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My parents both worked for various grocery

Posted By: Carol D on 2006-06-01
In Reply to: tips - grocery store

stores and my dad just retired from Safeway.  Neither of them have ever heard of tipping for taking groceries out to the car. 

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My parents both worked and over the summer they LET us go to

summer camp AND it wasn't cheap for them either.  Three kids going to camp 5 days a week (Thursdays were skate day), compare that to what that would cost today.  My brother, sister, and I were at camp from 8 AM to around 5 or so and yeah we were beat when we got home, but my folks made sure we weren't "latchkey" kids or running the neighborhood getting into who knows what kind of trouble.  My folks spent quality time with us, too, in the evenings, on weekends, holidays, and vacation, but they BOTH had to work to support us.  So, for the person who has unjustly persecuted CampMom, please try to be more considerate. 

P.S. I should also add that my siblings and I have some of the best memories of summer camp.  Did I say that I'm 42 years old?



Not all of us are parents. Not everyone had caring parents. nm,
Grocery savings, and web link

We shopped at Aldi Foods when all our kids were at home - teenagers and toddlers at the same time - this was a big help with keeping grocery $$ lower.  I think they take only cash or ATM (no credit cards - which is probably a good thing).

Gardening and canning your own produce can help save money on your grocery bill, as well as homegrown produce is better for you nutritionally.  It is time consuming, however.

A favorite web site - The Dollar Stretcher     http://www.stretcher.com





And, the meat in the grocery store comes
I believe that if you buy "beef" it comes from cows, an animal. I believe if you buy "chicken" it comes from chickens, an animal.
Not sure, but I went to work at a grocery and lovinin it.

or tennis shoes.  It's within walking distance of my house.  I have a set schedule and get paid and can cash my check right at the store every other Thursday.

I get a vacation, health insurance, there is Workman's comp.  Istarted at $8/hour and getting raise in 30 days.

I don't work constantly, there is an ebb and flow of customers.  I'm not wrung out at the end of the day, and I know what my paycheck will be at the end of the day!  They aren't jerking me around with "no work" and there is overtime for when I may work over 8 hours in a day!  I NEVER STAND THERE AND HAVE NO WORK/GETTING NO PAY! 

Who knew I would be throwing away 30 years of medical knowledge to slide some groceries across a scanner, put them in a plastic bag, and say howdy to some really nice people-------for the same amount as sitting in a chair, searching for work 24 hours a day, and being treated like a machine.

I miss learning about medicine but I certainly love having a life again.

I will probably pick up some overflow transcription from a local doc's ofc from a girl I know who has some contracts.  OR NOT....who knows.....I may throw this whole computer in the closet and shut the door.  It feels so good not to worry constantly what MQ's next trick will be. 

I was a cashier in a grocery store and
he came in to buy groceries for his mother. We were both 17 and married 1-1/2 years later, been married for almost 27-1/2 years now.
have you tried the library (if you still have one) or the grocery store...
like, lingering, you know? I have been approached many times by men like that...

how about friends, does anyone have a set-up for you, even just for some companionship?

how about volunteering for things, like a food pantry or wildlife center.

of coures, goes without saying to be cautious always when out in public these days...

also, laundromats I always see single guys...

anyone else?
I agree, best out there in the grocery stores.

Put notices up at the grocery store,etc.

advertising homemade pies, cakes, breads etc.  A lot of the famous and rich people in this type of industry started off this way.  I think it isn't that big, at least not in the smaller cities, but we have people that come into your home, plan a menu with you and then cook so many meals a week.  There is also a business that just started near me where you go to their store, they have all the makings for 6 different meals and you just put them all together.   One place has cooking lessons for kids and also opens to kids cookie parties and he is doing very well.   Work with a caterer prn.   I live in a city of about 230,000 and we have events that are seasonal where caterers are hiring dozens of people, with June coming up they will be hiring to help with weddings.

I know lots of people with psychology degrees and none of them are working in their field because there just aren't any jobs. 

You don't mention a husband or kids, but if you are young and no responsibilities now is the time to go out on the limb. 

