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My head is not in the sand - I am a very wise and "shrewd" individual

Posted By: ExpMT25 on 2006-02-07
In Reply to: There might be MT jobs but only 1 for every 10...sm - my head's not in the sand

as far as jobs go. You are entitled to your opinion; however, Dictaphone is not the best VR software out there. I work on the best, and believe me, the hospitals will need MT/editors for a long time. Maybe not 30 years, but I make enough money to put at least 4K away a month, so by the time I can retire, I will have a hefty savings account to live on.

I am getting while the getting is good!

Good luck with your nursing career!

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head in the sand conservatives
and...these head in the sand conservative neocons dont know what they are talking about when they want to blame the victim and her family.  Figures, the ones who say they are compassionate christians blaming the victim.  Thank God for liberals, the ones who see the forest for the trees.
What is your problem?!! You can stay with your head in the sand, or sm
you can check the world around you and do better for yourself.

Anytime anyone says good things on this board, they are shot down with negativity.

Personally, it is fair to say an MT or Editor can charge anything price they want if the client will pay it.

What part of this do you have a problem with?

This response was to the Shocking Math response. Why are you so doubtful all of the time?

coneyisland girl - get your head out of the sand - look around you =
there are parts of this country that are not too far off from that! For god sakes, take a trip to Harlem. Take a look at some of the inner cities in THIS country (remember, the one you work and live in). Take a look at some of the Indian reservations across the country (excluding the whole casino crap stuff) and take a look at some of the small towns, like the ones in Ohio, where people are standing on line just to get food donations because the companies outsourced the only jobs in their towns!!

I cannot believe that the government gives these Indians $600,000 to start a business and does not give the US hardly anything to start a business! Please, I beg of you, do not tell us to pity third world countries. Believe me, President Bush is making sure that they get our jobs and all our business opportunities. So 10 years from now, we will be a third world country.

I'm so upset and hurt by your post that I have to get off this site for awhile.

This is a wise, wise woman! nm
From a thankful gay guy who needed a word of encouragement tonight. God bless!
Ooops, sorry. My last post said "head head." I meant "her head." Sorry.

I would tell them to pack sand
With an attitude from a doctor like that, I would refuse to do his work. There is plenty of other work out there, and there are plenty of other MTs out there. I'm sure the doctor could find someone willing to put up with his crap and I could find someone willing to show some courtesy and respect for my time. Again, I admit I am living under a rock, but I just don't see why it has to be so difficult, and why we should have to put up with so much nonsense. We are all human beings, allegedly on the same team, so why can't we work together? Is it a power struggle? If it is, I'll lose becuase I don't need to be the bigger person; I need to be able to understand the dictator so I can transcribe the report.
LOL it's POUND sand... nm
I hope you raise holy sand! nm
I'd do a neutral sand/bone color because of the blue

Not heartless...just a bully who likes to kick sand
Please....there is no justification for your behavior, don't try to come here and defend your disgusting behavior.  This woman is crying out for real help...not some quick, off the cuff, hurtful remark.  I feel sorry for you. 
We have a gunite pool as opposed to vinyl/sand liner..
The gunite is definitely more expensive, but lasts much longer.  I'm in NH and I see signs for gunite pools starting at 19,900 around here, but I have no idea what that includes. As usual, the advertisement and the actual cost out the door are probably too different things.  Also, expect your electric bill to hit the roof even if you run the filter only 12 hrs out of 24.  But it's worth it to us... Our kids are pre-teens and virtually LIVE in that thing, so we don't regret buying this house.
I believe it's up to each individual
state government.  It's not a federal thing. There are other areas of the country that don't do it as well.  Not many, but a few.
This individual is not someone who transcribes on
a routine basis, she was more like an account manager who assigned the work and now is assistant director of operations, I think, so I doubt she would have a stockpile of "normals" she made for herself on any account, nor have a super expansion file. Which leaves 1 explanation. I worked with her when she was at another company and she never typed there, more like a clerk-typist position.
How about the responsibility of the INDIVIDUAL
You've totally missed the whole point of the article!
It is a very individual thing...
No one says she needs to look in the casket. I personally cannot look into an open casket and people seem to understand there is no need to force me. My comfort level is not the same as other people have. It does not prevent me from paying my respects to the family or showing my support.
The individual who is now the president of
the insurance company association (whatever it is called) is Mark Racicot, who was Bush's right hand man and head of the RNC. They do not care about the welfare of people, just their own pockets.
yes, but how old are you that you can get individual ins for $59/month?
Obviously a sick individual, but
is he just saying that to get attention.  They don't know if he really did it.  Only the tests will show on the DNA.
That depends on the individual

