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My DH thought football shoud be postponed and all stadiums opened for evacuees.

Posted By: wow, what a guy! on 2005-09-07
In Reply to: Is your state taking any evacuees? - cramped


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shoud be no excuses "needed." nm

Give a week's deadline, then threaten to bill client directly. That shoud do it. nm
Where the hell is your compassion for people who could not control what happend???? Not ALL of them are guilty of the crimes we see on TV - you dont have to take them into your home - but if it was YOU - wouldnt you want some place to go???? You need some sensitivity counseling.
This will vary depending on dictator style and speed, but the average to shoot for initially shoud b
around 3 times the length of the dictation. So, if the dictation is 5 minutes long, you should be able to complete the transcription in roughly 15 minutes. Again, that can vary, but it's a good rule of thumb to go by.
I just opened Word, opened the template and saved it as a Word template. nm
Cleveland evacuees
Just heard that has been put on hold for now, on the news. The people do not want to leave to go so far away from their homes (or what was their home).
Is your state taking any evacuees?
Or are they all here in Texas?   I've heard people who are volunteering at the Astrodome say that they throw trash on the floor, drop food, etc.etc. and expect the volunteers (I guess) to pick it up for them.  If your state isn't taking any in, why not?
Albuquerque NM has had evacuees since last weekend

We are even getting some in our small town of Ruidoso.  I can't believe the negative postings I'm reading on this board regarding these unfortunate people.  I'm really surprised. 


No, parents don't usually sit there through football practices.
Games, yes. Practice, no. Cut the apron strings already. The kid would probably get teased with Mommy on the bench every single day watching him practice. It's just not done when kids hit middle school and high school. Let the coach do his job without parental scrutiny.
Fall is my favorite also - love Football!
Louisiana State University. Not a football fan?
I watched the game and have been a football fan for 40+ years.
excuse-making sore loser like you are.

Again, grow up.
There was a report out of Dallas how a family took in evacuees and the daughter was raped by one of
RAMS football, spend time with 10-mo old grandson

Yes, it is opening day for football in St. Louis, fall is right around the corner. 

My grandson is at that handful stage, hard to get anything done with him around but I volunteered to babysit while his parents are out Saturday night. Hope to squeeze in a few hours Sat and Sun for work as well.

How about cheerleaders and football players..no..wait..just kidding! nm
DeCody Fagg.........that's a real name. FSU football player.

Son's Football Game and Daughter's Volleyball Tournament sm
both High School sports. The busy schedule begins!
yes, the "Live Free or Die" state is taking evacuees. They're going to Pease (nm)
I live in a small rural area and they housed some evacuees at a nearby military base
crime went UP in our little community that previously HAD a ~very low~ crime rate. It is a FACT. I'm not saying all NO residents are like that, but MANY seem to be.

My mom was raised in conditions like this poster describes. Mom's parents died when she was 7 (father) and 9 (mother). Her teenage sister (newlywed) raised her and 4 other siblings. They had next to nothing. Not ONE of them turned to a life of crime. Not ONE even graduated high school but they still made good lives for themselves. Life was rough for them, but they didn't blame it on everyone else and cry around about what the president should be doing for them. It is all about RESPONSIBILITY and taking what life throws your way. IMO.
My son loves Monster drinks before football/basketball practice. I think they are nasty.
I don't drink coffee, but I have to have my Coca Cola first thing in the morning and one more halfway through day.  So I guess I am a little dependent on caffeine!
Sports - 1 sport a season. Fall = football for son and volleyball for daughter. sm
Their class load and homework is enough; however, the love sports and are great at too. So, I allow one sport per season, meaning Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Fall = football and volleyball.

Winter = swimming and winter volleyball.

Spring = Lacrosse for both.

Summer = whatever they choose.

They choose what they want and if they choose not to do a sport any particular season, that is fine with me. They do not go out on school nights and their weekend activity is limited due to their sports. It works, and they stay out of trouble and both are on the honor roll.

Too many activities is just too stressful both all. My kids will tell me when they feel burnt and need a day off and I am fine with that. I tell them to stay home that day from practice.

It works for us.
Well, that is out. I just opened a post sm
with no emoticon and it definitely went "wahoo".
Since been MT, my opened and opinion has
I got my BOS 3 years ago. Only opened it ONCE, and
So, imagine my apathy when the next BOS edition was being touted as 'the thing to have.' Yeah, right. I think we're all becoming wise to AAMT/AHDI's BS.

Stedman's - Thumbs up.
Internet - 2 thumbs way up!
BOS - 2 thumbs down.
i think it means the thread has been opened
or read over a certain number of times
Well...the move the Omen opened on 6/6/06....
And it was obviously done intentionally! ; )
I opened a savings account ...
and I put 30% of everything I earn in there. Then I can be sure of not spending the money and it is available for the quarterly payments.

