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Mumbai - time to bring our records home

Posted By: justme on 2008-11-28
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Does anyone wonder not if but when our medical records will be compromised by sending them to India now that the terrorists have taken up residence there? And you folks from India, please don't try to defend as there is no defense. Our medical records are at risk and they need to come back home.

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She'd bring home more at 30 CPL...
...but do I deserve that for just sitting on my arse and typing? :) No.

Gas stations make a lot of money. Why do attendants only get minimum wage.

If you're THAT good, you'd be an MTSO.

Start your own business. Don't be lazy AND greedy.
On #1, I meant to add -- bring home pay!

Wouldn't you bring home more money at 10 cpl? nm
I say my "little job" got me $900 last week - and how much did you bring home?????
No, usually it's just winding up as all the kids bring home crud from school.
The 4th of July is slow.  Christmas is never slow for me.
You are worried about your home? Most of these records go to third world countries. I would rather
Quick question or poll - What does one consider "good money" for weekly bring home income? sm

 Would you consider $1000 a week, IC status, working 5 hours a day, 5 days a week "great money"?


What do you make a week and how many hours do you work?

This is for informational purposes only and not to belittle or degrade anyone or boast and put anyone on a soapbox about their income.

Thanks for your help!

It's time to bring down the hammer on your tenants. Tell them

to pay up or get out.  It sounds like you're being too nice and if the tenants know you're a "nice christian family", they may be taking advantage of you.  Tell them if they don't pay, you will be taking them to court and putting an ad in the paper to rent the house. You can be a "good chrisitan family" and do business at the same time.  If you're not getting any money, you might as well kick them out and get other renters in there.  You have experience in renting so you know that you can collect a deposit and first months' rent from new tenants.  And, chances are, if the current tenants move out quickly, they'll leave the house in a mess, so you'll have some clean up.

Right now, it's a buyer's market and not a seller's market, so things are going to be really tight.  I have a house I'm trying to sell and the market is so flooded that it's taking roughly 120 days in my area for property to sell.

I completely understand what you're experiencing and wish you all the best.

Not only unethical but illegal to falsify time records.
Working full time at home with small children is hard but part time works great
is almost impossible. You will either have to work when your spouse is home or for only a few hours during the day and then more when they are asleep. I work part time at home and my kids (2&5 now) have done very, very well. They are great kids, very well behaved, don't get into much. I stop working to check on them/give them some attention every hour or so while I work (5 hours each afternoon or so) and they get all my attention in the morning and at night. It has worked out beautifully for us.
full-time in office/ part-time at home
I currently work full-time in a physician's office and have started part-time online. My hope is to eventually go full-time online; however that will be done the road for a single mom with a son in college. My suggestion would be try to type part-time for a MTSO and see how that goes i.e work and money with a decision down the road for ultimately being home all the time. A guaranteed paycheck is always a necessity for me. Hope this helps.
okay, york hospital said they had delivery records, but no prenatal records. sm
they had no idea who she practiced with or anything like that and of course SIL doesn't know any name other than Freundel. i am also a midwife besides being an MT and in order for me to take her given her bicornuate uterus, i have to have her records. i guess delivery records is better than nothing, LOL, but i have to have her prenatal records. i wonder if there is a clinic there or something that med students rotate through. i couldn't even find ms. freundel on AMA, but she may not be through with her training yet either and that is probably why.
You are right. While the people of Mumbai
are in my prayers in a time of crisis, I also think that this could help the US MTs, by making hospitals/clinics here aware of how vulnerable protected PHI is, to unauthorized access. The attacks earlier this year plus this recent attack hopefully will make healthcare providers realize where this info is going. A filthy and dangerous place.
Acusis has an office in Mumbai...sm
hmm....and that is where these companies want to send OUR records and OUR jobs
About ABC Good Morning America in Mumbai

As a person of strong faith, I don't believe in vengence or discrimination; however, with all our work going to India this has changed me.  I look at the opulence, Bollywood excess, etc and think; okay we have slums right here in the USA.  We have people who ARE WILLING to work now for even slave wages.  And just like India we have those who live in opulence with disregard for the poverty in front of their eyes. 

My point, help me not be so darn angry every time I here the word India!! I know it is not right.  I am a peaceful person. 

Terrorist attacks in Mumbai/financial districts.

Dozens killed in India terror attacks

Buzz up!

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There now are reports of as many as 80 people dead -- a number that is likely to rise -- in apparent terror attacks aimed at tourists and travelers in Mumbai, India.

Oberoi_fire Reuters is reporting that at least 250 people have been wounded in the attacks, which appear targeted at tourists. In addition, Indian television is reporting Westerners are being held hostage at at least two hotels. News networks and wire services are reporting there have been at least seven separate attacks in the city, largely at luxury hotels and restaurants.

"I heard some gunshots around 9:30. I was with my friends. Something hit me. I ran away and fell on the road. Then somebody picked me up. I have injuries below my shoulder," Reuters reporter Sourav Mishra said from a hospital bed, Reuters reported.

