - sm
I get a copy of MY MEDICAL records no matter where I go and check the transcription, and I will absolutely positively make corrections on them and return them to the doc/office/hospital in person and let them know that if I were looking for a lawsuit and money, this is where I would start, with my medical records! I then ask for a corrected medical report.
funny thing...this is my spare I've never used. sm
I just pulled it off the shelf to let a friend borrow it. I figured it may just be dusty...?
I've had this problem and the only thing that worked for me....sm
was to slow down turnaround.  They called within a couple of days.  Told them I had to take on extra work to meet my own bills by paying customers which slowed down their turnaround.  I had my check the next day.  Don't know how they managed that, but they did.  Since then, there have been a couple of times that it was a week or so late, but not like they used to do.  I honestly think as long as they can get away with it, they will.  I wonder how long they would last if their paychecks were 2-3 weeks late.  Really irks me. 
We've had that CD burner thing happen too
We build our own systems instead of getting prepackaged ones so sometimes it is absolutely agonizing trying to get everything to work together. I have a CD-ROM (not burner) that I've had for probably ten years and when all else fails and I just need access to a CD, I use it. It's still chugging along.
I've always been curious about the satellite thing...
We are considering moving from the city to the sticks in the very near future, and I'm finding a lot of areas we can ONLY get satellite for high speed internet.

I have seen a few job ads that say no satellite, but why is that? I really know nothing about that service so there is probably an easy answer, I just don't know what it is.

It would be good to know if that will be a major problem before we move out there and I find myself out of a job. ;)

This is the funniest thing I've heard in all my

make 3 cpl...  if you are really a physician, please stick to that, you'll make more money seeing one patient than we can edit reports in 12 hours!  Furthermore, the jobs even that are classified as IC make you stick to a schedule!  So, there's no coming and going between patients, okay?! 

I mean this OP is joking right?????????????   

That's the craziest f@$^@#(ng thing I've ever heard
I've worked for a hospital at home and they don't all have those restrictions. If I didn't know better, I'd swear is was one of those situations where they're looking for a reason to be able to offshore- can't find anybody to do the job. No noise, music, TV? How do you work at home and eliminate those things?
That is THE most dangerous thing I think I've ever heard. You don't understand it?!

One thing I've learned in life is it's impossible to
stand up for themselves. Maybe only 1 in 100 will even try. Sad to say, but we've brought a lot of this onto ourselves.
I've been doing the same thing with my Smartype LOL was hoping there was a program
Cuz i've been a word geek reading 1000 wpm since age 8. This MT thing keeps
guess if I couldn't be a doctor, MT is the closest I could come without investing $100K.
Oh, my. That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time.
AHDI: Solving the world's problems, one foreign MT at a time.

Amen, and I will add one more thing. If I had a penny for all the times I've heard, "just a ty
well, maybe I wouldn't be rich, but I could buy a months' worth of groceries! LOL
Honestly that is the most intelligent thing I've heard from an MT co. in a long time. Completely
You have to be able to retain knowledge.
You have to know how to reserach effectively.
You have to be able to use deductive reasoning.
You have to have confidence in your decisions and not constantly "need assurance."
You have to be able to separate sounds in your head that are both internal and from multiple external forces.
Some of these can be taught, some are innate, some take years to develop, some either you got it or you don't.
LOL! Well, good! I've done ONE good thing today, then. NM
I've had two dell laptops and 5 Dell PCs. Here's the thing...

Make sure you get the extended warranty, again, MAKE SURE YOU GET THE EXTENDED WARRANTY. And, here is why.

My first laptop went out on my, though it was a couple of years old.  Because I had the extended warranty, a service tech came to my house, replaced motherboard, hard drive, heat sink, and keyboard.  He was able to back up everything first and restored it once all the new stuff was in place. 

One of my PCs kept giving some weird blue screen error and I couldn't get to go even in safe mode. I called up Dell, told them the problem, they looked up my extended warranty and they sent someone out to repair it.

Overall, I have been happy with Dell products.  The only drag is that everything Dell sells regarding accessories is proprietary and you have to order it through Dell.  No generic accessories will work.  My suggestion is if you decide to buy a Dell laptop, make sure you get the car power supply and you might even get a 2nd regular power supply because I have been known to leave town and forget the power supply at the house.  Now, I have everything in my laptop bag for when I go out of town and can just throw my laptop in the bag and know everything is there.

Lastly, some Dell laptops require a special aircard to connect to the internet.  I ended up getting a 2 cabled USB air card and I'm glad I did because 2 USB plug ins give better reception than one.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. I'm happy to help.

I use EXText with my current job and I've used at a couple of other jobs I've had. I've ne

used DocQscribe, but I have used Meditech, Cerner, Vianeta, the Precyse platform (I can't remember the name), Dolbey, and  Lanier platform I think was called Cequence (?). 

Out of all the different platforms I have typed on, I have liked EXText the best.  In my opinion, it's very user friendly, easy to learn, and I really like ESP which is the built in abbreviation expander.  Plus it is very easy to create your own normals which I love.  My fingers literally never leave the keyboard because there are macro keys for everything.  You can use your mouse if you prefer or learn the function macros.  I love it.  I think I'm more productive on EXText than with any other platform.