None of the above would require a huge time commitment or financial commitment and you could test the waters while still having a FT income.  If it took off you could scale back your hours, or try and do both for a while and get your debts paid off and then be in a position to jump in with both feet.

Our local community college has a culinary program.  I think it is still largely male dominated, but still lots of females too.   I don't know if this is a 1 year or 2 year program, though I think it does require a lot of hours.  You could do it during the day and work nights/weekends.  It wouldn't be easy, but nights/weekends usually pay more.

If you want it bad enough you'll find a way.  

In our regular grocery store.
CABG for grocery list
Yesterday when making up grocery list I wrote CABG for cabbage and it was not on purpose!
Another great grocery saving website...s,
is www.thegrocerygame.com.

I save a great deal of money on brand-name foods using this method of combining coupons with sales. I have even gotten free items, such as a bar of Neutrogena face soap and mustard and even a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

There is a cost of about $5 a month, but if you sign up friends, etc., you can get free weeks. Check it out! :)

And where exactly do you think that the meat in the grocery store comes from?? ANIMALS!
Exactly! The newspapers all say that the grocery stores are open.
Why are people in expensive cars waiting in line for free stuff then? There are 2,800 people staying in shelters that NEED to be helped for truly being victims of the storm rather than for being "victims" of lack of planning or preparedness. Believe me, we're not without compassion. We do care. However, people 50 or 100 years ago didn't sit back on their laurels waiting for others to do for them.
Regarding Walmart vs grocery store prices

This got buried on the second page, but I pointed out that Bounty paper towels are more at Walmart than my local grocer.  Someone replied back saying that overall the grocery store is more.  Nope.  This is my reply:

The paper towel price increase is not a momentary thing.  I started comparing prices a few years ago between Walmart and the grocery store.  I used to buy food at the grocery store and everything else at Walmart.  Until Walmart got to be just as expensive or MORE expensive in some cases than the grocery store.  It is NOT just paper towels.  Same with Era detergent.  Same with a multitude of other products.  Walmart has gotten GREEDY.

Now I clip coupons for the paper goods, cleaners and what not and the grocery store doubles any coupons 50 cents or less (I don't use them if they don't double).  So with the prices being less than Walmart to begin with, plus using coupons, I come out WAY ahead.  So I don't even make a Walmart trip at all anymore.  Might as well just buy everything at the grocery store.  It's closer, more convenient, and CHEAPER.

I guess it depends where you live. Grocery
I don't know of anyone who shops at Walmart for groceries.  Not one.  No way I'd buy perishable stuff from Walmart.  I was desperate one night a few years ago and bought milk at Walmart and BLECH!  It wasn't past the expiration date but it tasted like it was nearing expiration and the coolers were lukewarm.
Let's write to our local grocery stores
now and let them know we do not want to buy food from China, including produce. Please don't start taking apples from China. We trust apples from AMERICA and perhaps Australia and New Zealand, but China can keep their apples.

This is a WONDERFUL program cut my grocery bill
I should also say that DD #1 started out at a grocery store pharmacy
then went on to the hospital after 9 mos or so.
The card should have been given as gift cards for grocery stores, etc.
In my town Walmart is the way to go...local grocery stores are outrageous!!! sm
There is no way to feed a family of five at any of the stores in our town! My grocery bill was cut in half when Walmart moved in!
my 18 yo daughter will be working for a grocery chain out here starting Saturday.

It will be interesting to see if she gets any tips ... or will be allowed to. She's going to be starting at $1 over minimum wage but has to pay union dues. She just quit a restaurant job where the business received tips that were to be divied up between the staff. She got lots of tips at her tables that she had to put in the tip jar. She never saw a penny in her pocket from those tips.

Personally, I've never tipped the baggers, but they do work hard!