The Times of India
reports there have been eight separate attacks, including a major terror strike at a large passenger railway station.

Our coverage is here.

(Television broadcast capture of a fire at the Oberoi hotel in Mumbia courtesy NDTV, via AP)

Update at 3:57 p.m. ET: According to the AP, gunmen are known to have attacked a major train station, a well-known restaurant, two luxury hotels and a police station. A previously unknown group calling itself "Deccan Mujahideen" has sent e-mail to news organizations claiming responsibility for the attacks, the Times of India is reporting. The AP now lists the death toll at 78. There are multiple reports that attacks are continuing.

patient records and prisoner records
Does anybody know if our USA prison system is keeping prisoner records in the good old USA, or are those records offshore outsourced too? I am just curious because it seems to me that law enforcement in general does not offshore records, and I was wondering about prisoner records? If anybody knows, please post. Thanks in advance.
Then now is especially the time to be home with them.
Your time at home with your child is so
Your child is better with you..being near the sounds, the smells, the love of mom. I recognize that some moms have to put their children in daycare, but to rationalize it that they are "better off" there because if you stay at home with them and work, they aren't getting enough attention just isn't right. You find a way to give them the love and attention they need. Is daycare going to sit there and give your child one-on-one attention all day? Are you prepared to have your child be sick all the time? My daughter has barely had a cold in her first five years of life. It's just a cop out to think that daycare is actually better.
part time work at home
medquist will provide partc time work and equipment, call 1800dictate for more info or apply online
I only have dial-up when working from home (most of the time).
I get my work as dss files as email attachments. Originally I did not think dial-up would work at all, so I set up an office at my mom's house where I have DSL. It does only take seconds to download with DSL, and takes several minutes for a huge file with dial-up. I can download a file while I am transcribing another one. It takes less than a minute for me to send the completed file back. This is certainly acceptable, although I hope they get DSL here soon. It takes longer to Google something.
I'm getting a regular full-time job outside my home.
For 3 or 4 years now, I've been fighting to be able to stay home and work a regular schedule (yeah, right) to take care of family. I was given a sort of intervention recently that I've become a very unhappy person who is always working or waiting for work or worrying about work. I don't laugh or have fun and I've isolated myself. I'm certainly not better off than when I worked in an office and I'm less free if most ways. It's not a good or profitable trade-off anymore. I'm looking forward to separating my home and work life, and to be able to sleep at night again.
Sorry, I meant didn't have to do it at home full time
anyone feel weird working at home all the time?
Who smiles at everyone way too much and tries too hard to make conversation? 
Time saved working at home is about 2 hours
The time it takes to get up, shower, do make-up and hair, dress, get in the car and drive to work, then back home equals about two hours for me. I work a PT job along with a FT job at home. Plus money saved not needing to use a dry cleaners, keeping up the ward robe.

Do you work full time and home school? (nm)
When I took a business trip one time, I came home to an immaculate house.
Then during the next few weeks, I couldn't find certain things like clothes, dishes, and items I kept on the counters. DH had decided to put all the dirty stuff out in the garage where the babysitter couldn't see it because he was embarrased by the mess he and the kids had made. There was mold and mildew on everything because he taped it inside boxes or stuffed it inside coolers, and he forgot to tell me about it.
$15,000.... Hospital employee, telecommuting from home, working less than full-time.
I've been doing it at home strictly full time for a couple of monts, but
I have 6 years of inhouse exp where my duties was divied up with other admin work and 1 1/2 years on and off exp doing it as an IC at home....so again, I'm no rookie....which is what is frustrating. My oldest is on sprnig  break, so if I haven't been fired by next week, hopefully I will get better by then.
Do you have time to waitress? Would be fast cash if you're willing. And home health aides get pai
Has anyone breast fed while trying to work at home, can you do this and still work full time?
It seems like the more literature I read on the subject, the longer it seems to take, especially in the beginning when you are breast feeding every two hours, or does it really just depend on the baby?
They bring it on themselves.
and then expect everyone else to overlook the facts.

* According to the latest US Department of Justice survey of crime victims, more than 6.6 million violent crimes (murder, rape, assault and robbery) are committed in the US each year, of which about 20 per cent, or 1.3 million, are inter-racial crimes.

* Most victims of race crime - about 90 per cent - are white, according to the survey “Highlights from 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims", published in 1993.

* Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.

* Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the number of violent racial crimes of whites.

* According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks.

These breathtaking disparities began to emerge in the mid-1960s, when there was a sharp increase in black crime against whites, an upsurge which, not coincidentally, corresponds exactly with the beginning of the modern civil rights movement. Over time, the cumulative effect has been staggering. Justice Department and FBI statistics indicate that between 1964 and 1994 more than 25 million violent inter-racial crimes were committed, overwhelmingly involving black offenders and white victims, and more than 45,000 people were killed in inter-racial murders. By comparisons 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam, and 34,000 were killed in the Korean war.When non-violent crimes (burglary, larceny, car theft and personal theft) are included, the cumulative totals become prodigious. The Bureau of Justice Statistics says 27 million non-violent crimes were committed in the US in 1992, and the survey found that 31 per cent of the robberies involved black offenders and white victims (while only 2 per cent in the reverse).