Ebonics: Not a black thing or white thing. (sm)

I don't think there's any cause to get upset or defensive here.  Look it up on line...even colleges are offering courses in Ebonics!  ...well of course they are more sociology-type courses, but still, people are PAYING to learn about the why's and how's of this "other" language.

A quote from one of the sites I found:

"UT-Austin's "Introduction to the Study of African American English," teaches students that the sentence, "Nobody didn't leave" is not "mainstream English with mistakes," but rather a legitimate English dialect. "Ebonics: Myth and Facts" and "African-American English" are both offered at Harvard. Penn and UCLA also promote Ebonics as a legitimate dialect in, "Introduction to African American and Latino English" and "Afro-American Sociolinguistics: Black English," respectively."

Here's the link: http://www.academia.org/campus_reports/2002/september_2002_2.html


Spell as best you can or blank them and keep going. I've passed many tests when I've left blan
As you can already see, you've come to the wrong board! By using the word professional, you've
excluded about 99% of the population of "whatever" it is that hangs on these boards. Certainly not professional for sure! But you sure are doing a good thing for someone! Its the thought that counts. Sorry you met the dregs right at the start.
HELP! I've turned my screen sideways, I can't straighten it up. I know I've seen sm
this before, but I can't remember what it is.  Do you realize how hard it is to read sideways?  TIA.
I've lost track of how many people who've asked about it to NOT
I've always verified every line I've typed (I have my ways) -sm
If you're supposed to be paid a certain $/line, that's what you should be getting no matter how they do billing unless of course it's specified in YOUR contract with THEM.

BTW, I've never caught a company cheating me ever.
I've used it. It's the worst piece of crap I've ever seen.
seriously. I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy, or their Vianeta program. Awful, just awful.
Wait until you've been there six months and if you've improved
quality and quantity, I'd say go ahead and ask.  Otherwise I'd say annually...  good luck
I've seen the same every place I've done acute care, and
pointing out dangerous or repeated errors (often in normals for goodness sakes!) never got the result I expected. When I would press the issue, supervisors said if the dictators didn't complain, then the mistakes must not matter!

It didn't matter if the MT changed what had been a cardiac med in the beginning of the report to an antifungal by the end - I kid you NOT! One poor girl used facial for fascial and fascial for facial!

I've used a few expanders, and of those I've used, all must be "coded" to get things lik
One thing I do to get around this, is to create a macro and then link the ShortHand command to the macro. It works for me, but I do the same five clients every day and only have about 20 or 30 macros/Shorthand commands that work like this. This may not work well for you if you have lots of formats and hundreds of docs.
I've been doing this doc for many years, so I've learned how to function with him. sm
I can tell what's a stutter, what's another word, what's just an "uh." Years of experience will get you through a lot.
Wouldn't want to do his charts all day, of course, but a few per day aren't bad. I haven't had to send his to review in a long time, but they do take a little longer to shuffle through.
I've worn contacts for 30 years. I've had both
hard and soft.  My vision is much better with the soft ones than they were with the hard ones.   When I first started trying contacts soft ones were still new and they couldn't get me to 20/20, so I went to hard.  Hard were okay until my eyes started changing shape and then I could no longer wear hard ones.  The soft should give you better vision as they conform more to the shape of your eye. 
I've been a bully; I've been bullied.
I used to sell a lot on eBay. There are some people who buy high-priced items and play games with you. I've had to call them repeatedly, report them to different agencies. It's not fun. You put time and money into the business of selling, and there are people out there who live to manipulate the system and cause trouble.

And, I've been bullied by buyers who made unreasonable demands, insist that they pay by check when you clearly state you don't accept them. It's not fun, and is one of the reasons I don't sell anymore. People!

I've also bought from some sellers who I would not deal with again because of their unprofessional attitude.

But, overall, ebay can be a great place to be.
I've become the man I've always wanted to marry.
I live alone, am 46, never married, no kids, just dogs horses and chickens and just got done building a new house out in the boonies away from the rat race. (Used to live in Manhattan) Couldn't be happier. Selfish maybe, but never out of time, never stressed, and I don't take anything out on others. There's something to be said for being alone but not lonely. I'm not looking for a man to "make me complete." They only sap me of my time, energy and money (how little of it there is with MQ). I consider myself lucky getting to choose my time with friends, and not just stuck with a deadbeat partner. Ladies especially: Be strong and allow yourself to be independent. Any old man will not make you stronger!
Best thing - I am my own boss and my own emloyee, worse thing - I am my own boss and my own


You know I've done the grilling...I've tried it all...
And I find the best way to cook steak is in a good quality thick-bottom nonstick pan on top of the stove. I found this trick on the internet. I heat the pan on high and when nice and hot, throw on the steak, no butter and no oil. It browns almost immediately, cooks fairly quickly, and seals in the juices - tender, moist and delicious!!!! It doesn't even need seasoning but salt and pepper before cooking. ;)
I've not only typed, them, I've had a few, myself! LOL