If I didn't do that, I KNOW I would spend it and then having trouble coming up with the payment.
Same here. Haven't opened a book sm
in about two years. Things change too fast, and all is available online. The key is good online references.
I wondered that as soon as I opened it earlier, LOL.nm
Walmart opened up 15 stores in CHINA....nm
Was gonna post, then decided not to. Opened
my door, went outside to water my petunias. Went to turn on the water and uncoil the black hose, and there was A HUGE SNAKE COILED IN WITH THE HOSE!! AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! It did not move - it had a fly walking on its back, and I PRAISED THE LORD THAT IT WAS DEAD!! DEAD SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not as bad as a living snake. As I was going to poke it with a stick to fling it, my daughter screamed - ITS NOT DEAD!!!! ITS JUST SUN BATHING.  I looked and looked, and it sure looked dead. IT WAS NOT.................................. It was about 3 feet long, which will probably morph into 8 feet by the end of the week as I tell my tale!! It was HORRIBLE. I live in NJ, and moved to a new area a few years back. Never saw a snake, a tick, or a black widow spider in my LIFE. Now they are everywhere. I laughed at the posts to call animal control. If you live in an area with snakes and the like, they LAUGH at you. Believe me, I know. I actually called the POLICE when I found my first bonafide black widow spider guarding her nest. She ATTACKED US!! They are actually aggressive when by an egg sac. Turns out they are everywhere in this 1 section of NJ - brought in via immigrants, per the Health Dept. So, I feel your pain!!  I wouldn't kill them either. Killed a 2 foot rat about a year ago, and still feel bad. The thing lived under my fridge.  HORRIBLE. One night the thing ate a 12 pack of English Muffins. Anyhoooooooooooooooooooooooooo....I can relate!! My only advice - RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I opened your message to read it, I saw something that made me chuckle. SM
At the top of the page, there was an ad defining Alzheimer's disease (with an apostrophe) from alzheimersconcern.com. We're probably the only one's following this new guideline. I wonder how many people read these apostropheless terms we are now mandated to transcribe and actually do think we're nuts. Even if it is correct, and I do understand the reasoning behind leaving the apostrophe off, it still doesn't help our image any, at least in my opinion. Just a thought.
I just opened the post regarding Jen having an ugly nose and there was the OSi ad. No hunt here. I
the post about Jen's ugly nose lol

I guess they are enjoying their ad campaign on here though trying to drive the moderators nuts
Baking soda, opened and on its side, in every corner

No, they didn't. Just the tape covering that I had thrown out when I first opened them.. NM
We love the Wynn. We got free offers when they first opened but just the other day we got an offer f
The Wynn is pure luxury.. We loved it and the buffet was excellent. Where do you live? We live close enough to drive there to many times a year haha.
There is a church in Gonzales that is a small church but housing evacuees.

Helping a small church could be the best way to help someone.


Their web page says they need everything from personal items to clothing and bedding to food and water, don't forget first aid supplies.  They said you could send money but there's nothing there to buy anyway.

The address is:

Gonzales Church of Christ

1225 South Purpura

Gonzales, LA  70737

Bigger churches have more people, it's the small churches that need outside help and don't qualify for Red Cross or anyone else to help but people like us.

Opened a can of worms, eh? Truth hurts, but it is TRUTH!

8 cpl is about the top out in the US MT industry. If you're making more consider yourself lucky because it just might be snatched away from you at any moment. For the 14 cent per liner, good for you! You went out and got your own accounts. Others should follow your example. As far as the "stupid" MT comment, keep in mind that she was not consistent and **often** had one excuse after another not to work, yet I could see her online and when I would ask her why she was online she would give VERY lame excuses.  Also, keep in mind that I also was the one who helped this gal out monetarily to begin with and she took advantage of my generosity.  Don't make me out to be the bad gal here just because I own a service.  The shoe could easily be on your foot.

So, NEWS FLASH, if you have an MT position that is paying more than 8 cpl, consider it a real blessing and pray that your job isn't outsourced offshore. 

Doh! My EYES, EYES opened, lol.
I thought so. Thanks.:)
I thought so too
Ya know, I thought so too but I think it is because his hair cut and facial makeup and eye brows are so severe..If he grew a longer beard, some side burns and longer hair, I dont think it would look that bad..However, he looks like my ex..sigh..My ex was a Latino as Dave Navarro is and has the same face..When I first saw Dave Navarro..I said to everyone, My gosh, he looks like John and they agreed..Carmen (dont know if I like her or not) and Dave sure make a good looking couple, though.
I thought it was just me! Thank God I'm
well, one would have thought it sure
would have gotten some press, for sure. But on the other hand, the story doesn't have the same 'newsworthy' features (from the press standpoint), ie, hope for a happy outcome, being a school-sponsored trip, a top student with the full scholarship waiting, the mystery of higher-ups possibly helping to hide the facts, etc etc.

Its a very very tragic thing, to have a child go missing and especially with the horrible outcome you mentioned.

If the news reported (which they can't) EVERYTHING that went on, we'd probably be afraid to wake up in the morning.
I thought of that too.
I thought about the brown recluse and I think that is why I was nervous and there are so many bites at one time. We have huge spiders here. I hope it isn't a recluse. The symptoms are similar. One scar looks pretty bad. I will watch it. Thanks for responding.:)
YES< YES, I thought it was just me!

That's what I thought...or at least that is what
the signed contract states.

Thank you for clearing that up.
Happens to me, too, but I always thought it was

when supe was pushing jobs into individual que's to improve TAT, since it is always at the end of a job that it happens -- just before another job will download to me.

Yes, it does happen. Not equipment problem, but possibly could be a connection problem -- slow connection causing this, too ????

Here is a thought..
Find MTs in your area that work at home with kids...maybe doing a kid swapping thing would help everyone. Create a MT Mommy group LOL.
I thought I won...

Thought of something else!
Do you e-mail or send in mail, or both? I have always gotten my MT jobs by e-mail.

There are so many hurdles, especially equipment requirements. It seems you have everything right on track, you just need your break!

Another thing I thought of; do you look at other MT websites with job boards? I go to other MT websites when there's nothing new at my favorite one.

Good luck, and keep us posted!
I had thought of this also
In fact, there was just a few hours ago there was a press conference on the news.  The Dept of Health and Human Services was giving a briefing and  said that many medical volunteers are needed, including nurses, physicians, EMTs, etc.  He said on the HHS website there was a link for volunteers to register where they ask questions as to your capabilities, etc.  I had wondered if MTs would be needed when I was watching this.  I do not remember the specific website, but I'm sure it can be found by Googling the Dept of Health and Human Services.   God Bless you for volunteering.