When all the crime figures are calculated, it appears that black Americans have committed at least 170 million crimes against white Americans in the past 30 years. It is the great defining disaster of American life and American ideals since World War II. All these are facts, yet by simply writing this story, by assembling the facts in this way, I would be deemed a racist by the American news media. It prefers to maintain a paternalistic double-standard in its coverage of black America, a lower standard.

Not to mention drugs, irresponsible reproducing habits, and welfare fraud. Gee, they have an attitude? Aw, too bad.
then you should bring it to someone's
attention. My paycheck has always been correct.
Sure - bring it on! nm
Bring it on!!!
Oh really? Does the stork bring them too?
AND wow the bucks you can bring in without having
I have them at my desk but no, I don't bring anything
to the living room to work. I've been on my same accounts with each company I work for since I started with them and I know the dictators extremely well.

I have an advantage with Spheris that I don't with MQ in that I can look up past reports by any criteria - by dictator, by patient, etc., to find anything that is a pattern.

The only book I occasionally reference is Tessier's The Surgical Word Book. Other than that, I have many online refences provided by both companies that they specifically want me to use.

I've done this over 20 years and I'm very fortunate -- I just don't have to look many things up anymore. When I do, it is usually a new product - instrument, drug, procedure, treatment, etc. Yesterday, I had to look up "Fansler speculum", which I had never had before. Probably refer to that book maybe 2-3 times a week. Spheris always sends me a new updated word list that includes newest information about every month. MTDesk has some really good references.

I have well over 70 websites that are "favorites" for reference.

When I travel and want to work, I only take The Surgical Word Book with me.

Effect (bring about)
bring a magnet
whenever you go to look at a car. A magnet will not stick to Bondo.

I don't want to bring them to an office!! ???
Happy doing it this way! It works for me, and my MTSO has not complained once!
like to bring the QA issue to the top

There was a discussion about how MTs would prefer QA to handle correction situations.  Here's an example.  Right now doing QA on several "new" MTs that were kind of thrown into a new account.  They were all suppose to be very well qualified and only suppose to review for "format" issues.  Well.....spending a great deal of time adding text that was left out, changing things transcribed that was totally off the wall, besides the format part just not getting yet.  I try to be as 'tactful" as I possibly can, offer useful tips, give websites for lokking up info, etc.  But right now falling so behind and still making same "format" corrections I was two weeks ago because still not getting it right or just not reading E-mails!!  Our responsibilities only go so far.  We have to help but you also have to help yourself.  Don't transcribe anything you haven't documented somewhere and NEVER leave words out!!   That's my 2 cents!!  


If you can't outsource, then bring them here

Just stopping the flow of records overseas is not going to solve the problem.  There is a special class of visa that industry can turn to if they cannot find enough American workers to do a job.  This has been used for engineers, IT professionals and nurses among others.  It is not necessarily that there are not Americans that can do the job, but that they will not do it for a low wage.  We need to pay attention to the immigration debate as well.  It isn't simply about poorly educated, low-skilled workers being involved in a guest worker program. 

I bring laptop when I go away
The big problem I find is with our model there is a touch pad under space bar that you use as a mouse. Occasionally, I hit that while working, and it makes my cursor move or page up/down. I would suggest buying a mouse for it.
I bring in about $40,000.00 a year

bring your expertise!! sm
bring your expertise over to http://www.productivitytalk.com/forums/index.php.  they are always looking for new ideas!! 
Yes, your posts you will bring it on yourself.

Maybe when you walk on someone else's shoes, you might not be soooo nasty.  That is exactly what you are, too, NASTY.

I normally do not say much on this board but after I have read some of the comments made to this lady, I am beside myself.  Who the heck are you to judge??  Evil people reap evil things. 

You are right, Karma!!!!

Why did you feel the need to bring this up again?

I've done many reports where doctors say they prayed with the patient.  I'm about as anti-religious as they come, and typing that didn't bother me in the slightest. If a patient is religious and so is the doctor, I see absolutely nothing wrong with the doctor doing it OR dictating that he did it.

So I guess I am still failing to see your point in the original thread, or in bringing it up again. It's not offensive, and there is ZERO reason to even question whether you should type it, IMO.

So glad to see you bring
this up.  I had training on a new platform yesterday that lasted 1-1/2 hours during my "shift."  No one mentioned compensation and wondered how I would bring this up or if I was even entitled to it.
Yet YOU constantly bring this up.
YOU are doing exaactly what you are complaining about. Give it up. People come here to talk. That is what an open forum is all about. No one is forcing you to stay on this board and read, nor do they expect or want you to reply if you don't want to. You are the one who needs to give it a rest. Talking is what this board is all about. You are not going to stop that. If it bothers you, stay away. Thank you.
Bring passport...SM
I believe that this is legally acceptable in place of a social security card, though employers may tell you differently.

Check out (or as them to) the document needed to fill out to record your eligibility to work in the U.S. and the types of documentation accepted.