When I worked in-house one of my coworkers was a lady with 15+ years experience, and had attended a transcription school prior to that.  She had a sad tale to tell - she once decided to leave the hospital and work at home.  The ESL dictations did her in, within a couple months she came crawling back to the hospital (and lost all her vesting and retirement over it, busted back down to a newbie there).  The doctors at that hospital were mostly ridiculously easy, and that's all she could handle.

On the other hand, I never attended a transcription school, but learned on the job.  After 3 years inhouse, I started working from home.  I refused to let the ESL win, and gritted my teeth and kept trying.  Now I can do ESL because I refused to be intimidated by it.  I think its all in your mindset, how determined you are to learn and how determined you are to stretch your comfort zone.  It has nothing to do with schooling OR experience in some cases.

I had individual coverage - sm
when I was IC and SE for a while.  It was expensive - but now I think it would be impossible as I am older.  Considerations are preexisting conditions.  My daughter lost her job and has Graves disease.  She is 23 years old and was flat turned down - no amount of money could get her coverage.  COBRA is costing 380 dollars a month until her new job's coverage kicks in.  If you have any preexisting conditions it may be extremely pricey.  Also do not let insurance lapse  - because anything you might have will not be covered for a period of time - usually a year.  If you are young and have no problems and depending on where you live - individual coverage can be found - before my daughter had problems we got it for under 100.00 a month.  Our state does have a program for people who cannot get coverage but I have not checked to see what that entails - you might call your state and see.
IC's who pay for their own individual insurance
Can you please recommend a dental insurance that is a good one and affordable? TIA
Thanks, but unfortunately this individual has no other option.
She uses wireless high-speed now for internet and her company has told her that their new platform won't work with that. She's "a little bit country", so has no cable or DSL service.
Individual MT usually has to purchase it ..
I think it depends on the individual. There
are 48-year-olds who are in as good of shape as any 25-year-old.

I think if you feel you are up to it, age doesn't matter. I was thinking about it myself (I'm about to be 45).

48 is still young! You'd graduate in 2 to 4 years and only be 50 to 52! That's still at least 15 years before you would retire.

Good luck with your decision!

Since your lender is an individual and not a company

I would get an attorney immediately who can tell you what to expect and what your rights are.  It should be a nominal consultation fee and you should take with you a summary of your payment history and all the papers you signed at closing.

I had an FHA-backed loan with first-time bond money and my mortgage was sold from my original lender (Union Planters Bank) to a mortgage company.  FHA bought me more time and lessened the financial loss for me greatly (they have stake in that - they WANT you to stay in your home) and were of great help.

I also at one point was in such emotional turmoil that I went to a local realtor, sat in his office in tears and told him I did not know what to expect.  He spent 45 minutes with me and I learned more from him about what I would actually see happen than from anyone else I had talked to. 

I was served my intent to foreclose from the mortgage company and it took about 6 months to actually get through it.  I was served the papers announcing the foreclosure auction at the Courthouse on MMDDYYYY date.  I went to the courthouse and there was a man standing (literally) in the parking lot and no one else around -- all were inside doing normal business.  I walked up to him and asked if he was from BLAH mortgage company.  He asked me if I had a gun (hahaha) and I was SHOCKED.  Of course, I said no and looked at the courthouse - thinking some crime was happening and pulled my cell phone out to call 9-1-1 (the police station is ACROSS THE STREET...lol).  He said most of the time the owners show up with guns and he's even been shot at doing this. LOL

