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More honesty.

Posted By: sm on 2007-06-05
In Reply to: Honesty? - sm

How about employees who are truthful about their experience? How about being available to work when you're scheduled, not when it's convenient for you? As with everything else, this is a two-way street.

Posts like yours keep blasting away at the employers. There are good employers out there, just like there are good employees and not-so-good employees.

Go ahead, fire away. My asbestos suit is back from the cleaners.

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Thanks for the honesty

I really appreciate it!!  I must say the only reason for doing this is not just my son.  I am currently working a job where I make pretty good money, but am bored to death and have no challenges what so ever.  I'm not sure if I have any advancement opps there. 

I do have experience in the medical field and feel comfortable with medical terminology.  I am looking at this as a career change to challenge myself.  I know this is no cake walk, it is going to be extremely difficult.  I don't expect to make big bucks, I really expect to have a big decrease in my salary......which i'm saving for.

People expect to become MTs and make wonderful money only doing a little bit of work...WRONG!!  You are going to have to work long hard, sometimes frustrating hours to earn your dues.  You must be consistent, it's not for an unmotivated person.  You have to be a self starter and have somewhat of a passion or drive to really make it.

Even if I don't decide to become an MT now, i'm sure it's something I will pursue in the future.  Possibility once my son is school age.



So you want honesty
I believe I have been honest if you look at all my postings. Sure I'm letting people know about the discounts, I posted the websites to find docs. I'm not trying to recruit people real hard because I just got started in the broker business myself. And as far as the MT stars terms of service. I wouldn't call me trying to help people as advertising, which was my whole goal in the first place. I am a medical Transcriptionist working from home and if it wasn't for my husband's insurance I would have none and definitely would jump on the Ameriplan discount program. So I can relate to other MTs working at home and are looking to save money on costs. So don't talk to me like you know me, because you don't.
Thanks IC for your honesty! (nm)
In all honesty, I think you, yourself, have some
doubts, and thus your posting not just to 'cry on our shoulders'. So, perhaps you should listen to your heart and that little nagging voice that's telling you something isn't quite right here. You know the details of your life - follow your gut feeling, which is that something just isn't quite right about this.
Honesty.  I wish companies would just be honest with you right at the beginning of your interviewing process.  If you can not promise steady work, just tell me please.  If your interpretation of the AAMT BOS is different from your QA people, just tell me please.  If there are no specific guidelines in which you measure the quality and accuracy of your MTs, but leave everything up to the individuals reviewing the work, please tell me.  I promise it will save both you and me a great deal of headaches down the line.  I try to be very truthful about my experience (or even lack thereof), please be truthful about your company.  After a while you get so frustrated your productivity drops, your zeal for the job at hand is lost, accuracy goes down the tube as you try to decipher if you should do it by the CP, BOS, or hope you get the same QA person who told you to change something (incorrectly) in the first place.  I do not mind ESL or difficult dictators, I just do not want them one right after the other. Once in a while I would appreciate the easier dictators that I know you have stashed away.  Thank you..
Thanks for your honesty. sm
The more I hear about the "other owner", the more I distrust her.
In all honesty....

Here is my opinion.  Screw Karma and all of that silly BS. 

As I sit here at my computer right now I see my husband, a man who loves me and I love him with all of my heart.  We have stuck by each other through thick and thin.  We have been there for each other and I would do anything for him. 

I see my little daughter who depends on me for things like M&M's and pretty jewelry and who I would die for in a second without another thought.  

NOW...if some snotty little MT who had no more resect for me as a co-worker, let alone a person with a family to worry about and INTENTIONALLY sat there and picked through all of the good reports and left me with the junk--in turn costing me the ability to provide my daughter with her M&M's and pretty jewelry (or worse), you would have to hold me back.  I would go about it in as professinal of manner as possible, but you can bet that my supervisor would be left with an ultimatum of who he/she was going to keep.  Especially in a situation where they can't afford to lose anyone, as you said.  You have the upper hand.  How dare she sit there and purposely take money our of you and your family's pocket!  And to sit there and do nothing is not only cheating yourself, but those who depend on you. 


Appreciate your honesty...
That's what I'm looking for. In my short MT career I've already experienced the "losing my job to India" fiasco! The transcription company I worked for before laid off all their US employees to ship everything overseas because it could be done cheaper! Thanks again for your honesty. Guess I'll keep plugging away and hope for the best, huh?
Thanks for your honesty
I thought I had seen where MTs were making more money with VR than with straight typing because either they were slow or had problems with their hands.
Sorry negativity and honesty are same in this
Where is honesty and integrity? WHen did it
Honesty best policy
I don't think it would reflect badly on your son if you're just honest with the person who hired you about not being able to be on your feet for so long. I would suggest telling him/her that you didn't realize how difficult it would be to be on your feet for so many hours and that you've made a mistake. I think everything should work out just fine in the end :)
Honesty about working schedule
I do note that many transcripitionists I know of personally, are going to school for either a degree or training in another field, and right now it is finals everywhere. Many transcriptionists are struggling to keep the balls in the air between working and going to school, among other things. This, of course, does not make it okay to skip your work. However, I do know friends who work for industries outside the medical field, and are going to school also. Their companies let them take off a few days here and there for finals or mid-terms. Just my opinion.
There's nothing wrong w/ honesty, it's the nasty

rude, mean, demeaning and downright vicious comments that we're talking about.  Just because it's not all "rosy & lucratiive" doesn't mean you can't offer a nice word of encouragement.  Why step all over someone's dream just because your dream didn't come true with this industry?  Maybe it's not all about the money.  Maybe someone is going into this field in order to be at home with their family.  You can be honest without being nasty and rude, that's the whole point here.  Be honest, tell it like it is, but for heaven's sake, KEEP IT FRIENDLY.

Time for some honesty with the hubs. He'll never know how
I have found that honesty is always best. I've quit a job right after receiving the equipment S

because a better offer came along.  I have always just been honest, tell them that I've decided to accept another position.  I apologize for any inconvenience, ask them to instruct them on how they would like me to return the equipment, and then I always ask that they keep my resume on file.  They are usually pretty diplomatic about it.  They'd rather you tell them up front than waste their time and yours in training for a job you're not going to be happy with.