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Menopause keeps me warm.

Posted By: Margaret on 2005-10-18
In Reply to: Yes, we just put in a wood stove and turned off - us, too

Be a 52-year-old woman and you will have no trouble keeping not only yourself warm, but radiating heat to those around you.

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You betcha! Sounds great! Though I would prefer warm champagne to warm milk, OK??
I'll be waiting...just honk twice! I'll put Dr. Mumble Mouth on hold, and dash away before he's done chewing and swallowing...
Re menopause
(Grin)  Guess that's what's wrong with me!  I used to be a bundle of energy working 3 jobs at a time, now I can barely handle one and can't remember sh** about what I did 5 minutes ago.  If hormone replacement can fix me, I want some NOW.
I can't take HRT either - my sister died of ovarian cancer at age 46. :(

I've tried all the otc stuff-Estroven, black cohosh, etc. but nothing has touched my sad moods. I hate this! Guess I'll have to look into an antidepressant. Thanks to all the replies.
RE: menopause
The psychiatrist I work for often mentions menopausal hormone changes causing symptoms of anxiety and depression. It can't hurt to mention it to your GYN and get your levels checked.
Going through menopause
I'm 43, I started having night sweat and hot flashes 2 years ago. My period is still as regular as clock work, I didn't have my first period until I was 16. Not sure what that means for when my cycle will end, I'm hoping for sooner other than later.
Is this menopause or what?

I got married last December and moved from the south to California with husband, stayed for 5 months and moved to Oklahoma where he will be pastoring a church.  All my family is back south.  My doctor told me I was menopausal back in January of this year, but still having periods off and on and now spotting.  I am so super sensitive, mood swings, crying spells, feeling neglected, easily offended, missing the closeness of my family back home, my kids and grandkids.  I love my husband and he is good to me, although does get on my nerves a lot lately and we have had some major clashes, and I'm feeling like the "honey" is gone out of the moonr.  I have been contemplating just leaving him and going back to my home in the south.  But for fear of humiliation, shame and embarrassment of what the hometown folks and church folks will say, not to mention "I don't believe in divorce."  One part of me is saying "this will pass as it is just the menopause I am going throug, but other side is saying "I'd be better off by myself.'  Anyone have gone through natural menopause and went through changes such as mine, or is this a natural occurrence for someone going through such life-changing events within the past 9 months, marriage, moved 2 different times to differing parts of the US, plus married to a minister, plus going through menopause.   


I am getting lots and lots of hot flashes, uggggh 

but along with this I am very thirsty during the hot flash.  Anyone else going through this and have this symptom?

question re menopause
I'm 48 and have been having hot flashes, sweats, irregular periods, etc. but the thing that really bothers me is my mood.  I feel really depressed a lot.  For those of you who have gone through menopause, is this a normal part of it?  I'm wondering if it'll pass in time or if I should seek some kind of help. 
Question about menopause (sm)
I'm post menopause, but not enjoying being 50+ (the menopause years).  Does menopause bring anxiety and create altogether different moods/personality changes, worrying, etc.
Back to the menopause question -
Has anyone ever heard of Happy PMS cream and what is your opinion if you have heard of it or used it?
Menopause and hormone replacement. sm

I am 3 years from my last period and have refrained from taking hormones because of a family history of breast and uterine cancer in my mother.  I have not felt well for some time and have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  My GYN thinks that bio-identical hormones would make me feel more myself but I have been reluctant to take them.  For those of you taking hormones..do they make you feel a lot better?  Thanks for any advice.

menopause side effects
I had that, too. Took me forever to get it together after my hysterectomy and still have trouble sleeping even 2-1/2 years later.  Did find that a super high B-complex vitamin and proper feeding times help a lot, though. 
Question about heart palpitations/menopause.
Has anyone else in the throws of menopause experienced heart palpitations, shortness of breath (very infrequently), and other odd feelings?  Just asking before I race to the ER.  Thanks in advance.  
Regarding peri-menopause. The pertinent boards are mostly dead.

I just turned 45 and have ZERO symptoms of menopause as far as I can tell.  No hot flashes, no heavy/irregular periods, no unpredictable cycles, normal length etc.  BUT... I have noticed in the last 5 yrs or so that I get some intense PMS symptoms in the 2 weeks before my period.  My breasts get REALLY sore and my "mean quotient" goes WAY up.  It's as if I've filed my tongue.  I don't know how much of the mean I really let out, but I sure feel it inside.  I feel all tied up in knots, crabby, trivial things bugging me way more than they should, etc.  I've got a teenager and 2 preteens, so that doesn't help either as my life is obviously less than "tranquil" most of the time.  I mean, I'm not sitting around evenings relaxing and cross stitching in front of a good TV show like a mom whose done raising kids, I'm doing "mom" stuff still at 45. 

So, I decided to make an appointment with the GYN and talk about what could help me.  I've already cut out the caffeine and tried some of the natural remedies, but nothing helps.  I just KNOW she'll want to put me on The Pill, but do I really want to take that at my age when I don't need to (tubes tied), risk getting fat and having migraines come back?  I don't think so.  What about anti-depressants?  Is that something like to be recommended to me.  I'm not depressed, I'm happy as a clam as long as I'm not premenstrual.  What should I ask for, or expect?