I told him that I had dealt with the loss months ago; they were taking my house - not my children, my job, my life...just my house...and that since I just could not afford to keep it up and repair it, etc., that I would be relieved and better for it in the long run.  We talked and he told me that since no one showed to bid, that the mortgage company now officially owned it.  I asked him how long I had to get out; he said that I would receive a notice in the mail but to be out by that date as they would literally come in and change the locks and secure it.  I told him I would be out before that date and he said to lock it up but leave the keys on the kitchen counter and call the attorney (for the mortgage company).  I did just that; I also immediately contacted the company I had my insurance with and told them (got a lovely refund from them for about $360 which helped me move -- also sold virtually everything I had to get out and start over).  This was all last year in January 2004.  This year I received a paper to file with my taxes where the difference in what I owed and what the buyer (the mortgage co put it up for sale and it eventually sold) paid was forgiven so I did not owe anymore on it. 

I have forgiven myself and we now live in a nice clean apartment that is 300 sq ft bigger than my little bitty house.  I have an apt mgr to call if something breaks and I don't have to fix it myself; no more lawn work, etc.  For me, it was the best thing that happened.

It will be off my credit history the same as a bankruptcy in a few years.  I am happier.  I learned a lot.  Good luck to you.  Write me if I can help you deal with the emotion of it at all. 

I think it depends on the individual's experience.
I have had no problem with MQ and don't agree with anything you have said. If I felt that way, I wouldn't be there anymore, nor should you since you feel so strongly. I have nothing but good things to say about MQ.
BCBS. Individual policies.
An Individual Education Plan
For my child, his pediatrician had us go to Babies Can't Wait (in Georgia), but because he was 3 at the time, they referred us to Gwinnett County Public School System, who performed an evaluation, diagnosed autism, and we now have at least annual IEP meetings to layout the plan for next year (can have a meeting at any time if goals need to be changed, etc.). This is an educational evaluation, not a medical evaluation. They then, of course, recommend a medical evaluation.
Depends on individual case
Mine was $15 per month, a friends was $20 per month. Her program was for 3 years while mine was for 5 so perhaps that's the difference. Well worth the money though.
They do offer individual plans, but they are SM
similar to my insurance at Spheris. A very high deductible, many out of pocket expenses, no prescription drug coverage. Basically, will cover hospital expenses. However, the most out of pocket with them was $5000.00 per year; with Spheris it is $10,000 per year. I believe it cost $250.00 a month.

You could look into it.
The 2 posts by the individual have been removed. (SM)
They were advertising for other sites. Please report such posts when you see them.  Cher/Moderator
It is up to the individual person and their circumstances
Personally, I could not afford to wait three months and "hang on." I have bills to pay and children depending on my paycheck. I just left a job where I "hung on" for 6 months and it was the worst thing I ever did. And guess what, I am not even putting this place on my resume because the place is an embarrassment. I am putting that I did IC during that time, because I had to do that to supplement my income. Saying tsk tsk you did not give it long enough is like saying tsk tsk you did not try that relationship out well enough or long enough, when the signs were there that you were being battered. Personally, I say trust your instinct. Communicate professionally with your supervisor and point out about the equipment, and the set up not going well. Have a good self-esteem (don't put anyone down) and let them know that you are seeking a mutually-beneficial business relationship and you'd like to have your concerns cleared up. You may do this is a nonthreatening manner. Then, sit back and see the way they react. If they treat you like a dime a dozen, then you will be less than that after 3 months, trust me. If they fix the problems and tend to your needs, then you will probably want to hang on. That is IMHO. And from personal experience, I have made the mistake of "letting them work it out with my waiting" and guess who got screwed, and it certainly was not them. Good luck in what you choose, but only you can know what is important to you. Trust that inner voice which is telling you what you need to do for you.
I think if MT went back to each individual hosp, and NOT MT co's,

Individual Health Insurance Policies

I am going to be purchasing my own health insurance policy for myself and my son in the next couple of weeks.  I have gotten a quote from BCBS already, but was wondering if there are any other health insurance companies out there that offer good benefits at a decent monthly premium.  Just looking for some suggestions.