Led Zeppelin is so old they're ready for a nursing home. And the grocery stores
They make darn good money at most large grocery stores
No, I don't tip them. If I thought they weren't getting paid hourly, then I might. I might tip someone who gave extra great service, like coming home and carrying them in the house for me, (j/k!) but most places where you are expected to tip, people just expect the tip and take it for granted anymore and don't always treat you well enough to deserve one!
rice, bakery outlets, loss leader at the grocery stores,

My favorite cheap meal is cooking chicken leg quarters in a crock pot with an 1/4 onion and tumeric. Serve them with rice and lentils.

Here is a list of cheap foods: PB&J, bacon (cook two 2 slices at  a time to put in eggs and beans), carrots, potatoes,  beans (lentils are the easiest to cook IMHO), pasta, rice (use oil instead of butter to save $), eggs, Totinos pizza, and frozen mixed veggies.

www.stretcher.com under groceries has some good ideas.

www.hillbillyhousewfie.com has good ideas too. She has a good list called Everyday Bargains.

Do you have a bakery outlet close by? They usually have great deals on bread and bakery junk food. For $4 you can walk away with a big bag of bread, bagles, cake, ect.

I'm a single mom so I can't do this but if you can go grocery shopping without children that will help. Most stores have a loss leader for meat on sale each week. I would buy that meat and make mix it with rice or ramen noodles for dinner.

Most churches have food pantries. If you call one that does not have one, ask where there is a food bank. Church secretaries get so many calls for help they are usually experts at what the organizations available.  Some Catholic Churches have St. Vincent DE Paul societies, they will either give you food or a gift card to a grocery store. Call the parish office and ask if the is one.  We recieve food stamps now but I have been to food banks.  They usually give canned food, pasta, and bread.


Every company is different -- I worked FT for one as an employee but worked a split shift - sm
So I never took breaks. I would work 5 hours, break for about 4 hours then do another 3. Another company I worked for did not care what hours you worked (IC) but wanted a min. amount of work each day, 500 for PT and 1000 for FT-- BUT they paid you by how many lines an hour you put out, the higher the lph the higher up the scale you made per line in pay; they have since changed everyone to a flat rate with incentive. But bottom line, if you are an IC it does not matter what hours you work, though many ask for a schedule and ask you to stick to it, they just want you to meet line requirements daily, i.e. 1000 per day, 1200 per day, whatever it is.
I got up early, worked during naps, and worked when DH got home.

You have to be disciplined to make yourself work when baby is napping instead of maybe watching TV or doing housework, etc.   

I might also go the route of having a teen come into your home, or either trying a mother's morning out program at a local church/daycare.   I've been home since my youngest was born and he has never been in all-day daycare, but I did have him in a mother's morning out program 15 hours a week at a local church.   It didn't help a lot with my work schedule because I had an older son in school and was a room mom and tutored other kids, but that might be an option.  The only problem with the mother's morning out program is they are around other kids and tend to pick up every germ.  I finally took my DS out of the program because he stayed sick.  You were supposed to keep them off if they had green nasal discharge and I did, but no one else did.  Every time I got him well after 2 to 3 days back he would be sick again.  Other than that it was very good for him because he would not have had a chance to be around kids his age otherwise. 

My parents use it
I can't help you with the pre-exisiting conditions question, but my parents use AARP for all of their insurance needs. They saved a lot of money when they switched and have been very happy with them.
I don't think that her parents did it, but I do think..sm

that they are covering up for the person who did it (maybe the brother).

To the poster that said the parents just let them go to
party and drink was sad.
My parents "spared the rod" and I'm now (sm)
a self-sufficient, responsible, mature adult, furthering my education, handling my responsibilities, and not calling home begging my parents for money. So just because some parents "spare the rod" doesn't mean their kids are going to turn out to be spoiled little bloodsuckers the rest of their lives. There are other ways to discipline kids without spanking. Yes, some kids need a good spanking once in a while, IMHO, but there are other forms of discipline that are equally as effective. Just my opinion.
Up to the parents, but they dont do it
Hey, I feel like this, the parents have the only ones who have a right to spank or otherwise discipline kids
I don't have issues with my parents are they are

both deceased, but I have "disowned" all my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews.  I grew up believing I was the black sheep of the family and maybe I am, but their lives are so screwed up and I never heard from them unless they needed something and there was lots of bitterness and anger about various events - mainly my parent's death.  The only way I was able to deal with the issues was to disown them.  I was not interested in making things better because they aren't willing to make an effort and I just don't have time for that. 

