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Mostly silent

Posted By: mg on 2007-03-27
In Reply to: Do most of you work with some noise on or do you like total quiet? - SM

Once in awhile I have the radio on but rarely. Used to have it on all the time, but I do constant ESL now. I do a lot of messenging with other MTs just to keep the boredom away. :)

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Silent Type
Can anyone give me info on Silent Type? Thanks
re:silent type
i applied with them and they replied quickly. but unless you live close to new jersey, they need you at their office for, if i remember right, a 2-day training that they reimburse up to $500. i live in Hawaii so i couldnt afford the trip even with the reimbursement. but, heard a lot of good things about them.
Silent type
What do you need to know?
Silent Type
I was offered a position and needed feedback from current employees if possible. Since I have to travel to New Jersey at my own expense for training, it would be helpful to know if they are a good company to work for. Thanks in advance.
Silent Type YES!! (sm)
I have worked for Silent Type and they are flexible with a 24 hour TAT... Meaning you could start Sunday night and have ur pages done before Monday (whenever your call in time to have minimum 40 pages done). The are a basically family oriented company. I have nothing but good things to say. They never run out of work. Have been in business almost 25 or 25+ years. Plus, the CEO is an author, RN, and much more!!
Silent Type
Thank you for the info. I had read in the archives some negative posts. This puts my mind at ease.
Has anybody ever tried the silent keyboard that can be
rolled up like a newspaper?  If not, any suggestions for a good silent keyboard.
silent keyboard
I sell silent keyboards - check us out at - www.clitheroelancs.co.uk - admittedly it does take a couple of days to familiarise yourself but the keys dont need to be pressed hard. The difference is that there isnt the noisy feedback associated with standard keyboards. PS we have a silent mouse arriving this week, i am using the prototype & its great but the lack of a click is a bit strange at first.

Silent Type

This company left an E-mail on my computer...never heard of them. They are promising everything and more, of course.

Any thoughts about them or experience with them?



Silent Type
Silent Type was one of the companies that offered me a job.  They were in my top five best companies from which to choose.  I didn't choose them, only because I would have had to fly to New Jersey for a minimum of three days to train.  I have a husband, two kids, and two dogs at home; being gone from them for that long would have seriously disrupted our "routines."  Silent Type will reimburse you, up to $500.00, for your travel expense AFTER you've been with them for six months.  Also, their payment system seemed kind of funky to me.  They pay by the page, instead of by the line.  According to my calculations, I would not have made as much money as I need to; however, my calculations may have been "off."  Anyway, I'm happy with the company I chose.  Let us know what you decide to do.  :)
silent type
Thanks Jan. I e-mailed the recruiter asking about training, page/lines, etc., and you're right. They pay by the page....their training is in N.J. (I'm in Calif.) and as far as I can see the 500.00 pertains to their equipment....I nicely told her no thanks. It might be OK for somebody else, but not for me. And, I sure don't want to go to N.J. in the winter!
silent keyboard
Does anyone know if there is a silent keyboard made or a very, very quiet one?
silent. hmmm... cat got your tongue?

IMHO, you don't want silent...you want quiet. sm
Keyclicks do provide important feedback.
Silent Type is not a bad company to work for but

Depending on how many pages you type determines what your page rate is and everyone gets paid the same because of it. Obviously, like with any other company the more you produce, the more money you will make.  Bi-annual bonuses, again based on your production.  Starts at 40 page per day min (which is supposed to be 1000 lines) is $1.50.  I think it does to 1.80 per page somewhere around 80 pages per day.

Not sure about the benefits (health insurance).  You get paid every other week. Not a very large company, maybe 400 or less TLs. 

If you like working for a friendly, family atmosphere, check it out.


Not Silent Type! Less than $1.75/page and you go to NJ to train. nm
I do not have any compromising stories about him, but lemme tell you about a silent partner doctor
Good - Keystrokes, MDI-MD, Acusis, Silent Type. Bad - MQ, MDI-FL, Transolutions, Healthscribe. nm