Thank you for the warm welcome!
I will look forward to chatting with you in the future.
Thanks for the warm welcome and the (sm)
warning. I think that is one thing I have learned while surfing the net, trolls exist just about anywhere you go, but my opinion is this site has that very much under control:)
Me neither! Ha! We must both be missing something! Maybe we should try the warm
milk? Blech...sounds gross! Actually, I'm just getting rolling now - my morning - so am having coffee! If I were to have sounded irritated, certainly my irritation would be 100% to the dang fool recruiter who pulled this "faux paus" on the poor woman in the first place. Now, if you want to get me irritated, just get me yamming about recruiters...currently my FAVORITE people in our industry...I can't find the appropriate face-thingie to express pure disdain....How about, PEW!!
During warm weather I do (sm)
but when it's cold my fingers shrink and my rings start spinning around! That's when they come off.
Warm Hands
Or how about a heated wrist pad for in front of your keyboard?
all they want is a warm body?
I warm my feet.
When my hands are cold, I warm my feet. Not sure why that works, but it does! I have an electric heating pad under my feet (type barefoot or in my socks) and it warms me up. I also have a blanket I crocheted and that helps too.
warm hawaii
it will be my first time living in hawaii-any advice? are you getting your own place out there? I'm in the freeeezing cold smack in the middle of the country right now so I am also looking forward to escaping!
I think it's because it is warm and cozy, like a crate. sm
My first cocker loved it under my desk and you couldn't get her out of there. I won't let my new cocker get in that habit because he won't leave my toes alone. Luckily, the golden thinks it is too hot in my office and seldom joins me. That's fine because he is always panting and that just heats the room up more.
Your welcome, Canada :) You snowbirds keep warm up there.
How is THAT warm water? hmmm? LOL..nm
Keep your hands warm! Even if it means your (s/m)
body temperature feels a little too warm, better that than cold hands. Athletes don't do their thing with cold muscles and joints - if they do they risk injury. Same goes for the muscles and joints in your hands and wrists.

If that fails, I get pretty good relief with Aleve.
LOL Actually, I've got a husband and kids that keep me warm.
They're all "heaters", meaning they get very warm when they sleep.
The beach, anywhere. Warm and sunny and lots of fun!
But, Niagara Falls is always beautiful no matter what time of year. It's actually cheaper to stay there in the winter than the summer.

You gotta pick anywhere where you can just focus on each other and let the world go on without your for a night, a couple days, a weekend, maybe a week (yeah right) whatever.
Cool staff. Thanks for the warm wishes.
Hope everybody here had a good Mother's Day.
Not all have the warm and fuzzy feelings about mentors
I learned transcription inhouse in a hospital when I found out about a person being able to make more than just their salary each week by being fast and that I was. I thought it would be a piece of cake, hey I had worked in hospitals, both adult and children, doctor offices and the like. It took me a year of her training before I was put on incentive. My boss (mentor?) got upset with me 1 time and put me on 3 days work a week when I had been working full so then got a parttime job for those 2 days until the boss lady HAD to ask me to return. Their work was heavy in the first place, but that was what she did. Another time she told me after a person typed over 50 minutes a day (I was the only 1 doing this out of about 6 or 7 transcriptions)that then that person would stop and do paper work. I told her that would not work as it would only apply to me and I would have to go further up about that. Lastly when I left after 7 years working in transcription I had an outgoing evaluation and she put down average (instead of outstanding, superior) for attendance and told her I had not missed 1 single day of the last 3 years and she would have to give me the best mark on that if nothing else. She said she really had not checked her records. I am glad I learned but warm and fuzzy, not here. Reading above noticed you said only 2 more years until retirement. What is that? I am past retirement age now but this Friday am due to start drawing full social security payments. I am so excited and hope to continue working as the money will be twice of what I am making now. Sooooooooo excited.
40 degrees in August? Where do you live? Even Alaska is warm now.
You can proof the yeast by putting it in some warm water...

with a teaspoon of sugar.  If it starts to bubble within 10-15 minutes it's still alive.  Otherwise, it has died and will not breathe it's bubbles into whatever you are making and you'll get no rising. 

Next time you buy yeast, stick it in the freezer.  That puts it to sleep, and it will last years. 

Get a cloth damp with warm water and wipe
it, if that doesn't do it, spray a citrus-based cleaner on a cloth and wipe it with that. 
I use SoftFlex gloves to keep hands warm, and I have Raynaud's. (nm)
I use golfers gloves..thin and keep my hands warm.
That's what I was thinking, Eat bread or drink something nice and warm to help dissolve.
I have drainage too and a ton of ear wax! YUK! I lavage my ears with a bulb syringe and warm saline

about once a month or they will start to itch something fierce.  Nobody tells you about the ear hazards of being an MT, do they?  I also have to deal with recurrent bouts of labrynthitis which my doc has said may be a side effect of ear phones in my ears all day long! 

We should get hazard pay or worker's comp!