My oldest sister hated my mom and was very ugly to her.  My mom did so much for her. All I heard was what a lowsy mother she was.  Well, my sister's daughter had a baby and gave it away, did drugs big time, drinking big time, has lived with several guys.  Her son is gay and can't hold a job, has had so many wrecks he has lost his license twice that I know of.  They just keep buying him vehicles very time he wrecks one.  He can barely make a move without having to ask mommy, is a druggie/drinker/liar.  Only my sister can't see all of this.   We all make mistakes and I don't claim to be a perfect parent, but.....

My parents are retired and
do very well on their savings. It's called preparation. People make their own choices. If you don't PREPARE and do not take RESPONSIBILITY, you will eventually be in such a sad situation. It's not anyone's fault but their own for making poor decisions or failing to make better ones.

Morally, yes - I think other aid should become available to the "mom and pop" situation you are talking about but not reporting and paying taxes on income? No. That is wrong, period.

My boys were taught to pay taxes on their incomes from various jobs. They paid taxes and they paid tithes on it, no matter what it was.

It's called DOING THE RIGHT THING...which seems to be a forgotten concept among the older ones and a brand-spanking new concept among the young ones.

Tax evasion, dear, is ANYONE who fails to report appropriately. They may spend the bulk of money going after big bucks tax evaders but the crime is still the same. It is dishonest and it cheats every loyal, law-abiding citizen.

It doesn't matter if the job is easy or or not (i.e., your reference to house cleaning not being easy). THat has nothing to do with whether a person deserves to report/pay taxes on their income or not.
I am a few miles away from there. SIL parents
Parents just had them done at $5000 an eye. nm
I never did think the parents did it. I'm glad they got him (nm)
I think the parents should be held
responsible. I'm sure the rules are less strict for older kids (he is 16). But it seems a waste of time for the teachers if he is going to only show up part of the every week. He seems to think it is funny that he has really, really bad grades. Seems he is just wasting a spot at school and the teacher's time.
what a brave son (and parents)
How old was he when he did that?  He earned every penny it sounds like.  You couldn't pay me enough to get that close to snakes (shudder). 
My parents did it about 26 years ago - $20K then -sm
that was a 25,000 gallon, cement with plaster in-ground pool with heater, 2 blowers and skimmers, a swimout (a seat in the deep end), steps in shallow end, ladder in deep end with diving board, with a large cement patio area around the whole pool. Pool still in great shape though it does need to be replastered now (can see cement where it has worn thin). My dad just sold the house so its the new owner's issue now.
Take a look at who their parents are. Where's the blame now? nm
If not my kid, then the parents need to step up
and take care of their own child. If I need to work, do not babysit period. I took care of my children when they were little and they can take care of theirs. No time to spare when working.
For parents, what do you think of your kids' friends?

I am wondering if it's ME or if it's my kids' friends that's the problem.  I just can't stand barely any of them.  We have little sailors running around cussing, compulsive liars, thieves, two-faced "unfriends", blackmailers, anger management problems, slobs, and perverts running around here.  And the violent and graphically disgusting games these kids try to play.  Is this everywhere?  Or am I just overly sensitive?  Parents can't choose their kids' friends because the kids'll rebel against the control, right?  I just feel like I can't have anyone over here because I'm constantly correcting them and cleaning up after them.  They don't listen worth a darn anyway.  I certainly don't want my kids to go to their houses if these kids behave this badly here.

I tried going into details, but this post got so long.  I don't think it's our neighborhood either because we have to drive for playdates with some of these kids.  What, do we just attract the people with issues?  I try to tell myself that these are just kids or perhaps their home life isn't in line with the same value system as we have.  I try to be tolerant because some of these kids have had problems in their lives.  However, having problems is no excuse for bad behavior.  I'm no perfect prude and neither are my kids.  We've had our share of problems.  I also know I can't "shelter" my kids from the outisde world.  But geez, it's just ridiculous.  Whatever happened to the days when parents were parents and kids behaved?  Children should not be cussing, stealing and telling horrific stories of murder and incest.