If you can get it, do an individual account with a high deductible...sm
but in order to get individual insurance, you have to have NO medical problems. They even put a rider on my son's ADD. Premiums for me and my two kids (husband has ins through work) run about $3800 a year, and we have a $5000 family deductible. Worse case scenario, some one gets sick and it costs us $8800. Premiums for family ins through DH's work were $9000 - sick or not. Good luck. I agree - the insurance lobbied that sucker through.
I saved the individual glossary as an attachment
and then emailed it to myself at my yahoo address. Then I could log onto yahoo email on the other computer, save the attachment to my hard drive and then use it with the IT program installed on that computer. I also email a copy of my glossary to myself at yahoo about every month or so (hotmail or anything web based would work) because if my hard drive ever crashes, then I have a backup of my glossary that has nothing to do with my hard drive and I won't lose months and months of additions. If I add a bunch of expansions at one time, then I email a new copy to myself more often. Hope that helps.
You are wise do be so thorough in your
research before committing time and money to training. By the way, you've made a very good choice for your education. Andrews is the gold standard for MT education. For a different perspective on life on the job as an MT, visit www.mtchat.com, click on the "message center" tab, and start reading. Read all the sticky topics (especially at the top of the New MTs section), read the archives, read the Andrews forum on that site, read the messages posted on the MT Business board; in short, read everything. I think you will get a different perspective on the profession from the very professional and articulate folks who frequent that site. Good luck with your training and in your career.
Very wise, but even better. sm

Lovely elderly couple came into my old office.  Married for 68 years. Holding hands to boot.  I asked them what made their marriage work so long.  The elderly gentleman winked at me and said, "Well, it's simple.  I always get the last words . . . .'yes dear.' " 


Wise MT
I will certainly be praying for you.  I will pray that you can hang in there!  It has to be so hard. 
SE and IC mostly same tax-wise except...sm
As an IC, you must pay the self-employment tax, which is your FICA, but you get to deduct half of it. Schedule C stays the same. I've been both IC and SE before. DISCLAIMER: I am not a CPA or tax professional. For qualified tax advise, please contact a tax professional.
Just give up...no point in reasoning with an individual who does not want to understand. nm.



Actually the "three wise men"
that's how they knew to look for the star of Bethlehem and recognized the amazing event foretold by the stars.
Grow up? How about you wise up?
So, you mean to tell me that having 1 or 2 glasses of wine or beers is enough to call someone drunk? Come on and WISE UP!

Again, I didn't ask WHO GETS DRUNK AND TRANSCRIBES, I asked who has a few drinks while transcribing.

Being in the vicinity of MY OWN HOME having a drink or TWO and transcribing is no big deal to me. Some of you people are SO UPTIGHT and I think NEED TO DRINK!

HICCUP, pardon me!
Yes, that is a wise decision. (nm)
Wise move.
I've been an IC with many companies and an employee with a few others. I've found that many if not most of the supervisors and managers at these places are dead weight authoritarians who get high and justify their existence by puking on people who work for a living. I left at least one place precisely because they tried to hold me responsible for mistakes made by the dictator. Happens all the time.

I wouldn't wish a future in MT on anyone.
My Mom, who was a very wise woman, would tell you...
to love her anyway just the way she is and realize that "everyone is doing the best they can with what they have to work with."  Plus, life's 2 short and life is fragile.
Keyboard shortcut for spellcheck is F7 for full doc, Alt + F7 for individual words.
Check out the link below for a list of Word's shortcuts. You're assigning shortcuts that are already in there. :)
I don't think that optometrically wise buying off the
well darn. I thought I was being wise
in getting rid of credit cards - just down to 1 bank card and 1 store card that I only use when having a sale and we need new clothes and that I have 90 days to pay off without interest. 
It's wise to dedicate one pc solely
for work purposes, in addition to having a back-up pc available.  If you do not have a medica/pharma spellchecker download on your pc, it's a good idea to purchase it.  Depending on who you will be transcribing for you may need an unlimited long distance calling plan if you do not have it already.  A high speed connection is recommended and necessary by most companies.  Up-dated virus protection is a must. A printer may be required.  You are a step ahead of the game by already having purchased a desk and a comfortable chair, which are a must.  If you need to purchase a foot pedal, I would recommend buying a new one.  So, depending on what you already have, start-up costs can run anywhere from $100.00 to approximately 1,000.00, and while it may seem like a huge expense, you should recoup these expenses within 3 months of working.  Good luck to you and enjoy!