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Mel Gibson???? 'cuse me while I barf...lol..NM

Posted By: hate him on 2006-06-09
In Reply to: Mel Gibson - nm

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You are a whiner and puppet using little catch phrases that Jerry Springer and his ilk use.  Wake up to the fact that the red states are, and always have been, the backbone of this country, and that the blue states (or those voting blue) are and always have been the whiners and the source of all of our social ills. 

Your little picture is an insult to a lot of people. But of course, you knew that when you decided to post.  So eat my words.

Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson. Forever.
In the kitchen having breakfast. Turned on the TV and Charlie Gibson was on
when it was after 9:00. The first building was smoking behind him and he was describing it, not yet realizing what was going on. Then the second plane glided into view, and thinking it was a small observation plane, I said - "Get back, you idi*t, you're too close!" Then it hit, of course, and Charlie processed it in his brain and announced what I couldn't get my mind around: "Then this was no accident."
Thomas Gibson (from Dharma and Greg) and John Stamos.
YUK! NO Pitt or Charles. Thinking more of Sean Connery or Mel Gibson with the kilts. nm
A taller (and single) version of Mel Gibson at my door, with a big bag of money and plane tickets.nm