To give you an example, one of these little punks even told the whole neighborhood that my husband and I were druggies and dealers.  We found out about it when our elderly neighbor came over and told us.  We've always been totally against drugs, not even experimenting with them when we were teens.  Plus, we both have to go through yearly drug screening tests at work, too.  What is with the world today?

To all you parents of student athletes - sm

My son came to me today to tell me he is quitting football.  A sport he has played since he was in the 3rd grade.  He is now a junior in high school.   He is an awesome offensive linesman - scholarship bound this year with academics with it.  He has a 4.0 GPA, takes AP courses and could have a scholarship coming his way.

Regardless of all of that, I am just heartbroken to see this young talented man just walk away from the game he once loved.  I have been crying all morning.  

He tells me, "it just is not fun anymore. "   He does not want to play.  He wants to concentrate on his academics.  

This is halfway through his camp, and games start next week.  He started on the varsity team as a Freshman.

I am so upset, but I won't let him see it.  I do not want him to play a sport to please me or anyone else, but himself.  I have to hold all of this in and it is killing me.      This is his decision, and I have talked to him over the past few days about, trying to not let him know how disappointed I would be if he quit.  Well, today, he went to camp and told his coaches he is not playing, handed his equipment in, and so forth.

Any advice from any of you parents out there for me as to how to handle it from a loving mother point of view!  I hide in the bathroom and cry so he doesn't see me.   For the simple reason, if he sees me crying, he will continue to play just for me.  I really don't want that.  He needs to play for himself.

Needless to say, the coach called this morning after he handed in his equipment to talk to him.  I am sure there are more calls to come.  His teammates will be over this afternoon after camp, I am sure of it.  How do I handle this - better yet, how do I help him handle this? 

P.S.  If he feels like he is letting his teammates down, he will give in and play just for them or for me -



To all you parents of student athletes - sm
This has happened to my daughter this year as well. Her reason was that her coach was a jerk and it wasn't fun anymore. She was a great fastpitch pitcher and he tried to change her mechanics and messed her all up. She didn't want to disrespect him by "telling on him" but it finally came out. When she was pitching it just wasn't her. She was not having any fun any more.

I would suggest finding out "why it is not fun any more." Then if it turns out to be the coaches, find another team he can play on. That is what we did. HTH!

I do have a neighbor whose parents live
in Houma.  She went down there to help them get their things in order.  I think she had to bring a generator.  I have not talked to her as of yet.  I will see her tomorrow and let you know.
Go get to know the family and the boy, introduce yourself to the parents.
That way you can get a feeling on the situation.
No, parents don't usually sit there through football practices.
Games, yes. Practice, no. Cut the apron strings already. The kid would probably get teased with Mommy on the bench every single day watching him practice. It's just not done when kids hit middle school and high school. Let the coach do his job without parental scrutiny.
Same thing happens when we go to my parents' house
All the judgmental "repent you sinner crap". Can't have a nice visit and just talk about something normal. Makes me nuts.
has anyone belonged to Parents Without Partners?
I'm looking to join.  I'm 31, just wanted some opinions.
One of the greatest gifts I have are my parents.
My father is a very strong Christian man. He worked hard all our lives and provided a living well enough that allowed my mother to stay home with us.

He took us to church, structured rules for us as teenagers, and loved us fiercely.

As I grew up and got married, I found my husband to be completely incapable of providing for me as my father (and mother) did. While it left me confused for quite a while, I finally realized that no man was worth my time or energy unless he could take care of me as well as or better than my father did and that I do.

I am shocked and hurt at the number of stories I hear from others everywhere about their lack of a wonderful family and childhood.

Honestly, I feel like I am the most blessed person I know considering my family, my children, and where I am in life.

My father gave me strength, discipline, a love for truth and self responsibility, and most importantly the key to knowing God.